THE Madras Pioneer V ! NO. 16 MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1912. WATER S btor E. Jeffory Wednesday LEATHER NO OBJECT : HdJOMen Will R"h forf-M Possible-Will R" U 'water system as- ftnite oroportionB this the arrival of E. J. Jef ie firnt of Jeffery & ftho'have the contract iff. the works. He came If evening overtno u. M and will remain un- 'the-work is finished. foil noticeable leaiure of comment by Mr. Jei Ee'stepped from the train admirable weather pre- here at, the present time. ;h a little frosty, he re that it made him feel find himself in a country ibber boots and life pre- are an unknown quantity, efrom Portland, first load of pipe was from Portland today," nt II 1 I L r. Jenery, anu uy next iday we hope to have all inches dug and the pipe tied and ready for the 'With the exception of ir four experienced men, ill come from Portland, t employed will all be se- Olid here," sand and gravel for the work on the reservoir in ordered, and by the is on the ground ready the rest of the material Ire arrived and the men ready to go to work. iply to a question whether weather would interfere ework, he replied that it not; The onlv nosHihle i - - for a delay would be at rvoir, and if it gets too will be covered and a ve installed to keen the st the right temperature, "pe for the water mains me from thfi Pnrflnnrl Pipe Co., and they will long a professional layer hat the job is done nrn- This c'Orjfmhy guarantees ?entout and they take. es with faulty construc tive of inferior wnrir. fl there will be between 25 men employed, and the ''wished in about. two er starting. Mr. Jaf- pgistered -t the Madras to co-operate with their sisters in town and on the evening of January 12 they will appear at Sanford's hall, buy a ticket just like a "little man," and this will entitle them to dance. It don't seem possible, boys, but it's a fact nevertheless, for once in their life they have to dig up the prico of a ticket. Then comes the introducing, for there are going to be lady floor managers. It's this way, follers. When you enter the hall you will have to take a seat along the wall and wait till some bewitching damsel asks you for a dance, before you will have a chance to show your ability on the floor. Won't it seem funny when it happens like this: You observe the floor manager ap proaching. "Would you care to receive an introduction from Miss Beatrice Vanderbilt, Mr. Jones?" Then you have to squirm around irl your seat a little and finally stammer, "Why, certainly, don't care if 1 do." . You see, girls, that's all the men can say. They are accus tomed to having some one say, "have a cigar, Bill," and. if they do appear a little awkward their intentions are all right. Then comes the "big feed." This is another feature worthy of special mention. It will be free, too, for the men, and will be held at 'the Arentz building next to the postoffice. The ladies propose to serve an old fashioned basket dinner. They will haye enough for everybody and all they ask is for the ladies from the country to bring either a pie. or cake. ' Don't forget Friday, January 12.. It only happens once every four years. . Married John H.. Montgomery and Sa brina J. Bivins were married at the Methodist parsonage in Prine villo, Thursday, December 21st. Both parties were residents of Culver. At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Win dom, at Culver, December 24, Miss Myrtle B, Windom and Mr. Roy H. McCord were married at high noon, Rev.C. P. Bailey 6f the Baptist church at Prinville performing the ceremony. Only the immediate members of the families of the contracting' par ties were present. After the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the banquet table where an excellent wedding feast prepared by the bride's mother and sister was served. The con tracting parties are highly re spected young people in the com munity where they live and they start in life with the best wishes of a host of friends. , Local Masons are considering the organization of,a lodge here in the near future. The neces sary, number of members re quired to obtain a charter have, signed a petition axfd this will be forwarded to the Grand Lodge at Portland for approval, With the arrival of the charter it is prob able that a delegation of 'Prjne ville Masons will come'.here and help in jthe work of organisation. Mrs. C. Friend of A'shwpod, who has for several years been Oale SGt for fho T.oon hnainoaa Vina rliannanrl nf hv rn. tO he nitmn i... i.t.' ,:: i i a a. : f ii , urs uramatic ana is now entirely out or the X1j in Wll EtllUUU UUQlllCTOD. 1 XII 11 VV will winter the band on Mrs. Friend's range and will qlso do his winter feeding there. Shan- iko Star. Dick. Dove, who came down from Bend last week, has been acting, as city marshal the last few days: ",.- ,f . ' . BALL IS ST APPROACHING lltnt Socloty Function In "''no 1012-Manv F,ftm C"try Comlno m week from tomorrow 1a ti- : ar 1912 in MhW talk of fuA I-'.' ' - MIU IUWJI ei'ladi, the (pillingnGss THE WESTERN GOVERNORS' SPECIAL GOVERNOR WEST AND THE OREGON EXHIBIT CAR "The Western Governors' Special has proved the greatest ad vertising feature ev6r attempted in the interest of the West. News of its coming was abroad in the land and thousands awaited at the stopping points not only to receive us with open arms, but to hear of the great resources and possibilities of the Western States. "The tour of the Western Governors will result in the bring ing about of a better understanding and close friendship between the East and the West. The eyes of the East were not only opened to the possibilities of the West, but its people were brought to re alize that our interest is their interest and whatever is done to de velop the West is bound to redound to the benefit of the East. They know that a movement of the 'landless man' of the East to the 'manless iand' of the West is one not only in the interest of business, but one which will make for government. "When told of the great variety of resources of a state like Oregon of its 29,000 square miles of virgin forest, of water power which measures twice that of New York, Massachusetts . and Maine combined, of its great variety of grains, grasses and vege tables and fruits, of its mines and fishing, of its orchards and hop fields, of its live stock industry, and last but not least qf its de lightful climate they could hardly believe the statements true. As a result of the trip thousands are becoming interested, and 1 am sure tne coming year win see a westward movement such as never was seen before." J, FAREWELL PARTY FOR CLUB MEMBERS Affair to Delightful Society, Function: ,7 -V mrg, iviiinor unioriQinjn n.oqor- oi nor iviuiiiBry Biu uisvur S Mrs. John McTaggart;andMrs. Howard W. Turner were", host esses at an informal'- farewell. party given, at Sanford'B' hall last night in honor of Louis Falken-. hagen? Philip Merrill and M. Fi. Meloy, who leave Madras Saturn day morning. About 40 guests were present arid enjoyed them selves at cards and dancing until midnight. ter 10 o'clock a delightful lunch was served, The boys are members of the Dramatic Club and their leaving was the occasion of. much regret on the part of the club president and members. While seated at the banquet table Mrs. ISa B. B. Crosby gave a toast to. the de parting members 'andall drank to their good health Mr. Merrill and "Mr. Falken hagen have been employed at the Central Oregon Mercantile Co. 's store for the past two years. They are going to San Francisco where they expect to enter an line of work. Mr. Meloy has been connected with The Pioneer for the past. five months and will return to his home at Granger, Wash., whei'e he is interested in a newspaper. Complimentary to her mother and sister who will leave tomor row for their home at Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. E. L. Milper enter tained several Madras ladies at.a reception at her home this after noon. The affair was purely in formal, the atterpoon CULVER FARMER FROM FOOD the land to a high state of culti vation. About a year ago he com menced work on a well, his ob ject being to get a: sufficient sup ply for domestic purposes. He labored at this at odd times, us- mg dynamite 10 Diaau uut me rock. He finally gave up after . 1 L. 1 Xl going SO leet anu turned uie work over to the Well Co. After m i r l f 1 going ten ieet ianner a guuu flow was struck and Mr. Moore says, he will go deeper in hopes the supply will be found in a quantity to permit irrigation. If this is found he will attach a gas oline engine to raise the water and distribute it over the land. Jubilant over the success of Mr. Moore, Clifford Sowers and W. H. Colby, neighbors, will let contracts immediately with the Well Co. to start drilling for wat- . f 1 Tl? er on tneir nomesceaas. n a good flow of water can be found at a depth of 90 to 100 feet, it won't be long until hauling water for miles is a bit of ancient his tory in the Lamonta country. Mr. Moore is also much elated over the prospects of a railroad through his district from Prine ville to Metolius; but expressed great surprise that Metolius should be the terminus when it known Madras is the natural out let for all that vast territory. He believes the road should follow the Willow creek canyon, thus affording an easy grade over the entire route and would tap the best farming - land in Crook county. OREGON TRUNK TO . CROSS RIVER SOON -V I 4. H. WlndonTShrlnk 79 Pounds In 18 Daya Renfody Waa,0"rdored as,? . Rpllef Fop Dropsy as- Henry Windom, a prominent and "substantial farmer of Culver cpmpleted an 18-day fast last Sunday in hope3 of getting relief from dropsy, from which he has suffered for some time., The fasting remedy was ordered Joy Dr. McFadden of Prineville. The following, interview published in the Prineville "Journal is Mr. Windom's version of how he felt during, his' total food abstinence: "I have shrunk 79' pounds," said Mr. Windom. " Have always been a hearty eater and you can imagine how I craved a good square meal up to a few days ago. Now I don't care so much l have tasted nothing but water and a little lempn during my fast. Am getting stronger every dav but my clothes are getting awful baggy. If I keep it.up ..much Ion- T t ii i ', gur i may acipvtnrougn them and hang myself," WATER STRUCK IN LAMONTA DISTRICT Albert Moore Tps Good -Flow At Depth of 90 Fqet-rOlher - Home atoadora Wlf Try For Water At a depth of 90 feet Albert being do J. Moore, one of the tiroirressivc ..A-Ar 4- r ?m nt- mi w-j t-r 1 k-v tint n r .J ' . V vuteu w iiiBtiuiiieiiuu muBiu m u uarmers or the Lamonta district, Z?n:h?"l ruck a. eood flow of water served. list included the following: Mrs." J. L. DehulF,. Mrsv Wade Siler, Mrs. B. Itandolph, Mrs. M. ij. Snook, Mrs, E. Bergland, Mrs. G, Dizney, Mrs Isa Crosby, Mrs. J. E. Dean,, 'Mrs. Perry Read, on his ranch last Saturday. The Central- Oregon Well. Co., doing the work. Mr, Moore settled on a home- Fas'tor Time Wllf Now. Be Mads Into Central Oregon Viaduct Requir ed Two, yea ra to Build ,-Trains.will begin operatingoyer the .Oregon, Trunk's Y-shaped brjdge across the Columbia river at Celilo, January 6, according to tli e reports of engineers made to Carl R. Gray, president of the road, a few days ago. It is probable, they say, that the bridge can be -.used January 4, but regular service will not be inaugurated until two days later. ttt worKmen now are engaged m placing rails across the last span. More than two years haye been required in building the bridge, which cost approximately $3,000, 000. Its total length, including the "Y" at the northern .end, is 4197 feet. It is built of solid masonry and steel, every one of the concrete piers resting on a rock foundation. A draw span is provided for, but it will be used until after the Government canal at Celilo, which now is be mg built, is completed, making possible navigation through that portion of the riveV spanned by the bridge. -: Completion of the bridge will enable the Oregon Trunk to make faster time between Mad ras and Portland. .T.he.usual time required in crossing the r.iver on the ferryboat How used in. that service is 85 minutes. The traffic department now is working on a pew schedule that will reduce. the the running time between Portland vand jSend. .;Ehrough passenger seryice into Central Oregon may be attemped within a short , time depending largely on the development t.x tjerienced in this portion of the fjtate. If the business justifies it officials of the Oregpn Trunk are sure to put through trains into service. It is probable that President Gray and other officials will make n ! i . 1 an Ktxny luapeuuon oi tne new METOLIUS CLAIMS PRINEVILLE ROAD Engineers Now Search ing For RIght-of-Way MADRAS MAY BE PICKED Railroad Men Say Th!s Point la Btt t Suited Because of Many Natural Advantages It now begins to look as if Me tolius would be the terminus of the Prineville road, instead of Madras as-announced in The Pic neer a' couple of week ago. En gineers huve been in that locality for the past week, and a .story published in the Central Oregon ian of Metolius last week says that work will commence leafly in 1912. ASeattle firm, of which, L. M. Rice, a wealthy capitalist is at the head, are the parties who will put the road through. R F. Heckman and William Osborn, railway .engineers representing the Rice Co., arrived in Madras last week with instructions to make preliminary arrangements for locating the route over which the proposed road will run. They were taken over the territory by N. A. Burdick, cashier of the Citizens State Bank. The cost of constructing the proposed road is in the neighbor hood of $600,000 and will be about 30 miles in length. A crew of engineers were expected in Metolius, the first of the , week from Portland to look over the territory and find a suitable right-of-way for the road. Mr. Osborn says it will require about three weeks to complete the work. The L. M. Rice Co. is a stantial instution, and at present time are engaged in construction of 400 miles of road in British Columbia, and a million dollar irrigation project in the Horseheaven country in Washington is another of their undertakings. Notwithstanding that Metolius seems to be settled on as theter jninus of the Prineville ..road, there are a good many who think Madras will yet be given cosid- " eration in the matter. Itlsfrthe natural outlet for the Prineville and Lamonta district, and,infact much of the producing jknd, which the railroad hopes tojben- efit, is tributary to Madras, the Willow creek canyon having its outlet right at the city limits. There is an abundance of wat er at Madras and for that Reason alone, railway men say, it will be looked over by the engineers before a final right-of-way! is se cured. Farmers-along the Wil low creek are. also' surprised that Metolius should be the starting point of the road in preference to a more suitable point. W, Randolph, who has been Visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs.- B. Randolph,, in Mad ras for the; past two yeekt re turned to his home at Crookston, Minn., last Sunday. Mr. Ran dolph is one of the leading phy sicians of that city and, his visit here was not for the purpose qf looking for a. new location, al- W- :.. J 1-.V' i A Bieau aoouc iour years ago near I- ii ii ii. mi n. i i . i v 1 1 mi ,. - . t v iTT.-'i!..!.!.-.- nr..- . ii liiimnnfn vuhlnli ia nniu hin tinmn i Mrs. 1j. iir-LjerDinir. Mrs.-Artnur " ",v" -. vm 'w? uuiv,, Gale arid MivHoward Turner, and during that, time has brought bridge after its completion;'"- though he frankly admitted thut.'S4 this territorv hurl Til fit brand of wenthnr u vjunaunas time, com . !3f. urn m . .... 1 . ! the when an overcoat is ahln !n f n ma.' j ribly cold weather : ll. J j. Ta r Agent drw, Or. if r