Personal and Local Born to the wife of Isaac Belk nap, Saturday, August 17, a girl. J. G. Clark, of Blizzard Ridge, was over Thursday trading with t le local merchants. Miss Georgia Cleek, of Princ ville is visiting friends and re latives in Madras this week. Roy Shaver and wife, formerly Miss Robertson, returned from th i coast Saturday of last week. E. Bergland and family left Saturday for Portland, where fiey expect to spend about three weeks, Aaron Huffman, whose pres ent home is south of Prineville, span several days last week visiting friends in Madras. Mrs. Marie L. Brooks, of Ter rebonne, came down on the tnin Thursday morning to at to some legal business. Charles H. Lippee, of Hay cock, spept a day or so in town t is week trading with the lo ca' merchants.l W C Barber and J C Cockei ham, of Culver, are in town to- dt looking after business m .t ers. S. U. rercival and family, o G tceway, spent Wednesday at ti3 home of Mr. Percival's m ther, Mrs. M. A. Percival. J. Y. Crews made final three yjvr proof on his homestead locai ed northeast of Madras, be fori Commissioner Turner Tues day. J. VV.. Robinson, of Madras, Ed Gi"sor and Milo Wood, of As wmd, and James Rice, of Hay cje, are in Portland this week attending the case of the United St ites vs Baldwin Sheep & Land Co npany. Mrs. Joe Wertheimer, of Port la id, a former resident of this o inty, passed through Madras t i ? latter part of the week, to look after some Government land n ur Grizzly. Marshall .r-Tank Stangland is sending a few day? thN week at his ranch on the Agencj nains, while the machine is threshing there. During his ah s j ice, A. W. Culp has charge oi t le city Bastile. Mrs. u. P. U'Ren and daugh- tsr. were in Madras the latter p irt of the week making ar rangements to move to Madras tbis fall, for the purpose of send ing their chlidren to both the p lblic and high schools. J. L. M. Shetterly, referee in b mkruptcy of the Oregon Central L imber Company, of Metolius, aid the Fifield Lumber Com pany, of Portland, was in Ma dras Thursday closing up mat- t2ts of the concerns here. Rev. S. W. Robinson, of Cul ver, will address the Men and R3ligion Movement at the Sweet in building Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock. A cordial welcome is extended to all to be present. D. H. Williams, Pres. To the public: Perhaps a feed in the jung'es may taste good enough to some of us at times, but if you are 1 joking for class and service in a high class restaurant, call at the Hobson Cafe, in the new quarters in the Key Building. Lady waitress will be employed especially to waite on ladies, whose patronage is solicited. Chas. Hobson, Pop. (Pd.Adv.) 4t-pd Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried teemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpcters, Editor of The Sun. Lake View, Ohio. " The first few doses of Chambe rlain'6 Stomach and Liver Tab lets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new Btomach and perfectly good health." 1 For sale by M.E. Snook. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County- of Crook. Myrtle I. Baker : Plaintiff, : vs : Summons. Lowis E. Baker, : Defendant : Tj Lewis E. Baker, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the a bove entitled suit on or before the last day of the time prescrib- e I i" the order for publication of this summons, to-wit: on or be fore the 4 day of October, 1912, said day being more than 42 days from the first publication of this summons and notice; and if you fail to so appear -and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff wil' appy to the court for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit, that the bonds of matri mony now existing between yourself and the plaintiff be dis solved and forever annulled, and that the palintiff be granted a decree of divorce herein, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served on you by publication by order of the Honorable H. C. Ellis, judge of the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, made August 15, 1912. By said order it was directed that this summons be published in The Madras Pio- near, a weekly newspaper pud lished at Madras, Oregon, once each week for six successive weeks, and the date of the first publication thereof is August 15 1912. the date named in Baid or der for the said first pubilcation E. Bergland, Plaintiff's attorney, Madras, Oregon. CHURCHES Free Methodist. Regular services will be con ducted nt the Free Methodis Church as follows: Sunday School at 10 oclock M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Ernest W. Hillis in charge Rev S W Robinson, pastor o the Christian Church, will mee his appointment Sunday morning and evening August 25. Furth ere announcement is made tha he will preach in Madras every fourth Sunday hereafter. Sun day school meets every Sunday morning at the regular hour. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is herebv given that the School Board of District 22, will receive sealed bid, at Ma dras Oregon, for the material and labor complete for the finish ine: of one room, 24 X 30, 1-2 of n . upper hail on upper noor, enure lower hall including one set of stairs leading to upper floor, Plans and specifications may be seen with said board. Bids will be received from August 14, 1912 to August 2 4. 1912. Same o be opened at 8 oclock P. M., August 24, at the office of Dr. T. A. Long, Madras Oregon,, and contract awarded. Said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of Directors, School District, No .22. LOOK! Twenty acres of level land, with ten shares of ditch stock, big ditch of water on the east side, within two miles of New Plymouth, Idaho. Land across fence sold for $3500 for 40 acres this spring. Fine fruit land. Some orchards within 3 miles sell for from $500 to. $1000 an acre. This has a little tail end mortgage of $200 on it. Equity value $1350. To exchange. What have you? Notify editor of this paper. $3.15 PORTLAND. AND $8.15 RETURN. Via Oregon Trunk Ry. for the PORTLAND FAIR. August 26 to 31, 1912. Tickets will be sold' August 25 to 31. Return limit September 2. 'hrough train leaves Madras :40 A. M. daily. Schedules and details will be furnished on request. A. P. Meyers, Agent Madras, Oregon. Notice of Contest Department of the Interior. United State Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 6th 19K. To Georgo E. Crandall. of Madras, Oregon Conteiteo: You aro horebv notified that John K. Fox who gives R. F, D. No. 2. Madras, Oregon, at ins iosi-omce auuresi, uiu on juno vrj, iyu, tl lo in this omce his uuiy corroborated ap plication to contest and secure tho camclln tin.. f I. ..... ..-... .1 QAfn1 V',. ntt ...-.! Pent. 27. 1909. for nUnVw. wJinW, Action 10 Townsh p 10. 8', Kaniru U K., Wllliainctto Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleires that said George E. Crandall has wholly abandoned said tract of laud; that lie has not been on the ulace siuco look Inn over tho placo at the time of makluir his filing thereon j that to the knowledge of the persons residliitr in the vicinity of this place he ha never wen on ine place 'or in me vicinity thereof since maklne entrv in Seutember. 1'JOy. You are. therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be takon by this office an naving been coiucsscu oy you, ami yournaiu entry will be canceled thereunder without your luriner rigui to do nearu inerein. enncr before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the ruuKiii puDiicaiion oi tins nonce, as mown below, your auswer. under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations ol content, or if you fall within that time to file in this office due Proof that vou have served a copy of your answer on the 'said contestant either In person or by registered mall, if this service is made by the delivery of a copy oi your answer to the contestant In person, proof of such service must be either the said con testant' written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or ine ainuavu oi me person oy wuom tuo ucuv ery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered: If made, by registered mail, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the cony was mailed stating when and tho post office to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state In your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future nonce- 10 do sent 10 you. Louis II. A meson, Receiver Date of first publication August 8. 1912 " " second " ' 15 " third " "22 " " fourth " " 29 " PD Notice for Publication Department of the Intel lor, U. S. Land omce, at The Dalles, Oregou, July 25tb, 1912. Notice hereby given that Marlon W. Orsbo'n of Grizzly, Oregon. -who, on August SCth, 1903, made II mettead. No. C807. for awiinwli. wU wx4, Section 2, and selteU, Kection 3. town ship 12 South, Kange 15 Kant, Willfametto jieriuian, nas nieu notice oi intention to make tnree-year prooi, to estabiian claim lo the lanu a Dove uescriDea. oeiore iiuwara w. Turner, u. 3. Commissioner, at bis office, at Madras, Ore gon, ou the -ttb day of September, 1912. uiaiuium names as witnesses: Manel Wheeler. Oeorge live, both of Orlz. zley, Oregon, David 0 Gay, William Joalln. ix) in oi tiaycreeic, uregon. AlA29pd C. W Moore, Register Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 8 Laud Office ai i ne uaiies, uregon, juiv , vjvi. rtouce is uereuy given inai David it. Usr of Haycreek, Oregon, who, on April 26th. 1909, made Homestead, No. 04773, for wknw'.w nvt'4, section 20, and nwnw. Section 29, towusnipit qouiti, Kange 16 east, W illamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three-tear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Tur ner. U. 8. Commissioner atbfs office at Madras. uregon, on ine un aay oi eepiemoer, uiaimani names as witnesses, Mansel Wheeler. Ueorua Dee. both of Oris zly, Oregon, Marlon W. Orsborn, Kdard W, ruaawiuie, uuia oi tiarcreeK, uregon, 1-A29pd O. W. Moore, Register Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Crook In the matter of the Estate of Ches ter K. Loucka, deceased. ine unaersignea navint Deen ar pointed by the Cour.ty Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Crook, administrator of the Estate of Chester K. Loucks, deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said Estate and to all persons havinir claims against said deceased to present them, verified as required by law. within six months aftor the first publication of mid nonce 10 tne undersigned, admln- tat..lA. ofr im I. isuubuii n i i. aui RD, vsC)Uil, ui afc tllU office of E. Bergland, at Madrae, Ore Dated July 31, 1912 M. L. Loucks. Administrator of the Estate of Chester K. Loucks, deceased First publication, August lft, 1912 A well known Des Moines woman ufter Buffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one doBo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ant) Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by M. E. Snook. Nolibe for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Laud Office, at The Dalles. Oretron. August 14, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Albert J. Moore of Lamortta, Oregon, who, on Febru ary 18, 1907, made Homestead entry No. 1548C, serial No. 04078, for nwisef, nejswi, s&sw, Section 11, township 12 south range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. S, Com missioner, at hist office, at Madras, Ore gon, on the 24th day of September, 1912 Claimant names as witnesses: Hudson Fountain, Henry Waite, both of Lamonta, Oregon, Daniel McPade, Carl McGhee, both of Madras, Oregon. a22-sl9np C W. Moore, RegUser School Opens EARLY NEXT MONTH We have just received a large shipment of SCHOOL SUPPLIES TABLETS, PENCILS, PENS, PADS, ETC. Before starting your children in school, buy them a pair of our HARDWARE BRAND OF SHOES They will lasTt all winter Madras Trading Co., Inc. MADRAS, OREGON Notice For Publication. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offico at The Oalleo, Oregon. July 22nd 1912. Notice is hereby given that Andrew J. Prather of YoungB, Oregon, who, on Octobor 6th, 1910, made Homestead, No. 07622 for sjsejtf, sej8Wl. Sec. 10 ana nejnwj Section 15. Township 9 South, Range 15 EaBt Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make commuta tion proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commission, at his office, at Madras, Oregon on the 3rd day of September, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses; John G. Bolter. Sanford Shultz. Harry Douthit. Perry T. Monroe, all of Youngs, Oregon Jy-25-A29pd C. W. Moore, Register Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office atThe Dulles, Oregon, July 20th, 1912 James M. Hays . Notice is hereby given that of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 30th 1908, made homestead, No. 15V86 Serial No. 04403, for cnwj, nelswi, and lot 2, section 30 Township 10 South Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Turner. U. ri. Commis sioner at his office. Madras, Oregon, on the 28th day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles V Ouling. Thomas P. Mon roe. Martin Telefson. A. D. Anderson. all of Madras. Oretron. Jy25-A22-pd C. W. Moore, Register Subscribe for tho Madras Pioneer Notice for Publication Department of tha interior, U. S. land office at The Dalle, Oregon, July 17th 1912. Notlco U hereby given that Mogeni E. Hansen, of Madras, Oregon, who on February 4th, 1911, made homestead. No. 08074, for lots 1, 2, and swine, section 6, Township 11 South, Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Madrai Oregon, on the 27th day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Hugh Gardner, W. D. McNcmar, Jacob P. Nelson, N. C. B. Kaas, all of Madras, Oregon. Jy25A22pd C. W. Moore, Register Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 29tb, 1912. Notice is herebyglven that Nellie E. Grlgsby of Haycreeek, Ore., who. on June 27th, 1907, made Homestead, No. 15623, serial No. 04157, for nelswi, nisei, and sci nei, Section 30. Township 0 South Range 15 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mako three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, beforo Howard W. Turner, U. H. Commission er, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 10th day of September, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles W. Parrlsh, of Madras, Ore gon, Minmo B. Taylor, Roy Newell, and Orval Davis, of Havcreek. Oregon. al- S5 pd C. W. Moore, Register . ... ... vvv.iiniou ui tuvioicnor. v, a. .i mo uauei, urc Notice li tierebr i i no vauoi.utt(on,;ulmb,!i ur iiTta mil Victor L.Hbiwj ui iiar irccK,ure(on,vio.osurM of intention to mika coodoiuIm ..i.rniih . iim f Ida it, at hl offlro. at Madru. Oftrcn.oj uar oi AUf uu, iyiz. Claimant nauei u wilnHKi: Kalph Moore, WlllUm JoiUa ai MitcriiiliTftn Al Klrrrwr l Mian Morrow, of Urlnlr. Orezon. nf ll.ta Int.fftA, IT 9 1 at The Dalle. Oregon, )aV,lV .Notice U Keren? girea mil . uin.iii. Nn irmt. Serial x UiwK. Hertlon 1 and t'A Hcotloii -X. Towmnlp U Boot6, w 11 lllBalJICLin tflVI IUIHMi -. rlftlm t Hid Utlil b0t dWflfiM. UlUlVf I MS'HM, WSj-f AfMlt...f htm.! SB ulfntfttf. uUM.u iifbri uuorc. nr lain, joiju n. MntiPA fnr Publication Nolle liBerew !? maile lmmetca, ., '"V'.ViV.. nuriiuK j -""TV. .-. fl i.1 fiC "'. ri.nrt .lite dertK. .. , n T,i.,ir ii a. lvw-t . ofllro at Manrai, illinaiitiiame.MWrill V Illll K ItriK'Ui " navU olllaycreek.or al.HSrKi . : : - , . . - a t D. H. WILLIAMS HARNESS SUCCESSOR TO FRED DAVIS SHO FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF POSTOFFIGE : MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Ann! FRY v m a 'V m m u w mm a aw ' GENERAL HORSE FURNISHINGS 4 . . ifAll a i mini i ... r. i if ii i i ata. ... . . J m at I W I III W ' m jt avHT''m ar m s . mns? am w i