The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 11, 1912, Image 6

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    Personal and Local
A. C. Sanford, was down from
his ranch at Opal City Thurs
day. J. H. Haner and Harold Bald-
Homer W. Baker, whtf has re
cently completed his term of en
listment on the Battleship Colo
rado, made application Thursday
morning for a homestead in the
Haycreek country.
Mrs. Grace Northey, who has
Vtanfi cnnnrlinrr n mnnfh With tf1-
win spent the early part of the ativeg at gt Mariegi Idah0f re
week in Madras and vicinity.
Jacob Harrington was down
turned home Sunday evening.
Dr. Harold Clark left Wednes-
from his ranch near Opal City K afternoon forPaisley, where
luesaay, auenain iu uun.. . Div his trade for a month
J..F. Nelson, ot tfouna mitte, or so and eniovan outing, inci-
made final five year proof on his dentally touring the much ad-
homestead Monday. vertised Southern Oregon coun-
Perry Monroe and family, of try.
Lower Trout Creek, were in w oienn Loucks and wife
town Thursday looking after and Mrs Ernest Hillis left
business matters. fu:a mnmino- for Folev Sorincrs.
Mrs. H. Havens and daughter on the McKenzie River, where
Verna, of Roseburg, Oregon, is they will spend several weeks
visiting at the home of W. C. camping during the summer.
Moore and family. Henrv F. Deitzel returned
Archie R. Faussett made final from a business triD of several
commutation proof on his home- dayg through the southern part
stead before Commission Turner nf tv,p Pnnnfv Thursdnv. He
at Madras Monday.
An addition family of to the
Mr. and Mrs Leon E. Thompson,
of Haycreek, arrived Wednesday
in the form of a new daughter.
was looking after the disposition
of his milling products during
the coming season.
The regular semi-annual in
stallation of officers of the Mt.
A. D. Thayer returned to his Jefferson Lodge, No. 196 of I. 0.
ranch northeast of Madras the o. F. was held in the lodge hall
latter part of last week, after a Wednesday evening, with a good
business trip in Portland. attendance present. For the
Carter T. Allingham, from on coming term Perry Henderson,
the Metolius, came over Tues- Noble Grand, Milton G. Pillette,
dayevening, and spent Wednes- Vice-Grand, Lewis H. Irving,
day with Dr. Clark. Secretary and W. R. Cook, Treas-
i it i
0 C. Young, one of the own- urer were instauea.
ers of the Deschutes Valley Tri- W. F. Hammer and sons and
bune", and W. C. Barber, of Cul- Parkey brothers 'unloaded a
ver. spent Tuesday in town. couple of combine harvesters at
E. Bergland left Tuesday the 0-W. R. & N. depot the early
mnrnino- fnr PnrHnnH whprp ho part of the week. Both of these
exnects to SDend several davs. parties have . several hundred
looking after business matters, acres of land in crop this year and
MrifVi fVioco mapriiriAC tVlP fnsf. l"f"
Henry C. Noble left Tuesday harvcstinK wiu greatly -
1V7 I
50 Cents Each
morning for Port'and to spend
several days with brother Elks,
or in other words, "The Best
Pjop e on Earth."
A. L. Carson, of Portland, and
owner of the Cowherd place on
the Little Plains, was in this
vicinity the latter part of the
waek looking after his interests.
duced, owing to the cutting and
threshing being done in the one
S. P. Luelling and family re-
! turned last week from a trip
of several weeks to the south-
Free Methodist.
Regular services will be con
ern pare oi tne awre, memo ng church Qg followg.
Elvie R. Crowley, from beyond
Summer Lake, and the Paisley
districts. While at Paisley,
Mr. Luelling made an offer to
D. H. Williams Pres.
Sunday School at 10 oclock A.
M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and
7'3I P AT Pi-enrol- moafinrr
A L J j. 1 I. U..4- 1 U J 1.. I ' " ' J .wwwie
i ie Asnwoou country, was over uuy a mnuii, uuu naa jwunuicpij- Thursday evening at 7:80.
rriuay oi msi wees anu maue a uruin uw owuei cu Ernest W. Hillis in charge.
n:ing on a nomesteaci near me The Vanora Sunday scnooi peo
IVhaa af Poll nf it lino I 1 U T7..-U , .
T , , . r- , , 1T1C11 111 LUC IWllKIUUB 1UUVC
Kobert A. Harvey, oi tne Liit- u" 1 " "u ' tl1 " ment meet in the Sweeting
te Plains, made final five year near vanora. A prolan. x- buildinJf Sunday afternoon at 3
proof on his homestead before emu-ion oclock, address by M. L. Loucks.
Commissioner Turner Friday of wmwi wic wa "f " All men cordially invited to be
game anu nem bporuu, xi. ti present
evening a Dig display oi nre
works' was witnessed. A large
number of persons from Vanora
and the Agency Plains were
present to enjoy the holiday
Miss May Robertson and Roy
Shaver, both of this community,
Rice spent Monday and Tuesday Washington, June 22, and are tctif&!
of this week in Madras, straigh- Gniovinc- their honevmoon visit- 30 tat 597 620-) awiawi, Section
t:ning up the first sales of the ing Mr and Mrg N. H. Marks,
Madras wool brower s btorage at Long Beach, Wash. Miss Pan
T. F. Boylen who has charge is visiting at the same place.
of the Baldwin Sheep Company's
last week.
Jack Coe, former assistant
cashier of the Shaniko Bank, re-
'siding now near Bakeoven, was
in Madras and spent the Fourth.
He is now operating a sheep
p ant.
Andrew Morrow and James
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office.
Dalles, Oregon, June 17th, 1912.
Notice ia hereby triven that the
Northern Pacific Railway Company.
whose postoffice address is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 17th dav of June.
1912, filed in this office its application
select unaer tne provisions oZ the
8 and e$ nwi, Section 24, T 10 S. R
16 East W. M., Serial No. pi0438.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
3y Robertson, sister of the bride object because of the mineral character
of the land, or for any other reason, to
Notice for Publication
Department of tlio Interior, U. is. Lnnil
umce at rue Dnl'es, Oregon, Muy i!7Ui
1 Via
Notice Is hereby glvnn that
Archie It. Faussett
or Madras, Oregon, who. on Miirch 15,
1911, maile Hniuentead, No. 0S347, torswk,
nwK. wKsw, Section 13 a d nuk'selr,
Section 14, Township 11 South, Hmig.i li
Last.WIIInmette Meridian, has filed notice
f Intention t make cominutatlon
Proof, to establish claim to the, hind above.
uescrineu, oerore Howard W. Turner, U.S.
iimiiiiihsiiiuer, ni nis onice at .Madras, Ore
gon. on the 8th day of July 15)12.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James W. Hones, of Uatcieulc. Oregon
He. try 0. Noble, Ftank Deweso and
Gottlelb J. Weller, of Madras Oreuon.
m-80-Jy.4 0. W. Moore, Register
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office,
uaues, uregon, June 17, 1912.
Notice is hereby iriven that thr-
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
whose postoffice address is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 17th day of June,
1912, filed in this office Its application
to select under the provisions of the
Act of Congress, approved July 1, 1898
(30 8tat. 597. 620.) so swl. Heetion
20 T. 17 H. R. 12 east W. M., and nwj
sei, Bection 17, T. 9 8. R. 16 East VV.
si., serial No. 010139.
Any and all nersons claiming rulvfrHf.
ly the lands described, or dim
object because of the mineral chnrnrtrr
of the land, or for any other reason, to
the disposal to applicant, should file
tneir atlldaTits of protest in this office,
on or before the 1st day of August.
1912. h '
J27-Jy25-np C. W. Moore, Register
the disposal to applicant, 'should file
interest .in Montana, passed
through Madras Saturday from
their affidavits of protest in this ofllce.
on or before the 1st day of Aucrust,
J27-Jy25-np C. W. Moore, Register
A. F. Tomlinson, Deputy
ternal Revenue Collector,
For summer diarrhoea in children
always give Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrahoea Romedy and castor
Prohibition County
A mass meeting of the Pro
hibition party of Crook County
is hereby called to meet in Cu!
ver. Wednesday. Julv 31. at 11
Portland, was in town the early oclock A. M.. for the nuroose of oil' "nd..a spdy cure is certain
rTir fit rhu wppit nnlfirnr nttor j- "J uuu-
r - , '-""'"o nominating canuiuates ior coun-
tne interests ot uncle bam. rv nffir;a tn Hp fiiiH Qf tha novf NOTTP.T?
Luther Melton and wife, of general election and for the There will be a meeting of the
Lamonta, were down the latter transacting of such other busi- members of the Loyal Temper-
part of the week visiting rela- ness as may come before it. All ance Legion, Saturday afternoon.
tives and trading with the local who are ready to enroll as Pro- at 3 P. M. at the M. E. Church,
merchants. hibitionists are cordially invited All members are requested to be
KIT! XT-ll?- rir .1 1 1"" w.w.x,vv. .,v.w.v,,i I. I I j-. wv,..w
msiNiuu uorman, wnonas e We M weU ag A g
i' i'- -vv nt-nrtn nnnvonMnn or U a m i a u a. 4-U mrA tt.i.i
Creek, Miss Emma Elkins and :r,,"r:; . 1 "1 .71" ' ww M1"
Miflq Mnrcrm-pf. RmnnV - cuve '""iiun iaay preierreo, wages iu per
1"' .v-.v, I of 1 II A M -in tho noma Ho n4- I i.v J 1 .1 i
othfir homPsfonHAr in iha snmo . " 4 OHW4C uajr H monui anu uoaru, Hteuuy employ
v-uvci, ment.
luuuuujr anu uiu Hume trailing pnmm:fton
with the local merchants. While w' ' nu:
iimiiiuii uuuii, VIlUIlIllcUJ,
Earl Benton, Sectary.
A cook at the Madras
W. C. Moore, Prop,
here they met Miss Broderick's
mother and cousin, who came in
Sunday evening from St. Paul,
Minn., they expeting to spend
the summer in this section.
Robert Osbom and wife,
George Osborn and Charles Wil
son were down from their Culver
homes Thursday trading with
the local merchants.
How to Use Feather Mount.
The vofcme for feather mounts still
continues, and certainly these madeup
nat trnnmintrs aro a veritable "boon
and bleBsltiK" to tho homo milliner.
Sew one (or, If you ure lazv or busy.
pin It) on a half worn hat and you will
find yourself the proud possessor of and IB a sister of. Mrfl. J. C. Rob-
11 I At I
(juuu nu eiegant cuupeau.
The announcements are out of
the engagement of Miss Susie
Brogan and Mr. Francis Weies,
the wedding to take place at
Antelope, Saturday morning,
July 20th.. The birde is well
known here, having held th
position of book-keeper for the
firm of J. C, & J. M. Robinson,
Sprains require careful treatment,
keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's
Liniment freely. It will remove the
soreness and quickly restore the parts
to a healthy condition. For sale by M
E. Snook.
Notice For Publication.'
Department of tho Intorlor. U. S
Land Olllco at The Dalles, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given that
Blanche Hcrshner
i , Madras, Oregon, who. on October
:oin, jam, made Homestead, No. 07612,
for wjswj, Section 24, neisei, Section
33 T. 10 H. 10 S. R. 14 E. and nwjnwl,
Section 3, TownBhip 11 South Range
14 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turner, ' U. S Com
missioner nt his office, at Madras, Ore,
on the 23rd day of July, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Tellefson. Walter
Charles W. Parrish, L. A
of Madras. Oreiron.
J-20-Jyl8-pd C. W. Moore, Register
Young, all
Notice for Publication
DcnarllML'Ilt of Did Iflli.rlfir 'IT U nm..
nt I lie Dalles, Oregon, Juno lltli. lJl:f.
"'lira ii nuruur given inni
llmiL II... I....
oi Ilnyprcek, Oregon, wlio. on KebrunrrO. 1X5.
Innrli. I lrit.i... .1 K .ri. u , ....
. MMnv.iv.(, ' ... ruriHI nil, .Vil.
flir U'l.llUlx,llul ..... .... .....I
., a"'4 v4."-4( t.i nun MJiiiVi,
wTii '" 'M' lm'",lll'11 Hoiith, Kniiuo la Kimt.
....v ivii.iinu, jj rwi mull llM(lla OI UlKMl"
Hon to miiki! live yenr iroof, to ctMbllh nlnlm
to tint tmrifl uljki. .l..M...ll.u.l l...f...A 1 1
W I urncr, I'. H f:ommliilonr nt hU oilke. nt
I Inlinnnt immeH r vltni'Kvii:
. v"".V.". A- "rrii, Libert hiiiii-, (iicnn Hmtor,
Jolin Wlxlmrt, nil at Ifayoreak. Ort'iton.
(in u. w. Jiooro. KCKi"ior
Subscribe for the Madras Pioneer
Notice for Publication
Deimrtiiiciit of thu Interior. 17. H. I.nnil onirp.
nt tliu Dnllen, Ort'Kon Jtttiu 'Jlth, 1UU.
Notlco Is hereby kIvkh Hint
('Hrrli Jfilnitiiiiii
of Voiiiikn, OreKon. who. on Jnnunry SOth, 1011,
iiinuc iionienieHii. ,o, utuviu. ior WKiuu'A. myi
nwVi, ne',iHw'4, nuetlon ID, Towiulilp a Hoiitfi,
KnijKO U Knxt. Wlllnmetlu Murlillnn' hiw (lied
notlcu of Intention to mnku eoiiuiiiitutlou
proof, to eMHlilUh elnlm to tho lnnil ubovotleii
crlbeil before Hownnl W. Turner, U. 8, Com
mlM.oner nt bin unlet, nt Mndrtt, OreKon, on
the fith fty of Aiikiihc, l'JI2.
In) mil ll t iiHineK hm ivllni.."-
J. II dnr elt.J O. Holler, lllilwoll Cram, H
.. rrhlny, ml of Vounijii, Oregon.
XT i -
w v ivi L UU11LHL
Dnnnrlmnnl it.. t i
. w. mjd ll
Notice is hereby given that
o i ,2r. wreFoni who. (
3rd 1911. mado homejtead,
jownsnip n south, Range
Wlllnmlt M.-Ul.. I... If.
intention to make c
proof, to establish elafm
above described, before 1
uiiiLu aw iiiauruH. wrrirnn nn
day of July, 1912.
ifriiif a T-i ti i
rnnlr T nAf. wtnt if
nil fif ffir1rno HvarvAn
XT i t r ii' i'
ifiriPM inr r in ran
JjetifiMinent of the Interior, v 9.
mi i it limit iirjonn jnn7Jin n
Miiict m iiereuy given inn
Carl K. JobtontcD,
tioiim tn in ia tn inn in mm tiu
ttpftnii f a phi Hiii tin ria rnio mo iiii'J
rnuiioncr hi mi omce.ii uim,
tlic day of Auguit, Ifiz.
I I .1 lllkllr IINm.l H. WHIICIKIc
i n it. I ir Rlilirlll
1.. rr uity. nil oi johdii.ukiuu.
J.W-Al 1.
vn-w A
C. V. Moore. Jleeldtor
ri nt lli Irlprlnrl). B
: The lUe, Oregon, Mit,H
Notice Ii hereby ulven .tilt
Jpob I'. Nelwii, .
utml.. llnmettenil. .No. 06905,
liaB-llle.i notice i " 7C.
..i in r..t.iii all rlllm 10 iqei
.iiitft.riiifiii. iitMiiro i u..i ". :
t.OIIlllllfclllOIlUr III l" ""'"'
on thtiMlitUyof July, u
iinMir n ii itinHii. ijuui
K""i. . w-c-tuOK' f i TlOOBt
m v wammm mr m ma wur ma m