THE COUNTRY L bo W'M wi,,c" States n..oH nnator 1 nviuui i'-' h I largest churches in ift"13 'Hi.,, ir.v note Of 01 "L.-.i. l,c delivered, it"1" .... Mm V GV r S in ll,o jiati. lor Necl31? VM.naH- irottspoKooi rv!nS the no ion P! Infinir the world's F mU'rinf? our Looming citizens in ,y that the law now n ;a l.i.rhiv important 'legislators and statcs Rome heed to Eton for it may Le but a seuntilthis rcpumic w... win its present form iU free state, if the men tion which is now BouiK .1.1mm of Europe and Eg dumped in upon us, ctted to continue. (03 can no more assimilate isd sundry peoples, wno be admitted ia citisscna. theindviduaiassimnaiu jd sundry substances in .nf a meal. In the lat- , nature is almost sure to the well known lorm ifiifus have experienced fthe course of a lifetime. fist instance, the nation insisted hv wine states- uin preventing the dc f of the nation's indivld y the accretions of those weakness, viciousness blower forms of citizen- itherthan strength, which ach desired in a nation, ;e as are moral qualities dividual. v is twiMn with fX- cfthe monirrelization of and to students there is in nnint nut Mi is fnct. United States is confront- a great problem at the fimn onil unlnuu enmn i i ii t v Mil.. w . i a u falfpn vorv ennn in vo- se undesirabe immligra lofus will suffer. pit, from the forum and I 1 1 t Isisiauve uouies on mis has been expressed Dyott, it would not be Ihhis mailer wouiu ue in the right way. EARLY MATING BCQT. If that enrly bird gets llio worm curly mated fowls besot best offspring iind tliclr hustling owner gets lliu tot notch price. Ho got busy. Uocbo, lo ItiMiiro fertility, if strangers lo the plnco, should bo mntod llio fall before. Otherwise, like linninriH, thoj got liomoHlck and neglect buslnoH Geese, turkeys nnd duclcH oflen lay and hatch very early, ho let Ilium go to housekeeping early and avoid the rimh Ilt'iiH and roosters ttiiiHt be hitched up In plenty of time beforo natural breeding season. Largo breedH. IIIco Cochins, no hIow lo mature, Mhonld be mated early In February. March sellings are all right for ItocltH, Dottes and Kedii. HlrdH of tho Leghorn typo nro all right for April and May. To win at fall shows chicles should be out In January. To nil tho place of Iioiih that knock off laying In molt mil low munt bo hatched In January (hid V Mm A JANUAItr XI ATI NO. February, but such pulletH mnko poor winter layers, an they molt after egg debut. Vigorous adult Rtock that has not been Inbred nor forced for winter ogga 1m best, nud birds should bo studied well beforo mating bo no changu need be made, as mates become greatly at tached to each other and a separation and now muting often result In Infer tility. Know your birds individually. Know your breed's characteristics. Muto for an Ideal. Mating' birds with same defect In creases It in tho offsjrlng. A slight de fect In one may bo offset with a per fection in that respect in another, but u good bird cannot crndlcuto a gross defect in the other. Tho larger the breed the longer fo. eggs to become fertile, ten days mat lug being generally sulllclent. The proportion of females to male In pen depends on breed. Birds of Leg horn style, tlftceu to tweuty-flve; American and English breeds, ten to fifteen; Asiatics, eight to ten. A Night of Terror. Few nlghta aro more terrible ihan that of a mother looking on her child chocking and gasping for breath dur ing an attack of croup, and nothing in tho houso to relievo it. Many mothers have passed nights of terror In this situntion. A little forethought will enable you to nvoid all this. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is n certain euro for croup and has never been known to fail. Keep It at hand. For sale by all dealers. SPECIAL SALE ON M L Li N E BELOW COST FOR THE HEXf 15 DAYS MRS. ISA CROSBY R Y Declare Wn r on Colds. A crusade of education which alms "that common colds may become un common within tho next generation" hns been begun by prominent New York physicians. Here Is a list of the "don'ts" which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of tho cold: "Don't sit In n draughty car." "Don't sleep In hot rooms." "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't stuIT yourself at meal time. Overeuting reduces your resistance," To which we would add when you take a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy most excellent. Sold by all dealers. FARM LOANS!! Madras Slate Bank. Sheriff's Sale on Execution in Foreclosure Hy virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook coun ty, upon a judgment rendered in said court on the 21st day of October, 1912, in favor of John H. Lockard, plaintiff, and ugainst James Gott, Ruth A. Blair, Win. Blair, her husband, and J. H. Jackson, Recorder of the City of Mad ras, Oregon, defendants, for tho sum of 5-137.8-1, with Interest thereon at the rote of 10 per cent per annum from the 21st day of October, 1912, and tho fur ther sum of $11.50 costs, which judg ment wus enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of Crook county. State of Oregon, on. the 21st day of October, 1912, commanding me to sell the certain mortgaged real property of the de fendants described as follows, to-wit: All of the bw of the bc, sec. 21 and wj of ne, nwj of sel of sec. 28, in tp. 9 s., r. 14 e. W. M., containing 160 acres, in Crook county Oregon. Notice is hereby given that I have levied upon and I will on Monday, December 9th, 1912, nt tho hour of of 2 o'clock in tho after noon of said duy, at the north door of the county court house in rrinevme, l. . . . . nnAti anil in tUa tilrrh. est bidder for cash, all the right, title nnd Interest tho said defendants. James Gott, Ruth A. Ulnlr, Wm. Blair, her husband and J. H. JackBon, Recorder of the City of Madros, Oregon, had in and to said mortgaged real estate on the 21st day or October, to sausiy saw in favor of John H. Lockard. nnd costs and accruing costs. Bald Bale to bo made subject to redemption in the mnnner prescribed by law. First published November 7, 1912. ' - T. N BALFOUR, Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon. The Pioneer for Job Printing. THE ONLY SHOW. TRADE J(l 10 f s mm . rf,. X4 W kK I few VOlPrs of th0 United States attended the largest attraction ever billed to appear Ka?Mry' nnd a ""neo of several million people witnessed the event lho t u fiS?n y) future of tho bis threo-ring circus was tho stunt pu ed off bj the donkey which r; tho crowd and brayed loud and long. His clever work elicited a ; OBKregation to which he belongs is booked to appear m mn"e'' 8 a now on uia nt Mi offlnn of the manager, Woodrow Wilson. Buy your tickets now. i and We are showing: new complete lines in Pall Drygoods and Furnishings Finest Sweaters Outing: Flannels FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR Men's Women's Children's Everything for youngsters who are going to school r n I MuflRAS TRAniNR HflMPANY via iiiia iv mwmm ivi wmvii 1111 Ln mmmmmmm memmmm hmm wmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJi Remember we are Madras Agents for the famous Mitchell Wagons, Implements Drills Harrows GLLSON GASOLINE ENGINES Plows Groceries of all kinds, prompt delivery guaranteed La mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm am J "JOHN DEERE" Vehicles and I m plements, Gasolene Engines, Harrows of all kinds, Feed Grinders, Grain Drills, Plows, the famous Schutler Wagons, Buggies. B S LARKIN CUSTOM MADE HARNESS AND SADDLES Items of Interest Piano for sale on easy terms. Pd.2I. H. G. Key. White Winter Rve for seed for sale at The Madras Flour Mills. Pd.2I. For Sale: S. C. R. I. Red Cockerels. Good laying strain. 75c. $1.00 and $LQ if taken at once. S. D. Percival, Pd.4I. Gateway, Ore. Hello Bill! Where are you going? Bill "I am on my way to the Afnrlvns TTnrpl. whrfi I cmn irfifc the best meals in Oregon for 15 mi i jV 1 i cents. ne cooKingis me oesc in the west." 11-14-tf. Wanted An acurate descrip tion of a. good farm near Madras that is for sale. From 1G0 to 320 acres. State lowest price, terms and location as to Section, Tp. and Range. I will buy if prices are right, Jesse Hobson, 310 Stark St. Portland. For good residence and business lot3 in Madras, call on O. A. Pearco, selling agent for the holdings of the Inland Empire Company. Over 800 lots to choose from. Prices very low. tf For Rent. 160 acres, 2h miles from Culver Station, 80 acres has been in wheat, fenced and cross fenced. Will give long term loose if desired. Address, C. H. Beck. P. O. Box 108, Ta coma, Wash Bond Issues. $250,000.00 Up wards Negotiated. Railway, Electric Gas, Water, Irrigation, Mining, Lumber, Timber, Trust, Banking and General Corpora tions Organized. Gas and Elec tric Properties Purchased. L, N. Rosenbaum, Lawyer, 214-218 Haight Building, Seattle, Washington. Notice to Public. Having sold out my Black smithing and general repair business to Tucker and Culp, all accounts are now due and payable to me at D. W. Barnetts office, and he is authorized to settle any accounts when I am not there. S. E. Gray. To Trade I have a quanity of apples that I will trade for any kind of grain except Rye grain, at Madras prices; apples 50c, 77c, and $1,00 a bushel. Mrs. R. Parrish, Pd, 41. Haycreek, Ore. WHY YOU NEED THIS NEWSPAPER WHATEVER your busi ness jou NEED a news paper. You cannot keep houso without it. IN ANY ISSUE YOU MAY SEE AN ITEM THAT WILL PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR TEN YEARS. It may bo a bargain ; it may be newa of somebody who wants to buy an artiolo that you have to Boll; it may bo a hint as to how you can improve your mothods or mako moro money. By following tho markets you know when to buy or sell. By fol lowing tho advertisements you know where to trade. THE PAPERS TELL YOU OF MORTGAGE AND TAX 8ALES, OF AUCTIONS AND OF OTHER EVENTS WHEREBY GREAT BAR GAIN8 MAY BE PICKED UP. Taking a paper is commercially profitable, especially to tho man who keeps his eyea open. WHY not SUBSCRIBE KOWI ... m i .i i