The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 21, 1912, Image 6

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    Persona! i Local
Mrs R. P. Schurer is visiting
at the home of Dr. H. Clark, this
S. P. Hahn returned from a
business trip to Portland Thurs
day of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Speaker, W.
0. Ralston, Wm. Johnson were
down Monday as witnesses.
M-s. Thos. Alderdyce and Mrs.
Osborn, of Culver were down the
early part of the week, trading.
0. Hedland left Tuesday morn
ing for Portland, where he wil'
spend several days looking after
business matters.
Frank Stangland left Saturday,
morning for Albion Indiana, to
visit his parents and children,
for a month or six weeks.
J. P. Hahn returned from Port
land last evening where he has
been spending several weeks
under the doctors care again.
Special Goverment Agent B.
F. Tomas came in last evening,
and is looking over some tracts
of land in this section today.
Rev. S. W. Robinson, pastor
of the Christian Church, will
preach Saturday evening and
Sunday morning. Sunday school
every Sunday at the usual hour.
Frank Smith was over from his
place on the Metolius River the
past two days, purchasing sup
plies for the winter months
when it will be very hard to get
Rev. H. V. Haslam of Portland
is holding revival meetings at
the Free Methodist Church this
week, very good attendances are
reported. Mr. Haslam is an able
speaker, and should be appre
ciated. Dr. E. R. Hamil returned from
Salem Tuesday evening, where
he had been attending the Itate
examination for dentists, h : was
one of the lucky applicants who
received their certificate to prac
tice in Oregon.
Sunday November 10th. a. the
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Montgomery of
Grizzly, the marriage of their
daughter was solemnized by the
Rev. A. W. Robinson. The
couple will make their future
home at Grizzy.
At the Odd Fellows Hall last
evening, a banquet was held by
the members, who invited many
of their friends to partake of
the big feed. To help make the
evening enjoyable, music was
furnished by local talent and
several witty speeches were
made, and a general good time
was had by all present.
L. Gerbing and wife and Mr.
an 1 Mrs. Luther Melton, Mrs
Gerbing's parents returned
from Portland Sunday evening,
Mr. Melton having been confin
ed in hospital for several weeks,
where he had several operations
on his hand and arm. He is im
proving slowly, however it wll
be several weeks before he will
be able to use his hand.
Monday of this week, the tak
ing of testimony in the divorce
case of Saxton vs Saxton, was
commenced, and lasted two days,
before referee Howard W. Tur
ner, both parties being present
with Attorney W. H. WilsortSof.
The Dalles, for the defendant;
and Attorney VV.-f . Meyers ot
Culver fdf the plaintiff. The
testimony will be sent to Judge
Bradshaw, who will render his
decision within a few weeks.
A. C. Sanford and family, left
Tuesday morning for a few
weeks visit with friends and rel
atives at Wamic, and from there
they will go to their future home
at Spokane, Washington, where
Mr. Sanford has accepted a po
sition with a large concern, as
manager. Mr. Sanford recently
sold hia personal effects, retain
ing all of his real estate holdings
in this section. The loss of an
enterprising business man of Mr.
Sanford's ability is keenly felt
by many who have known him
for several years past The Pion
eer joins with the many friends,
in wishing Mr. Sanford and his
family a pleasent and profitable
sojourn n the inland empire metropolis.
Methodist Episcopal
Methodist Episcopal Church
Every Sunday. Sunday School
10 A.M. Preaching 11 A. M. Ep
worth League 6:30 P. M Preach
ing 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting
Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Israel Put
nam, Pastor. Residence near
Oroo-on. once each successive
"week, and the date of the first
publication thereof is iNovemoer
21st, 1912, the date named in
said order for the said first pub
lication. Lewis H. Irving, Attorney for
Plaintiff. Madras, Oregon.
m.21 J. 2. m.p.
Free Methodist.
Regular services will be con
ducted at the Free Methodist
Church as follows:
Sunday School at 10 oclock A.
M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30.
Ernest W. Hillisnn charge.
In the Justice's Court of the
State of Oregon, for the Coun
of Crook, Precinct of Madras.
D. C. Burns Co., a :
corporation, :
Plaintiff, : c
vs . Summons.
O. A. Field's, :
Defendant. :
In the name of the State of
Oregon you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above ntitted suit on or before
the last day of the time prescrib
ed in the order for publication of
this , summons, to-wit: on or be
fore ' the 2nd. day of January,
1913, said day being more than 42
days from the first publication
of this summons and notice; and
if you fail to so appear and
answer, for the want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, to wit: in the sum of
$14.00 and interest per anum at
the rate of 10 per cent from No
vember, 1st, 1912.
This summons is served on you
by publication by order of the
Honorabe J. H. Jackson Justice
of the Peace for Madras, Pre
cinct, Crook County, Oregon,
made November 14th, 1912. By
said order it was directed that
this summons be published in
The Madras Pioneer, a weekly
newspaper published at Madras,
In the Justice's Court of the
State of Oregon, for the
County of Crook, Precinct of
Patrick Welsh and :
R. T. Olson, doing :
business under the :
firm name of Cen- :
tral Oregon Mer
cantile Company.
Plaintiffs, :
O. A. Fields. :
Defendant. :
In the name of the State of
Oregon you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before
the last day of the time prescrib
ed in the order for publication
of this summons, to-wit: on or
before the 2nd. day of January
1913, said day being more than
42 days from the first pubplica
tion of this summons and notice;
and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the
paintiffs will apply to the court
for relief prayed for in the com
Dlaint. to wit: for the sum of
$83.99 and interest at the rate of
6 per cent per anum from thebth
day of November 1912 and for
the costs and disbursements of
ths action.
This summons is served on
you by publication by order tof
the Honorable J. H. Jackson,
Justice of the Peace for Madras
sPrecinct, Crook County. Oregon,
made November 14th, 1912. By
said order it was directed that
this summons be published in
The Madras Pioneer at Madras,
Oregon, once each successive
week and the date of the first
publication thereof is November
21st, 1912, the date named in
said order for the said first pub
lication. Lewis H. Irving, Attorney for
Plaintiff, Madras, Oregon.
M21 J2. m.p.
Ordinance No. 53
An Ordinance granting to the
Cove Power Company or its as
signs the right and privilege
of erecting, constructing and
maintaining and operating an
electric light and electric pow
er plant andjerecting the neces
sary poles and wires used in
connection therewith or as a
part of said plant in, upon,
under and over the streets,
alleys and public grounds of
the Citv of Madras, Oregon.
Ee it'Ordained by the common
crunch of tne City of Madras:
Section 1: The Cove Power
Company, a corporation organiz
ed under the laws of the State of
Oregon, is hereby granted the
right and privilege and is here
by authorized to erect and main
tain, to operate and use in, upon,
over and under the streets, alleys
and public grounds of the City
of Madras, Oregon, poles and
wires used in connection with
or as a part of electric light or
electric power works of the said
Cove Power Company and its as
signs and for the purpose of con
ducting and conveying elect
ricity over said wires.
Section 2: The said Cove
Power Company shall erect said
poles and stretch said wires so
as not to interfere with the free
and unobstructed use -jaf te
streets for travel and shall erect
the poles at such reasonable
points in the streets and place
the wires at such reasonable
heights as may be designated by
the committee on streets, and
the right and privilege hereby
granted is subject to reasonable
modifications, limitations and
'changes by the common council,
but not so as to interfere with or
prevent said Cove Power Com
pany and its assigns from carry
ing on the business of furnish
ing electric light and power to
the City of Madras and its in
habitants or any thereof.
Section 3: Whenever it shall
become necessary in the erection
or repair of such pples and wires,
for the said Cove Power Com
pany or its assigns to dig into or
in any way or any manner inter
fere with any public street or
any part thereof, it or they shall
wthout delay put the street in as
good condition as it was before it
was so broken up, dug up or dis
turbed and shall remove all sur
plus sand, earth, rubbish or other
Section 4: The charges of said
Cove Power Company shall not
at any time exceed the rate of
twelve (12) cents per kilowatt,
hour. In case this rate or any
other raies of the said Cove1
Power Company shall be deemed
excessive by the common council,
such deductions on reductions
shall be made as decided upon
by a Board of Arbitration con
sisting of, five members, two to
be appointed by the common cou
ncil, two to be appointed by the
Cove Power Company and the
fifth member to be selected by
the four members already ap
pointed. Section 5: It shall be unlaw
ful for any person, unless author
ized by said Cove Power Com
pany or its assigns, to interfere
with, meddle with, injure, im
pair or remove any of the said
poles or wires or any insulator,
cross arm, lamp or aDparatus
used in connection with or as a
part of the said electric light or
electric power works of the said
Cove Power Company or its as
signs. Section 6: When necessary
in order to permit any duly aut
horized person tomoveany'build
ings across the Btreet or alleys of
the town of Madras, the Cove
Power Company shall raise or re
move its wires maintained there
under, upon request of the City
Council Clerk, and the costs to
the granted for so doing shall be
bourne by the owner of such
Section 7: Any person who
shall violate any of the provisions
of section five of this ordinance
shall upon conviction thereof in
the Recorder's court be fined not
less than $6.00 nor more
than $50.00, or be confined
in the city jail not more than 25
days at the discretion of the Re
corder. Section 8: In consideration of
the granting of this' franchise
the said Cove Power Company
agrees to furinish electric cur
rent in the town of Madras,
Oregon, within thirty davs of
the time the said Cove Power
Company furnishes electric cur
rent to any other town or village
in the County.
Passed by the Council the 15th
day of November 1912. Approv
ed by the Mayor on the 18 day of
November 1912.
Howard W. Turner,
Attest: Mayor.
J. H, Jackson. Recorder.
State of Oregon :
Crook County. : 8a
I hereby certify that the above
and foregoing is a true and cor-'
rect copy of Ordinance No. 53 as
the same was passed by the Com
mon Council of the.City of Mad
ras, at a regular meeting thereof
on the 6th day of November.
J. H. Jackson, Recorder.
The day of irrcBponBlblo Irriiiatlon companion in this etato (a past. When tho
Northwest Townslto Company of Philadelphia took over tho Paisley Project
in Lake County, it Rave tho lurgeet bond ever given in tho atnto fifty thousand
dollnra guaruntccing completion of the project. Every threo months it makes
nn itemized statement of cxpenaca to tho Desert Land Board. Alt of its adver
tising books, maps, contracts, subscription agreements and litoraturo la sub-
tnittcd to tho Desert Land Board for inspection before being issued.
The land is level, free fiom rock, and Is a rich Volcanic Ash Soli. The climate
is perfect for fruit, which now grows to perfection at Paisley.
Construction work upon the dam and reservoir has now been in progress for
0 i1 three months, with Thomas Hawthorne, State Inspector, on tho ground. He was
I A ' i iL. ft 3 T I . 0..t It r .
iormcriy wun uiu u. o. iwcihuihuuu aurvicu un vuu umauua rrojeci.
QnnI fnr V nncrn illnnLrnOil book. Go to Paisluv bv autnmnlitln ntntrn fmm
f a ' " - i-r- -"-n 1.1.-41M
f yftnd see the land. Our agent at Pnisloy, Hugh K. Gllmore, will show you tho
ps ,tini1, 11 ll rce 10 thoBC who pay tho C08t ot Putl'"K water on it.
0y Northwest Townsite Company is among tho largest taxpayers in Oregon, own
y 4 ng townsite sub-divisions at Prinoville, Madras, Redmond, Bend, Burns, Vale,
, 3 und also the 8-10-acro Conn ranch at Paisley, including a C0-barroi-a-day capacity
flour mill and genoral store
Our Bank References arc:
First National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. G Irani National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.
Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Interstate Finance Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa.
Merchants' Trust Co., Camden, N.J. Security Savings & Trust Co., Portland, Ore.
Address all communications to our Portland office, G01 Ycon Building
Write now. Tho average cost of water will bo $46 an acre. We will glvo you a aquaro deal
308 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
See Our Agents in Bend Homeseekers' Land Company
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. rnlll Htates
Unit offlc at The Dailw, Oni., November
1Mb, l'Jl'J.
Notice l hereby Riven that
Hubert A. Monner,
of Madras. Orci;oti, who, on February 2Uh 1910,
maila lloincntcad, No. (XVJKf for w!iK.
swli See 3 and tnvKi. nw'jnew flection
W, Twp, 8 bouth, ItaUKe II Kant, Willamette
Jterlcllan, ha Hied notice of Intention to make
final commutation proof to establish claim
to the land above lesrrllx-l. beforo Howard
W. Turner, United Stale (ommlloner at hi
olllee, at Mailran, Oregon, on the ilrd day of
December. 1912.
Claimant name a wltnce;
Char lea V. IVIten, of Mouth Junction, Oreicon
John Karro, of Hoiith Junction, Orceon, Her
bert W. Cook, of Bhanlko, Oregon, Mck Mon
ner, of Young', Oregon
N2l'19p. C. W. MOOKK, KcgUler
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. B.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
November II, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that
William Bigulow,
of Lamonta, Oregon, who, on May
4th, 1909, made Homestead, No. 0-1835
for swj, section 23, twp. 12s, range M
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Howard
W. Turner, U. S. Commissioner, at hia
office, at Madras, Oregon on the 19th
day of December, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Thomas J. Hennefield, Willis W.
Benncileld, Ira Pax ton, .Albert Moore,
all of Lamonta, Oregon.
NI4-DI2-Pd C, W. Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon,
November 11th, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that
Ray D. Clark,
of Ashwood,, Oregon, who, on January
10th, 1908, mude Homestead, No. 16864
Serial No. 0-1299, for sejswj, section 19;
andnjnej, neinwj, s.30, tp 10s, rlOcust
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final three-year proof
to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Howard W. Turner,
U. S. Commissioner, at his office, ut
Madras, Oregon, on the 18th day of De
cember, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James A. Brown, Albert Bims. James
A. uurrett, ull or HaycrceK, Oregon,
John R. Bayliss, of Ashwood, Oregon.
Ni4-D12-Pd. C W. Moore, Register
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U, 8. 1 -anil Office
at The Dalle, Oregon, November 11th, 1912.
Notice l lie ruby given that
Thomas J. Hennefield,
of I.amonla, Oregon, who. on Nov. lt, 10(7,
made HoinenteaiT, No, fi7(V5, Borlal No, WW
for n suction W, township 12, range 14 Kant
W lllamette Meridian, has fifed notice of Inten
tion to make final five-yea- proof, to en
lablish claim to the land abovo described, bo.
fore-Howard W. Turner, U. H, Commissioner,
at hUonice, at Madruii, Ore.. on the lutli day
of December, 1912, '
uiaiman, name ax wltneet
Colonol O. K. Hiultli, Chariot Uitt, Jerry
rhey, Jainc l Thoma. all of I.iuuoiita, Ore.
IMT-pd V. W. MOOUK, IlcgUler
All of the news of Central
Oregon Is published in The Pio
neer, at $1.B0 per year.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
land office ut Tho Dalles, Oregon,
October 14th 1912.
Notice is hereby given that
Hattio V. Fordyco
of Haycrcck, Oregon, who on October
4th, 1910, made homestead, No. 07510,
for NjtSWH, Sec. 28 and Lots 3 and 4,
Section 29, Township 11 S, Range 15 E,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, beforo Howard W.
Turner, U. S. Commissioner at his
office, at Madras Oregon, on tho 20th
dav of November, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William E. Duchien, Eugeno GofT,
Ralph Moore, M. Louisio Oarlock, nil
of Haycrcck, Oregon.
017N22pd C. W. Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Oct.
14th, 1912
Notice is hereby given that
Ciarunce C Watts,
of Madras, Oregon, who, on Juno
11th 1907, made homestead, No. 1C516
Serial No. 04098, for SW. S20, T 10 8
Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
flvo year proof, to establish claim to
the land abovo described, beforo
Howard W. Turner, U. H. Commis
sioner at his office, Madras, Oregon,
on tho 20th day of November, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. Edward Campbell, of Vanorn,
Oregon, Samuel Haberstich, of Mad
ras, Oregon. John W, Jones, of Mad
ras, Oregon, George Hurt, of Madras,
OI7N22-pd C. W. Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Intel lor, VS. H, Land Office,
at Tho Dalle, Oregon, October 22nd, 1912.
Notice In hereby given that Mltiulo II. Tay
lor, guardian of the enlatoof Kdward I'. Taylor
of Hnyrrcek, Oregon, who on October :0th, 190.1
made II meMead, No, ll7.Hcrlal Nn.unsA, for
eUnw4 and wUnoUBeo, 30. Tit 10 8. HI5 Kat
Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of
Intention to make final five year proof,
to ctabllh claim to tho land above
described, beforo Howard W. Turner, U.
H. Commissioner, at hi offlco, at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 2nd day of D'tretnber, 1912.
Claimant uatnes as witnesses:
Charles W I'arrfsh. of Madras, Oregon, Koy
Newell, of Haycrcek, Oregon. John Church, of
Ifuycrcek. Oregon, U Uma, II ay creek, Oregon.
(5. W Moore, Ileglster
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S,
Land Office, ut The Dalles, Ore., Oct.
15th, 1912.
Notico Is hereby given that
Thomas J. Fields,
of Madras, Ore., who, on Nov. 14, 1907,
made Homestead, No. 16784, Serial No.
04248 for nelsei, sejnei, s9 and awjnwi
Hcctlon 10, Township II South, Range U
East, Willametto Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, be ore Howard
W. Turner, U, H. CommissionHr at his
office, at Madras, Ore,, on the 27th
day of November, 1012
Claimant names as witnesses:
Perry Henderson, Christina A. Pars
ley, James W. Bones, Charley EaglW,
all of Madras, Oregon. ' , ,
017M22pd C. W, Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication
.Notice I iiercay giton insi
I'h in- lla-udcrton
rnaiiu iinrnraipiui. zu ia.y. ccn.i pv.
for fiKW MV, BtfhKKh. NWUBEtf. t4
UHWH, Hectlon t, lowrublp II. bests, K.l
i.iillmi tii triklii rtn.t nvff.vrir tirMI. ID U
lUli fl.lm (n tlip Unit bo0 dcicrlttd, UU
iiunmii inn vii v --r :
ofTlco t MIra Oregon, ou tbtXttaij
November, .VU
I. t m a ur 1 1 ft
V tliltlll MtMV !. , ,
O ..... I 1 Vminsr all fil 11 UI
Notice for Publication
Department ol the Interior, U B.Uw
Nollro U turn; by given that
- i l iA.mad n-rthiUDB.
Ill filial liriNISI. IU4IUVIII
mane iimiie.i. -7;. -: ; .,
Mtfmtk IIU'I .('-. HIl'I SHJsUti fvy 1-' . .
rSi ' 1 . iA 11 it iii 1 an. nu men mvmj-
1 11 Lull 11 w 11 - - "--. r
......I.M.I. h i m tit inn 1111U wis .
iMiiiirn iiuMDiu . it.
at his orPft', at Jlaurss, urrivi -
''y.o''e.Rv,h:,j.,i!1A,,nMrti! .
William J mimij. "....k.V.lian !U
If, McKlroy, O Vam McoMion,
Madra, urvgoii. w wMr RefUUf
nil .M wrxl C, W. '
Department of the
at The Dalles, Oregon. OctoW rV
Notico Is hereby ?ln Ibst
.I Kf ulrai. OrvKOIl, Wll".
mil -i( l.,ifl!.On IU K .
Uiu 11 1 ri mmm ":;.i,ii,h liiw v-
,.......iltalW11l IiriHII. IU V---- .mM W. I
tl.1111111 Wl" I '' . . ...f,.ta inn V
a a ...... .1.. nirl luXI . Uliui v . . Mjir
.a' TommiMHinefstbt--
Knoll, on thv 3r.l own ?"'
ii?l.M'.)ld u' for Publication
DAMrtmunt of . lWin
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..1 y 1 r 11 w't 1011 "'...i.i.MiiH .
7, tp, 11 " i , "iViIentlou. I
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jfa.ira. Oregon, -
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Mock, orcKM. o,Wt'lllw'
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