ALCOHOL 10 POTATOES nural Spirit," published rtlhority on all matters & T rmors. 1ms the W5i W' ..i,f. tho law dlows fanners to engage 8 " ..fonhiro of denatured ,nniy a flhort whilo ago IWo .. . ,,H,itv hrniiirht ioinirPH. nil in '-...n.iM. farm papers rL influences, passed a dUff tho manufacture of "v . i ... tin form .hired nconoi mi .- ujbecn cieany i'ivi. J be manufactured from as at a com mai wuum most profitable if the price bout that of kcro- L gasoline, to both of which lastly superior for light or power engines. vvnuu iunmn si law it was hail- a measure passed strictly ! interest of the larmers. when the provisions of the Uthe ruling thrown around the Interior Department, studied it was discovered i farmer could not avail if of any of its advantages, mi must be of a capacity to out a large amount of the oland an inspector must be jrgc. This, together with provisions, simply made it :hp far anv one farmer to Hvivi" - himself of its provisions. , the "dissolved" Standard Company is still charging tame rates lor gasoline, the jrreat potato crop of ear is selling at ruinously i prices. .Germany, the country from farmer can have as small a is he wishes; can make ly sufficient alcohol for his u$e if he wishes. Corn scams or any of several other waste material as well as pota toes can bo successfully uhivI ?m,i tho ability to make the alcohol is a real benefit to him. We nave to admit that Germany and Beveral other European monar chies do more in the way of prac tical assistance for their rural population than this great and glorious free country of ours. But the luw is as wn lmvo and is not likely to be changed. wnat the Kural Spirit wishes to suggest is a mothofl nf an. curing some actual benefit from it. II this can be done at all it is only by cooneration. Wo have not studied the provisions of the law carefully, but believe it possible to PUt un a cn-nnor. ativo factory in which all the potato raisers of a communif.v could manufacture or have manu factured as much of their cron na they might desire. Bv the pre operative plan a still or "factory" could be kept running contin uouhIv until nil ihn ------ " ww viuju n wiu used up and the government in spector could then be let go and that expense cut off. A factory much larger than one man alone would use, could be secured and tho manufacturing done in a rapid manner. It seems entirely feasible. If it is, it is the only way to get any real proof of the need of co-oneration and tho co-operative spirit among farm ers. We may have futhcr mur- gestions to make about alcohol lrom potatoes when we have j j j . . time to trive tne aw r raw n. Hncetlnn. Rnf. in thn mnnnl we suggest that anyone interest- -j r i x a n . , i ea, write to tne secretary oi tne Interior and ask for full instruct ions for the putting up of a fac- alcohol and the laws and rulings relating thereto. He will refer At 1.11 1 lL 1 ... I uie iullct iu tne proper division and the information will be sent. We hope to learn of some community in the Northwest manufacturing denatured alcohol t i i ii x in i i if ii it 1 1 ii m i in i ill i'iininr! t iun plnn and will take much pleasure 1 tJIUI I, UJ. lilt Conciilon"loHU TeellnQi. "Wllllo, bavo you drowned tlio cat oh I told you to?" "No. I was too tender lienrted." "What have you dono with It thenT "Sold It to a Ba usage-maker." Would Lota No Time. American Girl I am suro 1 have met you before. Baron Habenlchtu Impossible! By UiIk time you would have married me. -Batlre. Exacting, "Only a pound of porterhouse steak for your large famllj ? said tho butcher. "Tliut Isn't for tho family," replied Mr. Cumrox. "You surely don't expert our new cook to eat sausage tho Bamo ta wo do!" Washington Star. in nub ishinir a first attempt. California Woman Seriously Alarmed "A short time ago I contracted a Boverc cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great deal of annoy ance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed I began to be seriously alarmed. A friend recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it re lieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the cold and sore ness of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Gcrbcr, Sawtcllc, Cal. For sale by all dealers. A MERRY CHRISTMAS L I GOODS FH ALL OLD SANTY, while in the city during the early part of the month, visited the Madras Trading Company's store, and delivered one of the largest assortments of Xmas goods that has been received here in many years. Realizing the large and select patronage that this popular and progressive emporium enjoys, the "Old Man" and his team of reindeer made an early trip over the Cascades, bringing the large consignment of Christmas presents, among which there are articles that will please the most fastidious, and which are now on sale at prices that will fit the purse of any one. We have something for everybody father, mother sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, husband, wife, son, daughter, baby, sweetheart, friend and acquaintance. There is only one present that we are not selling this year, and that is airships. But we have a full assortment of appropriate gifts. We are too busy to mention everything we have on display, but the following is a partial list. Dolls, Automobiles, Tops, Whistles, Guns, Marbles, Balls, Crawling Bugs, Bucking Horses, Dolls that talk, and Dolls that walk, Games for the little folks, Fountain Pens, Jewelry, Pocket Knives, Razors, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Etc. COME TO OUR STORE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE i MADRAS TRADING COMPANY INCORPORATED THE PIONEER FOR JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION THIS sale places the entire stock at your disposal at nrices you wouldn't dream of being so low. Time is worth money to us right now, and we wont de lay very lonir. We are everlastingly going to cut prices on this splendid stock. Join the crowds that will throng this store while the great salo is on. You will save money by doing so. MUST RASE MONEY SMITH'S stock is now in the hands of H. T. Lacelle, merchandise adjuster, who will turn this superior, high grade stock of Hardware and Furniture into cash: cost and profit will be forgotten. This, without doubt, will be the greatest sale ever held in this part of the country. A seething mass of red hot bargains will be fired from every part of the store. Values that will make you raise up and take notice during this mammoth sale. 20,000 SLAUGHTERED Stock of Hardware Sale Starts and Furniture SLAUGHTERED hursday , Dec. 1 2, 9 A. M COME EARLY. Look Below at a Few of the Prices: COME EARLY. M5 Stanley Shovels 79 Cents $3.00 Shot Guns $4.60 WO Washing Machines $3.87 $1,50 Lanterns 75c. Rayo' Oil Lamps $1.78 $3,50 Go-Carts 1.98 32 Inch 39- " 47 " 32 " 39 " 47 " EXTRA SPECIAL: WIRE FIELD FENCING: 6 Inch Stay 12 " 32c. Rod. 41c. Rod. 47c. Rod. 28c. Rod. 82c. Rod. 41c. Rod. $1.50 Pitch Forks 89c $2.00 Steel at 1.09 $6.00ButterGhurn$3.89 $25.00 Oak Dresser 2.50 Gallon Paint 1,25 Harness Oil 10.00 English Art Rugs 5.00 Grade Iron Beds . - Now $16.29 Sale Price, Gal." 1.98 Sale Price, Gal. 78c. . - - 5.89 . - - 2.75 7.50 Grade Iron Beds 25.00 Sideboard, Mission Oak 5.00 Cotton Mattress 7.50 Iron Folding Cots Now Sale Price, Sale Price, 4.50 16.29 2.89 4.89 $1.50 Food Choppers 98 Cents $2,50 Family Scales $1.25 $3.00 Boy Wagons Buy the boy one for pl.0 Xmas IUE GREASE ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. The Chance of a Life Time ALL WHIPS WILL BE SOLD BELOW COST J n should use fivo times this space wo could j. ' luo uurgains wo nuvu. w for yourself, and vou will meet tho m Of your Hfo. Rnln fltarts TODAY. SMITHS STATEMENT! DON'T forget the sale starts today, THURS DAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912. You are in vited to visit our store and make your selection of the many bargains. Here is the opportunity THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912 l! i I I I METOLIUS, OREGON URSOAY DECEMBER 12, 1912