The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, June 20, 1912, Image 6

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    Personal w Local
FranH Shugcrt returned Wed
nesday night after a ten days
visit in Portalnd.
J. P. Hahn returned from
Fortland Saturday after a visit
of several weeks.
Born to the wife of J. R. Mend
enhall, of Opal City, a girl, Sat
urday Junel 5.
Miss Minnie Taylor, of Hay
creek, was in Madras Monday
" looking after business matters.
R. F. Armstrong, of Lamonta,
was in Madras Saturday looking
after business matters.
Charlie Bye, who has been
sick with typhoid fever for
several weeks, was out for the
first time Thursday morning.
J. C. Rush, the Lamonta mer
chant, was in Madras Wednesday
attending to business matters
with local people.
H. C. Olliver, traveling freight
and passenger agent of the
Harriman lines, was in Madras
Wednesday looking up business
Dr. H. B. Haile was called
clown on Trout Creek Tuesday to
look after a case of small-pox in
the Nick Monner family.
James H. Snyder, of Youngs,
made final commutation proof on
his homestead before Commis
sioner Turner Saturday.
Charles Swansen, of Ashwbod,
was over Saturday as a witness
on the homestead proof of James
Alfred Cook and family, of
Independence, are visiting at
the homesof friends andrela
tives in Madras and vicinity.
Atis Frank a former resident
of the Little Plains about two
miles west of Madras, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs.
James Hurt, of Trout Creek,
passed through Madras Friday
on his way to Prineville, return
ing Sunday afternoon.
. Marie A. Egglesten, in Port
land, Saturday June 8th., after
a short illness, terminating in
Brights disease.
Bert R. Hess, night operator
on the Oregon Trunk line at Me
olius, was in Madras Saturday
looking after business matetrs.
Mrs. W. E. Mertimore and
Mrs. J. T. Smith came up from
Portland Sunday to be in attend
ance at the funeral of C. K.
Loucks. !
Susie Cowherd returned from
Prineville Friday morning, hav
ing spent the winter at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Belknap
and attending school.
Mr. Miller, advance agent of
the Kit Carson Ranch circus was
Madras Wednesday, looking
To the Honorable County Court of
the State of Oretron for Crook County:
We, the undersigned, legal votera of
Ashwooil I'recinct, (.'rook county, btnte
of Oregon, respectfully petition your
Hotiorab'e Bodv to crant n license to
E. D. Gonser to soil spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors and fermented ciucr,
commonly called hard cider, in quanti
ties less than one callon in Ashwood
Precinct, Crook County, Oregon, for n
nenod of one (1) year from and after
July 1st, 1912.
E. D. Gonser, W. H. Harbison, C.
P. Mnupin, Howard Maupin, J. D.
Svmons. J. W. Hale. W. C James, H.
V. Gratey, Lee Wood, C. E. Sandy, J.
H. James. J. G. Clark. Dan Troban,
J C. Brogan, D. S. Hamilton, John
Payne, J. It. baylres, S. E. r-ears,
Archie McPherson, A. L. Wallace, C.
(). Short. H. G. Gratev. R. A. Powell,
Geo. M. Telfer, Dan Crowley, James
C. Grater, J. A. Gonser, Elvie Crowley
Alln Alarslaman, J. A. barrett, Jim
Mallarky. Walter S. McPherson, S. S.
Black, Milo Wood, James. Wood.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, the applicant above named, that
the foregoing petition will be presentea
to the Honorable County Court on
Monday, the l&t day of July, 1912, at
which time he will apply to said court
at the county court room in rrinevule,
Orecron, for a license as prayed for in
the foregoing petition.
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned, ndministratrix of the Estate
of Benjamin Mason, deceased, has filed
in the County Court of Crook County.
State of Oregon, her final account as
such administratrix of said estate, and
that Monday, the 1st day July, 1912, at
the hour of 10 o clock A Al. has been
fixed by said Court as the time for
hearing of objections to said report,
and the settlement thereof.
Margaret E. Mason
Administratrix of the Estate of
Benjamin Mason, deceased.
Dated May 27, 1912.
, t
50 Cents Each
For Sale at a bargain One
Buffalo Pitts Niagara Separator
32 x 56. with Maclebay blower.
Ruth Bundle feeder, Buffalo
Pitts weigher for $300 cash or
$325 in good notes. Am selling
for the reason that I have pur
chased a larger machine.
J. C. Sothman.
Albert Sims and John Baylis,
residents of the Blizard Bidge
country, were in Madras Wed
nesday, as witnesses on the
homestead proof of James Brown
Auton Kalenevich, a Russian
employed as a laborer on the
Harriman road fell from a hand
car while going from Madras to
Gateway last Saturday night,
breaking his neck. He was
dead when picked up by his
companions. The remains
were brought to this city for
Free Methodist.
Regular services will be con
ducted at the Free Methodist
Church as follows:
Suhday School at 10 oclock A.
M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30.
Ernest W. Hillis in charge.
burial Monday. Church
H. E. Rhoads, T. C. Keithley Men in the reliigous movement
and "Shorty'" Lowe left Thurs- meet in the Sweeting building,
day morning for a months out- Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock.
ing and prospecting trip. They Address by Rev. Carl Gilmer.
alter tne ciecans lor tne coming
of the circus to Madras July 7th.
James A. Brown Jr., of Bliz
ard Ridge, on the other side of
Haycreek, made final five year
proof on his homestead before
Commissioner Turner Wednes
Bin Ashley got home Saturday
night after a week's visit in
Portland. Ben saw the Coast
League ball games in Portland
and is satisfied that they are a
little faster than his Madras
Paul C. Bates and C. A. Car
ger, of Portland, extensive land
owners in this section, were
looking over their business in
terests here last week, later go
ing to the upper Deschutes River
on a fishing trip.
Art Shugert, formerly of Mad
ras, but more recently of Red
mond and Bend, has returned to
Madras as telegraph operator at
the Oregon Trunk depot, suc
ceeding. G. R. Crawford, who
has accepted a mercantile posi
tion in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Harrison
and sons, of Cheney, Washing
ton, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Siler.
While in Portland last week,
Mrs. Siler received a telegram
announcing the death of her
father, Mr. Joe Castleman, at his
home in Spokane, last Thursday.
will go first to Rhoads' ranch
near the Lower Bridge, and
ater to the mountains to the
northeast of Prineville. They
expect to return about July 10th.
Two special train?, loaded
with sheep routed for Bend,
went through Madras Monday
over the O-W. R. & N. road. The
thirtv-six cars were shipped form
Cove Creek, sixteen carloads be
longing to E. McLennen. From
Bend they will be taken into the
mountains :or summer grazing.
D. H. Williams, Pres.
Tuesdav evening at the Citv
Hall will be held a meeting of
the Volunteer Fire Department,
for the purpose of completing
the organization and adopting
rules and regulations for the
government of the body. The
membership petitions are how
at the., City Hall awaiting the
signatures and membership fees
of those who desire to become I
J. L. Campbll, Chief.
Notice for Publication
DeDartmotit of the Interior. U. S. Lund
unice at The Dalies, Oregon, ilay 27tli
Notice Is hereby glvn that
Archie It. Faussett
of Madras, Oregon, who, on March 15,
lttll, made Homestead, No. 08347, forswii.
I1WM, WHW)(, DUCUOII JO a U ril!4SfJ,
SfcUon If, Township ll South, Kiuiko
East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make commutation
Proof, to establish claim to Mih bind above
described, before Howard V. Turner, U.S.
Commissioner, at his olllce at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 8th day of July 19 12.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James W. Uone, of Ha credit. Oregon
Henry O. Noble, Frank and
Oottlclb J. Weller, of Madras Oregon.
ra-SO-Jy.4 0. V. Moore, Register
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. I.nnd
Otlice at The Dalles, Oregon, May 21th,
Notice Is hereby given that
Robert A. Harvev
of Madras, Oregon, who. on March 1st
tOU -V.. fl IHDlt l. -l i
No. 010351. for Lois 1. 2 nnd m-UuhU. 9,-f-
tlon 6 and Lot 4, Section i Township
11 South. RanirelS East. Wlllumett.' M..rf
diau, has filed notice of Intention to
make five-year Proof, to cstulilinii
claim to the land above descilued, before
t r ..... i tt ii it
nun am nr. i urner, u o. commissioner
at tils olllce. at Madras. OreL'on. on tint :ni
day of July, 1U12.
claimant names as witnesses:
Jerrv H. Sothman. U'llllnin A. Villa
William J. Cowherd. Hiram II. A
all of Madras, Oregon
mSOJ 27-pd C. W Moore, Register
Notice For Publication.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
L.anu uillce at The Dalles, Oregon,
June loin, rjiz.
Notice Is hereby given thnt
Dlancho Hershncr
of Madras, Oregon, who. on October
26th, law. made Homestead. No. 07G12.
for wJhwI, Section 24, nejuej, Section
m t. iu t. io n. u. 14 E. and nwlnwi.
Section 3, Township 11 South Rango
it cast, wmameiio Meridian, has
filed notico of Intention to make
commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Tumor. U. S Corn
mi8sioner at his office, at Madras, Ore,
on tne zara any or July, I9iz.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Tellefaon. Walter Dnrrnr.
Charles W. Parrish. L. A. Younc. all
of Madras, Oregon.
J-20-Jyl8.pd C. W. Moore, Register
Glenn Laucks Nominated for Coro
ner. Full County Ticket Put In
J. H. Barkley, formerly of
Madras, now living on his ranch
near Culver, was nominated by
the Socialist party, in convention
at Prineville last Saturday, as
candidate for County Judge, and
will make ihe race at the general
fall election against the nomj
nees of the Democratic
Stockholders' Meeting
Stockholdrs meeting.
A meeting of the stockholders
of the Konoway Warehouse
Company is called for Wednes
day evening of next week, at
the office of the secretary,
Howard W. Turner, for the
transaction of any business that
may be brought up.
H. F. Dietzel, Pres.
H. W. Turner, Sec.
Lost Bunch of keys, Thursday
morning, in business section.
Finder please return to the Mad
ras State Bank,
Republican parties. Glenn
Loucks was nominated for coro
ner, and Henry Bivins, of Cul
ver, formerly of this city, will
make ihe race for assessor.
Other nominees are M. J.
Mayne, of Bend, sheriff; B. F.
Notice is hereby given that I,
and the undersigned, have filed in
the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Crook County, my
final account as assignee of the
assignment for the benefit of the
creditors of H. O, Wilson, and
that said final account will be
hear and passed upon, on the
Wilhoit, of Prineville, treasurer; 21st day of October, 1912, at the
Henry Birdsong, of Prineville, court house, at Prineville, Ore-
commissioner; and Mrs. Nich- gon.
ols, of Laidlaw, school superin- B. H. Ashley,
tendent. M23-4t. Assignee.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8 Lund Office,
at The Dallei, Oregon, May 20, 1912.
Notice U hereby given that
Jacob !. Nelson,
of Madras Oregon, who, on Juno 7. 1910,
made Homestead, No, 0C9C5, for ekswli.
senwU, swJ4nt Bectlon 8, township 11
Houth. Hanice 13 hast, Willamette Meridian,
has died notico of Intention to make flvu-yt-ar
proof, to establish claim to the land uhovo
described, before Howard XV. Turner, V, 8.
Commissioner at his olllce at Madras, Oreon.
on the 8th day of July, 1U12.
Claimant names as witnesses
Jerry U. Sothman, Louis K. Wilson N, c. II.
Kaas, C. W.K. Foote, all of Madras, OrcKo.ri
W23-J27 C. W MOQKK. Heiflster
Notice for Publication
Ileiiartmeut of thu Interior. U. S. Land Offlea
st Tin- Dullei, Oregon, June Uth, 1012.
Notice Is hereby idvcn that
frank Ilarber,
of Unyrrcok, Oregon, who, on February 9, lOOfl,
made llomentead. No. HOI I, Herlal No. 03812,
for v,nw'i, neinwif, section 25 and sene,
frftlon 26, Township 11 Boulh, Itanice 16 Kast.
Willamette Meridian, has filed notico of Inten
tion to mako five year proof, to establish claim
to tho land above descrlbfd, before Howard
W. Turner, U. 8. Commissioner at his onice, at
Madras, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of July, 1912,
Claimant names as witnesses;
James A. (Jarrott, Albert Hlms, Glenn Orator,
John Wlshart, all of Haycreek, OreicoB.
JlO JylH pd 0. W. Moore, liegliter
Alex Thompson, representative
of Fleischner, Mayer & Co., of
Portland, was in Madras Tues
day with a large supply of sam
ples which he was showing to
the local merchants.
IJAnArtmnnl nt Ik n.i..
ri. u"i- ins vauet, UKioa
Notice li hereby glrenthit
lffinrv H VnM
of Madras. Oregon, who, on OcloUl
ii ana seneK, mmm,
Township 11 bourti, Rsofi Hf u
Meridian, has fllsd noilr nt lvuiu uliiiuu riini. IB uiin
uuice, at asaras, urtjOD, 0B tie
Claimant names is wllntuu-
Frank L. Deweei.Gtorft J, WcUir,
i: W u
XT i . n , t. it
Department of the Interior. U.S.
ai me uaues, uregon, utritu,
notice is nereny firm insi
Lens H. Crtwl.
of Madras. OreroD.who. on October
mane notneusta. no.uiub. loriKii
townshlii 10 south, rinse 11 (ill.
commlitiHnn nroot. to tlllblllh
Madras, ore, on tne 2naciowij
I'lalininl namsl II WltnHIM
U nfenf I Afrnih I k fill r 1 1 J
n'M.l'rj ' C. W.M00KE.
Madras Pioneer Ads Urine: Results
Dnnnrtmont of the Interior,
T 1 rm,. Tr.ft llallAt lirPirn
lCth. 1912 . .
Notico la heresy fjiven urn
Loron G. rimrt
m f 1 r ma writ A ATI
or maaras, uri-KU",
n i mi i h a hAmmifsii. iiu.
or nine Sec. 18, and w,nwa,
TnwnRhln 11 South. RM I
Wlf.lliriHL.LL: UJUiiUltMif -
a if . maia rcjuiui
intention mj . . '"by , ,77k
nrrmf. to establish claim to
rr..nA- IT S. nommiwwnw.
iUltlVaf Z
m . if n,l.o npcrnn. OD
OIIICC Ut XTlUUiao, vvDr -
i .inirmiriL iiuuico t .
11711 Inm a I'MIIHII. I wivv
PrnnU- .T. HrookB. WllliMl Mi
all of Madras, Oregon.
i1H.lvl8nn C. W.
i . - A A. A