The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 26, 1912, Image 4

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is ihe business center for the enlire Northern
Crook County district, and is the iirst town
of importance reached via the O.-W. R. &
N. and the Oregon Trunk Railway after the
Columbia River is left behind. Since the
coming of the railroads its growth has been
steady and substantial. It offers to its resi
dents the comforts and facilities of modern
civilization numerous churches, progressive
grade and high schgpls, well-stocked stores
and a substantial bank, close communication
with the outside world, a city water system
affording adequate fire protection and an
abundance of pure water for domestic uses,
and, soon to be installed, electric lights and
power. A flouring mill manufactures a most
excellent quality of flour, and numerous ware
houses provide marketing and storing facili
ties for the products of the district.
Madras and vicinity offer exceptional at
tractions to the homuseeker and the investor.
Present values are in keeping with production.
Situated at the Gateway to the vast Oregon interior, in the heart of the
moSt fertile dry farming country in the Northwest, Northern Crook County,
whose products have received prize after prize at the Dry Farming Shows
Wherever Madras products have been exhib
ited they have taken the lion's share of prizes.
They have entered into competion with the best specimens that
could be procured from the fields of the most productive dry farms
in the west, from localities where dry farming is a much older in
dustry than it is in Northern Crook County. The transformation
of this great territory from range to farm is a process that has oc
cupied far less than a decade.
Tka n"ioiArinninrf r-virVS-li n-ifr. NT .1
Crook County are not limited to grain alone.
Under the methods of scientific tillage practiced by the farmer of
today, the diversified crops of the American farm arc produced in
like profusion and quality. Alfalfa, the richest of forage crops,
is an important factor in making the farmer's profits, and Corn'
Fruit, Potatoes, and Vegetables of all kinds arc sure and profitable!
Poultry and Live Stock thrive, and animal health ranks high.
will take pleasure in furnishing you with any desired information concerning Madras and the
Northern Crook County country from which the prize-winning dry farmed produces come
Edison Likoly to Turn Mind to Man
aging His Corporations.
The recent resignation of Frank L.
Dyer, president of the Edison company
and allied Interests, which make one of
the largest business propositions In the
world, caused the rumor that Thomas
A. Edison would become the command
er In chief of the whole corporate ma
chinery. While holding financial con
trol of the many corporations that have
been built around his inventions, the
"wizard of electricity" has always per
mitted others to conduct the business
and devoted himself, solely to labora
tory work. i
The great Inventor has earned the
title of the "sleepless man," and Indeed
he has recently advanced the proposi--tion
that the average man sleeps over
much; that the division of the day Into
three periods of eight hours for sleep,.
Farm arid
makes avast 5mountbFd!ffereace In
Rolling to have tbem clean and sleek.
National Stockman and Farmer.
3 ; ., fl" T !
Proper Feeding Is the Big Factor In
Causing Growth.
V tiling bourn that are to be sold for
brerding purposed ueed extra care.
, The b'uyttig public asks for mates that
ure larger than Mielr own pigs and
that lire In good tlexb and pleasing to
look upon.
r Fi'etllng. Is of course the big factor
In securing growth.' Ht'cause the jrtgs
are to U sold for more than regular
market price a little more expensive
feed may be used If It will secure
1 "
0 by American I'ress Association.
for work and relaxation was due to
the primitive fact that man ceased
work at sundown for lack of proper
light. Hut now with the noonday ru
diauce of the electric light mau could
do with as little Bleep as Napoleon nnd
still keep up his physical and Intel
lectual etllclency. He cited himself aa
an example.
And surely Mr. Edison Beeins to havo
tapped some boundless source of en
ergy, for he dislikes to rest in the
fashion of ordinary men iu fact, ho
cannot nnd finds his sweetest relaxa
tion In turnlug to some new work.
Who knows what ho might accom
plish in bringing the originality of his
great mind to business problems? The
effect of the assumption by Mr. Edison
of the nctive control of his vast inter
ests Interests which embraco large
corporations In England, France, Ger
many, fipnln and Mexico besides the
niuny companies in this country Is a
matter of world concern.
. All of the news of Central
Oregon is published in The Pio
neer, at $1.50 per year.
In farming do not theorize, do
not philosophize too much. Live
tin ltr of n farmer. EieeD in svm
pathetic touch with the plant
nnd nnlinal life about you. aud
the philosophy will take care of
Itself. It Is astonishing how wise
a farmer can become who la will
ing to be taught by what he sees
and experiences. But this one
thing he must remember-that
the deductions of Bclence have
V Knnn liloln iA tha onmn nrnv nnrl
so It Is well to make frleuds of
$ these deductions. Hoard's Dairy-
How to Test Your Soil.
Secure a small sample of soil free
fnuu root and grass and put It in a
gliiKS. Insert two strips of blue litmus
paper In the soil so that they ore half
covered. Then add pure water very
carefully until the soil Is thoroughly
saturated. After the test has stood
for several minutes the paper Is. re
moved and rinsed thoroughly. If that
txjrtlon of It which was In contact with
the soil has become red, then tho soil
Is acid and would be benefited by lim
ing. The litmus paper may bo bought
at almost any drug store. Iowa Circular.
'holograph by towa State College of Ag
better gains. The youngsters need an
ubiiiHlauce of nutritious green ' feed.
This keeps them healthy, gives them
an appetite aud causes them to take
exercise. Clover und alfalfa are the
most satisfactory, of course, but any
thing that Is green and succulent will
do. .Skluiinilk Is very nearly an Ideal
j feed for growing pigs. There Is noth
ing that Ik liked better, and It seema
j to make a growth of frame and mus
: cle as no other feeds will do. Any
j hog mun who ran have an abundant
supply or suimmiiu is rortunato in
deed. A thick slop made of mill shorts
and a little olluieal does very nearly
as well. Corn or corn and cooked bar
ley are very acceptable for the basal
part of ration', it being always
essential to furnish plenty of protein;
to balance the lack of It in corn and
barley. Tankage nnd meat meal la
the proportion of about ono part to
ten ot corn or corn and barley will
make up the deficiency nicely nnd will
bring more rapid growth nnd more
finish to t lie pigs, Very satisfactory
feed may be secured from the crops of
any locality, It being necessary to
balance it up with some protein con
centrate only.
Ot course the pigs will sell better If
they are clenn, Tliey will thrive Just
an well If they hove a cool, clean place
asMf they' have u mud wullw, and It
Dip Your Posts Before Setting.
A circular of the Missouri experi
ment station says: Thoroughly sea
soned posts will last much longer than
those that are sot green. Good results
have been obtained by charring the
ends of the posts over au oicn Are,
The posts must be thoroughly seasoned
to prevent splitting or checking, and
the charring must extend at least six
Inches above Uio surface of the ground
when the post Is set. Dipping the post
In some preservative substanco like
fcir. petroleum or creosote will help
to keep out tho moisture and will also
tcud to prevent the entrance of fungi.
Taking Out the Posts.
In pulling mortised fenceposts do
you wish to do It with ease and dis
patch? Loosen tho earth u little around
each post Insert a lever through a
mortlKe In the post; uso Drat tho wheel,
then tho dashboard of your wheel
barrow as a fulcrum, and the trick Is"
done. Farm Journal.
Plant Many Trees.
In nn article In the Woman's Home
Companion on "The Friendly Summer
Trees" the author, Frank A, Waugh.
professor of horticulture In tho Agri
cultural College of Massachusetts, lays
down the general rule that only one
tree out of every twenty planted oyer
grows to maturity. He therefore ad
vises tfioso, who plant trees to plant
rt ore's a Good Combination,
In this hunt for the profit dollar
keep an eye on the combination of ensi
lage and clover or alfalfu bay, There
Is no other combination of feed like It
for results In milk. A farmer could
take these two pieces of forngo aud
with good cows aud uo grain he could
come out at the eud of the year with a
fair profit Of course a-few rounds of
grain feed a day Is a good Investment.
-Hoard's uiurywau.
United States Sanitary Expert to Maks
Guayaquil a Healthy Port.
Because Insanitary Guayaquil, tho
chief iort of Ecuador, menaces tho
hipping of all the Pacific the govern
Uent of Ecundor has Invited the Unit
ed States to lend what assistance pos
sible In bringing about the cleaning up
of the iort. Colonel W. A. Gorgns,
sanitary Inspector of the Panama cannl
zone, will head the United States com
mission. Guayaquil Is the only remain
tag source of Infectious disease- on the
' lasss
Copyright by Cllncdlnst,
o'ulonkl. w. a. ooncuu.
western coust of South America. Colo
nel Gorgas Is thoroughly familiar with
tho project.
Colonel Gocthals, In charge of the
canal construction, whose valuable aid
Gorgas has been, hns already declared
that the sanitation of Guayaquil Is of
great Importance not only to Ecuador,
but to tho Interests of tho canal.
Colonel Gorgas will take with him a
group of oflicers who have shared In
his experiences. In eliminating yellow
fever, bubonic plague and typhoid
from tho cannl zone. They will inako
an exact survey of tho situation nt
Guayaquil and draw up a program of
work necessary lu order to bring about
tho desired results. It Is probablo that
congress will be risked for authority to
carry out this program.
Mrs. A-They say your Ned's want
d by tiie police.
Mrs. B. Well, there's no accountln'
for taatcs-Puach
Celebrates His 74th Birthday
The Homestead takes great
pleasure in extending hearty
congratulations to Cyrus Hamlin
Walker, of Albany, Oregon, who,
on last Saturday, the 7th of Dec
ember, 1912, celebrated his 74th
fc.Mr. Walker isltheloldest liv
ingwhite child born west of the
Rocky mountains, and now three
score and fourteen years after ia
enjoying most excellent health
and d goodly share of prosperity.
He has contributed a splendid
article for the annual holiday
number of the Homestead, which
will be issued next week, his sub
ject being "Oregon Sixty Years
Ago." It is written in his usual
happy manner and should be read
with much interest, by those
subscribers of the Homestead
who are enrolled on the list of
pioneers to this Oregon country.
Mr. Walker was born December
7,1838, at the Whitman Mission,
near Walla Walla, Wash., his
father, Rev. Elkanah Walker,
being a missionary to the Indians.
He came to this state when
young and has lived in Oregon
all his life. He is now serving
his second term as grand com
mander of the Indian War Veter
ans of the North Pacific Coast.
He is also serving his second
term as chaplain of the Oregon
State Grange and has been chap
lain of Grand Prairie Grange,
near Albany, most of the time
for the past fifteen years. He
has the record of having organ
ized forty three new granges in
Oregon. Most of these were
formed in the past few years.
During the past twelve months
he has instituted seven new
The above article was taken
from the Pacific Homestead as
indicated in the beginning of
the article, we will say that Mr.
Walker is well known by many
of the older residents of this
section, having been connected
with the Indian service at Warm
springs for several years, soon
after the setting apart of the
Agency in Crook County.
TO LOAN-?50,000.00 on farm lands.
See Hrenton Jones, Motolius, Ore.
No Reason To,
"Jones' wife learned drettssaUsf.
"And now Jones doesn't work uf
morn." t
Madras SUte Dunk.
Hwreury I Smie
Kvcrclsry of Treury.
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JudKO Ailorney v,,a tf,ll ,
ortooK COUN'IV
When in need of Job Printing
call at Tho Pioneer office and let
us quote you prices on your work,
which will bo very reasonable.
Good, clean printing guaranteed.
r.Y.V.V "ii"J-(rr
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