1 . CVffl. i. ii ArtinlfiS PjlUI nil""- ,Grfe Writing " Mo?10' Fens .. . rDIU r1 v Get the boy A Watch AKurato and durable 0ly $1.00 THE Farm atfi Garden Drug Cross to Prevent Smut IT FINDS MANY USES. Handy Homemade Torch Which Any Farmer Can Construct. Tho Iowa Ilomcstend says tho home tnado torch herewith illustrated or ono Hlmllnr in construction Hhould find n placo on every farm. To inako tho torch securo n Htout can thnt will hold n pint or more, preferably an old oil can with n hnndlo, drill a holo in tho center nnd plnco n short plcco of one-fourth inch iron plpo in tho holo as shown. It should extend to within half an inch of tho bottom of tho can and project nbovo tho top about thrco or four inches. Place n cap on tho top end nnd drill several very small holes in same. Thoro should bo about flvo holes, with ono in tho top of tho can. Mako tho holes ono thirty-second or onc-slxtccnth of nn inch in diam eter. Fill tho plpo with candlo wick ing nnd fnslcn tightly in place. It should bo soldered. Fill can about four-fifths full of gasoline and light samo by heating tho top of can nnd (Continued from page 2.) cut to dry, always nilincr ir. un. Jxnnrl nnnn si solution bl i . - has stood lor somu nine, ...... fmr fn of rnnnr.hfin an tt n hv nr r inir more ior no fho nHoo.t m.iv verv serious. Always mix theamount of solution nec' fnrfhP TiroseiiL neeu. IV . , n shou d DC ireaieu as and sown at a time wnen otn crprmiTiaLiuii win ic- formaldehycle is not ei f the wain is sown into r l: . a ,1 . i. i mxinir oi tno solution be done with tho utmost especially formaldehyde, Kirov treriiiii iiLiun. it and easiest way to in Special Sale Winter Goods ma kc room for On account of the extreme mild winter season we are overstocked with heavy wearing apparel and mus SPRING GOODS, hence this great sacrifice sale. Every article listed below has been radically reduced regardless of the cost and this will truly be an opportune time for you to buy winter goods. "Strike the Iron When it is Hot" Do not wait until such bar gains are all gone; but come inside and look them over. "Seeing is believing." Note the following items and bring this list with you. This sale is subject to cash purchasers only. Special prices will not prevail on your charge accounts. i lii fc 1 . a n it in ri l t n n r e v r -r 1 wm r K H (1 I I'MIIII'll II I'lllllll for various offices at the 7nr mnr P5 wi nnvo rr no and knowing that the can- of some parties for the of District Attorney de upon whether or not I again desire to be a can I deem it but fair to such s ann nnv nrnni-o rn nn announce that I wi not n narp inc nnmmotiAn nt- - w.. . . w. w. KV U111IK III llllfll i . . I jr HISIMn.U.n . I I (at mv Sinopro nnrl ho'ii-Knlf viivkj iiaVC me their Iovnl snnnnrf, " viulI hi i 'i r ii ii i i-'i irnm nn t- tne ume l have perform dutiVs nf flin nio a. ftki ...1 1 ... )mp. wnicn nr. imns hmrn iVhat arduous, nnrl T Will emov this nlnns ciation and co- ono Hon ue iuii extent as t has Fred W. Wilson. IIOMEMADU TOUCH. plpo with a small blaze. If tho weath er is not too cold this can bo done with matches. The heat forms n gas in tho enn which forces itself up through tho wicklng nnd when light ed miikcs a strong light and very hot blazo. This can bo used for many things on tho farm. It la sure death to all insect llfo in tho poultry house. Go over ull cracks with tho blnzo and the eggs nnd nits will bo killed as well ns tho insects. It makes a good, light nnd will withstand a strong breeze. A tap or nut that cannot bo otherwise removed will at onco conio off on be ing heated with tho torch. In short. anything that requires a small and snfo heat can bo heated or burned with this torch. It is perfectly safe and cannot explode. Sheep Lined Coats Brown Corduroy Men's 3-buckle Men's Low Cut Pacs Brown duck with heavy sheep Coats Rubbers Suitable for felt boot wear. lining. $5.00 goods now , $2.50 grade now my, nn Blanket lined, heavy storm Suitable for German socks or c, 7R &4.UU collar. $3.75 grade now felt boots. $2.75 grade now 3)1. O Fur Lined Coats 1 Ladies 3-buckle 2& sCtoa cSi. h$5a.5yo Wool Mackinaws Mens 4-buckle Overshoes. grade now Colors brown, gray and navy. Rnilrrnrlc $2.50 grade now $4 00 $4.75 grade now xxaiiroaas $3.25 Heavy rolled edges; best qual- a-uu IV T 1 1 - ity cloth tops. $3.25 grade now Moleskin Coats Gray Mackinaws 2.75 Ladies 2-buckle Heavy ackinaw lining, brown J C rto.Yc fur storm collars. $5.00 grade Three dozen extra good quality . t vjaiiers now $3.60 grade now Men S Wool $1.85 grade now S3JB S2-00 Overshirts SI.50 Leather Lined Coats MensDress Overcoats teTwSo Men's Felt Boots Reversible Corduroy rainproof 25 Tweed, Kerse y, eltonann grades now Brown and gray colors just and storm collar. $8.50 grade Cravenetto overcoats, latest $1.50 the thing for cold feet. ' $1.25 now 1911 models, plain and con- grade now $5 50 vertible collars. These will be ; sold at rock bottom prices. t T T 75c ... . Ladies Long Coats bheep Lined Coats ivf ' t papc 36 cloth and wooUerge winter Men's 2-buckle Brown Corduroy coats, sheep AV1C11 l-w-c 1 dUb coats, everyone of them are . lined, knit neck, knit wrist- Best grade rubber, heavy rol- th,ls s latest models, ArCtlCS lets. $8.50 grade now led edges. $3.50 grade now colors and designs. They must s . be sold. No reasonable offer -ou graae now $5.75 $3.00 will be refused. $2 00 Tho nvcrngo nmount expended j to eradicate and control weeds Js on 120 "Wisconsin farms report- i ed amounted to 13, while tho !! total tax on theso farms was V n 1 .. eri ri'i. l . I n . uiiij yft. xuu wuuua iiiun wciu i-i costing tho farmer half; tho bi: Central Oregon Mercantile Company Madras, Oregon Mi SAVE YOUR TREES. Provont Killing by Cold by Taking Procautloni In Time. It is commonly supposed that if trees aro given a suUlclently moist soil dur ing their growing period their win ter condition in this respect is a mat ter of Httlo Importance. As a matter of fact, trees-are giving off molsturo at all seasons of tho year, though to n much less extent, of course, In cold weather. During tho warm, sunny considerable the twigs, und. very severe wentlier, tne roots nro nblo to furnish this loss, though tho soil nbout them be frozen. Tho ability to do this is naturally less If tho soil bo dry or frozen very hard, In that caso tho loss of molsturo re sults In a moro or less complete drying up of tho tissues of tho plant, and this often results In the death of the tree. What is knowu as root killing mny In somo instances bo duo to tho limiia- FOR FORAGE OR ENSILAGE Canadian Experience With Corn Also Applicable to the United States. Corn for forage or ensllnge corn can ho grown to ndvnnlnge in almost all parts of Canada at present occupied by farmers or stockmen. Results have not been sntlsfuctory in every caso where efforts have been made to grow It, but this bus very often been due to wrong cultural methods practiced or unsuitable vurletles grown rutber than .i tt ... Mioition Convention ' piuiiiiii I. if in nnilnnr nnw "01 LrOoW nnimfir ,!11 U "wmiiwjt III Lll Wo rn U lA f r i --"V4 Ull I Ml. y I fT H 1 "tlU 0 clock a. m. for the Mays In winter thoro is " 01 PlPflf !fv r.,'.. j lnm .,!,..... . "wieLonvenf inn nf Pn,4. except in r " lh suiuu- - .wi ULUPt lliemnod or. niieiiiinn Man o,i wee rihion,, ,ir; r'y 'benrospnt ni 0,1,1 1 county con vpM inn turo or unnpo condition or tno pmnc COUlltv nn o '1LlXn 10 whon winter hoL'lns. but in most cuses -on together. narmnn Pnnh- bounty Chairman. Notice the to Tn "payers root killing follows dry seasons. If tho soil has been kept moist by cultivation or mulching the trees are safe, but if the soil Is dry It should bo thoroughly wot before freezing and then mulched with old straw, chaff or stable ninnuro to prevent drying out. quest of the Countv T,1 u't' delays freezing, and this in rUtt herebv nntiS Usolf l!J ,,,, 'lortnnt Hum, an it is tho 0I Pebm - i'eoruarv KiV inio conunueu irozcu suite oi wuuuy irtliill I "Vli, liIJ. II I .... At - o ii ill r 1.11 r n I iiiiiM iinir iiiiiumh iiiiiiii in 11 KiLibi 14 w- .a . v. 1 1 1 I'l'inn 1 . . 1 1 . ... , -ovj, Tne n,rv 1 owe uy Cmnlri 10n ' a bond surest monnH of preventing w.Ii , VUll I JlllMt-.. 1 1 I J - - , , . . ... uiii 1 1 1 ir 1 r r t i liw. nw n rirt i ittiniiiiiiii airciiiii "ULLllin Ar ' . I tiosslblo Is the Inter kill- Iturlst. 86 at in " 3 tu "iirr.ni 11? - . x-v, wiau v tne "VI) AaL nun Got Ready For the Cold 8naps. Lnto fall Is a good tlmo to clean up I ml overhaul hotbeds nnd cold frames and prepare soil for bedding. Soil or compost to bo used for this purposo should bo covered to havo it in good condition when needed lu February and March. Overhauling und ropalr. Crosby' na0LASS WARE for botbods nnd cold frames aro good tii rnn 1 "u?thi8mefiHn;,' fen Browni County Clerk. rAIUBTIBS OP CORK STUTAOIiIt FOB KKSI liAaiS. Flint varletlea: Dent varieties: North Dakota White White Cap Yellow (ivhlto). Dent (white). ompton'a Early Selected Learning (yollow). (yellow). From bulletin, department of affrlcul ture, Canada. to ndverso climatic peculiarities, ac cording to a bulletin issued by the Cnuadlnn depnrtmout of agriculture. Tho reasons for growing or making an attempt to grow this forage crop wherover llvo stock aro kept in any numbers aro numerous and cogont A fow of them follow! As a plunt capnblo of yielding a large amount of valunblo forage under a great variety of soil nnd climatic con. dltlons corn .Is without nn equal. Whon ' properly preserved, whethor as eusllngo or dried, it can bo used an material to render other less palatable roughago moro acceptable to farm animals. Vnen properly grown, and well pre served ns erislln'ge'lt Is the equal of or superior to roots in feeding value nnd palatnblllty. It can, however, gener ally speaking, be more cheaply grown and moro easily preserved than roots. Tho labor of growing nn acre of corn Is of a character much moro agreeable to perform and much less arduous than that of growing an acre of roots of any description. Corn, being a cultivated or hoed cror. serves well to clean the land that Is, rreo it from weeds, so fitting it for grain growing nnd putting it into shape to seed down to grass or hay. Corn Is n gross feeder nnd may be depended upon to make good use of n never so abundant supply of plant food. It Is for this reason particularly well adapted to occupy that placo In tho rotation where humifying vegeta ble matter and a fairly liberal supplj of barnyard manure unite to supply largo quantities of plant food suitable for root, leaf and stem growth rather tban for seed production. The growing of corn on a fair pro portion of the arable land on the farm will permit of keeping moro cattle and bo Increase tbe revenue as well ns nug meut tho manure supply so essential to tno maintenance of soil fertility. Corn when preserved as ensilage can bo stored much more cheaply in much less space than any other roughage. in addition, stored In this way it will keep indefinitely and is always ready to feed. Sutler's Now Story. Congressman Sulzer of New Vnrfc has Btopped tolling nftor dinner stories .Tho Now York congressman ami .T. Vidnm Dodo, tho Minnesota wit, were speakers at a banquet In Washington not long ago. Bedo hold tho floor for an hour and told somo amusing yarns. wuon air. sulzer aroso ho shook his Hoary Olaya at tho guests nnd stnrted out to win tho humor Marathon him self. "I will first tell you a story that Adam novor heard." ho began and then launched into tho rocltnl of nn anec dote so aged thnt everybody in tho audlonce could call It by its front name. Mr. Sulzer hadn't progressed very far whon Representative Stanley of Kentucky ..roared up and in n hoarse whisper, heard all over tho room, Bald; "Why, Bill, Adam Invented that Story,? , J. H. HANER, Pre.. C WONDERLEY. Vice Pre. L. M. BECHTELL, See. 5 The J. H. Haner Abftradt Co. Incorporated Prineville - Oregon Capital Stock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up. Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county. Carefully prepared photograph copies of all records and city plats at low cost. 6 mmmm A. E. CROSBY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS AND KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON Exclusive Agent F or EASTMAN Kodak Co. Rochester, N. Y. A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mailorders will receive our prompt attention. Write for Jour new 1911 CATALOG Try a bottle of jur. oper. Will dVv.lop any plate or piper. A. E. CROSBY IrT fBLr YbbbKIHbbbHIH w IfW HrHMbbHX9H BBaLaPvLv awR ItHHaaBBami iKlKBaBBBBBBBV jpns xpr fltormy uuys.