w . mim mm m m , m. m m vw i 'nhi-1 u iuiAL at. jL-iai c taicinu iara i i i i l l i III 1 1 iMilHIl P I II I III il ' VlHC In itch t vchkcI ever built on the f'nrinc conHt Is In process of cod Htrmlloii nt the Mure lalnnd navy ynrd. 81111 Francisco. It Is tho col Her Jupiter. destined for Hcrvlce lu I lie United Ktutca navy. It will W MM reel In lenth uud olxty-tlve feet In breadth, with a draft of iL'lutn liuirliift to rntineltv Kmirfi'pn tlioiiunnil tnria it ml .1. ...mi 1... iu inn mum curi'o. and iih iiiiiii i mi imctMni'iii wu i vikkmi 0 J 1111 in... Hi.. uiMii.r uhliiH n 111 Dili; tile nil VII I lOllliTH. the (Jvelotm nnrl thn .1... l....li.. ti'lll li.. lililu 9l rnlllOftlMIl I III lllllllri.rM nr iwn uhlnu ul am iini.. iiiimiiti to int iiiacinir 01 ini ucrni'ics 111 wo rnwx. nnn on II I' J.IMM "-. - ' .,. .,.1.. Tii i a imi'i. hIi lii. so necessary to the we rare nnd In war tlinn even , r tin. Hunt will rairrv fin iiriiiinnniil Artiit and Courtior Too. The lilllltiT IH uiii'iy 10 ue urusque. .... . . ru H IIM1 Ul' iMfpn'rvM.-n 11 ui iui; I ... ....... ...,.t.. II in IHiIIIm. W t ill VUHl I" "linn at w, miw miu uf dMlnctlou. .No HUch rhurite. ninfiii 11 111 1 11 1 1 1 m in iu 11 11 uiuu I Jill IV Ifl It'llllI I III! II I I II fir f'flllla it 1 ii ...1,... ...1 r..i.H Ctanwe on a fortiifHH on the tinun- T7III. II 11(1 11 11 1 11 1 If W 111 THI1I9V II1U . .1. ill 1 I.. 1 1 .1 it lilt IIIIIM 1 t 111 Hill IHIUL'lUU HC.1 .11 . I.j f ll... ..I I .. ;u Mkiiiiujiu 1 111 luuun. "Hello"' cxt laliiicd his majesty when nrsr u-iv i i itfinwiiiif "ir win "Soilicy were, your mnjerity." nrtful- aj;rmj iik iirtiHt, "iut you iive fi rt 11 it' utlti I ifitrl ilulitk t It t HIT. -An, to I iII!" nsxentod tho roynl i'iM.iii 111 11. 1 t miuu: 1 ui Irratpontibla Youth. LnilyVhy do you rry. little boy? Little Hoy That- durned -mother a" tnlno 'iik K"i"' 1111' lost tuc- uyulnl Itlui'k uud Wblto. University of Oregon Correspondence School FREE offers FREE ' lai 11 Liiiii in mm rii nnnrnrrn nn ri ri rinru 111111 ifatn. ... tt. .1. . . . . " . . s iiuiii 1 in. 1-1 1 1 fiiiH r 1 inifmii inn u iwiivaTimiv 1-111 J I't f II I U 11 V LI 111 ITI 111 rFll Hit I III" I I'll IH I III fill I V rill 111 II UIIIL'llli 1UI VIMWHIivii Wi' wjfriHnoiKioiicc Denurtment. Couraoa nre offered in the 1 cost of tho University rslty course by mall. ,Illm 111... ...1 i. I - .-. - 1 il 1! aanBnA "Ktt'ii ii in 1 fit r ti t it vt 1 it m . aw iiuIiIamih nr iiwi 11 nivifrNiLV iiiuijuid li "'who 11 UIIIL'UI IIIU. lJUUrillllinilla IJIIVVi t VUlvniw 11 terncster, odchh Tuuhi nv. Sinimlmr 7. Address the II - iii-ntri iiivo ot 1110 i;o eiru or fcnir neerinK, ine u"1 " -cnooia ot Uducat on. Commerce. liUW, nieuicinu, RoLMHtrar. for CoIIckc of Lib- und music. LOW FARES WEST Fall Colonist Period Daily until Oct. 1 0 to ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS ON MregohTrunkRv. Uncago M. Louis ft. Paul Dea Moin es $38.00 37.00 30.00 32.83 CENTRAL OREGON LINE FROM Milwaukee Detroit . . Omaha . . Denver . . $36.70 43.00 30.00 30.00 Cincinnati . $12.85 Now York. 55.00 Kansas City 30.00 Inrlinnnnolia 40. GO liVntn r.ll.n. ..uo.... nnlnla In Tirnnnrtlon rn .. - 'win whivi UMaiVl ll uiih-m i. -r low Mllyoi,r41frlo"1 in the Eaat of this opportunity of moving WcsUt Great M8,,,I)Iroct trIn "ervlce via Burllnlrton Itouto, Northern Pacific, i Northern, ".North Bank", and OroBon Trunk Uu Iwaya. khe, ," n iuponit funda with mo and west bound tickets will bo fur people in tho EuHt. Details will bo furnished upon request. OrewifSmW "'""Crated booklet doscrihinff tho districts of Cei.tral Co S Vn 1,0 '"rwarded to you or your frionefs if you will write W. E. A BOOK ABOUT OKECON Corn u uunern fiV..ii.i a n..nk TnnL- nv.. Portland gjgWl Frt, & Pass, Agiit, ftrtliri, Or, A. P. Meyers, Agent Madras, Or. A Comp romise By MRS. RACHEL L. OLMSTEAD BEAUTY HINTS. My husband Is un excellent, good, puro, noble man. lie has but one fault bo la very unreasonable. This defect In bis character it especially uotlceablo lu tho choice of n placo to spend our summer vacation. v Last year Krnnk and 1 discussed for two months this question as to whero wo should go for two wceka. Frank wished to go to some secluded spot In tho mountains where be could tuko n rest. Ho works very hard, and fourteen duys Is all tho recreation be gets dur Ing tho whole year. That being the case, I couldn't Bee why bo should want to go to a poky placo whero bo wouldn't moot any one, with nothing to see and nothing to do all day long. I am abut up at homo all winter with no maid and a couple of llttlo children, and I can't get out at all in tho evening bocauso tbey must not. be left alone. The consequence la that all the nice dressea and things I buy are for summer. That's the only season I can wear them. Now, Isn't It provok ing that when the summer comes I must go to some out of the way place whero a calico gown would do me aa well aa a;stlk one? Last spring when It camo time to engugo bthrd for our outing, after dla DUtlnir Wr two months where we shouldjtVJt'rank maintained that since be mus''vo his rest In ma own vay wo badlffctter go to different places. lie wou.8 get rid of the continued clatter the children make and the. an noyance of having to correct them ev cry time thoy misbehaved. I could go to a seashore resort, where, as be put it, I could show my fine clothes. That's all the sympathy a wife gets from her husband just as If thero was any uso to buy nice things for no one to see. Well, Frank went off to a one horse town In the mountains, stopping at a hotel near by. 1 went to a largo sea side city where there were thousands of people coming and going every day, It was very nice to be in the whirl.: but unfortunately I struck a spell of bad weather. For throe daya there was nothing but rain and fog. Then a chill northeast wind sprang up, and I thought I should freeze. Tbecbil dren. who bad anticipated bo much pleasure playing In the sand and run nlng In bare legs in the foam, couldn't go out at all, and I was obliged to devote myself to them all the while. 1 couldn't play nurso and wear 'good clothes; besides, the weather was too cold for my thin dresses. So there I was. I bad bocn on tho coast for thret- days when I received a letter from Frank saying that he was doing splendidly In the mountains. ' The weather there was fine, the air was bracing, and It seemed as If he"Tlrew In strength with every breath. Hj sup posed I and tho children sat all day on the beach with the warm sun pouring down on us (wbeu It wasn't too hot) watching the beautiful blue waves roll In. llo could almost bear the children laughing and shouting as they ran about In the sunshine. And be could fancy mo dressed In those clothes I had been all winter preparing for the occasion looking aa pretty as a peach mingling with well dressed people. Wasn't It aggravating? I Just mado up my mind ibat I'd wait till the first week was up and If the weather didn't mend I'd pack up and Join Frank. There wasn't any use In my staying where I was on account of my clothes when I couldn't wear them, and If I were with Frank he could relieve me of tbo children. lie would have had a week's absence from them nnd would now doubtless be glad to take them out walking and driving aud boating. Well, the weather didn't Improve that is, It cleared up for one day, then tho clouds camo again and It was .worso than ever. Every day 1 studied tho woathcr reports, aud when on the sixth day thero was a prediction that another storm was collecting In some out of tho way placo In northwestern Canada I telegraphed Frank that 1 wax coming and took the next train. We reached bis placo of rest In, tho evening and drove to bis hotel In beau tiful moonlight. But tbo next morn ing wo awoko with the rain coming down worso than anything I bad seen r tho seashore. And what do you think Frank said? uo accused me or bringing the bad weather with me. Well, hero I was with my costumes that I'd bad so much troublo to pro cure still In my trunk. Tho only com fort In this wao that oven If tho weath er had been fine nobody wore finery. and It would hnvo been out of place. Tom did help mo with tbo children, playing games with them, and when ever thero was n tomporary let up bo tween tho showera ho would take them out for walks. Tho boats were too wet for rowing nnd tho roads too muddy for driving. What were my feelings whon I read In the papers that at tho seashore whero I had boon It had cleared up the day aftor I left end tho galoty was boomlngl One day before we wont home wo had sunshine, and this was all the pleasure I got on my outing. Wo airreed that wo would not try the sep aration plan again. Bo this year wo doclded we should go together. Wo disputed over It the same aa latit year, I wishing to try the seashore again, Frank wishing to get his rest In tho mountains. Finally w concluded to compronlM. W weat t the au thor. . , - How to Combat Freckles and Sunburn In the Summer. Tho woman who suddenly plunges Info nun nlr Itfn nt f hn Ronnliln In Rlirn ' to have troublo with her skin. If ber stay Is to bo n long ouo bIio Is wlso to tako a llttlo euro at first and then to lot tbo sun nnd wind do their worst, but it is folly when on a short holiday to get tbo skin Into a painful and dis figuring condition. When going nwny to some hitherto unexplored placo a packet of powder ed borax, oatmeal powder or some other water softener should havo n placo In one's dressing bag. One hopes, of course, for rainwater, but only In rare cases Is It to be bad. A sllco of lemon In the water Jug la a Blmplo llttlo holiday luxury. It is far better to prevent tho sun burn from becoming serious than to havo struggles nnd mortifications on returning to town and conventional dress. If tho slices of lemon are nvail ablo a good plan is to rub them over hands and neck nlgbt nnd morning after washing. The Juice may be left n for ton minutes or so, then rinsed off and n llttlo cold cream applied. This must afterward bo wiped off in Its turn. A common holiday mistake ts that of using cold cream too lavish ly. A llttlo well rubbed In nnd Anally wiped off Is better than a coating left on all nlgbt. This latter is apt to choke up tbo pores nnd to . make 'tho skin over tender, so that It Is. less fit ,to suffer tho sun's ravages next day. Buttermilk Is nn excellent sitin bleach and Is very soothing to apply after a summer motor spin or a blaz ing, morning on'the sandB nnd Is said to euro freckles If persistently used. Freckles nro caused by an excess of pigment In the skin. They nro result ant on tho actinic and not the beat rays of tho sun and so can be prevent ed from appearing on tho face by wearing a red or brown veil. HOW TO MAKE WATER GARDEN Inexpensive Plan For a Baok Yard Bann of Aquatio plants. Few garden features give greater pleasure or require less attention than a water garden, and its construction can be as simple or as elaborate a proc ess as desired. When the larger water lilies are to bo planted one end of the basin should bo dug to n depth of at least three feet (no artificial pond need bo deeper, no matter bow large) and slope grad ually to about eighteen inches. Such a sloping pond will suit tho require ments of any aquatic plants. Puddled clay is generally sufficient for the smaller pools, though they can bo lined with brick, stone or concrete if. pre ferred. If there Is no nntural Dow of water from running broolc or spring, water from a concealed hydrant will answer tho purpose, provided a continuous flow can be maintained, enough to keep the Inflow nnd outflow relatively even. A slight movement of the water keeps tte, pond from becoming stagnant, and fresb water flowing lu Is necessary for the health of the plants. Soil can be put directly on the floor of the basin to the depth of about ono foot, or boxes nnd tubs filled with earth holding plnnts of different species can bo set In. The soil In either case should be a rich compost of loam and leaf mold. Lotus, the various water lilies, water hyacinths and popples, water snow flakes, crowfoot, spearwort, plantain, are all exceedingly lovely flowers that Will bloom continuously with but lit tle attention. At the mnrgln of the pool iris, cardinal flower, forgetme nots, turtle bend nnd mlmulus can be planted, ns well as the inuny varieties of ferns. Buck of these can come the moisture loving shrubs, such as azalea, dogwood, vlscosa, laurel and magnolia. How to Mend Rugs. Oriental rugs which are bndly worn can bo satisfactorily mended at home. Re-enforco the tender places by putting underneath them a piece of burlap. Match tho colors in tho rugs ns neurly as possible In one cent skeins of woreteds. These will be too bright, so rub in strong coffee and dry thoroughly before using. Take the worsted dou- bio nnd sew closely through nud through both rug nnd burlnp. following tho pattern of the udjuceut figures. Lcnvo the stitches on tho upper side longer than tho surrounding nap and shave ovenly down to IL How to Absorb Tobacco Odors. By putting a bowl of fresh water In a room where men have been smoking all odor will be absorbed by morning, provided cigar ends nre not allowed to stay in the room. A bowl of water is also invnluublo In cases of sickness whero the window cannot be opened. Tho water will chango the chnracter of tho air In un hour or two. It will be seen from this how Injurious It must bo to drink any fluid left stuudlng un covered for any length of time. How to Make an Iron Holder. Paper Is a good nonconductor ot heat, so that If several thicknesses of pnpor were placed on the inner side when making nn Iron holder It would savo the worker's hands. As another suggestion, place several thicknesses within a fold o( old stocl'lngs, for there is nothing bo good iih stockings as a nonrculsttng power against uctit. How to Detect Chicory In Coffee. To detect the presence of ohlrory In coffee ndd a taulcHpoonful or the ground coffeo to a glass of cold water. Do not stir tho coffee Into the water, but merely placo it on top. The coffee Will float, but the chicory will Bluk tu tb bottom, leaving behind streaks of brows. Storing Grain for I a Higher Price? YOU NEED 1 1 INSURANCE 4 m I handle Warehouse Insurance on grain stored at the railroad or in your own private granary LOWEST RATES P0S- SIBLE ON ALL LINES : Gall In and Let Us ! : Talk the Matter Over ! : HOWARD W. TURNER MADRAS, 0REC0N i THE MOST ACCURATE 22 CAUSER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. Mado in two models: ono for .22 Short It. F. car tridges the other for .22 Long Riflo It. F. ' IVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" R8FLE NO. 70. LIST PRICE $3.00 of J I L" rfZ3 Handles 15 .22 Short and 12 .22 loner riflo cartridges. Send for handsomely illustrated Rifle Cata log nnd "How to Shoot Well". Order Stevens Rifba P I s t o I s and Shotnuits from your "Dealer. J. STEVENS ARMS &TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box S004, CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. Brrcland Attorney At Law MADRAS) 0BEG0H 0, C. CQLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Jnstioe of tbo Peace OULVlCK I'KEOINCT CULVER OREGON LEWIS H. IRVING ATTORNEY AT LAW INSURANCE Office of Balfour-Guthrie & Co. MADRAS, OREGON Ora van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE sANORA, OREGON Qp W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections a Specialty. Madras, Oregon W, P. MYERS LAWYER CULVER JUNCTION, OREGON Practice in all courts and Department of the Interior. HOWARD W. TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MADkAS ORKOON For Good Farms City Property and Business Chances SEE D. W. BARNETT OFFICE MAIN" STREET, MADRAS, OREGON Houses to Rent CHOICE LOTS IN DEPOT ADDITION New Crop Extracted Honey Gathered from ALFALFA and CLOVER BLOSSOMS in the Yakima Valley and left on the hives all summer until thoroughly ripened; is thick, rich, and has a de licious flavor; put up in new, square, 60 lb. (net) cans securely boxed, f. o. b. my shipping point, Sunnyside, Wash. Single cans $6.00. Two or more cans 9 cents per pound. Club with your neighbor and secure the lower rate. O.-W. R. & N. and Northern Pacific. S. KING "CLOVER, R. F. D. No. 1, MABTON, WASH. MERRIMAC CAFE CHAS. HOBSON. Prop. Quick Order Service WE SERVE lOU TO PLEASE WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE 0 FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IN CONNECTION Don't "Let Fly" Your Money NO. 3851 . The First National Bank OF PRINEV1LLE, OREGON B. F. Amjcn, President. T. M. Baldwin, Caahler. Will Wcriwkilm vice Pres. II. Baldwin, Asst. Cashier. ESTABLISHED 1808 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Front $100,000.00 Warron Smith PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorial Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS MADRAS, ORE. It will soon " take wings" if you give it a chance, but it is much wiser to bank it with us and have the satisfaction of know ing that it cannot get out of voiir j reach without your knowledge ana concent. Kiches have wings as we all know, but not for the man of saving disposition. In your qare they will grow and thrive and fatten. Provide for the fut ure by taking care of your pres -ent earnings. FARM LOANS AND INSURANCE Madras State Bank lbs PIONEER For Printing"