MADRAS, OREGON MADRAS is the business center for the entire Northern Crook County district, and is the first town of im )ortnncc reached via the O.-W. R. 6c N. an J the Oregon Trunk Railway after the Columbia River is left behind. Since the coming of the railroads its growth has been steady and substantial. It offers to its resi dents the comforts and facilities of modern civilization numerous churches, progressive grade and high schools, well-stocked stores and a substantial bank, close communication with the outside world, a city water system affording adequate fire protection and an abundance of pure water for domestic uses, and, soon to be installed, electric lights and power. A flouring mill manufactures a most excellent quality of flour, and numerous ware houses provide marketing and storing facili ties for the products of the district. Madras and vicinity offer exceptional at tractions to the homssecker and the investor. Present values arc in keeping with production. THE GATEWAY CITY Situated at the Gateway to the vast Oregon interior, in the heart of the mot fertile dry farming country in the Northwest,- Northern Crook County, whose products have received prize after prize at the Dry Farming Shows Wherever Madras products have been exhib ited they have taken the lion s share of prizes. They have entered into competion with the best specimens that could be procured from the fields of the most productive dry farms in the west, from localities where dry farming is a much older in dustry than it is in Northern Crook County. The transformation of this great territory from range to farm is a process that has oc cupied far less than a decade. The prize-winning products of Northern Crook County are not limited to grain alone. Under the methods of scientific tillage practiced by the farmer of today, the diversified crops of the American farm are produced in like profusion and quality. Alfalfa, the richest of forage crops, is an important factor in making the farmer's profits, and Corn, Fruit, Potatoes, and Vegetables of all kinds are sure and profitable. Poultry and Live Stock thrive, and animal health ranks high. WATCH FOR THE LETHBRIDGE WINNERS, and MADRAS THE MADRAS COMMERCIAL CLUB will take pleasure in furnishing you with any desired information concerning Madras and the Northern Crook County country from which the prize-winning dry farmed products come HOBSON CAFE- CHAS. HOBSON, Prop. Order Service 11 SERVE YOU TO PLEASE WE Aft E PLEASED TO SEIVE fR EMPLOYMENT I1UREAU IN CONNECTION NO. 3861 . k. i . l iit a n i. n s nainna mm OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON 17 Atutx, i'mlilrni. , u T M fUUiwIM, OMhlor. u iuin!N, t. CMbler. ESTABLISHED 1808 tl 00.000.00 Don't "Let Fly" Your Money " if is Warren Smith PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorial Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS It will soon " take wings you irive it a 'chance, but it much wiser to bank it with us and have the satisfaction of know WYOMING CONVICTS AND GUARDS FIGHT Rawlins, Wyo. A batUe raged la tho Btate penitentiary Sunday. Locked lnuldo tho walls with hundreds of mu tlnuous prisoners, a few guards, fought desperately to restoro order and pre vont a wholesale prison delivery. Camped outside the walls was a force of cltizons, heavily armed, ready to drlvo back the convicts If they mur- dcrod tho remaining guards and made a rush through tho gates. Tho mutin ous prisoners were subdued late 8un day night and locked In their cells. Another battle took place In tho hlllH south of Rawlins between a posse of citizens and from 20 to 40 escaped prisoners. Two men have boon killed In tho streets of Rawlins, and one Is dcBporately wounded Tho outbreak was the second within About 3 o'clock Saturday A SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT EVENTS National, Political and Per sonal News Items Briefly Sketched. MADRAS, ORE. ing that it cannot get out of your nh wit It nut. vnur If nmvlnrltrn fi hnnrn. and Concent. Riches have wings afternoon 20 prisoners escaped, and n !,, W nnf f. tho "Ine were recaptured before 8 o'clock. UO VIM Ull IWIWn, UUI liwu K.I man of saving disposition.ln your care they will grow and thrive and fatten. Provide for the fut ure by takincr care of your pres ent earnings. FARM LOANS AND INSURANCE Madras State Bank T!!? PIONEER For Printing LOW FARES WEST Fall Colonist Period Daily until Oct. 1 0 to ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS ON MREGOHTRUNKRy. 43.00 80.00 30.00 CENTRAL OREGON LINE FR0M $38.00 Cincinnati . $42.85 Milwaukee . $30.70 37.00 New York. 55.00 Detroit.. 30.00 KansaB City 80.00 Omaha . . 32.88 Inrlinnnnnlto 40.G0 Denver . . From other eastern points In proportion ta;; LyouLf'lJndH In the East of this opportunity of moving wmuu Wt Nnu,ruct twin "vlce via Burlington Kouto, worwoni ..., & ,e,ri, "'North Bnk". and Oregon Trunk Knlwnys. ihK,h,(,?')0Blt furl with me and west bound tickets will bo fur im People In tho Bant. Details will bo furnished upon request. . A BOOK ABOUT OREGON QLLKiIlnK, Illustrated booklet describing Hho districts ofPontral CmbM11"0 urlQd to you or -your friends If you will writo W. h. "c.Coman.Gen'l fh. a. Pace imi Pnriiinri fir.a. P. Meyers. Attent Madras. Or. U S -Loum. . Sf Paul . . Ues Moines Tell T At 2:30 Sunday afternoon a party of llfo-termeru overpowered the ceilhouue keeper, took his keys and released their comrades from tho cells. Every prisoner willing to risk a battle with tho guards made a rush for the gates. A moment later the citizens of the town heard a fusillade of shots Inside tho walls. A bedlam of shouts and yells echoed from tho prison. A few Bcconds later more than a doxen men dashed down the main street, armod with guns and knives. Holding the few citizens on the street at bay with revolvers, they charged into a livery barn, held up the proprietor and sad dled and bridled the horses and fled to tho hills. Whllo most of the penitentiary guards wero pursuing the convicts that fled to the hills, tho small body left in the prison faced a still more doBporate situation. When the doors ot tho cello wero unlocked, a largo numbor of convicts who did not join In tho brenk for liberty were set free InBldo the walla. Many of them were armed. Soon a riot was in progress, tho guards battling desperately to oavo their own Uvea and prevent the escnpe of every convict in the institution. Pettlcoatless Women Cause Failure Now York Tho Jackson-Mack Man ufacturing company, ono of tho largest milkers of silk pottlcoats in Now York, has gone into bankruptcy. Tho failuro la tho culmination of a widespread complaint among petticoat manufac turers that tho closo-flttlng dresses now worn by women havo so reduced tho demand for petticoats as to make them n glut on tho mnrkot. A Marvelous Escape 'My little boy had n marvolquBes enpo," writes P. F, Bustiams of Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope. "It oc curred in tho middle of the night. He got a very bovoto attack of croup. As luck would havo It, I had a large bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the house. After following the directions for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger." All dealers. During the first nine months of this year 31,246 babies were born in Chi cago. The missionary societies of America have Just reported thatthelr gifts ex ceeded 113,000,000 during the year 1911. Reports received by railroads oper ating westward from Chicago indicate that colonist travel this fall will bo much heavier than a year ago. Nearly 0,000,000 bushels of wheat were produced in the Pacific north west this season, by far the greatest harvest In the history of the three states. Mexican rebels havo given warning that all American railroad men cap tured whllo operating trains in certain portions of Mexico after October 15 will bo shot Tho October crop report of tho de partment of agriculture, Just Issued, shows that spring wheat, oats, barley, rye and hay have all excelled the beat record productions, whllo the crops of corn and potatoes also will bo the greatest ever whon harvested A great hunger strike by women throughout Great Britain is the latest move leading suffragcttos propoBo to Initiate if tho government continues to Ignore tho suffragettes' demands during the parliamentary session Just bogun. It Is proposed to commence tho strlko on December 25. More than a score of cases of un usual consequence are on the docket for an early hearing before the su preme court of tho United States, which convened Monday for its fall term. Tho casos Include thoso of tho anthrqplte coal trust, the Union Pacific-Southern Pacific merger, tho Inter mountain rate cases, tho Kansas elec tion caao, the cotton corner case, tho suit to dissolve the bath tub trust, the Louisville and Nashville rate case, and several cases Involving the inter state commerco laws. KEEP IN MIND The FOLLOWING EVENTS Eight Annual Central Oregon Fair PRINEVILLE October 16 to 19 International Dry Farming Congress LETHBRIDGE October 21 to 26 Pacific Northwest Land Products Show PORTLAND November 1 8 to 23 20,000 CARS ARE NEEDED In Three Months Western Roads' Sup ply Decreases 00,000. Salem, Or. That there is nowa shortngo of at loast 20,000 cars on the roads weBt of Chicago Is tho Informa tion received by tho state railroad commission from the Association of Wostorn Railways, These flguros aro all tho more Btartl- lng In light of tho fact that thero was a surplus of 08,022 cars on July 18. or a dlfferenco of nearly 00,000 cars within three months. Comparative statistics as to car shortage and sur plus since that time show as follows: August 1, 56,510 cars in surplus: AugUBt 15, 43,901 cars in Burplus; Au gust 29, 9750 cars In surplus: Sentem. ber 12, 8620 oars shortage: September 28, 17,793 oars shortage. MR. FARMER: You have grown and harvested the most bounteous crop that Central Or egon has ever known. Your duties to the soil are not over. You owe it to the soil and to yourself that the froducts of its fertility and your ef orts be advertised throughout the land. Such advertising cannot help but repay you many fold in increased market demand for your products and enhanced land' valuation. You are invited to participate to any extent you may see fit at the events named above. They are exceptional oppor tunities for demonstrating to the in vestor and homeseeker the wonderful richness of Northern Crook County YOU REAP THE BENEFITS THE MADRAS PIONEER will be pleaied'to hirntth. without charge, appropriately printed canii (or any producU you may vruh to tend to any ol the above thowi New Crop Extracted Honey (lathered from ALFALFA and CLOVER BLOSSOMS in the Yakima Valley and left on the hives all summer until thoroughly ripened; is thicjc, rich, and has a de licious flavor; put up in new, square, 60 lb. (net) cans securely boxed, f. o. b. my shipping point, Sunnyside, Wash. Single cans $6.00. Two or more cans 9 cents per pound. Club with your neighbor and secure the lower rate. O.-W. R. & N. and Northern Pacific. S. KING CLOVER, R. F. D. No. 1, MABTON, WASH. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines If you want to contributo directly to the occurrcnco of capillary bronchitis and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain codine, morphine, heroin and other sedatives when you havo a cough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for the germs of pneumonia and otner germ diseases. That Ib why pneumonia never results from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It has a world-wide roputation for Its cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. Blue PrintTownship Plats Corrected uptodato, showing names of entrymen, vacant land, rivers and creeks, 60 cents each. Land Scripts For Sals For securing title to all kinds of Gov ernment land without residence or im provement, at lowest market prices Write us for particulars. All kinds of Land office business a specialty. Twen ty five years experience. Reference, trench & Co.. Bankers. Hudson Land Company The Dalles, Oregon