r.,v, ,t ,tra.u- -iC,,! f I AM GOING: TO QUIT CREDITORS WANT THEIR MONEY $10,000 Stock Merchandise Slaughtered . TRUNKEY'S STOCK OF HIGH GLASS GROCERIES, DRY COODS, CLOTHINC, HATS AND SHOES W STATEMENT: I fu'ly realize thnt to dispose of my $10,000 stock of Groceries, Clothing, Dry Goods, Huts and Shoes, I must make Borne ridiculously low prices. 1 must also expect to suffer an enormous loss that is the natural consequences under certain circumstances. Come, flvnectinir a bargain in every department. c 1 (Signed) Wm. Trunkey. THROWN AT THE MERCY OF THE PUBLIC SALE STARTS TODAY This stock is the best and cleanest that money could buy. We have neither time nor space to tell you of all the good things we have here for you. Come and see for yourself. Then you will realize that it is the chance of a life time to secure a fine new outfit at less than cost. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2t R COME EARLY JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS COME EARLY 30c. Bakers Coffee 85c. Ci earn of Wheat Canvas Go os $2000 Men's Overcoats $2.50 Boys' and Giris' Shoes $3.00 Men's Hats 23 Cts. 14 Cts. Gc. Pair $10.89 $1.48 $1.29 16 Pounds Sugar Gold Dust 50c. Ladies' Hosiery $3.00 Ladies' Shoes 25c. Children's Hosiery $3.50 Men's Pants $1.00 17 Cts. Pkg. 29c. Pair 98 Cts. $12c. Pair $1.25 Pair Dutch Cleanser ... - 18c. Can Ivory Soap 4 Cts. Lonsdale Muslin (Extra Special) - 8c. Yard 50 Yards Baby Ribbon (all colors) - 39c. Clark's Thread - - 4c. Spool 75c. Fleeced Underwear 39 Cts. $20.00 Men's Suits - - $9.89 Carhartt's Overalls - - 35 Cts. $1.50 Cap, with ear muffs 49 Cts. $1.25 Golf Shirts - - - - 39 Cts. We have other big bargains too numerous to mention in this limited amount of space. Don't forget this Big Sale will open THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 Wm. TRUNKEY METOLIUS, OREGON NOTICE Sly entire stock is now in the hands of H T. Lacelle, the mer chandise adjuster, with orders to turn it into cash. Mr. Lacelle is known as the greatest bargain giver in this part of the country, and says he will uphold his stand ard by giving even greater bar gains than ever before. (Signed) Wm. Trunkey. ii ii ni riiii m ii U Ubl.lll u III! Ill lllll U I PORTLAND LETTER Harriman railroad directors n in in i n lfi'f jii nri tm v inn r w 1 ni heO-W. H.& N. no between ti .... m .1 Oregon's apple crop this year nniA Ant r iir ir ta...aii M, hill UWtfclV UlHAl U VA. llHrt T T rmnmtr ill M . t UIMMV. lltlO 11UUU l kinini M i i. : i a i a. mrs. 'This is a time of poultry shows. Albany and Astoria have just am nA.ni i . 1 1 r t i wviuviu i'ULiiuruii niwi mill L'AL. 1 II I'llI II 111111111'. fnevinir n..i ;s i means of irrnpo. hfM thn Hint , , wow not i.'..:. i , i i j j may III liiu UilHumunL ' a church. An excursion tmi'ftr fvnm Prtt . . iiiii .1 At Will a VI w 1 1lrhnu- 1 ... , "umu il w ot'irnninrl tiv in i . t viuu UUU UtllUi tlVIC Kn,lt , . . "wuiua, went to L.owiston TV una WCOK tfk nttnn1 iMio oiuck S low. Pnrt find nm ftu it.. - -vumury aim its develop- lltlftn !l.v -i-vii uvury nusaiUJU sion, KUHHa Ol... -Mia n iri inn 1 I tlU (411 JIII ln no Uoguo Hiver Valley, onions this year ranging An r. 1 . it Is... l(J wiree Tioundn nanh In HO had lr-an fVion nnn Hlh I -'nostyo, 000 pounds, soil- me Prnn nt. ii . This r' "".f eorira nor pound. i Hftcii i in i a n- . . . D ... 1. . II4W I U 11 Vll 1 null irnnf nl 1 i A Vinn 41I M II. . . winif niiltltoi i i ti T . . ftnI " thU , , omrnission will be iniBwcek and will bs-dlatri- b ited widely. It containsaccur ate statistics and reading matter about Oregon's resourccr an ' products. Indeed, never beiure has there been sucli an exhaust ive report on what this state has to offer to the settler. An edit ion of 200,000 will be printed. A school lecture course has been started by Superintendent Alderman that is designed to reach every school in Oregon. More than 100 speakers have already been enlisted. These men are proniment in varions lines and it is thought the plan will arouse greater interest in the HP.hnnls on the wirt of parents 'and will heln along the move ment to make schoolhouses social centers. Secretary Fisher of the Inter in nonnrtmont has taken up th VS yw'tti proposition made to him to work wiili this sfjite in making a com plete survey of the Deschutes to determine both its irrigation ami water power possibilities. He r .AH4- ...ill Ar lfa states tne uoveriimuui. wmuui share of tins won.. The importance of the under taking may be understood from a statement made by e a local vice, w ho said ' There are 500, 000 acres of public lanus u ."; fi,nt nnn i hn irri cnuiuti vi.m;,y -- gated and more than 1,000,0UU horsepower running io watw down tne river. , -i.l nnl to in rostmastera uiu : form the people through the . r .nna thnr. f 1 1 K- courtesy oi iw - tinctivo parcel post stamps must r" ' . u fmifih nss niat- ter beginning January 1, iiii itr uijh' ""'f. mntfn. hnnr nor and tnai awn "'irr i;;;i .ordinary stamps wn bp tipnted ..it i t f- nAii iwrA" 1 II III. no "lieill IOl iwnuih" , pa'ree a may ue mailable on y at nost oflices, branch post o'mcSs Utered and local 1 named stations, . and such g stations 'as may bo dea gnate by the postmaster, A"ttt-f"J uy Kiiv j i.f .tnin card not bo accepicu iu i,ndaigna Journal. Pits His Case Exnctly "When father was sick about six yenrs ago he read an cdvertisement of j Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- J lets in the pnpjr that fit his case ex nctly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell 'of Fort Smith, Ark. "Ho purchased a box of them and he has not been M-k hiiicc. My sister had stomach trouble ( and was also benefitted by them. Sold by all dealers. Blue PrintTownship Plats Corrected uptodute, showing names of entrymen, vacant land, rivers and creeks, 50 cents each. Land Scripts For Sale For securing title to all kinds of Gov ernment land without residence or im provement, at lowest market prices Vrito us for particulars. All kinds of Lund office business a specialty. Twen ty fivo years experience. Reference, Hrench & Co.. Bankers. Hudson Land Company The Dalles, Oregon All successful business men know that it pays to advertise. They can't do without it if they remain in business, and in in serting their ad. in The Pioneer they are sure of good returns. The Pioneer also does artistic job printing at rates as reasonable as Portland shops charge. Qt C. C0LLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Justice of the Peace CDLVER PRBCINCT CULVER OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Demon c. burdick LAWYER Petitions in Bankruptcy. Ofllco Citizens State Bank Building METOLIUS, 0REC0N. E. Brrcland Attorney At Law MADEA8, OBEGON ROUND TRIP FARE TO LEWISTON, IDAHO ACCOUNT Northwest Livestock Show AOregonTrunkRx Bend Xerrebonne Redmond Culver Metolius Madras CENTRAL OREGON LINE $16.50 15.60 15.80 : 15.00 14.80 14.70 nntna of Sale: December 8th aud 0th. Roturn Limit; December 15th. U. CoinaiGen,l Fit. & Pass. Agent, Portland, Or, A, P. Meyers, Agent Madras, Or, Qra van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE" ANORA, OREGON J. W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections a Specialty. Madras, Oregon V, P. MYERS LAWYER CULVER JUNCTION, OREGON. Practice in all courts and Department of the Interior. LEWIS H. IRVING ATTORNEY AT LAW INSURANCE Office of Balfour-Guthrie & Co. MADRAS, OREGON HOWARD W. TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE alADEAB ORKUON HOBSON CAFE CHAS. HOBSON. Prop. Quick Order Service WE SERVE YOU TO PLEASE WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IN CONNECTION Warren Smith PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorial Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS MADRAS. ORE. Job Printing: of every descrip ion. The Madras Pioneer. HAVE YOU PAPERS -OF- THIS DESCRIPTION? Fire and life insurance policies, receipts for insurance premiums, notes, deeds, mortgages leases, contracts, bonds or stocks, certificates of deposit, pension papers, army discharge papers, valuable private cor respondence, warrants, marriage certificates, abstracts or other se curities of any nature. How are thjprotejeted from fire, loss, or pry ing eyes? A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX here will afford you the best of protection. MADRAS STATE BANK