The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 30, 1912, Image 6

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ersonal and Loca
J. P. Hahn is spending sev
eral days in Portland attending
to business.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie L. Hill, of
Youngs, were in Madras Satur
day trading.
J. A. Brown and wife, of
Lamonta, were in Madras Satur
day. E. D. Gonsor, of Ashwood, was
a visitor in Madras Saturday of
last week.
Edward Allen, of Haycreek,
was in Madras Tuesday, trading
with the local merchants.
Douglas Hood left the early
part of-the week on a business
trip to Portland.
Mrs Grace Hayes Northey left
Tuesday morning to visit with
relatives at St Marie's, Idaho.
Porter Ashley went down to
Maupin Wednesday attending to
Balfour-Guthrie business,
W. E. Houk left Thursday morn
ing for Lebanon, to attend the
funeral of his mother, who died
at that place Wednesday.
G. W. Bontrager returned Tues
day evening from Portland,
whjre he had been visiting his
fa nily.
James A. Garrett, of the
, B izzard Ridge country, was in
Madras Saturday trading with
the local marchants.
Luther E. Smith, of Culver,
file 1 on a homestead in that sec
tion Saturday, before Commis
' 'oner Turner.
John McTaggart returned Sun
dav evening from Portland, where
he has been business
. Petition
Tn the Honorable County Court
the State of Oregon for Crook County
W. thn understand!, leirnl voters ol
Ashwood Precinct, Crook County, State
of Oregon, respectfully petition your
Honorable Body to grant n license to
K. n. finnsnr to soil spirituous, malt
unit vinnna honors and fermented cider,
commonly called hard eider, m mianti
tics less than one gallon in Ashwood
Precinct. Crook County, Oregon, for a
period of one (1) year from and after
July 1st, l'Jiz.
P n. finnsnr. W. II . Harbison, C,
P Mniimn. Howard Maupin. J. L.
."-Villous. J. V. Hale. W. C James, H.
( Gratey, Leo Wood, C. E. Sandy, J.
II. .lames. .1. G. Clark. DanTroban,
.1 C. Hroirnn. D. S. Hamilton, John
Payne, J. It. Baylres. S. 13. Sears,
Archie McPherson, A. L. Wallace, C.
O. Short. H. (?. Grntev. R. A. Powell,
Geo. M. Telfer, Dan Crowley. James
C. Grater, J. A. Gonscr, Klviu Crowley
Alln Mnrslaman. J. A. Garrett, Jim
Mnllnrkv. Walter S. McPherson, S. S.
Black. Milo Wood, James Wood.
Notice is hereby iriven by the under
signed, the applicant above named, that
tne loregoing peiuion win ue iirusmucu
to the Honorable County Court on
Monday, the lst day of July, 1912, at
which time he will apply to said court
at the county court room in rrmevuie,
Oregon, for a license as prayed for in
the foregoing petition.
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, iidnunistratrix of the Estate
of Benjamin Mason, deceased, has tiled
in the County Court of Crook County,
State of Oregon, her final account as
such administratrix of said estate, and
that Monday, the 1st day July, 1912, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been
fixed by said Court as tho time for
hearing of objections to said report,
and the settlement thereof.
Margaret E. Mason
Administratrix of the Estate of
Benjamin Mason, deceased.
Dated May 27, 1912.
Notice is. hereby given to the
general public that I will in no
wise be responsible for any debts
of any nature that may be con
tracted by my wife, Mary Wise
North, after the date of the pub
lication of this nqtice.
(Signed) H. N. North.
Mum rfst GiinnQ
iiiHHiii w mm mm w m w mm rt
Jack uhurcn war 'fl'''JoO'oo
H vycreek Monday a
business in the inteir
Bal Jwin Sheep Company.
E. V. Doty, of Bend, cam
down Monday and has been as
sisting at the Madras Wool Wan.
house this week.
Mrs. Dwight Roberts, who is
in attendance to Mrs. L. E.
Dooner at Bend, was in Madras
Tues lay attending to busine
Dr. H. B. Haile was called tr.
Bead Wednesday evening to at
tend Carl Lawson, who was shot
twice in a shooting scrape -at
B 2 id Tuesday night.
Mrs. George Rodman was taken
to the hospital at Prineville this
week, suffering from an attack
of typhoid fever. Cuvler Tribune.
ie ck Co.
'hone Your Orders
Madras Trading Co., Inc.
th I'
he I
Free Methodist.
so Regular services will be con
su ducted at the Free Methodist
in Church as follows:
cr Sunday School at 10 oclock A.
f e M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and
in 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting
ce Thursday evening at 7:30.
Ernest W. Hillis in charge.
lo -
kt a. ; r n..ui: l:
iftrtrnent of the Interior, U. S. Land
at The DaPes, Oregon, May 27tli
Hp A- .
Is there anything in all this world
jthat is of more importance to you than
to sustain life and must be digested
and converted into blood. When the
digestion fails the whole body suffers.
Chamberlain's Tablets are a rational
and reliable cure for indigestion. They
increase the flow of bile, purify the
blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone
up the whole digestive apparatus to a
natural and healty action. For sale by
M. E. Snook.
Charles Tunstall, who resides
on h s 1 omestead east of Madras
a few miles, left Monday for his
former home at Holbrook, Ore
gon, for a visit of several weeks
Al Howell, while fishing yes
terday below town, lost his bal
anc2 and slipped from a rock in
to the liver. His dog came to
him and did much to help him
reach land. Bend Bulletin.
Chris Kaas, who attended the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at
Pendleton, later visitiner his bro
ther James Kaas at Richland luntil 10 oclock, A. M. June 12th
Washington, returned home Wed i 1912- Each bid to be accompanied
The undersigned will receive
sealed bids for the material and
erection, either separately or
both together, of a school house,
according to plans and specifica
tions for same which may be
seen at the store of Smith &
Sroufe, at Vanora, Oregon.
Said bids may be handed in
by civ
Archie ft. F.tussctt
of Madras, Oregon, who, on March 15,
Mill, made Hoiiie.-tead, No. 08347, forsw,
nwK, wJwK. Section 13 a d nese,
Section li, Township 11 South, Kange 14
Kast.Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make commutation
Proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before Howard W. Turner, U.S.
Commissioner, at his nflice at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 8th day of July 1012.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James W. Hones, of Ha crek, Oregon1
lie ry C. Noble, Frank b.-wese and
(lottlt ib J. Vv cller. of Madras Orecon.
iii-30-Jj .4 O. W. Moore, Register
Notice for Publication
Department ol tho Interior, V. 8. I.nuU Ofllce
The Dalle. Oreiron. Slav nth. 1H2.
Notice Is hereby Riven that
Krank Whitney
of Haycreek, Orecon, who, onAugtut 13, 1WM.
made Homestead, No. 15300, Serial No. OWO.
sorHie. section 31, T. 10 8. R, 13 K. ami
fwiine'A, and Lot 2, Section 6, towruhlri 11
bouth, Kanxe 15 eait, Wlilarmtte Meridian,
ban tllt'd notice of intention to make Final
five year proof, to eitabllth claim to Die
land above described, boforo Howard W.
Turner, U. S. CommlnMoner at hla oflleo at
JIadraa, Ore, on the 19th day of June, 1012.
Claimant name as wltnosen:
Orvllio Bavin, f0y St. Newell, John F,
Church, John Sllnder. all of Havcreck. Ore.
uiC-JlS C. W. Sloore. KegUtcr
Notice for Publication
Department of tho Interior. V. 8. Land Office
at The Dalles, Ori'Kon, May 'J, 1012.
Notice li hereby given that
Jamux A Ilrown.Jr.
of Haycrctk, Oregon, who, on July l!)th, l'XW,
made Homestead. No. 1527C Serial, No. 03W.7,
for aw ne!4, o'4wJ-4 See 3and uniiv.M, uw
riQ'A. aectlon 10. towirlhln li onih. iihm,. i?.
eait, Willamette Meridian, ban filed noUre of
intention to make final live-year proof, to e.
tabllkll ! 11 1 III tn thn Infill nlmin ilnanrll.,.,1
fore Howard W. Turner, V. 8. w'ornmliuiloner at
blM oulce at Sfadraa.Oreinn nn tin, l'uli
June, 1912.
ilaltnant namci aa witnetfien,
James W. Lawler. John Iliiviu Imil, r.t ut,.
wood. Ore . Ocorgc A. 81ms, James H. (iarrett,
loth of Havcieek. Or.
'"16-J13 C. V. Moore. Hcglstcr
i esday ni?ht.
Mi.s Minnie Monner and Mrs.
Pearl Csborn, left Thursday
mornin? for White Salmon,
Washington, where they expect
to get employment in the straw
beiry fields.
For Sale. Separator and en
gine. at a bargain. Pride of
Washington separator, practical
ly new, having been run only
thirty days, wind stacker and
self feeder. Advance engine. For
further information write Cooke
Bros., Condon, Oregon.
I have taken the agency for
the John Deere Implement line
and Hodges Headers and Binders,
and have full line of repairs for
by a bond for $500 for the
furnishing of material and a
bond for $500 for the workman
The board reserves the right to
reject any pr all bids. Building
to be completed not later than
September 1st, 1912.
J. E. Campbell, chairman.
Any one who has borrowed any
of my carpenter tools," will please
return them at once.
M30-tf. Fred Davis.
For sale Fat hog, house and
barn. Prices right.
It Mrs Howe.
There will be preaching at the
M. E. Church, Sunday June 2nd.
For special orders call both morning and evening by
early to avoid delay.
B. S. Larkin.
the new minister, Rev. Carl Gil-
Notice for Publication
D 'partment ol the interior, U. S. Land
umce at i no uanes, ureKon, Jiay aim
Notice is hereby given that
Robert A. Harvev
of Madras, Oregon, who. on Starch 1st
ivfuo, made Homestead Nt. U'M'J, serial
No. 010351. for Ut h 1. 'i and sek'ueW. Sec
tiou 5 and Lot. 4. Section 4 Townshln
II South. Kant.'.; 13 East. Willamette Men'-
dhm, has tiled notice of intention to
naKe live-year Proof, to estab llsh
claim to the land above described, before
Howard IV. Turner. U.8. CommiHuloiH'r
at his ofllce at Madras, Otegoii, on the 3rd
uay m juiy, iviz.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jerry C. Sothman, William A. Ellis
William J. Cowherd, Hiram I'. Andrus
all of Madras, Oregon.
maoj-27-pd O. W. MOOUE, Kegihter
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. H. Land Office
at i lie wanes, Oregon, Slav au, lyiz.
Notice is hereby given that
Lena SI. Crews.
of Madras. Oregon. who. on October 2th. 1910
mane uoruencau, wo, U7WJ3, ror sviswii, sec. 24,
township 10 south, range 14 east, Willamette
Sferldlau. ban filed notice of Intention to inuVu
commutation prool, to establish claim to
Uio land above described, bulore Howard W
Turner, u. U. Commissioner at his office, at
Lauras, ura, ou me 2iiuaar oi juir isiz,
-I r ....nA. .M . .... .
Uaruarat Coffman. (J. K. IaiucVh. Jnsonh W
Wnrrj.n riiil.,.1. V rpA...u .11 n, uu.... rn..
rn23 J27 O, W. MOOKK, Heglster
Notice for Publication
Deuartment of the Interior. ITnltAil Pit
Land office at The Dalles. Oreiron Slav 3ith
Notice Is hereby given that
Ifenrv 0. Noble
of Madras, Oregon, who, on October :11th 1910
maoo jiomesteau, wo, O7039 for swnwji, Bee.
II and t,eAneA. v,l.uaA. K.w.'li.n in
Townshln 11 houlh, Itatige 14 Kast. WHIametto
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to
make commutation Proof, tn establish claim
to tho land above llnrrll,.d l...fnr lln
W, .Turner. United Hiatus Commissioner at his
ul 1912 a,ttur"'"t'rcK0"i 0,1 t,,e a"d dtty '
Claimant names as witnesses:
?'k. ''I'ewees. Oeorge J. Weller, Thomas
. Fields, Wesley Ilaton, all of Madras. Ore.t
HJ23J27. Hegliter
Notice for Publication
Benartment of the Intnrlnr ir H T .,,! nm,.
at The Dalles, Oregon, May 20, 1912.
Notice Is hereby trlven that
Jacob I'. Nelson,
of Sfailras Oregon, who, on June 7, 1910,
made Homestead, No. 0C9G5. for tUiwli
"Kfljli wKne, Section H, townshfp li
Bouth. Aange 13 Kast, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make five-year
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before Howard W. Turner, U. 8
Commissioner at hUollico at .Madras, Oregon,
on the 8th day of July, 1912. ' h '
Claimant names as witnesses
Jerry O Botliman. Louis K. Wilson N. C. II.
"JJ'nS w' E- Foot0- aI1 ' Maflras, Oregon.
IU23.J27 c. W MOOUK. Ileglster
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior. U. S.
Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon, April
Notice is hereby jriven that
Charlie It. Eoeles.
of Madras, OreRon, who, on December
amt. JUKI, made homcBtend, No. 07843,
lor netse fljnci, nno lot 'I, aectlon 6,
Township 11 South. Ranee 14 East.
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Howard W.
Turner, U. S. Commissioner at his
office nt Madras, Oregon, on tho 4th
uay oi June, rjiz.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John L. Campbell, Benjamin F. Pres
ton, J. E. Simpson, Perry Henderson,
all of Madras, Ore.
a-2T.m30 C. W. Moore
Madras Pioneer Ads Bring Results
Notice For Publication.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
April 29th, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that
Chester V. Bourne,
of Madras, Oregon, who. on December
27th, 1910, made Homestead, No. 078C8,
for ncj, Section 30, Township 10 S.,
Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turner, U. S Com
missioner at his office, at Madras. Ore..
on tho 11th day of June, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles D. Wagonblast. John W.
Jones, Knmucl Iiaberstich, Clarence
WattB, all of Madras, Oregon
m2-J6pd C. W. Moore
r i l . .
r - ui u.n in
Land Uftlco atTheDiUei,
notice is hereby rivtotkt
James II. Snjfcr,
iimi, iiu, raiaa uoaHUtd
snip v souin, itanre tml
Meridian, has filed notleo of
r rr nbn Asl .ui.if..
CBinoitsn claim to htm
A.tM.I 1 ' IT . M .
rag, Oregon on the M
J. A. Stoat. J. H.PridiT.
J II M J st . '
uay. hii oz iounni, ure..
W IfinnnAH 9 a akixAxI lut
m.9-Ji3pd . aw,
Sick headache results from a dis
ordered condition of the Stomach, and
can bo cured by tho use of Cham
berlain's Ktomnch and Liver Tablote.
Try it. For sale by M. E. Pnook.
Notice for PoWicil
Land Office, at The DiEa.
3rd 1912.
Notice is hereby given tilt
f rank v. sum,
mniln HomMteuf. No, lSL
03921 forelnwj, iwjnej, m
Section 8, Township 12
East, Willamette Merl&ft
notice of intention to C
ear proof, to embiiia
md above acjenow,
W. Turner. U. 6. Comi
ofllce, at Madrai, 0-i
day of June, 19IZ.
rMnlmnnt nnmPSIIWll
inhn R. Ilrown. of CnlWi
man neuter, n
n nt Usiiru. Ore.
1 IIUI Lit If V ..-.(
vi ... . iu iim torn
rilUUIUUliaiii. - , tM.
Iain's Liniment woaoenw
One application wijl WW
. " - An - . L'abVI III Hi
Ailvcrtlst In the Madras Pioneer
..... ..AAA