The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 26, 1912, Image 6

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    Personal s Local
"J. McTaggart and family spent
Sunday in Prineville, calling on
J. C. Robinson and family
v spent Christmas with Mr. Robin
son's mother at Prinevilb.
.Coal $10.00 ner ton. cash. Best
wood in town, prices right.
Tum-U-Lum Lumber Co.
Charles P. U'Ren of South
Junction, is spending the holi
days with his family in Madras.
Mrs. Pearl Boukofsky, of San
, Francisco, is visiting her mother
Mrs- E. H. Dean, during the
. Hubert A. Monner of South
Junction, made final commutation
proof on his homestead Monday
JRevi'W.'N. Coffee ofPorland,
has been holding services in the
Free Methodist church a few
nights this week.
Mrs. W. -H. Culp left Tuesday
morning for Porland, to spend
Christmas with her daughter,
who resides there.
James Rice and Jack Church
of Hay creek, were over spending
Xmas with friends, and attend
ing the dance in Madras.
Fred Tebben, representing the
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
Company, was in Madras, and
gave his agenicies a call.
G. V. Stanton and wife left
Sunday for Seattle and Portland,
where they will spend the holi
days visiting friends and rela-
Mrs, Carl McGhee spent
Christmas at her parents home at
L imonta and attended the wed
ding of her sister, Miss Hazel
wade tsiier ana tamiiy are in
Portland this week, visiting
friends and relatives, they will
not return until the early part of
next week.
Jack Dee of Grizzly, passed
through Madras Sunday on his
way to Portland, to complete the
purchase of some timber land in
the vicinity of his mill.
Aurthur Mitchell and Ola Lar
sen came over Friday from their
homes at Grandview, Oregon, as
witnesses on the homestead
proof of P. 0. Rudolph.
C. Mr Greenwald from the Axe
Handle country east of Ashwood,
came over Tuesday evening and
is spendingthe holidays with his
sitsef Mrs. Andrew Morrow.
Mrs. W. H. Snook and daughter
Lucille, left Tuesday morning
for Portland where Mrs. Snook
will spend the holidays, and also
attend the family reunion of her
Miss Edna Nissen, who has
been working in Eugene during
the past summer returned to her Madras last week, and
will remain here the balance
of the winter.
E. J. Wilson, who is looking
after the interests of the 0. W.
R. & N. Co. in regard to freight
handling in Central Oregon, .was
in Madras Friday, calling on pro
spective shippers.
Douglas Hood left Sunday
morning ior Salem, Portland,
and other 'Williamette Valley
towns, where he will spend, the
holidays, visiting his parents
and other friends.
Ralph N. Buchwalter editor of
the Chewaucan Press, of Paisley
and a former resident of this
section) came in the latter part
of the week and will remain until
after the holidays.
I feel I ought to express thanks
through our home paper for a
load of wood and several pounds
of fresh pork left at the paraor-
age last week, evidently as Xmaa
presents. Whoever the kind don
ors were have my most sincere
thanks. v
h-f Israel' Putnam,
Pastor M. E. Church.
Emil Brooks, who has been
looking after the interests of
Mrs. C. McPherson on
Trout Creeks left for his parents
home. at Beavertom Oregon, the
latter part of the week.
W. H. Miller of Opal Prairie,
was in town Monday of this
any deficiency which may remain
after annlvinsr all the proceeds
fcO VTA. I " . - A ' 4 1 .
lower of tne sale of 8am Premises pro
ion of said judgment.
Third: That plaintiff or any
other party to this suit may bo
come a purcnaser at sam sbiu
that the sheriff execute a certifi
cate of sale to the purchaser
week, he expects to leave with that the said purchaser be le
his family this week for Casey, into possession of the premises
Iowa, where they will spend sev- on proaucuon oi uiu
pp.rtincaLB oi auiu. iwiu
nlnintiff have such Other or futh
P. 0. Rudolph of Grandview, er relief in the premises a3 to
Oregon, made final commutation the Court may seem just and
proof on his homestead in that equitable.
section, before Commissioner!
Turner Friday. He was accom- Cm.rt of t.e state 0f Oregon for
pained to Madras by Mrs. the County of Crook which order
J. L. Campbell returned from
Portland Sunday evening, where
he had been with a car load of
fat cattle, he reports the price
exceedingly good and was well
satisfied with the returns for his
One of the enjoyable dances
of the season will be the leap
year ball, which will be held in
Sanford's hall, Tuesday night,
was made on the 9th day of De
cember, 1912.
Kauch As benn.
Atornevs for Plaintiff.
Date of first oublication De
cember 19 1912.
- . . T
Date of last publication janu
ary 29, 1913.
Petition For Liquor License
To the Honorable County Court
for Crook County State of Ore
cron: We the undersigned lega
voters of Ashwood Precinct Crook
December 31. Every arrangement County Oregon respectfully peti
To ,n.nA f moiQ fVn'o tionvour honorable body to gran
io ucuiK muiuitu irU ihih no 7. " it-it-.- a. 1
. m a license to E. D. Gonsor to sel
tne evenc oi me year. :i:a rr,alf nrrl vinnna linnnr
i . . . A.!!.! 1
iur. ana mrs. rreu xuingers oi and naru Cider in quantities less
Silverton, Oregon, came in the than one gallon in Ashwood re-
laf.frpr narh nf the week to visit cinct Crook County btate ot ure-
...v... c.v. ...w. ... hair nn nir nn the
Uregon, and to attend tne wed- januarv 1913
ding of Miss Hazel Cowen of James Wood, C. P. Maupin,
Lamonta. who is a sister of Mrs. S. E. Sears. C. E. Sandy, Chas.
day of
Swanson. J. C. Grater. E. L.
Oakes. Lee Wood. Milo Wood, E
D. Gonsor. F. T. Doak, Patrick
Reillv. Ernest Kieber, Rod.
Grant Allen Maclanan, C. O.
Short J. C. Brogan. JackBrogan,
1 n T) n Wa fan Hf ittVmll
f """"" Jnhn Pnvne. V. 13. Handendorl.
down there and move his family nan Crowlev. Elrie Crowley. E.
C. Finnell. Walter T. Symons,
Johp T. Taylor, J. D. Symons,
Howard Maupin, John Hale,
Chas. B. McCollum, Dan Trolan,
Bert G. Clark, Homer Smith, J.
H. C.
J. Frank York, who has been
spending some time with his son
at Ashwood, left for his home in
California Friday of last week.
to Central Oregon, some
during the early spring.
The big dance last evening was
well attended by the home people
as well as neonle from different R. Baytis, Alex. Colett
i Grater, H. G. Grater,
, T j.. tt 1. James. W. C. James, Chas.
aown irom uamonw, naycree, , c arnpbell .John T. Wishart Al
Culver and Metolius. A good bert Sims. Ernest Wood, J. A.
time was had by all present was Gonsor, T. J. Wyman, Clarance
the prevailing sentiment M. Greenyald, H. Hawby, J. G,
,t ,r, n ,r t , Clark, E. W. Crosswhite.
Mr. vv. Lr. wacjuaren, general
superintendent of the Pacific
Coast Rescue and Protective
Society, embracing prison league
and girl's rescue work, will speak
at the Free Methodist church,
in this city, Sunday, December
29, as follows: Address at 11 a.
m. Lecture for men only at 2:30
p m. Lecture lor women only,
between 6 and 7 p. m. (No. girls
unJer 14 years of age will be ad
mitted.) Lecture for general
public at 7:30 p. m. All will be
In the Justice a Court of the
State of Oregon, for the
County of Crook, Precinct of
Patrick Welsh and
R. T. Olson, doing
business under the
firm name of Cen
tral Oregon Mer
cantile Company.
Plaintiffs, :
vs. :
O. A. Fields. : .
Defendant :
In the name of the State of
Oregon you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the last day of the time prescribe
ed in the order ior publication
oi this summons, to-wit: on or
before the 2nd. day of January
1913, said day being more than
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County
of Urook. .
J. M. Conklin, :
Plaintiff :
vs. : Summons
James McElory, :
Defendant :
To James McElrov. defendant 42 days from the first pubplica-
above named : tion of this summons and notice;
In the: name of the State of and if you fail to so appear and
Oregon you are hereby required answer, for want thereof the
to appear and answer the com- paintiffs will apply to the court
p-aint filed against you in the for relief prayed for in the corn
above entitled suit within six plaint, to wit: for the sum of
weeks from the date of the first $14.00 and interest at the rate of
nublication of this summons, said 6 per cent per anum from the 6th
first publication being the 19th day of November 1912 and for
day of December 1912. and if the costs' and disbursements of
you fail to so annear and answer this action.
... " I rnt
for want thereof. rIa nt ff win Ahis summons is served on
apply to the Court for the relief you by publication by order of
demanded in his comnlaint to- the Honorable J. H. Jackson,
wit: For judgment acrainst vou Justice of the Peace for Madras
for the sum of Eicrht Hundred Precinct, Crook County, Oregon,
Dollars with interest at the rate made November 14th, 1912. By
of ten per cent per annum from 8aid order it was directed that
April 1st, 1911. and attorney's this summons be published in
fees. Second: That a decree be The Madras Pioneer at Madras,
made for the sale of the follow- uregon, once each successive
ing described premises: The week and the date of the first
west half of the southwest quar- publication thereof is November
ter of section 35, in Township 11, 21st, 1912, the date named in
South and Lots 3 and 4 of Section 8ad order for the said first pub-
2. in Townshm 12. S. all in lication.
Range 14 east of W. M. by the Lewis H. Irving, Attorney for
snenn oi urooK uounty accord r jaintiu, jyiaaras, uregon.
mg to law and the practises of MU1 -J2. m.p.
this Court; that the proceeds 'of
said sale be applied in payment
of the amount due to plaintiff
and .hat you and all persons
claiming under you, subsequent
to tne execution of said mort-
In the Justice's Court of the
State of Oregon, for the Coun
of Crook, Precinct of Madras.
gage upon said premises, either D. C. Burns Co,, a :
as purchasers, incumbrancers, cornoration. :
or otherwise be barred and fore
closed pf all rights, claim or
equity of rdemption In the said
premises, and every part thereof
and that plaintiff have judgment
and execution against you for
0. A. Fields. . :
Defendant; , : .
In the name of the lute of
Oregon you are hereby required
. J"
The day of IrrcBponslblo Irrlxatlon companlea In thin state Is past. When th
Northwest TownsUe Company of Philadelphia took over the Paisley- Project
in Lake County, ltRavo the largest bond ever given In the state-fifty thousand
dollars-guaranteeing completion of the project. Every three months It makes
nn itemized statement of expenses to the Desert Land Board. All of lUadver-
tlslng books, maps, contracts, subscription agreements and literature Is sub!
mlttcd to the Desert Land Board for Inspection before being issued,
The land Is level, free ftora rock, and Is a rich Vc4caks Ash Soil. The. climate
is perfect for fruit, which now grows to perfection at Pajsloy.
Construction work upon tho dam and reservoir has now 'been In progress or
three months, with Thomas Hawthorne, State Inspector, on the ground. .He was
formerly with tho U. S. Reclamation Service on the Umatilla Project.
Send for 82 page Illustrated book. Go to Paisley by automobile stage from Bend'
and bco tho land. Our agent at Paisley, Hugh K. GHraore, will show you the
land. It h free to those who pay the cost of putting water on It.
Northwent Townaito Company Is among .the largest taxpayers In Oregon, own
Ing townsltc sub-divisions at Prineville, Madras, Pedmond, Bend, Burns, Yale
and alBo'the 840acre Conn ranch at Paisley, Including a EO-barrel-a-day capacity
uuur mut miu general siore.
Our 13snk References are: . ;
First National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. GIrard National Bunk, PhUadelpWfc.p, M
Jlerchants' Trust Co., Camden, N.J, Security Savings; A Trust Co., ForLkftd, (tt, 7
Address all communications to our Portland office, 601 Yeon Building
Write now. The avcrasre cost of water will be $43 an acre. We will trtve
. . . .
308 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
See Our Agents In Bend Homeseekers' Land Company
to appear ana answer tne com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the last dnv of the time nrescrib-
ed in the order for publication of
this summons, to-wit: on or be
fore the 2nd. day of January,
1913, said day being more than 42
days from the first publication
of this summons and notice; and
if vou fail to so annear and
answer, for the want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for m tho
complaint, to wit: in the sum of
$83.99 and interest per anum at
he rate of 10 per cent from No
vember, 1st, 1912.
This summons is served on you
by publication by order of the
Honorabe J. H. Jackson Justice
of the Peace for Madras, Pre
cinct, Crook County, Oregon,
made November 14th, 1912. By
said order it was directed that
his summons be published in
The Madras Pioneer, a weekly
newspaper published at Madras,
uregon, once each successive
week, and the date of the first
publication thereof is November
21st, 1912, the date named in
said order for the said first pub-
Lewis H. Irving, Attorney for
FJaintm. Madras, Oregon.
m.21 J. 2. m.p.
Notice of Contest
Department ol the Iutorlor. United BtttM
Land Office, 'The Dsllti, Oregon, December eth
ToOrorerC. Condon, ot LaonU, Oregon,
You re hereby notified that John I). AlilrloU
who glvre lUyofek, Oreron, M uU
ofllce add r cm. did on Norember S. 1912,
Die in iuii onic ni auijr corrouamiea up'
iillcatlou to rontett und teaura the -ncull
ilun of tour tiomettesd, f!erUt No, oniA, mdo
JulrlO, lull. lor iwUnew, eUnw. Sjriion
21 Towmh p 11. 8-, lfenva 15 k., WllUmottc
Meridian, una m Kroundi for hi runted he
clleget thet ild drover U. Condon hei wholly
bsudoiicd tld tract of Und for the Ut tlx
mouth lut i)it nd tbet ld bmidonment
tlloxUutllJt he fin uerer inndo ny Ira
provement of any kind or description on the
piare to me prenem lime.
Ypu re, therefore, further notified that the
l lit Bllvsatlon will ho taken br thli office a
navinir been cotitenscu uy you, nnu your aaiu
entry will be canceled theraunder without
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. V. H. f jttnl )fflr
at Tne Dalle, Oregon, December 211b, 1012.
nuiiw ucnu; kivvii mil
Orval Dkvli.
nf ilwuunit uitii am -.! tiiti
made Hometca I, No, fjyJSI, for iieii, vectlon
fUJ lAiun.l.l.. lit a. ' " . . . .
t?.:..,"Y"""i' .iu mn, range io can,
n lllamette Meridian, baa rtlcii nntlr nf linen
thin to make final tbrec.year prool. to e
tubllih claim to the land above oWrlbed, be
'ore Howard W, Turner. U, H, CommUmuner,
Kt hi nfl1ie. at Madrajf. Of.. nn li lid ,lJ
of Kebruarv, ll13. ' '
Claimant name a wllncaie:
Jainn Hire. linv. llnv MmaIi ii ,i
Ilaycreek, Oregon; charle W, J'arrUh, of
Malra, Oregon.
D20.JW.pd 0, W. MOOflK, Jtegfiter
Notice for Publication
neFrt-J.nent of th0 Interior. United Btate
lriU Office At Tllil IImMi. fir. f
Wlb, WI2. i
Notice li heroby glycn that
,TffnM If 1 . jilfiv
of Ashwood, Oregon, who, oti aW'I 2lt. IOCS.
inaue iiometttaa, or 16W, Herlal No. dm,
r.VH'w.' ""O. ja. and en( nvyAm,
jt-cl o;il, towiijh p range IB e.Wlllamotie
uinu, iininiuo notice oi intention to make
final three. year nronf im ,t j l,i I uti ui,..
to the land above riam-rlhAri'. hnfn
W. Turner, United Htate CommUloiierathU
office, at Mad ran, Oregon, on the 2tfth day of
January, '
uiaiuiHni name a witneuu:
David O.Oay, IfarrUon (J. tlrater, AiiKimllne
. Kl bbee. Lea l.awlur. all if Itavitruok fin.
W JZSp O, W. MOMitK, Iteglater
. Send The Pioneer to your East-
enn friends, They may become
interested in Central Oregon and
ocste in this wonderland of rich
production, 5ee the point?
your further right to be heard therein, either
before thin office or on appeal, It you fall to file
In thl office within twenty day after the
POUKTH publication of thl notice, a vnou u
belpw. your answer, under oath, pecllleally
meeting and repundlng to thee allegation ol
coulett, or If rou fall within that tlrao to file
In thl office due proof that you have nerved n
copy of your atitwer on the Mid, ront;tnt
efther in peron or by rrltered mall. If thl
gervlce I made by the delivery of a ropy of
your aniwer to the conletanUn perion, proof
of luch eervlee mutt be either lite ald con
teiunt'x written acknowledgmentnf hi receipt
of the copy, (turning the date of it receipt, or
the affidavit of the perou by whom the dllv
ery waa made ttatlng when and where the
copy wa delivered i If made by regulerfd
mall, proof of Mich rervlce inuit -onll of the
affidavit of tboiMtriHiu by whom the color wa
mailed dating when and the pot office to
which it wa mailed, and thl affidavit inunt be
accompanied by the poitmaiier' receipt for
tho letter,
You iliould tato in your antwer the name
of the pni office to which you dcilre future
notice- to be lent to you,
0, W. Moore, Hcgliter.
Date of flrt rubllcatlou December 12, 1UI2
" kucoinl 19, "
" tbitd " " 2U "
" " fourth " January 2, 1913
Notice of Contest
Department ot the Intorlor, United flate
UndOfflce.The Dalle, Oregon, Dec. C, 1912.
To Hugh C. Mol'heroii,orilaycreek, Ore,
Conteteef ,
You are hereby notified that John P.
McNeill, who give llaycreek, Oregon,
a hi pot'O01ce addreni, did on pet, 17.
1912. filln thl office hi duly corroborated
application to conteit and aecure the cancel
la lion of your homOdead, Herlal No. WiWiinade
Aprll22, 1910, forHKH.Heo. 18, twp, 10, r le.
Willamette Meridian, and a ground for hi
contt he allege that nitld Hiiko C, Mci'herwn
hiw not been on ald place iliifte over ,y?T
ago and ha not been In thl eol!ou of the
country to the bed of my knowledge during
thl time, that there ha not beeurmade on
aid place any improvement of any kind
whatever during that period. ... , 4, M
You are, therefore, lurlher Hotlfled that the
mid allegation will be taken by thl olce a
having been confewied by you, and your ald
entry will be canceled thereunder without
youriurther right to be heawT therein, ellhef
before thl office or nn appeal, If you fail to file
in tin oiwce witnin twenty oay i;
FOUIITH nublication ofthi notice, aailiowii
ue proof that you.iiave erveu
of your anwer on tne ia eontwiai i
In nernon or by reuldered mall. If tin
l. mnld l.w llm ,llvarv nf a fiflriV 01
below, your anwer under oalh, aiieclfloaiiy
meeting and reipondlng to thee allegation i
oonlod.orlf you fall with In that time to file
in thl ofllce il
eOrul fia
evi f ikv m i w ew w v m - - '.,.1
yourantwer to the contedant in ierpi u.vy
ei iiiehervico intut Neither the ald eon
tedatit' written acknowledgment of hi receipt
of the copy, ihowlng the date of It receipt,"
the affidavit of the perou by whom the deli v
ery wa made dating when and where Hie
copy wa delivered', if made by relt;pd
mall, proof of aucii cervluo mud conuld or ttie
aflldavlt of the person by whom the copy whi
mulled dutlng when and the ,pot oWi' 0
which It wa mailed, and Hit affidavit mud be
accompanied by the podmttdcr'M receipt for
You should date In your answer the nafne
of the pod oftlee to which you deelre future
Hollow to be etu to you, WOOHK,
' second"" - !
., V .... . . .
I M, third
I).J9.J9.flp f
4 e
Department H iU lMM
LandOmce nt The JkM, OMjou, J
cember 2-1, 1912.
Notice Ii herein gfrttiMt
of LumonUt, Qtitm, vimr
4th, 1009, mm Hommm
for iwi. aeeiloH SI. tws. 111. in
Rear. WillaMottit HuUMl aN
notice of Intention Ct)
year proof, to nMimom
Tnru! ahnvo deaeribetL MM
... m r n si-lL.tMm
w. iurner, u. o, wjuhih.
ofllco, at MadrM. 0MajP;
day of January, 19J2. .
Claimant name w mtm,
Irn Vavtnn ThMnM J. M
nil nf l.nmnntfl. Clrtttto r
Notice for PoM
Deparlinert ofibe.lBfjB'l
t..m dill,., f I rurna: VMmW Wi
Notice i nerr or,f" "vr tayt
of Jladra, urtgoa, 'PS,
made Homcld-Jfo. iWM
ha filed police ol ,1
five year proof, wH."5&l
i.ii.i "atxira dwriwu,
Turner. V, 6. c'emIW
i.ljai i1rArnti.
,ti nu wv-r s rt, T
. .. -rii-c
i t ik men.
I anri lllllri' Bt il TTl !
December IHh.Wl;
Notice l8herbyW
Thomrjson. forsi
of Hnycreelf, Ore,
4Uif Ji't i"77 t vi
iviflamotte McrWiw.
i Ia make flaw
U.S. Commor,tj
Medraflr Oregon,
i.irtitnrv. luiti )
lumen A. MOrifcts;-!',
Nfttie o. mmfr
of HaycrecK, urn?
nin.iifl-i'(i; y
nSTo 1912,
Notice ii
ber, 19 2, m
cat on toW
tho Actor w'
iiLa inn fltut.
19M. nfll6l, mjg
Any unu
1 1, tli land !
object bceaUM
or ino
the Ul8lK"i
'lit. .Alt
on or Vf