The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 26, 1912, Image 4

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Races .
Wasco & Hood River
The Dalles
This Exhibition will comprise,
horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poul
try, farm products, fruit, flowers,
merchandise, manufactures, ma
chinery, woman's work, art, chil
dren's exhibits of art and garden
ing, speed contests, novel attrac
tions and entertainments that
will tickle you very muchly.
Come and have the best
time of your life, and you
will live fifty years longer.
Hold Your Horses1
Two Queens Beside a Humble
Patient In a London Hospital
Don't Forget the Date
in high esteem ancT'dress"
them becomingly in the
For riding or driving we have
the right harness at the right
prices, we maKe the best, or
the best materials, and guaran
tee the workmanship to be with
out flaw. We have made a rep
utation for excellent work and
for treating our patrons squarely
and honestly. Our prices are ad
mittedly reasonable.
Harness Shop
0 R E C ON
jjpl? k
J Bracksmjthing
Leave a fire in the timber until it is OUT.
Throw burning matches or tobacco in the woods.
Start a fire where it can spread into the timber.
Fail to notify a State or Federal officer if you
discover a fire in the timber.
-rHi - t .4,. " x iT
Taxes on burned timber land.
$8.00 per thousand feet in wages circulated.
The sale of groceries, hardware, and supplies used
in the cutting and manufacture of the timber.
You own good opinion of your public spirit, if
you fail to put out or report timber fires the
same as you would report fire in your
neighbors dwelling.
I. O. O. F. Lodge
Meets every Wednesday
night Strangers are wel
Perry Henderson, N.G.
Lewis H. Irving, Secretary
Photo by American Press Association.
SINCE the assassination of ber husband, King Carlos, the dowager
queen of Portugal, Amelia, Bad beenUvIng In England at Wood Nor
ton, the country boose which she hares, with, ber son, the deposed
uing aianuoL une u a woman or great caarm ana in uo prima ox
ber years was easily the most beautiful queen In Europe. She Is a friend and
frequent companion of another queen dowager. Queen Alexandra of England,
whose good looks have been notable In the English royal family, which baa
In recent generations produced few beauties. Both .the widowed queens art
active In charitable work and are in demand, according to. the British custom.
when cornorstones are to be laid or public .buildings to be dedicated. The
photograph here reproduced shows them beside the operating table In A Lon
don hospital In which they are Interested.'
Balfour-Guthrie & Co.
mmm maamma I mmm mom mm mm mm mmm m m tmm mm mm whbbim bbsbsmibbbsi
P. W. Ashley, Agt. Ph one Your Orders
Through Thick and Thin.
If monurchs havo often permitted
themselves tbo indulgence of making
pans the fact tins not been recorded In
tuo pages of history. Une pun, how
ever, la assigned to King Frederick
William IV. of Prussia. It is said that
on the occasion of a court ball he was
standing near the middle of tho dance
hall In conversation with an exceed-,
ingly thin ambassador. In the basta
and excitement of a fiery galop a lieu
tenant of the hussars danced with bis
partner between the monarch and tho
person whom he was addressing, and
then, seeing what he had done, he be
gan to stammer abject apologies and
"Oh. that was nothing." replied the
king, with a hearty laugh. "A hussar
must go without fear through thick
and thin."
A whimsical glance from his own
portly Ilgure to that of the slender am
bassador accompanied this answer, and
the hussar felt himself not only par
doned, but Invited to share in the
king's laugh.
3? DEC 33
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
FURNISHED ROOMS New and Up-to-Date Quarters
Blue PrintTownship PlatsH
Corrected uptodate, showing names
of entrymen, vacant land, rivers and
creeks, 50 cents each.
Land Scripts For Sale
For securing title to all kinds of Gov
ernment land without residence or im
provement, at lowest market prices
Write us for particulars. All kinds of
Land ofllce business a specialty. Twen
ty five years experience, lleference,
trench & Co., Bankers.
Hudson Land Company
The Dalles, Oregon
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured
Hired Relatives.
In Bukharest, the capital of Rou-
mania, flourishes tho noble profession
of "hired relatives," which undertakes
to furnish to everybody in wunt of
parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, etc,
the necessary persons to represent
them. Persons who desire to get mar
ried, for instance, and havo no par
ents to flguro at their respective wed
dings or who are In possession of such
who decline to give their consent to
the marriage of their sons and daugh
ters need do nothing more than station
themselves near the entrance to the
marriage license bureau. There they
will soon find themselves accosted by
some "gentlemnn" or "lady," who for
a moderate sum of money is willing to
Lako the place of the absent parent
Vor 20 lei ($4) quite a respectable look
ing father can be hired. Fifteen lei is
paid for a brother, and a fashionably
dressed mother costs the same amount.
Investigation has disclosed the fact
that some of these professional moth
ers have figured at weddings fifty
times a year.
and every one In the room fooln the
vibration and looks around to Bee who
called. In the large nHylums for tin
deaf nnd dumb the doors nre hung
very loosely, so that If you nhake thorn
It sets up a vibration like Htatnplng on
the floor, and that l the way they
wnke up deaf people that sleep too lute
In the mortitng.
A Lesson In Gunnery.
For two m)IM lioiirH the gunnery In
structor endeavored to Innttt some
fulnt idea of the subject down for dis
cussion, but his stock of patience was
Now." he bellowed.-"are there any
of you budding Nelsons who don't
know the difference Iwtwecn firing by
electricity arid firing by percussion?"
One at least still needed full her In
struction on that point, and he wild ho.
Then, like a clap of thunder, tho In
structor explained.
"If you got struck dead by lightning
that would le electricity. See? Hut
If I came over to" you and gave you a
clout over your fnt head Ihnt, my son,
.would be percussion; Twig?"
The other saw and said so. London
Tlt-Dlts. ' ' '
Automatic Cooking Boxei;
Automatic cooking boxes wpro in
general use among the Hebrews nearly
2,000 years ago, The Greek and Ho
man writers frequently refer fo them.
In his edition of "Juvenile," for exam
ple, F'rledluudor" cites a commentator
who refers to "the Jews- who n duy be
foro tho Hubbnth put their viands hot
Into tho cooking boxes, the pots being
covered with napkins and wrapped
about with buy, so that they may have
warm food on tho Babbuth."
"I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr.
Yorks, tho merchant here, persuaded
me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
After taking one dose of it I was cured
It also cured others that I gave it to,"
writes M. B. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That
is not at all unusual. An ordinary at
tack of Diarrhoea can almost invariably
be cured by one or two doses of this
remedy. For sale by all dealers,
The Drum of the Ear.
Tho reason deaf people cannot bear
Is that the drum of the ear Is Imper
fect or has been destroyed. Bound Is
nothing but the vibrations of tho air.
acting on the drum of the enr. When
people arc quite deaf It Ih because tho
eardrum will not respond to these vi
brations, but they can still feel those
vibrations even If they cannot bear
them. When a number of deaf mutes
are sitting In a room together and one
wishes to attract the attention of an
other he Btrlkes, his heel ou the. flojr,
Good Piano Plavlnn.
In an article on piano playing In
the Woman's Ilome Companion the
author reports ns follows the views of
Leschetlzky, tho teacher:
"When I was studying with tho great
master ho 'pointed out to mo the Im
portance of musical expression In the
following way: lie called my attention
to tho fact that one person, for In
stance, may t6Il you a tolo In such a
why that you And little In It that Is In
torcstlng, Wherens another person may
toll you tho snmo story In such n ninn
nor thnt ybii, follow every word with
tho koqnpst nttotltlon. Tho secret of
Interest lies not' only' In tho story, but
very especially In tho voice, the tone,
tho expressionIn tho manner of toll
ing. All this Is Interpretation. A
caroless or dull piano Httident may
play oven somo exnttlslte molodv in
such a way that It does not nttrnct
you at all, wherens an artist's playing
of It may bring tears to your eyes."
wvwin minu vvuud work II
a r fin i tr
S, C- Utlfll MADRAS. oBECl
J. L. Campbell.
t Wholesale and Retail twi
i Wn hnvn t.hnhnaf linn nf . ABl!
f iucflt3 in tho emm!, J
j v. u i niN I WIN
Your Orders Prompt Attention
Transient Stock Given Best Of Feed And Gre
J. H. hANER, Pie. C WONDERLEY. Vi Pr. L M, EEflfrtU
The J. H. Haner Abftrad ( o,
PrinevlIIe - Oregon
Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up.
Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county.
$ ' Carefully prepared photograph copies of all records d j
city plats at low cost
The only gun that fills the
demand tor a trom
bone ("pump") ac
lion repeater in
.Z-ZU and
nrellUte IBOiell
r- . , i
Powerful enough W i
.fj. I, in In ictl
cellcnt for Urget work, f W
geese, woodchudu, etc
r o f g.
cMminct. It bi uUhJw cfr j
Our 136 p.. c.t.k jM"!!'wffi
77?Wn firearm & N'
Madras Pioneer at St. 50 Per It
three Tiim-Mum Lbr. Co.
to tie to City of Madras
htmk Central Oregon
Hulld a homo and settle down to a contented
Ufo. Thrifty homo keepers who dtn in
huvo long sfneo learned that no other y
compures wlth ours In o-RZSi
mcnts are bo larKo thnt we cun bartiiy
to plouso any taste,
We could keep on i telling yo "'SjS.
our lumber, our facilities for Ber vwy
and desire to merit your patronage. u ,a
all, tho surest, speediest and safe s i wjyrf
put us to the test by coming to tlio y
W. C. WADE, Agent
Madras, Oregon