THE VOTERS FOR I COUNTY JUDGE sit We are showing" new complete lines in Fall . Drygoods and Furnishings Finest Sweaters Outing- Flannels FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR tm m m U A ra of tho Road Bill f(ll Control o, . .....Un-Good IP ' I 1 1 twtriln who IU1V ' I bills cov- (onter,.: Mil renin thc for do . ni (in i . j. :,.P8 to pay ior ,..r n hiirhwny J . i.:n Imvn boon nun unit) U , . . ...... nnn inivu uwvi -rti-iwu ' . ! - xiiiffl frl Illll.T. Jill bv tno Bvutt - ' ..-.,! nf In vol jinnew ana laxiwjrwiB. ...i nvnn vers specify :.ff bonds, the roads the inniurmi ..j iiin termini oi JI1U HI" ... uwk s to bo done IS. II" ite direction m j nv I MG county 3uuuiiii'v" ' .1 1... II.a nfnfn - -inonra hnecinca- KJ DM 1" v. ji" "j " engineer and approved oy i. j,!iriuinv ontrineer. r inn1 - iv - 10 UC LCI MU ' "- anient advanced in fav (Vis mpnaure is that it " a. i.vnminpo full pnnfrnl l.i.M.'mi- u!fnif inn to the amount of bonds i i uaiwih in t im 10 1 UI IU11UO HI ' ..J nntmn nf imnrnvc .liia nf fho nmi time if.. ........... i wi i- n lv I ihn .-i..... nnivi n ii'nn an fin tee touch with the county llliWl llll VHIVlllVll. rf 1 l- ...Ml l.n..n u ij i i i Li' bm i nn rt r r r t 1 1 L l J 1. J li 111 111 V V VW W s to urnnr i rii riifiiiit in need. The people of a ought to be allowed to aeir own money for good tod in the manner they v With this idea in mind lit, II i . it. i oeweii ior me voienn- .!! 1 -1- A - nn j i nni am an anu mo. .L.t 1 1 1 f irir pnriirnnnri inor urnnLr b this section of the coun trial of Hnrl F.nwonn fnf mese parties were nn nnrl -- - - 1 1 (It bllV muiVil Ul LIIU Ii3 innncl'iiwrli n. mitU "luiifjiiiv;! , 11,11 ! lit U I IV. ie maximum penalty, 19 fJf . iiitvu vi'Lirs- 7PA ill f w fuu i.uuu ui r l aim '""VIJIIL"! M I I'HUIMM 1 1 f rf v w Srf V I n n tiiiii viiM iiiitu lbcrvsSaxton case re verdict of $1000 and -v "v mm, I ii iavor oi tnecasc will be appeal- JP 111 U 1 a " wiRn it lsunder- n'lll I ... -in oc trior . I ia hit . . v 1 - Mill! 1IUUI ll a Pnnnl fc' if . Maiu . ' Ul. "uumqna, 'HI .1 - " Ull 1 UI'.LLIIIL' --vu Willi 11.. t t '"iy. 1 t 111 .W.a..i I Mil IIH.I r a . fthoVc". imilVftnd Ear no res i o K n.... rini. i .. " w ui I ui ' u UlPI i m.... i it. Ptfn 11 ii ""J I.W liliu Win i .....if. MwlntlvoV 1 W,Ul -vciuenrni. ,,r. i... in pi'r "is former 'iiiinv inniin . . inn.. i . . mmiui wi in m :VU in winter with -wun-uy Mountains. (onn;T. c- who was for- .V1..1 VV1LII lllfl In " '"I BVl'll.i.. . . . 11 rdm ... . . v"'" r inn i . . .. "MVHTO . 1 au Mis ...-" 'IU Bliont. anmn l "vuk fini..., ni 'HA.. ' iwunii r ii rrnvi G.A. MeFARLANE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR CROOK COUNTY :: Stands for progress, honesty, economy, fair dealing, and an able legal administration Qf,all bisiness of the County Court: Paid Advt Men's Women's Children's Everything for youngsters who are going to school I I r-, HIAunAd I nAUINU UUIKIrANT II IMIMMIIII IIIIWWIB Mil I WHIM IIMIIIIIIIMiaj IHIIIHIII IHIIlf FOR SHERIFF Notwithstanding the persecution going on at present in the county and state, I am still a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Crook County. Paid advt. T, N, BALFOUR Democratic Nominee and present incumbent. MILLINERY Rerriember we are Madras Agents for the famous Mitchell Wagons, Implements Drills Harrows Plows GILSON GASOLINE ENGINES J Groceries of all kinds, prompt delivery guaranteed i STAMPING POINT LACE BATTENBERG EMBROIDERIES SCARFS SHAWLS SWEATERS AVIATION CAPS, S MRS. ISA E. B. CROSBY MADRAS MEAT MARKET J. L. Campbell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers PEESH jJ2T?D CXJEED MEATS We have the Best line of Fresh Meats in the country : ALL KINDS OF GARDEN VEGETADLES IN THEIR SEASON BIG AUCTION SALE! AT MY RANCH 8 1-2 A1IL13S DUE NORTH OF MADRAS, ON AOENCY PLAINS MONDAY, NOV. 4, 12 I COMMENCING AT 10 A. M f Two Horses One Black Mare, weight about 1350 lbs., One Bay Gelding, weight qbqut 12Q0 lbs. One Milk Cow, 6. months old Steer Calf, 4 dozen Chickens. Farming Implements-One 3 1-4 Winona Farm wagon and Bed, One 16 inch Syracuse Sulkey Plow, One Iron Frame 2 Sertaon Peg Tooth Harrow. All Household Goods, including good Range, Sewing TMachine, Bed Steads, Bureaus and Kitchen Utensils. All sums under $10,00, cash. On all sums over $ll).yu a creuiu m unu jr ... I t.,n mirohaser to give a bankablo note at 10 per cent interest.' Five per cent discount for cash. Trniin RPPR LUNCHAT NOON A. P. Clark, AUCTIONEER A. Monger, OWNER "JOHN DEERE" Vehicles and Im plements, the best line of implements now In use. We also carry Grain Drills, Potato Dig gers, Disc Harrows, E and in fact every- thing needed by the Q tillers of the soil. Shoes, Whips, Robes, Feed Grinders, Bicycles, Etc. B. S. LARK IN CUSTOM MADE HARNESS AND SADDLES Chronic Dyspepsia The following unsolicited testimonial should certainly be sufficient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken, Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done mo more good than anything else," says W. G. Mattison, Hornollsville, N. Y. Sold by all dealers. Items of Interest FOR SALE-Schilling's Piano. Almost new. Cost $375.00. Will sell for $200.00 cash. Everett Jones, 10-25-2t-np. Metolius, Ore. For Sale- Two fine young Jersey heifers, nearly full blood. Call ai my homo and look at them. Pd,2t. T. A. Long. For good residence and business lots in Madras, call on 0. A. Pearce, selling agent for tho holdings of the Ipland Empire Company. Over 800 lots to choose from. Prices very low. tf For Rent ICQ acres, 2i miles from Culver Station, 80 acres has been in wheat, fenced and term lease if desired. Address, C. H. Beck, P. 0. Box 108, Ta coma, Wash. FOR SALE- 1 Jersey cow, (Al) six years old, $85.00. 1 horse and buggy and harness, $60.00, 7 dozen chickens. H. E. Jacob, 10-24-2t-p. R. F. D. Madras. Bond Issues. $250,000.00 Up wards Negotiated. Railway, Electric Gas, Water, Irrigation, Mining, Lumber, Timber, Trust, Banking and General Corpora tions Organized. Gas and Elec tric Properties Purchased. L. N. Rosenbaum, "Lawyer, 214-218 Haight Building, Seattle, Washington. Notice to Public Having sold out my Black smithing and general repair business to Tucker and Culp, all accounts are now due and payable to me at D. W. Barnetts office, and he is authorized to settle any accounts when I am not there. S. E. Gray. To The Public: The scholars of tho Union High School desire to an nounce that they will give a box social Friday evening, November 1st. The proceed to go to the Literary Society. Everybody in vited to come and bring a friend, also the ladies are especially in vited to bring, boxes or baskets. A good time isguaranteed to all. 2 I N P I will be in Madras until the i3 of October, then in Culver for the week of October 13- 20, then in Madras the week of October 20-27, after which I will likely go to Portland for four weeks to refresh myself in school there on some of the late methods used in my, profession. Will, then return to Central Oregon. I ask my patrons to please gov ern themselves accordingly. Dr. E. S. Hamel, Resident Dentist. Ii!? PIONEER For Printing: OP. ANY AND crqss fenced. Will give long Madras EVERY DESCRIPTION A "60, -