Jr Bi , The Madras Pioneer', . E DOttlC OOUlld - i .fl, ' p HA Hi k 1 1 IH R a 1 co. i h i vh r b r 9 a j SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oiih vcnr 160 Six months hu riiri't- iiinutlis 60 A.WVKKT1SINO i r n i arcs UUIIUi-IM - ! 1 . jr III 1 o be given oy tne i Kiilereii hs xecouil class matter August I iV, IWM, at the Postotilee at Minima, Ore., tunli'i the Aotofdoimressof March S.1K7N. THURSDAY - JAN. BUSINESS ACTIVITY FOR '13 The fact that business activity is to a degree held in check by the political controversy which rages around the questions o tariff, trusts and money is an earnest that these questions are on the eve of def inate settlement. With both parties commited to some form of the tariff revision, it is certain that the tariff wil be revised and will then be left undisturbed for a long period There is such general agreement on the manner of dealing with the trusts and the demand for action from the trusts themselves is becoming so urgent that legis lation cannot be long delayed. The National reserve scheme has met with such general approval among business men that some legislation on its general lines cannot fail of early adoption With these three problems solv ed, the worst stumbling block in the way of continued prosperity will have been removed. In short business may be said to have prepared itself for a per iod of activity. It will probably move forward gradually and cau tiously during 1912. but will be ready to move confidently and at accelerated speed after the incoming of the Administration in 1913, whatever may be the political complexion of that Ad ministration. A conference held at the Ore gon Agricultural College on Mon day of last week between the different interests that are work ing for agricultural education in the state schools resutled in par tially outlining the course of study. Livestock interests of Portland have arranged to send cut an expert hog raiser over the state to interest boys in raising hogs. This will be a part of the agricultural work of the schools and contests will be arranged, the winners in the various clas ses meeting in a country contest and the winners of these, in turn, will exhibit at the State Fair. Railroad mileage in Oregon has increased at a remarkable rate during the past few years and the outlook for 1912 is encourag ing. According to the report of the state railroad commission, there were 2382 miles of railway in Oregon at the end of June, 1910. By the end of December, 1911, this has grown to 2883 miles. Farmers' week at the Oregon Agricultural College, Feb 59, will be an intensified opitome of the four weeks course, includ ing all the information possible in so short a time on animal hus bandry, argonomy, dairy hus bandry, and horticulture. Special emphasis will be laid on poultry husbandry, and the last day this work will take the form of a poultry show in wnich the productin of the egg will be the paramount issue. Madras Dramatic Club Postponed to FRIDAY, SANFORD'S HALL, AT 8 O'CLOCK can often be given by sporting leople, especially those who uive a practical knowledge of stawe requirements and proper equipment. Many of the most critical would doubtless send you ,to us for harness, because it is known to the trade that ours its he best made harness in the coun try. We take extreme pains with every detail of its make, hence its superiority. Larkin Harness Shop For Good Farms City Property and Business Chances SEE D. W. BARNETT OFFICE MAIN BTRKKT, MADRAS, OKEdON C M EWinq J PROPRIETOR I Elite Tonsorial Pati I N0 LONG WAITS BATHS R Lbs MADRAS, ORE. Houses to Rent CHOICE LOTS IN DEPOT ADDITION names land, rivers and 1 Blue PrintTownship Plats Corrected uptodate, Bhowlnjj of entrymen, vacant creeks, CO cents each. Land Scripts For Sale For securintr title to all kinds of Gov ernment land without NEW . xwternationJ JLJiUTAONARY! THE MERRIAM VVEBST Tho Only AcrunabridjJ tlonnry in ninny yeara, A uoiuuma imo puu ana e$J of an outhoritativa litd uovors ovory field of kw odgo. An Encyclopedia sintrlo book, Tho Only Dictionary siti J iveiv vtvtucu rage. 400,000 Wonls. 2700 C000 Illustration!. Cottn half ft nm'ion dollars. Lot us UU yea about tMin romc.kwblo tingle nrovemen.. at Write us i'or particulars. residence or lm- lowcst market prices. All kinds of i Land office business a specialty. Twen- ty-ftve years experience. Kcfcrcnce, trench & Co., Bankers. Hudson Land Company The Dulles, Oregon Music Songs Recitations ,1 Lake Superior Iron District. The Mesuba iron ranee In Minnesota produced In 1010. according to tua United States Reoloplcal puryey. Ki per cent of the entire lrou ore, produc tion of the United States. The l.nke .Superior district, including. Minnesota. Michigan and Wisconsin, produced Siya per cent of our total Iron ore produc tion. Figures from other countries ore not yet nvnlfcible for 1010. but this Is probably a greater production thnn the eutlre year'a qutput for auy .foreign Ingenious Method of Advertisement. A fair giveu for the benefit of a fresh air mixtion In Indianapolis, Ind., was' iugenlously advertised by placing a specially constructed spring actuated caunon on n motor truck and discharge. Ing advertising cards from it wfcJre ho truck was being driven through the streets. Tho spring was sufficient ly powerful to throw the packages of cards u considerable distance, and the cards. Heattered by tb. winds, fell in showers over the peopJe iu the street. Folding Billiard Table. Using n. lml of heavy rubber Instead of slate.' n ppmisylvnnlan has Invented a combination billiard nud pool table that cau be folded and put out of the way when not In use. When buying a cough medicine. for clill dieu hear in wind (lint Chamberlain's Oaiigh Itemed)' Is moi4 cflVcttial for colds, croup mid whooping cough and tliutltcuu tains no harmful drug. For snlu by M. K, Snook. DANCE AFTER THE SHOW Let the Builders' Bargain House 5a Money for You You can rcd c thn building at lf.t a C3 tZD CD Flrc Cross Panel Doors 11.20 m, Ourdoon are cuJeol Wiililnclun fir woJ itulcueUtll when In bfiutjr and rjuaJIcr 'or llicpricr. Srrnl ui lirt cl yuat vinii and ret our tprclil price on all bulUlnr nutrrlal pre paid to your union. LUMBER Wufitaf. to K.J C.J.r Sfcloli 17cprlU0 Vca f rt from ui nrtir tlilnr ndrd lo build boute or bun. Sundard lilbl)HcprlOO24i 85e ptr 100 III barn boardi and (enrinr, 9Sc per 100 ft, Scad (or net price 11 rt. i Porch Col- umits R..I1J turnrj fcOcop, aotlin( lo nzr, Oo'inc In cut lira! buying pofr mipiicca tf the bwctf. . .tigm jA RnlliLri' BarOaln ilouie UotbcJSMh Jo l the (arn . f mtl lul tul Kn.lilri Oaljr M.J5, Ii M 1 1 -i C siticue ,nt--d B-iwprkfi t!. WW (nil' tO. WillUl' He .tjaUitllli! lot). l ill youi catf ral rlK -and uttJ out mcnt'FctJi tint hi I tunun Vjiitrl II l "BuUtrf lull u;iriicl tioiultkuu last baiBffllj loolmlrt" ncrnWlMS ttasa ii"" t 1. 0.0. F.Lod a a i nverv Ssl nigfiL Strangers art come. Charles Ortman, awls H. Irvlng.Secr The sale of a tract of land south-east of Madras containing eighty acres is reported this week to E. L. Milner, and was owned by J. E. Bedingfield, the purchase price being about $1000. HI Hahn is Back at His Old Stand. Parties desiring: credit can get goods from Hahn by giv ing crqp,mortgages. FREE SHOES I at Hahn's on the r&frd Thursday of February, at 2 o'clock Pk M., and every Thwsd'ay after that until is given, i Will give away one pair of shoes. Call unci learn about it. ry, at z o ciock s ZJ The New" MADRAS FLOUR MILW Are Now Making Three Brands of Flour MADRAS FLOUR (straight) HIGH! .AND PATENT (1ft DESCHUTES FLOUR (2nd gr . .. , AI1 our FLOUR is of natural colo The only right color, flavor and qua" J All brands are first class for their gr Madras Flour Mi ikl H, F. DIETZEL, Proprietor