The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 11, 1912, Image 5

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a NOW is -'1C tme PrePare fr the harvest and we were never
better prepared to supply your wants than right NOW.
a Handle only reliable machinery such as, McCormach Headers and
Rinders.- COME IN Let us talk it over with you -get our prices.
Central Oregon Mercantile Co.
Li T T '
He new pension law that went into effect on May 11, 1912
... aUa fn nwintr nruvmiuiio xwi iwiioiviio. wii,i. win iaau
from the date Ot Illing uju ujjijiiuumuii in uiu ijumbiuii umuu
90 Days 6 Mo. 1 Yr. 1& Yr. 2 Yrs. 2i Yrs. 3 Yra.
rears $13 00 $13.50 $14.00 ?14.50 $15.00 $15.50 $16.00.
L 15 00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 18.00 19.00.
Us 18 00 19.00 20.00 21.50 23.00 24.00 25.00.
L 91 00 22.50 24.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 30.00.
i in nil ill ini
HA I mflKRr I a in
Only Section ot uouniry wner
a tiii r- i 1
bonsmoni sro rnurun
For Big Crops
He Commercial Review, the
lann uiu' v i v i i iri ii i i ii rnii
' " " w - w w - .....
t .
snipping and the gram iraue
tint . i mi
icinc coast has the 101-
Vp Tn rhn rnnlit irma in rhn
i wheat markets.
h the declinr in f hn whnnt.
mnn s n ....... i . r
Mid has crnnn nonrlv lifiib- fn
ciiwriuineu; anu, even
I m T t hn T . .. L
uncertain state where it
not to have roach nd n
basis, and yet, it already
10 hnvn mm ,,wl.,l.. ,l
..-.v. uviv.ii uilUlliy UU"
A The cenoral f rnrln noi--
111 ronrnclir... l. :a i!
1 as it did n
, j v m tJS"l C4IIU
nor rhn Hu i i. i
niut till; lll l-simi. nvo m
1 ---- .WIVtf.
- xiikm just Deiore
"v" VI UIJ COlTlOH Oil in mny.
------ w vaaw iiiui -
8eems impossible for
w v W 1 1 j C LI1J11. I 111
r.vutiuu m me united
Will kn t...i ,
r HIT I II 1 1 n 4n a1 xu n
r ine best, that the
v nm.r. i ...
j-vucui condition of ihn
. . -
""Pison the Pacific eonRr.
Jl W inn m ..
Din a ii
'vii iii inn :
t 1.1 1 i' 1 1 1 r- nwtmvM.
" 'une counb-v nA ia f
--. mr use onKh nf tv,
til i - - - tui: iiiuii
l (it - -
r?'0 realize what n M,.
infl u. Mvw-
Vint i. -ti, auu
HhtS ercnce thero must
u.n e counts ,i,:
...i 1U1 HUIJ-
1 STOil - . .
, . "Uintr ir nlf,l ...Ji.u
tta... " " -V 1 Lll
7 ine wuntry, as was
J lu turn n.i i i i
..f,vu":uon win v l. ..
" linn i ..
n,ng from nrnuina
saur ttre as near exhaus
U,a Possible for them to!
"He! The effect of these condi
tions will have to be reckoned
with, ana when the time ap
proaches for receipts of new
w heat to come, and little or
none arrives, and the millers
and flour jobbers undertake to
supply their needs from barren
harvest fields, then will begin
the pinch and a realization of
actual conditions. To be sure,
Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and
Nebraska are expected to ' pro
duce fair results, but the harvest
will be late: the. quality must
necessarily be damp and more
or less unfit for milling for some
time to come, because of the
heavy rainfall the last few days;
and, in any event, much will be
required at home to start up the
mills that have long been idle
for lack of supplies: and even
the soft winter wheat states,
which last year had a surplus
market, must this year them
selves be a competitor with local
millers for supplies in the South
west. Accordingly it is difficult
k see where stocks can increase
for weeks to come, and there is
an extreme probability of wit
nessing a constant decrease of
the visible supply throughout
the month of July, where a year
ago it increased 18,000,000 bush
els during that month."
Local conditions, however are
different. Those who are famil
iar with conditions in this sec
tion have been quoted that the
general yield will run from 20. to,
40 bushels to the acre, averaging
all the crops tributary to Mad
ras. Balfour Guthrie & Co are
quoting 63 cents. A conserva
tive estimates puts the wneat
crop at 75,000 acres. Averaging
20 bushels to the acre this means
the production of a million and
a half bushels of wheat. At the
quoted price, 63 cents, the wheat
crop of Northern Crook county
is worth nearly a million dollars.
General harvesting will begin
between the present date and
the last of the month.
Tlmo Told by Bhudowt.
Amnnir i-iirlous uloCll llOVCltlCfl 19 tllO
aliadow boudoir clock. With It thoro la
no need of got ting up to Btrlito n iibm
or turn mi tlm bulb. All thnt 1 HOCUS-
aury Is to touch a button nnd tho time
Is flashed on tho wull, urior uio muni.
fashion Unit hIkus uro Hushed on the
Bldownlk. When tho ownor of tho clock
1-oHrna hn turns ii uluht dlnl to tho cell-
Ink', nnd whon ho prcsaes n bulb the
electric light reflects from tho dial
through tho lena und appears, giving
tho correct tlmo In shadow on tho cell
It Shows In Inventiveness as Well as
In Statesmanship.
"7t Is not only In atnteuuicn and bo!
fflors nnd presldunta thnt Ohio has
been great. In Invention Ohio stands
supreme," wild .John A. Poland, n law
yer of Chlllicothe. "The Wright broth
ers nro the m'ost recent Inventors who
bavo given to tho world a revolutioniz
ing invention.
"The first friction match made in the
United States was made In Zunsvl!le.
O. In 1S-13 a man of tho name of
McGlunia kept n general storo there.
where ho sold everything, Including
drugs. One day a clerk in McOlnuis'
was given an order to mix in a niortnr
n quantity of sulphur nnd phosphorus.
He did It nnd delivered tho compound
to his customer.
"That evening the store boy, a lad
named Sbeward, In cleaning out the
mortar used some shavings to scrape
out the mixture that was left. He
thought nothing more about it until
tho next day. when he picked up one
of the shavings and carelessly drew
ono across tho counter. It Ignited. He
directed tho attention of McGInnls to
tho phenomenon, and the latter began
to study.
"Tho result wns that McGInnls manu
factured the first sulphur matches
mado In the United States. The store
boy afterward became Judge Shewnrd
of Dunkirk, N. Y.
"Tho flrst photographs produced In
tho United States were made at Zancs
vllle. Dnguerre. who discovered pho
tography, had made known his secret,
nnd Alexander C. Itoss, reading It, Im
provised n enmern from an old ac
cordion nnd produced tho flrst dn
guerreotypes. Thero nro some of these
old pictures still treasured by tho peo
plo of Zanesvlllo." Washington Post.
Tho Ethna Club, Which Is Both Intel
lectual and Aesthetic
Tho latest freak club In London is
cnlled tho Ethnn. It has rooms on n
Btrcet Just off Piccadilly, and hero its
men ud women mcmbcra meet ior in
tellectual converse
Tho rulo of tho club demands, that
thero shall bo as llttlo distinction In
tho dress and appearance of tho mem
bers as nossiblo. and both men and wo
men don long flowing whito garments
of sackllko shnpo and annuals ucrorc
thnv ntcr tho dimly llchtcd rooms of
tho club, writes the London correspond
ent of tho Boston Advertiser. Most of
tho men aro clean shaven, and u few
of tho women have Bhort hair, while
tunan who hnvo one hnlr twist-their
locks about their heads as tightly as
No Introductions nro ever maue. Any
membor is permitted to talk to any
other and to talk freely nnd openly on
nnv Htibloct. Tho object of tho club
la to foster frco discussion between
men nnd women. VIsitora aro occn-
Hlonallv allowed, but thoy must, of
course, wear tho flowing robes nnd
Tho membership is very limited, and
nosltlvo reuulslto is Intellectual work
of some sort. Most of the members nro
wrltors, othurs aro interested iu social
problems and work on committees,
whiin Hllll others aro momuers or uio
grent band of men nud women In Lon
don who scorn always on tuo outiooic
for tho very latest tiling in. taua anu
Don't live to eat, but eat to live.
Many of our ills aro due to overeating,
to eating tho wrong things nud to irreg
ular eating.
Stars In Heroules.
Even at this distance tho astrono
mers can count 1-1,000 stars In tho fa
mous cluster of Hercules. Tho advent
of our buu with Its llttlo rotluue of
planets Into that bunch of blazing
lumlunries would scarcely amount to a
local disturbance
Speaker issues Statement in
Answer to Attack Mado
by Commoner.
BaltimoreSpeaker Clnrk camo
Saturday night to Baltlmoro in ro
Bponso to tho urgent request from Sen
ator Dubois, hfs campaign manager,
who reported that tho MlBHourlan's
candidacy had suffered by reason of an
"nttnek on his honor" mado by Wil
liam Jennings Bryan! Tho convention
had adjourned until Monday before the
speaker's arrival.
After his conference with Mr.
Hearst, Senator Stone, David II. Fran
cis and others, Speaker Clark issued
tho following statement:
"Today in the national convention
and outrageous aspersion was cast up
on me and through mo upon the demo
cratic party by ono who, of nil men,,
ought to be the last to besmudgo or
betray his friends or his party. So
far as I am personally concerned, it is
enough to say that tho charge which
reflects upon my personal or party In
tegrity Is utterly and absolutely falBe.
I might afford to forget myself, but
I am, by tho choice of the democratic
majority of the house of representa
tives, tho ranking democratic official
in public life. I cannot be false or cor
rupt without reflecting upon my party
In the most serious way.
"Any man who would enter into an
alliance with any selfish Interest or
privileged class of this country to gain
tho nomination for the presidency Is
unworthy of the presidency and of the
speakership of the house. If I have
not entered into such an alliance, then
the democrat, however distinguished,
who wantonly charges me with this
act is a traitor to the democratic party
and to his professed friendship to me.
"I am not hero to plead for a nom
ination or attempt to influence any
man's political action. Let every man
proceed in this .convention according
to the expressed will of his constitu
ents. I nsTc' no undue consideration
from any man, bo ho friend or foe, but
I demand exact Justice from every
democrat, either in this convention or
throughout tho nation. With William
J. Bryan and his charge mado in the
convention today, the issue is proof or
retraction.. I Bhall expect him to meet
that issue. CHAMP CLARK."
Withdraws Clause Asking for With
drawal of Two Financiers.
Baltimore William Jennings Bryan
won the most remarkable victory of
his career jvhen he forced through the
passage by a two-thirds majority of a
radically progressive lesolution put
ting tho democratic convention on
record as opposing the nomination for
president of any Candidate allied In
any way with J. Plerpont Morgan,
Thomas F. Ryan, August Belmont or
any other member of the "privilege
eeeking class."
His was a move unhenrd of in the
history of politics and it proved be
yond doubt Bryan's hold on the dem
ocratic party. The resolution follows:
"Resolved, that in this crisis In our
party's enreer and in our country's his
tory, this convention sends greetings
to the peoplo of the United States and
assures them' that the party of Jeffer
son and Jackson Is still the champion
of popular government nnd equality
before tho law. As proof of our fidel
ity to tho peoplo wo hereby declare
ourselves opposed to tho nomination
of'any candidate for president who is
tho representative of or under any
obligations to J. Jler'pont Morgan,
Thomas F. Ryan, August Belmont or
any other member of the privilege
hunting and favor-seeking claBS."
Bryan's resolution as origlnully in
troduced called for the withdrawal of
Ryan and Belmont as delegates from
Virginia and New York respectively,
but tho Commoner' witlidrow this pro
position after It lmd been attacked aB
invading the rights of sovereign states.
Nebra8kan Says' "Man Is Platform."
Baltimore Bryan declined to ac
cept tho chairmanship of the resolu
tions committeo unanimously tendered
hjm. Senator John W. Kern wnB elect
ed after Bryan twice refusod tho hon
"Wo don't wnnt and must not have a
perpetual debnto between tho candi
date and tho platform," Bald Bryan in
advocacy of his motion postponing ac
tion on the platform until after the
nomination ot the presidential candi
date, "and tho only way to prevent
such a result Is to nnmo your mnn
Pr8t. Indeed, In these days, tho man
is tho platform."
Congressman La Folletto Wont Bolt.
Baltimore Representative La Fol
lotto, of Washington, who camo to
Baltlmoro to witnoss tho democratic
convention, doclnred on his arrival
that he 1b not hero to aid tho Roosevelt
third party movement. On tho con
trary ho aald ho will not bolt tho re
publican party and will not Join Rooso
ten's now party If ono ltoyorm,odH
important Planks Are Devoted
to Tariff Reform and Anti
Trust Law.
Tho leading planks of tho platform
adopted by tho democratic national
convention at Baltimore are devoted
to tariff reform and tho anti-trust law.
Tho platform reaffirms the party's de
votion to the principles of democratic
government as formulated by Jeffer
son, felicitates the democratic con
gress on its record, and denounces
ifnffinnt Tnft for vetoing tho tariff
Tho important planks summarized
aro as follows:
Declares for a tariff for revenue
only; denounces the high republican
tariff as the principal cause of tho un
equal distribution of wealth.
Favors immediate downward revis
ion of present duties, especially upon
necessaries of life; favors gradual re
duction so aa not to Interfere or de
stroy legitimate industries.
Favors strenuous enforcement of the
criminal clauses of the anti-trust law;
demands such additional legislation as
may be neceBsary to crush privata
monopoly; favors prohibition of hold
ing companies, interlocking directors,
stock-watering, etc.
Denounces as "usurpation" tho ef
forts of tho republicans to deprive
states of their rights and to enlarge
powers of tho federal government
Urges people to support proposed
constitutional amendments pending in
various state legislatures, providing
for an Income tax and election of Unl
ted States senators by direct vote of
the people.
Declares for presidential preference
primaries. '
Directs national committee to pro
vide for selection at primaries of mem
bers of national committee
Pledges enactment of law prohibit
ing campaign contributions by corpor
ations and unreasonable campaign
contributions by individuals.
Favors single presidential term and
making president ineligible to re-elec
Favors efficient supervision and rate
regulation of railroads, express com
panies, telegraph and telephone lines
and a valuation of the companies by
tho interstate commerce commission;
also legislation against over-Issuance
of stocks of the corporations.
Denounces the Aldrich bill, prepared
by the monetary commission.
The present method of depositing
.government funds is condemned and
the party Is pledged to the enactment
of a law for the deposit of such fund:
by competitive bidding in state or na
tional banks.
Favors national aid regarding post
roads. Repeats party's declaration o
the plutform of 190S as to rights o
labor and pledges the party to an em
ployes' compensation law.
Declares the unnecessary withdraw
nl of public land tends to retard devel
opment and bring reproach on policj
of conservation; that reservation!
should be limited to purposes whict
they purport to servo; favors broadest
liberality In administering land laws
and says forest reserve act permitting
homestead entries within the national
forest should not be nullified by ad
mlnistrativo regulations; declares foi
immediate action to make available
AlaBkan coal lands, and safeguarding,
the lives of miners.
Favors encouragement of agriculture
and legislation to suppress gambling
in agricultural products.
uBucvBH iu ioaienng growin or a
merchant marine, and ' enactment of
laws for greater security of life and
property at sea.
savors reorganization of tho civil
sorvico nnd says laws should be hon
estly and rigorously enforced.
Recommends law reform legislation,
Reaffirms position against "policy of
Imperialism and colonial exploitation"
in Philippines.
Demands for Alaska full enjoymon
of rights and privileges of territorial
form of government.
Refers to Russian treaty and renews
pledge to preserve "sacred rights of
Amorican citizens, at homo and
Favors parcels post and extension
of rxra delivery.
Ronows declaration of last platform
regarding generous pension policy.
Recommonds Investigation of agri
cultural credit socloties in Europe to
cscertain If n system of rural credits
may be devised for tho United Stato's.
Condemns republican party "for fail
ure to redeem Its promises of 1908 for
downward revision."
CondomnB republican administration
for "compromising with the Standard
Oil trust."
Reaffirms previous declarations re
garding puro food and public health.
Favors such encouragement as can
bo properly given tho Panama-Pacific
Commonds to tho states adoption of
law making it an offonso to dUcrlm
lnnto against tho uuiforra of th Unl.
ted States,
Dr. Colder, the eye-sight spec
ialist of The Dalles, will "be in
town soon to examine eyes and
fit glasses. See notice next
For Sale or Trade. Second
hand threshing outfit, including
a 20 H. P. traction engine, 32
inch separator, No. 8 Jackson
feeder and elevator, derrick
table, cook house etc.
For all or any part of this out
fit see Ginn & Coleman or W. H.
Moore, -Moro, Oregon.
Wanted. 600 lineal feet, of
water pipe, or 1 inch, must te
in good condition. Address
Edwin D. Allen, Hay Creek,
Oregon. Jll-2t-np.
For Sale One two year old
filly, weight 1100 and one yearl
ing mule, No. 1.
Jll-lt-pd. Mrs. H. E Jacobs.
I have several good locations 8
to 12 miles from Madras. Plenty
of wood and water. Reasonable
fee. Address Fanner, Box Q.
Madras, Oregon. Jli-2t-rd.
For Sale Cheap. 9 acres of
fine potatoes in the field, most of
them early. ' Also 2nd hand
lack. A.
R. Faussett,
For Sale One 14 ft Header,
?ood condition, and two Header
boxes and nets. Inquire of M.
L. Loucks. j44t.
For Sale. Separator and en
gine. at a bargain. Pride of
Washington separator, practical
y new, having been run only
:hirty days, wind stacker and
self feeder. Advance engine. For
curther information write Cooke
Bros., Condon, Oregon.
For good residence and business
ots in Madras, call on O. A
Pearce, selling agent for the
foldings of the Inland Empire
r.. OAA 1. 4-
sjuiuJciiiy. uvci ouu iuta
:hoose from. Prices very low. tf
For residence and business lots
see O. A. Pierce. tf
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull.
service at the Madras Hotel
barns. Terms $2.50.
W. C. Moore, owner.
'ARM LOANS!! Madras State Bank.
TO LOAN $50,000.00 on farm lands.
See Brenton Jpnes, Metolius, Ore.
Madras State Bank.
i'OR SALE At the Pioneer Ottice
Lpks.1 Blanks or all klmta-, Onrbon
ind Typewriter tmner. liiHialliuent
Sale contracts, Notes und Receipts.
For Good Farms
City Property and
Business Chances
Houses to Rent,
How oft within the stilly nlKht
That tomcat yells from the back fence!
J throw a hrlcktmt at Ilia skull.
Consign him quick to hades hence'
Ho quiets, then. IIUo Cuesar'a ghost
He will not down; but, with a yowl
Ho snorts und hlshes. cot-n-wnuls
And makes ot night a hldnuus how".
And there's the hound thut never sleeoa.
A cavernous niovlhB mouth la he
Uow-wowl Kl-yl!" ! ,lre n
He bow-wows back: he thinks Us fun.
I throw the bed sln,s at his head.
1 swear till all Is lurid red.
vCMt".1,,'tn hted quite.
Vet that hound howls tin mornlnc light
But what are such to human bores.
T,, ?.Br?Ut,hy slooma that growl aroundt
'7'""' wl,th urnrul mouth?
Tho knocker with his racing sound-
alde such Towser's a sweet bird,
res, pessimistic, knocking cuss,
UwS. th moanest ound than