The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 26, 1912, Image 5

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    4 . u -11
,AinirM ibiiiiii
M Witn me
iiii.i xr wu v -
I Ml w w "
r ' . . n
nniiv would you
n,t chanted only
pper. n night tod
.kfnt? And If you am
forco WOUld 1)0 sonio-
WE !. ndtlior. has
"V. t..,rnni Willi BOIIIU VW
rrom t'i,v
'. t.nw with to nuvcni
mi tie cri"ini,
. III IIIMINI'IV iiviiw'mi.
j- avb' ro ir com mi" vw.
. i.nol. In thn
i .rAr nnu ciliiiu u. -
narnc ?- cut"
from cj " v - v '
i. ...ininni v nniu i" mJ "'"
'L.n nf (roiiL' tin iiinnl tnrlxiii
110 IUOM w -
i'I.mA ho lkl'il 10 HHtlUfJIUU
AL.tmm.ln lit t 10 1)0 1 10 II 01 1110
...i.itiA.1 u'hn linvo only
j, ,ut hrnu'rt to L'lVL' tllO WOrld
tnr iim nvinir which ii
I. -iwniir interested In these men
U "l v , '
ii mido on intciiiKcni siuuy ot
111...... Iilnlt nnn
(uirkiLU i vummi.v.".
t.i ..-I unN f.m
v.. t. UnlifM rt ml lhn cnrotJofl of
i infn ilik litrtvnvM nf Inrfn
1U1 LU ' -
in nueni ui juukiuh "vwhd w
la line with t!m unemployed and
ia -l.nif u'IMi Miotn font iiv foot
I thoM behind him crowded him
irfu IUIO tt UUiili juau unu uiu vwvi
Birlin'a Monotonous Qruel.
, . ..l..,t Hm.I 4linf 4ttk
3 coffeo to tho men In tuo Dcrlin
r houses' n!d How, "Tho only
I which h nnlntnblo onoucu and
f 1 -JM f? VH
- ra MVII1 inilllli:. Illll I MHIIIIIII
it would bo a rather monotonous
"it Ten COIllfnrffifiUk ln- tnv.
rill. MM
uiu iiul nu Hiininirv nH inov
7 uuiiL'r vnii i inn inn. wmm
dell flPn nil l.k l..t ii.. ..ii.-
. .... iv kllU UUL'UUUUU
!uiiq i my there I could not
IWIlklne (I,.. i .i. .1..
or tho linn Im.l n .,oi i.
b i4 wuit iiiuiuua uuuuu
a a ia... . . . . . : ..
-"o nuuiu ciiccii ir."
- .luuuiuru iiouo" was Bumrifl-
uen iia rAn.,1 ii ...i
uv a u ii i ii l r 1 1 ii r ma tna
- vhUii:i or io icu ms numo.
wmed, however, thnt this la part
B 'JMi'iii, 'rio ollco keen tho
' v. 1 1 i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fiiTiurnnr
H niwl .1.. . . . .
, io nil )i oil for lnilp nc flvn
. -bMin in Biiccesalon. Then ho
.. u iin uonH nnf- fltul om.
cat within n renBonnhln timn nfK
T7 -bmi.ruu no is nrreatod as a
IDt ninl r.i- i . ..
IIah ""v-l-u m jail.
merlin. How foilnrl n dim In.lrrlnir
- .vuuucxpu i,y tho lnbor unlona.
0. HI! Ullt'mtllnvnil mnn .l.l.l
ftnlT I bronkfaBt for "
.v.? iiviii io o centH. irrom iinr.
"?W Went to Vionnn. ivtmrn )m
' " IU0 lnillilnlnnl
; ---j iL-Huiiiuicu timt of Borlln.
With Lnnll. ii . .
"""ii uiiDmniavfln.
T.. -" . "
111 lllll'lllt ..i s-t . . . .1
UU1 riil . , ,.u ' wo'iuy wmoy, who
-Willi.' II It Ullmmn. I.. Tr.l.r
t. WUM ld ... ...
. .; f Ullll inurAll MiAA Tl.llnlnlK
'mJV Ifl II... I.
,UUI iinv.... i. xi.- m
- BIIW (III hn .
(Id .ii1, 1,10 CftSt c,,a of London,"
ud ii i y woro nU but tcaay
v v um inn.,..
ni.. - - - n w j & iijiiii uiu iiuiin I'm
liollu ' lUUUUL'll'd UV LIIQ mu.
HfH, i,m l, i ", V J 'VMIU UU WM W
UIIUll'U I... lt ' 1
l0 RhIv.ih " u 'u,iul u."
i ... "" Arujy, i rouua mac
oui .,( .. ,. i ,,-, .
' UUVII AaW. . i ... I
,.. . vu nnu iuiih iur Huiiimr
1 ceiT aud R bed to leep ln
PInn n Bytem of crop rotation
;; thnt will build up your noil nnd
produce In nicer crops nnd allow a
wider mnrgln for profit.
Brought AM Buthali of Corn and Add
ad fl.OOO to Land's Value.
Four hundred nnd llfty buHlieln of
corn from clKht ncrea thnt wero nltnoBt
worthier two yenra no In tho yield
Mort Vnn HiiHklrk of Klncnld, Kun.,
received thla year. Drnlnngo did It
Hero la tho atory:
Mr. Vw IlUBklrk wroto two yenra ngo
to II. U, Walker, atnto drnlnngo nnd Ir
rlRntlpn engineer at the Knnaaa Agrl
cultural college, asking what ho nhould
do with an eight acre pleco of swampy
laud covered with willows. This laud
never had produced anything.
Mr. Walker advlaed him to drajn tho
hind, nird ho did. The hind was planted
to corn nnd yielded 4M huahcls. Other
corn tn that neighborhood averaged
from ton to forty bushels to tho acre.
Tho cost of draining the land was $126.
Mr. Van Ilusklrk values his corn at
60 ccnM n biiHbel. or $225. Ilcsldcs the
IncrciiHt'd crop, he considers his land
worth $f,00p inortf by tho Improvement.
KnUHiiH lmltlHttiallst.
Poultry Home Ventilator.
Poultry hoiiKes nro often unsatis
factory solely becniiHO they nro bndly
ventilated. Of course It Is out of the
question nlwnys
to tear thorn down
and build anew or
to Install on ex
pcnslvo system
of ventilation, so
s o m o form o f
ventilator may be
tho best device to
adopt. In tho 11
lustration Is
shown a force
draft ventilator
built II ko a re-
KOVKL VK.NTILATOK. vo,v,ng 8tovcppo
chimney top. The wing with tho ar
row on top turns tho top so the open
ing a always faces tho wind. Somo of
the wind passes through this opening
and out of tho top at b. It thus cre
ates a draft up tho Quo c and thus
ventilates tho poultry houso below.
American Agriculturist
Thlnoa to Observe and Others to Avoid
In Handling Cows.
Very early 1 began to milk. Ono sea
son when only about twelve 1 and my
brother, two years younger, curacd $20
ono aenson milking cows for n neighbor
Bt n ponny a cow. But I do not claim
lo know all about milking oven now.
A few things 1 havo lenrned, however.
I'crhnpB they mny bo helpful to somo
ono else, says tho writer of a letter to
Iho lown Homestead.
Ono is It Is a good plan not to let
Dno's linger nails grow too long. Most
dowb nro very sensitive on this subject.
Often when you see n cow step around
uneasily tho only reason Is that tho
nnlls of tho milker nro cuttinjr into bar
Itleht In the same lino with thla u
tho habit somo men have of setting
their linger ends against tho side of
tho tent when pressing tho milk out
this hurts somo cows too. Let tho
To Qet Rid of Rata.
To got rid of ruts mix up ono hnlf
pint of cornmcal, ono teaspoonful of
sugar and one-half teaspoonful of
cheese crumbs rubbed Ono. I'ut thin
in a saucer and set It In tho rats' run
ways. They will oat of It rondlly. In
n row days add plaster of par In to a
now lot of tbo samo mixture. The
rats when they drink water will get
n bard lump that will kill them and
scare away any that do not eat this
formula. Farm Journal.
Critter Wisdom.
An a general proposition It may be
fit. Hint thn pnw thnt Ims nlcrs before
sho Is a year old will disappoint her
Sorghum Is an excellent succulent
feed for cows, horses. Bheep and bogs,
u'lu.n fi Lwim It sores more ex-
ponnlvo feeds nnd keeps stock in fair
llesh until other feeds can do gatnerea.
Tho safest bull tho dairyman can iibo
lit 1'Kimrn II v n rroHB bull. At first this
mny seem a strango assertion. Tho
minimi hnwnver. Is simnle. Tho bull
that Is known to bo cross will always
lie watched.
Dfi tint fHvn fi-Mh cows. Immediately
nftnr on lv I nir. heavy feed. Olvo mild
or warm water and a small amount of
light feed, such as bran, tuat win ue
coollntr to tho system and will keop
tho bowels loose.
rvtirnn nt fiii riffo of threo or four
months will consumo somo silngo if
care Is takon to pick out tho leafy por
tions for them. It does not tnko them
l,..i nftnr fllln Itnforc UlOV Will COn-
IWII w " w
sumo consldernblo quantity of silage.
Tho shoep Is Just ns eaiclent a ma-
nni-n nnronilor ns ho Is R HianiirO
mnkor. On hillsides where coarser nnl
mni tvnutn trnnlil hnrdlv stick long
enough to do the ground nny good
sheep droppings tnue tno piaco m u
ipcclally preparcu rernuzer.
I'liotograph b; Hampton Normal and As
rlcultural Institute.
Oncers be as flat acalnst tbo side of the
teat us posHlble. It is Just as easy to
milk tbut wuy as any ana far more
agreeable to the cow.
Home men havo a way of jerking
down on tbo teats of tho cow they nro
milking every tlmo they bring out a
Htrcum. This Is not at all necessary.
In fact, the best milker will bo tbo ono
who holds his bands tho most nearly In
the Biiino position relative to the teat
and presses steadily and rhythmically
.1... ...... V Ii I la nnlNiul hw 4o1.
jlng. Itather, the cow Is mndo uncom
fortable, and perhaps her bag may be
permanently deformed.
One of the lilt hies t habits of a man
ever coutructed Is thnt of wetting the
tents of tho cow ho Is milking with
milk before ho begins. This, bo fan
tics, makes the process of milking eas
ier. 1 have seen the bands of milkers
which fairly recked with the discolored
milk as It oozed between their Angers.
The man who does this is not a fit band
for work. More or less of tbo foul liquid
will get Into tbo pall and help to make
the milk Insanitary. Borne cows do
milk hard, but almost always tbero will
be some man who Is strong enough tn
tbo hands to milk them without resort
ing to nny such uncleanly habit ob this.
Finally, threo words ought always to
be In the mind of every milker-carefulness,
cleanliness and kindness.
The Start of the Row.
Dorothy Say. uuntle. Is religion
something to wear? Aunt Julia My
denr. why do you ask such foollsU
questions? Dorothy 'Cause papa said
you used your religion for u cloak.
Foverty consists In feeling poor.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
How to Bankrupt tho Doctors
A prominent New York physician
says: "If it were not for the thin
stockings and thin soled shoes worn by
women the doctors would probably be
brnkrupt." When you contract a com
do not watt for it to develop into pneu
mnnln. but treat it at once. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is intended es
pecially for coughs and colds, and nas
won n wide reputation by its cures of
l,nso diseases. It is most effectual and
is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by all dealers.
We desire, to thank our
many patrons during
the past year, and
wish one and all
i -
Vehicles and Im
plements, Gasolene
Engines, Harrows
of all kinds. Feed
Grinders, Grain
Drills, Plows, the
famous Schutler
Wagons, Buggies.
items of interest
For residence and business lots
see 0. A. Pierce. tf
For Sale Jersey cow. Will be
fresh in a few days.
12-19-2t. H. P. Andrus.
For Sa.ifrTja40.efrp; Mandy.-Liee
IncubatojttUn.a-fKbod condition,
used two Seasons.. Cost $23.75
am leaving ana wjil laxe $j.v. uy
cash. Inquire ,at ;th is dffice..
siarraa central usttuim um
Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul,
Chicago, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City,
and AH Points East and South, via the North Bank
Road, Northern Pacific and Great Northern uauways.
Fares, schedules nnd, details will bo supplied on request.
.. . . . I 1. I n IIauam trrnnllf .drip Hr X
,E, Coman.Gen'l Frt. aPass.Agem, ronianu.ur.fl. r,mi,hww
Two good HirjprolYfia rancher
for Sale: One, .rhe. HaVstbck
country. One on the Acrencv
Plains- Prices- vPAQflahe, in
quire at this office. 'Terms to suit
c6nveriience of purchaser.
To Trade Afull paid up $300
sharo in a bay Belgian horse for
work horse that will weigh be
tween 1000 and 1200 pounds. For
particuars enquire of W. C.
Moore, Madras Hotel.
For Sale: C. 'R. I. Red
Cockerels. Good laying strain.
75c. $1.00 and $1.50 if taken at
.S D. Percival.
For good re((fiihc'efk'nd business
lot itf MadVWiall bn O. A.
Pearce, selling agent for the
holdings of the Inland Empire
Company. Over 300 lots to
choose from. Prices very low. tf
To Trade
I have a quanity of apples that
I will trade for any kind of grain
except Rye grain, at Madras
prices; apples 50c, 77c, and $1.00
a bushel.
' rMrs. R. Parrish,
Pd. 41. - Haycreek, Ore.
Banking and General Corpora
tions 'Organized. Gas and Elec
tric Properties- Purchased. L.
N. Rosenbaum,. Lawyer, 214-218
Haight Bui'ding, Seattle, Washington.
For Safe Nine year old mare
and fine 5 months old colt Mare
-.weighs between 1000 and 1100
pounds, good 'worker, single dri
ver saddler, guaranteed perfectly
gentle and safe for a woman,
and perfectly sound. Price rea
sonable. A. C. Thomsqn,.,..
Culver, Ore,
Wanted An acurate descrip
tion of a good farm near Madras
that is for sale. From 160 to 320
acres. State lowest price, terms
and location as to Section, Tp.
and Range, I will buy if prices
are right
Jesse Hobson,
310 Stark St
Bond Issues, $250,000.00 Up
wards Negotiated, Railway;
Electric Gas. Water, Irrigation.
Mining, Lumber, Timber; Trust;
v ibi rr
Brffe la fa WORLD.
Made in two models: ono
.for .99 Short It. F. car
tridges - the other for .39 Loner
Hiflo. Il. F.
Handles 15 .29
Short nnd 19 .99
lonir riflo cartridges.
Send for hnndsomclv
illustrated Rlllo Cata
log aud "How to Shoot
Order Stevens Riflec
Pistols and ShsteuM
from your Dealer,
Yes, The Pioneer does Job
Printing, Phona ua your order.