Personal and Local Ray L. Jackson returned home from Portland this week. Born, to the wife of William Mathers, Tuesday, January 9th, a boy. John Edwards of Bend, was in Madras Saturday calling on friends. J. A. Seagraves of Blizzard Ridge was in Madras the latter part of the week. Oren Waite of Lamonta is spending the day in town attend ing to business matters. Born, to the wife of Henry Waite, Sunday evening January 21st., a pound boy. A. G. Kibbee came over from his ranch on Haycreek with a load of farm produce today. Born, on Monday, January 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jenkins, a son. Deschutes Valley Tri bune. Attorney Bergland made a hur ried business trip to Portland and Salem the early part of the week. W. F. Hammer left for Port land Tuesday morning on bus iness, expecting to be away for several days. A. C. Sanford returned from Bend this morning, where he has been spending some time with his family. Ralph W. Buchwalter made final commutation proof on his homestead before United States Commissioner Turner yesterday. Mrs. Jno. McTaggart, spent the early part of the week in Redmond with her brother, who is conducting theOregon Grill. Gilbert T. Davis of Haycreek made final proof on his home stead before the United States Commissioner Tuesday at Mad ras. C. S. Van Tyne who has been in Madras the last week, looking after his interests here, left this morning for his. home at Spo kane. Ona R. Davenport from across the- Deschutes River made final proof on his homestead Tuesday before the Commissioner at Madras. A. R. Lowe engineer and elec trician at the Warm Springs In dian Agency was in Madras Monday of this week, looking up some land matters. Wm. Branstetter, who recently purchased the M. W. Bennett house and lot, moved in from his ranch on the Agency Plains the early part of the week. County Surveyor Rice spent Friday and Saturday in the Round Butte Country running out some lines for Larson, Nel , .son, and Maupin. He left Sun Havi morriingifo'r Gateway,, where Services at -the -"M.1 l'churchH next Sunday as follows: Morning! service at 11 a. m., subject, "A Message to Fearful Ones." Eve ning service at 8 p. m., subject, "The Race of Life." A cordial invitation to all. Rev. John J. Pacey, pastor. Thomas P. Monroe and family who have been spending several months in California, returned to their ranch three miles north of Madras Friday evening. They say that this country looks the best to them that they had seen yet for a poor man. B. C. Dove, who has been act ing as city marshal a part of the time during the absence ot Mar shal Stangland, left last evening for Bend to join his family at that place. Stangland is again on the job and it is expected will wield the big stick. Mr Johnson who was sent out by the Portland Wood Pipe Company to have charge of the laying of the pipe for the water svstem for the uity or Madras, arrived Sunday evening, but owing to the fixtures not being on hand could not commence the laying of pipe-until today. On last Sunday the residence of W. H. Peck caught fire from a chimney. When discovered, the fire was eating its way into the roof. Several of the boys were at home and they hastily got together and formed a bucket brigade. There was a good sup ply of water, or otherwise the house would have been destroy ed. The fire was extinguished after a heroic fight. One end of the house was damaged" to quite an extent. Deschutes Valley Tribune. Complete lino of optical goods at Mra. Crosby's. Gold Strike On Deschutes River No end to excitment was caus ed here last week by the discov ery of a gold deposit in the vi cinity of Lower Bridge on the Deschutes. M. Robinson who lives near Redmond, sent a quan tity of the gold bearing sand to the assay office in Portland the first of the week and the assay proved that some of it at least, bears $18 in gold to the ton. The richest sand yet taken was found beneath the surface of the water in the river bed. It is believed by those who have visited the place and are enthusiastic about it that an average of $12 per ton will be found. It is said that a company of capitalists from Minnesota have become interested in the propo sition and staked a number of claims with a view to immediate developement. Saturday, a par ty of ten went from here to Low er Bridge, and a number of claims were staked. Several other peo ple have visited the gold deposit during the week from here as well as from Terrebonne, Prine ville, and other near-by towns and all pass the opinion that it is a rich find. There is no doubt but that the claims will be work ed. It is not at all improbable that a rich strike has been made, say mining men, judging from surface indications. Redmond Hub. See new line of Gold-Btone iewclry at Mrs. Crosby's. Constipation Is the cause of many nil luents and disorders that make life miser able. Take Chamberlain's Stomncli and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by M. . Snook. about breeding, (utckiaff. niiinc Authentic and v&liuble iniofnutirai feeding and homing poultry u contained in tna latefi edition oi Luir'' Poultry Boot juA printed. Scad for copy. free. The CW H. Uy Co.. Seattle Summons In the Justice's Court for the Precinct of Madras, Crook Coun ty, Oregon: O'Neil Brothers Company, a corporation, vs. Frank Jean and Ed Prather, co-partners, doing business under the firm name and style of Frank Jean, defend ants. To Frank Jean and Ed Prath er, co-partners as Frank Jean, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summon ed and required to answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgement against you for the sum of $88.10 and the costs and disbursments of this action. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of J. H. Jackson, a Justice of the Peace of the above .entitled pre cinct, "which order of publication -m- uaieutWift m jjay dm Uxiurav, & .li'.j.j.'.j 1.1 nrtL j L jvVt: ?JLaxi5',ana airects tnat wus- sum-. motis be published for a period of six consecutive weeks in The Madras Pioneer, a newspaper published at Madras, Oregon. J. H. Jackson, Justice of the Peace, Madras Precinct, Crook County, Oregon. E. Bergland, Plaintiff's Attor ney. Date of first publication, Jan uary 25, 1912. Date of last publication, Feb ruary 29, 1912. ORDINANCE 38. An Ordinance entitled an ordi nance to provide for loaning the Water Bond Sinking Fund of the City of Madras. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Madras; 1st. The Finance Committee of the City of Madras is hereby au thorized and empowered to loan the Water Bond Sinking Fund of the City of Madras on first mort gage farm loans, said loans to draw interest at the rate of ten (10) percent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of January and July of each year. 2nd. Before any loan is made under and by virtue of this ordi nance, the Finance Commitee, or its duly authorized agent, have appraised the property of fered as security, approved of the loan and passed upon the ab stract of title; provided that no loan shall exceed forty (40) per cent of the appraised value of the property to be mortgaged and provided further that no loan shall be made to any officer of the City of Madras during his term of office. 3d. All loans made under and by virtue of this ordinance shall become due and collectable prior to January 1st, A. D. 1920. 4th. The applicant for a loan Everything 4 packages Corn Starch 3 " Corn Flakes 3 " Rice Flakes 2 " Grape Nuts 2 " Cream of Wheat 2 " Violet Oats 1 " Columbia Oats 1 ' " Wheat 3 " Jello, any flavor 2 cans Sauerkraut 3 " Condensed Milk Now is the MADRAS shall furnish to the Finance Com mitte an abstract of title and shall pay all expences incident to the appraisement and to the drawing and recording and re leasing of the mortgage. 5th. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty (30) days from its passage, signature by the Mayor and Recorder and posting or pub lishing as required by the bhar ter of the City ot Madras. Dated this 16th day of Jan uary, A. D. 1912. Howard W. Turner, Mayor of the City of Madras. J. H. Jackson, Recorder. State of Oregon ) )ss County of Crook ) I hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance is i true and correct copy of the or lgional ordinance as tne same was passed by the Common Coun cil of the City of Madras at i regular meetmuthereof on the uer ORDINANCE NO. 37. An Ordinance to prevent gamb ling within the City of Madras. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Madras. Section 1. That it shall be un lawful for any person or persons within the corporate limits of the City of Madras to deal, play or carry on open, or cause to be opened, or who shall conduct as owner, proprietor, or emplyeyee, wnetner lor nire or not, any game of chance, whether the same be played for money, checks, credit, or any other repre sentative of value, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof before the City Recorder's Court shall be pun ished by a fine of not less than Five (5) Dollars nor more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the City iail one day for each Two Dollars of such fine as may be adiudcred against him. In as much as there is no ordi nance ot the City prohibiting gambling except in a licensed sa loon, an emergency is deemed to 16th day-ofJanuafyM. D. 1912 trfa?:Jtt.vjacK80flirfUity Kecoi- exist and therefore this ordi nance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pas sage, signature by the Mayor and Recorder and posting or pub lishing as required by law. Jan. 16th, 1912. Howard W. Turner, Mayor of the City Madras. J. H. Jackson, Recorder. I hererby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of the original as the same was passed by the Common Council of the City of Madras at a regular meet ing thereof on the 16th. day of January, A. D. 1912. J. H. Jackson, City Recorder. is Notice a Few of Our Reduction P 25c 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c 30c 30c 25c 25c 25c J- ' time to buy Madras Trading Co. W. A. BELL FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. To the Republican electors of Crook, Hood River, and Wasco Counties: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for District Attor ney at the coming Primaries, April 1st, that I have resided in the District Twentyifve years, at Prineville and The Dalles, Oregon, and have been in the active practice of the law for the past eighteen years; that, if nom inated and elected, I will during my term of office devote my en tire time to the duties of the of fic to the exclusion of other law business, and give my per sonal attention, and first con sideration to the business of the office, and will personally assist the officers in each County-with, the enforsement of the Criminal Law, and especially will I exert myself to enforce the lawagainst iv.t, i:iuiui.ait.ui;ia,ji turn uic uai fic in'white Slavery. (Pd..Adv.) W. A. BELL. ABSTRACT REPORT Of instruments filed in the office of Recorder of Deeds. Issued by Crook County Ab stract Co., Inc., Prineville, Ore gon. December 26 to January iy, inclusive. Milton G. Pillette to EfTie M. Pillette. his wifo. sr4 swi Sv 13, 11-13; lots 6 to 1 6 inc., block b; lots 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8, to 18, inc.. block : lots 1 to fi and 13 tn inc. block 1 2; Depot add., Mad ras. Nancv R. Noble to Earl Nohler si swl Sec. 25-12-12. $1. Madras Townsite Co. tn Hnn- ry Dietzel; e 12 feet of w of blk. ,rS. Track," Palmain. $100. Madras Townsite Co. to Tnlnnrl Empire Co. ; lots 29 and 30, blk. "Ry. Grund," and lot 7, blk. 49, raimain. si. James Wood et nx tn TiYnnk Irvin; lots in Original Ashwood, First add. and Kelsev Sr. T.vfln add., Ashwood; also nei and eh nw sec. 36-9-16. $1. Justin C. Wvman tn Jnhn T? Cook; lot 7, blk. 28, Culver. $400. R. II. Barnett M. W. Bnrnrr. nejswj Sec. 10 and nwjswi Sec. 11-12-13. $1200. Orecron Trunk Dev. Co. tn Dnl. la T. Aumillor; Jot 5, blk. 1, warenouse add. Madras; lot 5, bin. 1. Terminal add. f!nlvm" lnf 5, blk.l, Pioneer add. Opal City; iot o, dir. l, waterway add. Redmond, and lot 5, blk. 1, Grandview add. Bend. $500. Vanora Townsite Co. to S. Sroufe et nl: lot 11. hllr 1H Vanora, $50. ' Madras Town hi tn f!n fn W J Branstetter; lots 1 and 2, blk! 38, Palmain. Con. $525. Maud C. McDonald RmwnMIl to Emma Van Noy; sel Sec. Regardless of Coft 1 " Com 1 " Tomatoes 1 " String Beans 4500 Matches Men's fleeoe linod Underwear, per garment Ladies' fleeced lined Underwear, per garment Blanket lined Coats, each Good quality, one-piece Sheets, 72x90, each Children's heavy cotton Hose, two pair There are no better bnro-ni than you wm iind In our Shoes and Hats, iw ' 1 thorn. Thn crrnnW. mn,m, . " ".W"rtWd a supply and skve mod 29-10-13. $2000. i, James Wood to Addie B. Wooer; ajaptf in VWlaM. Gray to E. L. Milner; lots 1 and 2, blk. 8, Depot add. Madras. '$375. PATENTS FROM, U. S. ' Goe. R. Stamp; sei Sec. 35-12-12. r' " Milton' G. Pillette; selswi 13-11-13. . Archiba ld McPherson; lot 3 and eiswi Sec. 7 and nejnwi Sec. 18-9-18. Geo. T. Peters; lot 2 Sec. 18-13-14 and nisei and seinei- Sec. 13-13-13. David B. Burden; selSec.5-10- 3. Wm. R. Cook; nwjswi Sec. 8-12-14. Robert, ..Cower; siswl Sec. 27 and iWk Sec. 34-11-12. ,? Max Wilson; s&nwi and nswl Sec 13-11-12. Madras Dray & Transfer Work neatly and quickly done Prices reasonable Phone In your order F, A. ZELL, Drayman NO. 3851. The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON B. F. ALLIH, I'roildent. , , T. it Baldwin, Cwblor. Will Wuhjwiilm Vice I'rei. II. Baldwin, Ant. Caihlor, ESTABLISHED 1888 Capital, Surplus and Undivided ProflU $100,000.00 MONEY BACK PILE CURE Piles permanently cured or money refunded. I have cured the worst cases in Oregon. NO FAKE. Terms: $2.50 down. $2.50 when cured. Address J. W. ROBINSON Madras - Oregon Send For. This Seed Annual-Free LyUMwicM thM I wo cwM j quIppedUboMloty aV' ! diioaica of (dcBtU ad WP Tfca CUa. H. UBrOSa net ....... --o w iijr wnure or nwi I yuu can find, OREG0I ifit'a'Winj latf of tugth j spme-oL incur with vakr. bee Bruce Hood 2 Notice For Publicatleu department of the Inlerlor.Uj uiiicu iu uiu uauei, urtgoo,Li ll'W. Nutlco l hereby elren thit PaufF.Bin., of Mndraj, Oregon, KbooiiOettttfa inane iionityteM,,,ifl.'jiiH ser umi. fdror. uwfJw tv. i Intention ti make Filial HiejwFsl ustnimsn claim tutioitnatWTtw before HowaiJ. Y. Turner, U.8.C Hloner, ul LI j onic! at juaiu, vrt Mix KOih dav of Jiffuarv.1812. Claimant named n iltseMC.i J'uyi'iiskl, Frt'dL HJUiier.Tliia ter, mna neuter, aimi aiv Sumniqjf3. II... .It... Innbenn ntafntlft va D3BB Kd ward Jackson, defendant In the Circuit Court for theSUtf W con in the County of Crook: 1 ?. .. ....i i-l i.M.....rli wirsnn. defendant l.M 4.1 I ..V..V"", ; To Kilward Jackson, tie tmjf, SilimcoftheSU an liereuy imwXfWuTii i the abuvo ciuitifu ;uii..- v-fti troin the 21st day of orsulluradccreeofabwlndlfw Tim order of pAJ M which thl)s lu(Udte4t asi 125 ABoniejw- Notice ForFffblicatioD. A1 . .... .... JlrAfl puljllo Htv, 5f u 6ia;lW?l ne!;nwi,ecl2,tP. J O.L clatalM MfflfflSa orobjoouow, 1 Inr illu. C. til '..1 Jta laoUtM '" i WBUdUfrcalttJ"1 w. ' ....MIT ln ; :. iu j''"'1 i.i In teriu'r' jiM PIKci; ut Is hereby i wno II. wl'v UnJ 1""" ... .w-SJ