The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 14, 1911, Image 5

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Christmas Gifts
. .i.ntruro Sets,
t ti.nteuro
Grsae "
.l uff scw
Safety , .
H'o i Ann
nW h above named urtlc.eB -
I I I.. nrPflCIUB.
. Mm rauiv i A
Get the boy
A Watch I
Accurate and durable J
Only $1.00 I
Cross Drug
j H, J,ckion Will Handle
...Thit PrBclnct-Prlmary
EUctloni In April
. j. ..ill flrmn tiirnnrrh
ailU win wviiw"- o
if? excent for 14 days
this period preceding the
1 .mLa a(Ki rf nnntnn
union ui uickuii ituujito
laws pertaining to the
HIM 111 LlrlllltlilLCa. 1 LklloLl tw
voter and all other things
11- 11.. L-I.l! r il. l.:
L LU Lilt? IlUIUIllkt Ul LllU UI-
election shall be enforced
enecuve ine same num
bs before the first Tues-
irpr inp nrwi iininiv in
IPr IlH TlrllVlfllMl iv w.
me genera c ecuon nn in in Nn.
UUienrst Alondov in Jnnunrv
, .(.... w ....w II II . 11 III I, J
election in 1910. You will no-
IromJunn in nMnUn
.w w w i UHII
r " ujo 111 ilUHt
tv rwifiAH fMMA-l.. 1
r ii.iuulu tut I
- t 111 ILfl 1.1 liii; I I I'K
Itr ( Ytr nnnin1 1
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.'vwvi uuu wiUiUlUiU LllU '
111 utf nnnn nr iw. i ... . .
1 .1 At til
- wwdiaiju il. incrn um 1 1 tn
- - -j w Villi uv
primary election, and that will
0othe45th dnv mfnr n.
-uiii I.HU IllOi.
w June and the irenernl oloe- n. 1 r.
- luuauay nuer
MnnHatt tM XT i
mj , iiuvcmoer. ino
linn in ...
. -wa "i" open on me rsi
inJanuarv nni
ber. with iiioi .1.- . ..
wis isAuuuuon oi me
uuja m rtnru anu
I Mi.l I -
nuuut juiio 4.
I hire a cold Ket n t
vUUKu ueniedy. it will
'"""P all right and will wind ntr
. . vi iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiin. I'liiii r
. .-' upmm 0f Ot lor narnnt. I
IV f I ,
"U'U UV M. K. Hnnivl
Thoso Who Fllod Ton Yoarm Ago Will
Be Glvon Mora Land If QUI Now
Buforo Congroaa Pasies
Bills giving a new right of
homestead entry to former home
steaders and authorizing the Sec
retary of the Interior to adver
tise an J sell lands valuable prin
cipally for grazing purposes,
have been introduced by Repre
sentative Mondell, of Wyoming.
The Mondell homestead mea
sure would make it possible for
one who had already proved up
on a homestead to make another
entry, providing the former ent
ry was perfected at least 10
years before application for the
new entry, and with the further
restriction that the entryman is
not then the owner of the area
embraced in the former entry.
In discussing this measure Mon
dell said:
"From the beginning, our
homestead policy has been based
on two related and yet somewhat
different lines of thought. One
is that the Nation has a large
area of virgin soil which should
be distributed among those wil
ling to make homes upon it and
comply with the laws governing
settlement; the other is that the
Nation needs the assistance of
those most competent and wil
ling to undergo the hardships
and privations necessarily inci
dent to the subjugation of new
lands and pioneer conditions. I
have tried to draw this bill in
harmony with both ideas.
"The problems now confront
ing homestead settlers in the
West, both under the reclama
tion projects and on lands where
irrigation is not possible, are in
many respects more trying and
difficult tliaa ever, and the coun
try will do well to enlist in the
solution of these problems the
former homesteaders whose con
dition or inclination prompts
them to renew the struggle for
another home on the public
The other Mondell bill author
izes the Secretary of the Interior
to sell to the highest bidder, on
terms not exceeding five annual
payments, tracts not larger than
one section to any one person, of
non-reserved land examined and
classified as non-mineral, non-irrigable,
not containing merchant
able timber and chiefly valuable
for grazing. The intention of
the bill is to make it possible for
settlers to purchase tracts of
strictly grazing land near their
homesteads, in hi3 opinion, one
of the most urgent needs of
Western settlement.
Lex Long, postmaster at Hay
creek, was a visitor in Madras
last Friday.
The (ju'clcer a cold It) notion rid ot the
lms the danger from pneumoniu and other
herloua. diseases. Mr. 1). W. 1j. Hull, of
Wav(!i ly,Vn.,says: "1 firmly believe Chnm
berlaln's Cough Remedy to bo absolutely
the bust preparation on the market for
colds. 1 havu recommended It to my friends
and they nil a'Ljreo with me." For sale by
M. E.Sniiok.
Mr I f I
$m ALL
SANTA CLAUS" is on his way Jo Madras and has
shinned a large assortment of TOYS and FANCY
GOQJDSJonajejn ordertosi upjyjeyenbqx
and girl, ladv and gentleman with a suitable present on
Christmas morning. He begs toanrunceJhjit
this store will bejiis jvadquarajntiMChn
All letters must be addressed to him personally in care
ot C. O. M. Cotorfi.JwJa
selections. Bring the children to see the bears, clowns
and elephants beat the drums, wheel the bandlfwag
gons, etc., etc. Let us make the following suggestions:
For the Baby
Cloth animals, rabbits, pigs, dogs, Iambs, cattle and horses;
rubber dolls and rattles; celluloid ducks, frogs and fish.
For the Girl
Picture blocks, unbreakakle dolls, bisque dolls, undressed
dolls, pianos, doll furniture, doll beds, dime registers, nickle reg
isters, go-carts, buggies, trunks, tea sets, surprise boxes, metala
phones, wash tubs, clothes wringers.
For the Boy
Fire wagons, magic lanterns, police patrols, autos, steam
boats, rocking horses,, express wagons, games of all kinds, pop
guns, air and arrow guns, pistols, harps, toy safes, rubber balls,
etc., etc.
For the Gentleman
Smoking sets, -shaving sets, fancy pipes and smoking sets,
traveling sets, neckties in boxes, silk handkerchiefs, mufflers,
sweater coats, jerseys, reefers, etc., etc.
For the Lady
Manicuring sets, toilet sets, work boxes, jewel cases,, travel
ing sets, fancy silk handkerchiefs, silk scarfs, silk waists, linen
sets, table covers, sofa pillows, center pieces, linen bureau scarfs,
doylies and tray cloths.
For the Bride and Groom
A full line of cutlery and silverware, such as, sugar spoons,
desert spoons, gravy spoons, meat carvers, tea spoon sets, table
spoon sets, knives and forks, table linen sets, etc., etc.
There are hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention.
Come early and avoid the rush. Don't forget the place. "Santa
Claus' headquarters.
AgentB for
Central Oregon Mercantile Co.
Agents for
Brandegee .
Sheriff Balfour passed through
Madras Monday morning on his
way to LaGrande, after a man
named Wilson, who is being held
on a charge of killing a cow at
Paulina about six months ago.
Thos. Alderdyce and wife were
down from their ranch near Opal
City last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Read are visit
ing at the home of their son
James at Culver this week.
Attorney Lewis H. Irving and
G. V. Stanton were business vis
itors in Prineville Saturday.
When your feet are wet and cold, and
your body chilled through and through
from exposure, take a big dose of Chain
borlaln'ti Cough Itoinedy, bathe your feet
In hot water before going to bed, and you
are almost cortalu to ward off a sevcro
cold. For sale by M. K. Snook.
umiture for Christmas
flWhat gift more expressive of the true Christmas spirit than worthy, dependable FUR
I URE? Gifts that beautify the home that all the family will enjoy. Everything in
8tore at cost and below from now nntil after the liolidays.
-icaus irnm K V irrnrc rrnm 11 Ir rn K i 1
y a rew Kockers left at greatly reduced nnces.
, ,
ni ... i i i . - . .
ror the tfabv Childrens Kockers
r Tables and many other desirable and appropriate pieces for gifts.
HI imsn
Blue PrintTownship Plats
Corrected uptodute, showing names
of entrymen, vacant land, rivers and
creeks, 50 cents each.
Land Scripts For Sale
For securing title to all kinds of Gov
ernment land without residence or im
provement, at lowest market prices.
Write us for particulars. All kinds of
Land office business a specialty. Twenty-five
years experience. Reference,
trench & Co., Bankers.
Hudson Land Company
The Dalles, Oregon
Just Look
our Btock of flno harness and see if you
over saw anything better mndo at any
thing like our prices. Wo uso only the
very best of leathora and employ only
thoroughly competent help, conse
quently wo know that wo have the best
class of goods to offer if you wish to
purchase a sot from stock, or wo make
high grndo Harness to order when do
aired. Larkin Harness
The J. H. Haner Abslradt Co.
Prineville - Oregon
Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up.
Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county.
Carefully prepared photograph copies of all records and
city plats at low cost.
lamwl i
Exclusive Agent For
Kodak Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
A full line of Pho
to supplies always
on hand. Printing
and developing
done. Mailorders
will receive our
prompt attention.
Write for lour new
Try a bottle of Mur-
uno suuinol Devel
oper. Will develop
any plnte or paper.