I à It ! & >• . ? I X % r I i , • '■ I MF—* ' . 4 <« ■ ♦ -“ v • - I. » 1 ■ ! A I y - t * 4. V A. <4 :ï ' 1 4 J L 3 t' r +---------- A. ,fr. VOK l ^LA^YKfTK; OREGON', TUESDAY, EEBRUARY 13, Ä • y i. NO. 4. * 7 JJH ----- f from the firm union ofwliicb FBey had 1UU b for them. In his younger day3 he 1 ous, and dollarless.” There was also r “Why does Kate look so pale, mother ? disRkcd tobacc'° VCI? m»cbi?nd could dcath ,Kad in ono corner of the Pal)er and so much to fear. When dhe sword is theso words : “Oh ! tho fatal once drawn, the passions of men observe WI . 1 ; bear the fume ofit; but when he was sxty- under ’ “ it “ ------------- f-‘»i ISSUED EfEKY TUESDAY, A journal called' tho New York [ no bounds of moderation. Tho sug­ AV by are her arms so small ' | fivc yc.n3 oR1 bc sinokcd hhj firgfc pipc> stamp.” , gestions of wounded pride^tbe instiga­ Why does shd ufisver Smile, mother j and became much attached to it, and in ; Gazette flourished a littil while in 1771. I* a /’AYKTTE, tions irritated resentments, would be BY W by do her eye-lids fall ? this old age ho mid it was a comfort that he It was remarkable in particular, * *lv f#pt to carry the States against ..whfyh J. H. UPTO/i & w. J. BOWMA N wi . . .. . " t •> conld no more deny himself the indulgence first daily in the United States, the Penn* arms of the union wore exerted,' to any **/ Publishers. ... ’ than be could bis daily food. His hearing, 1 sylvania Packet, afterwards called tire Dai- extremes necessary to ivenga the af- J. II. UTTON EDITOR. As if she had uq friend ; „ . /sense of touelq filing and smelling were lyAdvertiser, was slated in 1795 in l’liila- front, or to avoid the disgrace of sab- * RHaainn ’k^ Grat VV by docs she sigh Bo oft, mother ? remarkable acute, his voice was stremgj , _ . , . . mission. 'I The first wnv war of tl.ij this kipd • .. MLV' TEDMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Is she near her cud ? . .. ’ ! - • ' * ’ --------■ W p,|b- I' * * * ^*** or ic„,,sm> „„ I «,oD f.h« ..fo, Thh TOSj bo co., One C<7 One.Year, .... $2 50. / i ■ '<- . -4i« r> '■ j |(ulease. No,,8nS 1 50. Why doesshcTrcathe so quick, mother? | U CaSe One CA> >y Six Months, .... of mind eoolj bo de«e«,d.- worthy of me„(i<)0 . ths ,d,.ntI “ *• * d» eo.. A acmorj- tags miiiu ' i ®i a * 7 of the daily newspaper the idea colla- .. . It see inf to rm­ And start as if it shocked her? p T¥ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. method of association of things, time and , v_ ._s.J_.,______ k . . t qutrAUQ-paiiuLto, prove that thetiStatji3 method of association of tilings, time aft'l .. , s. . . . . ............ . . _ _ , To hf?.? the quick rap, mother, places tell very nearly.every ft*«!»« in-’ - «"-•'" b«««n« v„,„.A u. ■ • be would ............ . ................. „„gh, ........ Nr--*-~ ,0 a?iiiooaTro n,iia: udge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, Of Smith, the village doctor? cident a, d tho lime and fto of Its oodur- , T* -1 fa- «» «Km, which cooM only bo kept i0 So. Brutcher, Hcnry-Hrwitt ; Sheriff, L. L. ■ eidenl .u d «bclime and II. P!u-e Its oddur- uf fll,c HS* ctula .«►<• „ «£ tniu by the instrutncuttflity runcdddringHnlih. -id of never sick . ° ........ of a large hitcomb ; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Asses­ retire during hts life. He was never sick . 4t — -i «tanking army, continually on foot to sor, Charles llandley; Treasurer^ J >hn Why does lie come so ol’t, mother ? i i.d.j.eUwngbaldn.wbeTuncrcd ° . Amerscan newspapers .¡th present time, the A'»r™.n newsp.por. -fa day, allLiUgb at times he suffered with .? A execute the ordinary irWjuircmcnts or AV. Watts; School Superintendent Rev. Can he prolong her days? . .. ' i— . has grown steadily and rapidly, until it John Spencer; Coroner, W. W. Brown ; By leaving pills and gifts, mother, . decrees of the government. JSjueli a the lootli-aclie. Ho never applied any v.-.. , , •* ,, , fo , , . , 'x ‘ now xepresente thsLwhole world, and is “ . Surveyor, A. S. Wati. ' L — than the throne itself. Its num ; 1 scheme, if practicable, would intently And siogiug love-sick lays? • ’ nor did he ever have a tooth-drawn, greater 1 • euro, . • ahnst . , . countless, and v j .¡- its . power ... for, . • degenerate into a military despotism.; r but suffered them fo foil . out . ol , their own , 1 her is I «wv.v but it would be found in every light ’Twas but the other night, mother, accord. At the time a, of his death bo had' good , or v evil beyond ~ A- calvtflataim^ , ,, ... „vu.u N. T. CATON. T*- • ____ - --iXi—. ... . I True ., kU ‘ Even in only four teeth Lfu llis eyesight, fur two »Bxpraetieable. When Kate lay near my heart, ■ those confederacies which have been I CATO.V A: C'l/Rf ' " She urged me to bcjgood, mother,' years previous to his death, commenced . composed of members , smaller than ' -■1. Jo decline, and when dissolution occurred, .-r-rn«.-., * * t And said we soon must part. ' many of our counties, the prirreiptefof ATTORNEYS AND COUNCELLQRS AHLAW _ ! Authors of tho Federalist “ Copper- • }r~isfatn>n for WFcrrigw S ees ’ «uh- i he was almost blind, lli^liair nevepturn- “ She said she was to go, mother,-— , ... .- ■t y. . ported military coercion, lias «ever *’cd -gr a y; He wftS * rebel da the Irish rc ! Salem, Oregon. Away from Lome and me, Al. who believe in . tate sovereign- rbceu found effective. It trnjr nrrclv • belion of 1798, and was wOntlAJ^n thelvft Will prnctice in the SuprcmC'and Dis- ty, in the subordination of fhe federal bccn {llteropted to be employed but And leave papa and vou, mother, ♦riet Courts of Oregon rp ill,., leg- His invariable answer to the dues- government to the restrictions imposed ^ • ■ the weaker members'; and v ; in 1 against TI 1 o dwell near by the sea.---- ;___ * - 1 CToh wliAt tre Thought rrrwe tbftu nnytb.ug ¡ : . ' i upon i t T.y the constitution, aud io the I E. C. BRADSIIAW, Is it to Jordan’s stormy bank, mother, vise caused him to live so long ; was tern-, rights of the States to . protect u,Tfai their refractory and .disobedient have .)>een t i perance, exercise, plain foou, regular ~ J ,, 1 ’ -’ 1 ,1ovfn mstitutions ana Itgivs from anv the signals of bloody wars, in whielv I _________________ /,’ L u T b dis­ meals, and regular hours m going to bed and every aggression whatever, even • °tlc hull ol tha confederacy “Shut up, shut up you little brat,— played its banners against the other - 1 ar.d getting up. i from the federal government, arc called half.”—(I'ederalist, No. XV 1. She’s going to be married I” AND -I ___ ____ ______ i_______ M ax in Tin: U m -■ F ii . st A m L kicav -XfiwspArrKs.—’»Then i - “ Copperheads.” luking Taking this this defini- defini- In J.I it* Constitutional Udnventi«ni of •, D eath of tue O ldi : COUNCELOR AT LAW, we look over the UriitcJirStatcs npd con- ta^y to snow that all the State of New Ndrk, Jfr. Hamilton t :: d S tates .—James McCormick,'who was 4» . ... , ......,L, r ()f new.maDers (h« leading statemuiu-of --Our country .................. OLICITOR IN CHANCERY. WILL without doubt the oldest man in tlte JJaL ( ..„¡.b,.. it.« v.,-t ,U1„.l»rof r«.v»,»pe.S - An» pcnoGi.a-«, ti. r’nH'i'-aL dnilv . , ,. , T government would u Practice in the District and Supreme ted States, died ill Newberg, N. Y., on . jim. moi}, wecklt and mon- i. . from the luu:vlat:on ol the uu.on. down -that the iederal ber, at the good old age , llu-v-aml some of them two and three time tu the election of Liiieoln, were “ Cop- rover atfeiupt to -use ¿uiktaiy tbrge Courts of Oregon. the 11th of November, ’ J-i/"faxes Paid, Collections Made, aid of one, hundred and fourteen years .three a day, wx can l.ar ly realiz.e-ibc fact that perbeads.” But our -present purpose « against the States as political corumu- Proceeds I‘rorontlv remitted. months and live aj s. He was';’.« remark-*li ->*Uul-a-iiuU-uvwui. LmIi£d_yiaiI5_?_in.c'.'.writers of the Fcd-rJUtUJ- Ile said : “ lhc^_ta|e8 <&*i fee- ._ s’.’ s reniarlr- . able for health and strength as for longc- the llrst first .iewspap.w c:'a;.y JXn«l IMml oo yo the A- ^ralist ^rW^yir py«c.s tin I.R -rnm tfo^W« i’.cwspapwi «tfany .. - Huun .. ..... ;1 ’tyn hu^'MadLvn es-po. ,Kkf mac uueir power» wm««------- meriean coming wo. Parted, ar.d , pC0p|e of Ahierfca nrc mbbcd ^thmr ’ -r ß n fl • r’ p r 3 • T T T Tf 'i ¡p vitv, ami Lis life was an excellent temper- merican but: Clalb> ,. c Lni'niHii in iiüuüüj little over continent half tint was t!ime started, >.uc, the ar.d com. Iopj^rhe Js. » ()u u tho ; liberties. ‘ These must go together-; ancc argument. He was Aq.nst bttfo over half th^ tjme s.neo the com^ ..................... forties. ent of lb7fikf daily. B«it such -‘P^HV^debatcd U.c lcdeM>;t may . they muitsupport Cueb :other,(0tUJHw6. i , ; « menCko.ient But such. J. T. HEMBREE, : : : FRO. fith, 1 iul, in the eountvoft avan, lre.ami. « v ot Hie i.jbl r«» daily. . Xmd 17«" vfo bo-coKsidereJ as the very hi«rksst ¡ hi ,-'fl comfnoti fate.” ________ ,, . c .1 f , is ti.e tacts. The ■ 21thef - ■ ‘ April, T 1 . ■ ’ > 170-1, ‘ ' ‘ ’ was . ., .. .• ;K„ir Could Alex. Hamilton'-^finve come His age was accurately used by the tact ’•aiier in in the Em . to this . world f. any trnie . ■ during . , - - ........... ........... - the first newspaper lan- m the me English im C o ’lish iisu lan- ¡an ' { I tlionty, .»> next to the Constitution itself. back the *. papa _ 1 Mi eeps a good house in LA- [hatin the Irish Rebellion of 1798, wlien-f -, , . . .... ■ ' Cftige in the North A mil lean LcotiUhcr.f. Indeed, 'the worfris-a- fayetle. Call on him apd st e. -. age became as impoitant there as tnvy . r ° - ! . . . ai dministration" of 'Abrulianr ijitrctffn,------ ■ wnslue Baslou News Letter—; a,.sa)all on the Constitution, written by the . and repeated the words lie addressed jn.l tf. were here during the recent draft, was h!,,(’'s, cFt> I^mtcrl onpiea DT*- d^n^ fD^:cry^'-tlre• in^uiuu^t^fcrtb.e ptBM-to_tfaft-get^le ed’-Ninv Xtldu ttL jpcx-._.i_ In his he •outli then for*sevcn ycafs old. a w eekly newt^]H-r,-pui*fo-lrt-d -Lx -JuLin rTmmf -proeuwng its ad^Afon. adoption- by tEc tfic . L° — rrigr of-proe-uring tilb —2 he wivsr.ot remarkable for anything ex-' Campbell, a Seo’. ch chmm, who bock- 1 sritution, Lc T ... , i , T tt , stltution. he would Iiave nave been seized mm, who was a 4 v »..♦/-> a In ♦ h t< wnrt A TArnnnrr Ihm. - -r __ . . __ d __ , . , nn4 plungca mta *u toatroame- 4.^:1.. . ccpt health and strength. He was ft verv se’.ler and «postmaster. The contents of States. In this work Ak-sandcr Ham- and ilton, who wu9f of al! the men of that as a “Copperhead ’ ami a “[nynq alhiL early riser, often going to work before day, the first number were “the «¡men’sspeech and coming home at night very tired he in the English Parliament, a fow local ar­ time, most favorable to a strong feder- er with. n4n.’Hioh.'' The editor A«f tlm . " to 4-eep ‘oat natura’lv sought his btd.xar!v. AVlr n a ticles under the-Ik»ton bea«!u one- a«lvei< al government, pointed out the impoli:~ ,,,a^az^ue had har«l work of prison fyr saying things even le* ' young man he lifted on one occasion a i C ’ tisement, extracts from the London papers cy and tlie crime of any attempt on the condemnetoty of the crime of state cc- stone weighing 700 pounds. He was also and four paragraphs of main news 1” Ad part of the General Government to co­ i creion by military puwer.^ We Lad up- «¡nite a pedestrian in his yqungcr days.— vertisfmenLs vere inserted “at reasonable erce the States bv the powers of war. j on our track not duly all the war-hvttuds • hi one occasion he walked U> Dublin fiom rates from two pence tsutive shi lings.” 1 i In one ol his letters to the people of. °‘ ^lv) JYpublican party,.but also tbcui- a place fifty two miles from i| tnd /lie next 172L-Lune«: Franklin v , . . ands of Liitcolnized acmocraisrairnt ijr- klin « tstaV.iJacd.TLiiews:».- stJibli.-heil a news- llnJ Î hÜJjiöflWllbn 1 ’ fsew York, he says: . . ,. ., e duy he walked back to th«' placo in less paper in Boston. Tiie The paper, was seven- / noramuses, who were oblivious ol eve- sever«.- . . , wh 4, . I m . I, somtwnat . . bosti -I ’c . to .i 14 I . liis .. exceptional principle, fitilow- qpT.fi mpnt n mm if H"! |iiinuipie ir i nnr>lp of* than thirteen hours. If there was a lair.’’ Iv critical the . } stnunrcuv oi govern- «.stile 0 -. , ., , ............... . v .. c rp . . mg the federal government to coerce I1!e nf established here by our fathers. sail! he once,*' within eighty miles. I went *' _ Mhe Statef. |s States,) may as truly as But why do we bring forth thi j lan- to it : for you knowywalking was a way’ w<- sured am! impt; .med for sraDdnlotis Iffm*. cmphatiouHy be Styled the parent of an- ^jggc uf- Hamilton now, when it ¿is ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL had of sailing in those days.” He was not ” James Franklin was strictly forbidden ttrehy. It has been seen that dettU- II kinds of JOB WORK at this ofii -e, claimed that the war is euded '! Simp­ married until he w as forty-five years old. to fosue the New England t'.mrant with­ quincics in the members ol the union are ly to vindicate a grand prtncFpIe of -’ He was the father of fourteen children, five out a “censoriutn,”etc1 Hr evaded this or its natural and necessary offsprings ; freedom, and of lhe federal itniuti, SUCH AS 1 of whom died in Ireland, and the other 1 tkr of su) presion bv stfoslitutmg his broth- and that whenever they happen, thp which was thrown down by the war, nine came over to this country, lie was ' cr's. name for his own. The Courant lived; only constitutional remedy is force, and ami which must be set up again before BLANK DEEDS, the use of it, the union can bo restored. ’Fhere is a among the last to come over, and arrived . thiecyiars. The American Weekly Mer­ the immediate effect civil war. It remains to inquire how party of pure-minded men and patriots BONDS. MORTGAGES, , in this country In the latt> r part of lb55, cury ol Philadelphia, issued in 1722, was far so udnXfe.an engine of government, yet left, who are for “ the Union’:is it and w ith the exception of three years out the third newspaper printed in the colon­ NOTES. RECEIPTS. in its appiiiAQonAp us, would even be was, and the Uonstitutiun as it is.” In­ West, he lias always lived at New Wind­ ies, It was made up of quaint advertise- capable i f answering its end. If there deed all who at e not fto are impostors, ’ AND BILL IIEAD6 î ' men!' and short paragraphs < f antique should not be a large army constantly tl.a:tors, and revolutionists. Abd there er. n ----------- , -- --------- • ’ • A ! A • 1 w at the disposal of the National Govern- can no restoration of the union y»- Some of his habits were very curiouX — news. The Pennsylvania Gazette, edited JUSTICES',SHERIFFS’ and CONSTA ^)C despotic principle on whieb the It was the custom in nis days, as well as by Dr. Franklin,- and published in 173'5, uient, it would either not bo able to ours, when farmers worked in the field, to j w as noxtHuBp toward journalism, in employ force at all, or, when thisconld war wa3 based is abanboned. The bl.lt- BLES’ BLANKS, Xc., Sc., Ac. ’■ take a pail of water or some other bever­ I its prospectus, Frankuiu announces liis in­ be done, it would auioftnt to a war be-1 anj joy of these ignoramuses vino, lull tween parts ol the confederacy, concern-, us the union is restored, is e®osults8— age alongwith them to quench thirst, but tention lo" ma ki? 4 g »od readable journah e that he *n*ract*0IIS0^ a league, in which Not only is the uuion licit Jet restored, he once stated that no matter how hard he; anj ¡n jns jj •«. more - Ilian simplwfare. Pies . , out in mourjiing, wth th° motto : “ The A. ’ALLEN. [(fontinftftf neat #wv L ~ v rng< y the dj.-ciiMOusof a confedcfacj^. r ’ and cake he very seldom ate, caring but times arc dreadful, d^vf.il, diWttin’, dolor- t Lafayette, January 23, I960. X.W ■* ■* THE REASON WHY. THE COURIER 4 ) « I I .4 . ----------------- u. ---------- - ’--- __ -. «àfl . fy A / 1 -Xu_ A:**, Ä--* ■ -«4 ■ t TÄW I *• .. t t J < %» Tj a of I k» »•v CitvMarket * * r rC»' • .«■ p*. . vuu* «IV > illiU JU J IUO ‘V *•» 4 1______ ____ V» e. W' ’ TH L'.f ’J . "â * .*•-. ■ .t ■ V U- f. & ■ 5» jiuivm n ■ a ' 1 ; 4 , > •I j#’.« i * .-<5-^ A -j A jt_____ r •*T a ■ y *4