The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 30, 1911, Image 6

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    - mm m .
TH a Ma ri r as Trading C!r
wishes to thank-their friends and patrons for their liberal patronage during this
sale, which has been a great success. We are not out of bargains yet. Rememder
every article in the. store must go, and when you can save from 20 to 50 per cent
we can understand the liberal patronage has been appreciated by all who patron
ized us during the closing out sale.
We have a full assortment of all kinds of shoes to seled from
We have all kinds of Winter Mittens and Gloves :!' ' ' "
A Dollar Saved is a dollar earned and now is the time TO EARN that dollar.
ave a store
When we advertise a thing its true
Suit Brought to Recover
Load of Wheat
Plaintllff Alleges That He Delivered
Two Loads of Wheat Warehouse
Books Show Only One
Sam Haberstich was awarded
a verdict against the Madras Un
nn Warehouse Co., last Satur
day, in a suit to recover $53, the
aiiount he alleged was due him
for wheat delivered on the 9th
of last February. The case was
tried before Justice J. H. Jack
son and occupied the entire day
and part of the night.
The plaintiff alleged that on
the 9th day of February he de
livered two loads of wheat to
the Madras Warehouse, and that
he had never received credit for
the second load 'delivered, and
for which he brought suit to re
cover. The principal witness for
the plaintiff, Louis Volrath, tes
tified that he was working for
Mr. Donald on the day in ques-
tion. and that he remembers Mr.
Haberstich delivering a load of
wheat in the afternoon at the
warehouse. In support of his
testimony and to show that he
was working for Mr. Donald at
the time, he produced a receipt,
that he claimed was given to
him on the 9th day of February,
after he had returned that night
from delivering a load of wheat
at the same warehouse.
The books of the warehouse
company show that Mr. Haber
stich. delivered two loads of
wheat on the 8th of February,
and they also show that another
load was delivered on the 9th,
which they contend was the only
load delivered that day by the
The Warehouse Company have
appealed the case and it will
come up again at the next term
of the circuit court in May.
' Fur paling thu Mile or 'U eat dampen a
pleco of Ilanuel with Chanibei Iain's Luil
went and bind It on over tlie sejt of pain.
There Is notltiiiK butter. For sale by AI. J
jj. Snook.
Last Friday Evening Given Over to
Whist and Dancing Informal Af
fair is Largely Attended
The ladies of the Madras Dra
matic Club entertained at a ban
quet last Friday evening those
who took part in the minstrel
show a couple of weeks ago. It
was an informal affair and large
ly attended by club members and
invited friends. The evening's
program was divided between
progressive whist and dancing.
Mrs. Howard Turner won the
honors for the ladies at whist
and Tommy McCormack for the
gentlemen. Delicious refresh
ments of assorted cakes and
sandwiches with coffee was serv
ed at 11 o'clock. After the
whist games Mr. Hammer made
a short talk on the value of so
ciety to the community. His
remarks were responded to with
a paper by the club secretary, i
Mrs. J. E. Dean. Mrs. Northy
sang "Beautiful Garden of
Roses." Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ash
ley and Fred Feuerbach furnish
ed the music for the dancers.
PersonaU Local
P. M. Vibbert of Gateway was
in town last Saturday on busi
S. D. Percival and wife of
Gateway were in the city last
Rev. Blackman and family left
Monday for Portland where they
will make their home.
Mrs. J. Harcrowe left Sunday
for Texas for an extended visit
with her parents.
James Hurt of Youngs was
transacting business in Madras
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hinton ar
rived in Madras Monday from
Mrs. 0. G. Collver of Culver
. i il T I i
was a visitor at cne carneic
home Wednesday.
J. M. Larsen returned last
Thursday from Portland where
lie has been working for several
months. i
Born to the wife of B. F. Pres
ton, November 29, a boy.
Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Osborn of
Culver were visiting with friends
in Madras Tuesday.
L. A. Youngs and family of
Youngs were in the city last Sat
urday purchasing provisions.
Mrs. J. J. Hoydar and children
left last Sunday for Vancouver
where she will visit with rela
tives and friends.
The Ricketts Entertainment
company, consisting of five mu
sicians who are touring the west
under the direction of the Men
ley Lyceum bureau of Chicago,
will appear at Sanford's hall in
Madras, Tuesday, December 5.
From the flattering press notices
received at other places where
they have appeared, the com
pany is one the best on the road
today, and will no doubt draw a
large crowd here. Besides the
musical numbers on the program
Mr. C. L. Ricketts will appear
as an impersonator.
How to Make a Christmas Oall.
Take two wooden hoops and, after
placing one Inside the other so they are
at right angles, make a network of
wlro around them so us to form n hol
low ball. Stick Into this countless
bunches of holly nud stud It with ber
ries frosted with snow powder. Fasten
ribbons to It from which to suspend the
presents. Hang the ball from the cell
ing by a piece of ribbon, which can be
run through a hook so the ball can he
raised out of the way until It Is time
to distribute the presents. The Christ
mas ball Is n pretty and Inexpensive
substitute for the Christmas tree.
How to Tie 8hoes Comfortably.
Men who have trouble with shoes
because the lacing does not stay tight
over the Instep, but becomes so tight
at the top as to bo uncomfortable, can
avoid the discomfort by a little care.
Lace the shoo tightly until halfway
up, then pass the string a second time
over the hooks and then lace the rest
of the shoo loosely. The double turn
over the hooks at tho Instep will keep
the lower portion of the lacing tight,
and the upper portion will rcmalu
WANTED-100 men with $100 to eat
at the Peerless restaurant.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Ofl'.co at The Dalles, Oregon, November
22, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that
Ohtit Kuas
ot Madras. Oregon, who, on June4tli, 1910,
made Homestead No, OtliHil, fur nwX sw)i,
sec. 8 and &el( M'Xt vM see. 7. town
Khlp 11 south, ru!i','e 13 nut, Willamette
Meridian, Iihh filed notice of Intention to
mike final five-) ear proof; to establish
claim to the land ibnv.i detcrl ed, before
Howard V. Turner, U. 6. Commissioner,
at his nlllco at Marira", Oregon, on the llli
da of January, JIM 2.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. I).
McNeuiar, JVrry 0. Sothmnn, Iuils K.
Wi.gon, J . I'. Nelson, all of Madras, Ore
nuouiMi Kj. v. Muuitn, iiegiHier.
See new line of Gold-stone iewelry
at Mrs. Crosby's.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. iS. Land
Oflice at The Dall s, Oregon, November 27,
1911. Notice is hereby iMv.-n that
Elizabeth Renter,
one of the heirs and for the heirs of
John Ileuter (deceased),
of Madras, Oregon, w ho. mi December 21.
1908, made Ho , estead, No. OltSlU, fur tie
se, eh n4, sec. 8, ami iiw4' uwi, fi e.
9, low ship 12 south, raime 1 1 east, Will
amette Meriuian, has flhd notlca of Inten
tion to make linal commutation proof, to
establish claim to the land above described,
before Howard W. Turner, U. H. Comini -sioner,
at Ills oflice at Madra, Oietfon, on
the 9lh day of January, 1912.
Claimant names as wituew: Lena
IVyencki, Madras. Oregm: I'aul liar,
Madra, Oregon; I-rank I. Suniiu r, Mad
ras, Oregon; John It. Hrown, Culver, Oio
gon. n30-d28 C. W. MOOItE, Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of tho' Interior, U. S. Land
OUlcu, atThc Dalles, Oregon, October 23, 1911.
Notice Is hereby circa that
Wlnsted J. Btobbltil,
of Madras, Oregon, who, on Aiirll 27tb, 1905,
made Homestead. No, U1U5 Serial, No. W5W,
torwUnwJi. aiulwHuH, section St. town
ship 10 v., range 11 cast, W. M , has II led notice
of Intention to wake Final live year I'roof, to
establish claim to the laud above described,
before Howard W. Turner, U. 8. Commissioner
nt hlgofflco at Mad ran, Oregon, on the Uiiday
of December, llll.
Claimant namci at witnesses: Charles V,
Puling. James Ue. llenjatuln K. I'restou, Wet
ley Humour, all ol Mad nix. Oregon.
o'Jt!-n:u C, V. MOOItE. Itcglstcr
Notice for Publication
Department nt the Interior, U. H. Land Oflice
at The Dalles, Oregon, November 18, l'jll.
Notice It hereby given that
C'arsten Houuikscn,
of Youngs, Oregon, who, on PepletnberSH, 1910,
made Homestead, No. 07178, lor nej-i, 11.4
ae!4, seetluu lit, tp9 h, r l.'je, WillatiiL-tte Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention to make
final commutation, proof, to entnblUli claim to
the laud above described, before Howard W.
Turner, U. S. ComuiUMoiier at his oflice at
Madras, Oregon, un the !)rl duy of junuury,
Claimant names as Utnesnes: John Holier,
Harry Oouthlt, 9. Schultz, If. L. l'rfday, all of
Youngs. Oregou.
wn-A-a C. W MOOItE, Register
Notice for Publication
I'uiiLic Land Hale
Department of the Interior. United States
Land oflice at The Dalles, Oregon, November
II. 1911.
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by
the Cominliislouer of the Oeueral Land Oflice.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 1900 (;M Stats., 017), we will offer ot
public tale, to the highest bidder, at 10:10
o'clock a. 111., on the9lh day of January, 1912, at
this oflice, the following-described land:
nwJi nw, see. 35, tplls., r 14 east, V. M.
No. 0W94.
Anv nursoni L'lalmlnir Bdvernidr t)m nlmv,..
described land are advised to file their claims,
or objections, on or before the time designated
for sale.
n23-d2S-np Heglster.
Notice of Contest
DcDartmunt of the Interior. United States
Land Oflice, The Dalles, Oregon, November 7,
To FKANK J. BTEI'HEN of Cllne Falls.Oregon,
You are hereby notified that Henry O, II
son, who gives Madras, Oregon, as his post
oflice address, did un beptcmbcr it), 191 1, tile In
thlsotllce hit duly corroborated application
to content and secure the cancellation of your
homestead, Entry No,, Serial No,07Z, ruado
July 'A 1910, for c nc'4, sc'4, section 15,
township lis, range 11 v., Willamette Meri
dian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges
that said Frank J. Htephcn has wholly
abandoned said land, that since date of entry
he has not resided upon the laud, has erected
no buildings of anv nature whatsoever hat
built no fences of any kind, cleared plowed or
any way whatsoever tilled any part of the land
ordldnnyact which would Indicate that he
intended to perfect such entry
You are, therefore, further notified that tho
said allegations will be taken by this oltice as
having been confessed hyjou, and your said
entry will be canceled thereunder without
your further right to be heard therein, cither
before this oflice or on appeal, If you (all to file
in this oflice within twenty days after the
KOUKTH publication uf this notice, at shown
below, your answer, under oath, specifically
meeting and responding to these allegations of
contest, nr If you fall within that time to file
Notice for Publication
Itolated Tract
Department of the InUrin, Wig
Notice It hertbr flven thit 11 1
1 the Commltsluncr of the GmmIUW
unuer uruviuoni oiacioi UDrmi
I June 27, 1906 (31 Btatt, 417), eiU
1 public tale, to the hlrbest tllto
I at this office, the follonltc 4suW
1 tip.; iw'.:. irr. 1. in. 11 1. r 11 iiil
;ous. .
Any persons cltlmlnt Khintlf U
I described land are tliel to Hit lbs
. 1 -
iuf nil-.
v. n.a
Notice of Contest
Department of tho Interior, United States
Land Oflice, The Dalles, Oregon, November 7,
To OEOKOKM. SMITH, ol Culver, Oregon,
You are hereby notified Hint Homer V. Clark
wliu gives Madras, Oregon, as his poslollleo
address.dld on July 10. lull, file In this oltice
ilia duly corroborated application to contest
and tecure tho cancellation of your liouii!-
Hieau. r.ntry n,, serial .no, wnw made May 9,
1919, for 11 nek, sec fi, tp in m r IS e , sw',i
ut-4, nee 32, tpI2s r 13 o., Willamette Merl-
II1UII. Ullli
ns Kruumi lor 111s cniuesL lift uiii.ti.u
!..., I......... If , 1 . .. - . .
mm. utuigo .u. niiiim iias triioiiy aoanuonetl
said tract of land for the last six montliN last
past and that suld abandonment still exists
ouaro, therefore, further notified thai the
suld allegations will be taken by thlsotllce us
huviug been confessed by you, and jour suld
entry will bo canceled thereunder without
your further right to ho heard therein, elthur
before this oflice or on appeal, if you full to
lllo In this olllro Within twenty days after Hie
KOUuTII publication of this notice, us show 11
below, your answer, under oatli, speclllcally
meeting mid nspondlng to these allegation
of contest, or If you full within that time to
tile in this oflice due proof that you have ser
ved a copy of your answer on the said con
testant either In riersnn or bv rculsinrri mmi
If this servlcu is made by the delivery of a copy
ofyourunswer to the contestant In person,
proof of such service must ho either tlm ml. I
contestants written acknowledgement of his
receipt of the copy, showing the date of Its re
ceipt, or the allldavlt of the person by whom
the delivery was made slitting when and
where tho copy was dolliorcd, il made by reg
istered mall, proot of such torvlco must con
sist of the allldavlt of the person by whom the
copy was mailed stating when and the post
oflice to which It was mulled, and this allldav
lt must be accompanied by the postmaster's
receipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer the name
of the pobtothco to which you desire future
notices lo be sent lo you.
C, W, MOORK, Register.
Date of first publication November 2J, 1911.
" ' second " " 30.
" " third December 7 "
" " fourth " h
Notice for Publicatb
Pcsuc Lixo ElU
Department of the Interior, Ctljtij
Uml Offlc at TbeDtllei, OttpUM
I I. altan thil tt ol
tliiiCommlsilonerof thiOeoenlusf
nilr tirnvlilnmof Act Of COtfTtB
limH'rf. 10OB Ml 8tlU 51)), H.
...t.ll ..In f.s ina.MifnMi rilUQEI.ILK
r " s.Ln.: J..rt( h mi it till
i0821 TFtnn clilmiDf KStemljUt
t ui uu;vvtiVMi v
In this oflice due urooi that vou have served a
copy 01 your answer on me saiu eoiii-niii
either In person or by registered mall. If this
service 14 mauo oy me ueiivery oi n copy ui
your answer to the contestant In person, proof
of such service must be either tho said con
testant's vyrltten acknowledgment of bis receipt
of the copy, sbowlug the dote of Us receipt, or
the allldavlt of the person by whom the deliv
ery was made slating when and where the
copy was delivered; If made by registered
mall, proof of such service must consist of the
allldavlt of the person by whom tho copy was
mailed stating when and the post otllec to
which It was mailed, and this allldavlt must bo
accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for
the letter.
You should state In your answor the name
uf the post ultlce to which you desire future
notices to be tent to yuu,
Daleof first publication November 10, 1911.
ccoud " " 28, "
" " third " ' 30, "
" "fourth " December 7, "
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land
Oflice at Tho Dalles. Oregon, November 1,
Notice U hereby given that
B. m Ij, Newell, . , ,ml
of "aycreek, Oregon, wlio, on July 19th.
1910, Hindu HomeHtead, No. 071!):), tor st'X
ih-k. hoc. 1, tp 11 h,, r. 14 e., and Ioin 3, i
and 5. ce. II, tp. 11 h, r 15 e , Willamette
Meridian, lias tiled notice of Intention to
make Final commutation Proof, to e3tab
libh claim to tho Inmrabovu deNcrlbed, he
roic Howard W. Turner, U.S. Commls
Hloner at IiIh otlioe at Wadran. Oregon, on
tho 2rtlli day of December. 1911 , ,
Oialmaut naincH uh witnesses: Olaudo
Slielton, Put Hastlnua, John F. Ouurch,
Lex W. Loiib, all of llaycreok, Oreuon.
nlU-d-lil O. V. MooitK, IteKlHter.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Intel lor, U. S. Land
Olllco at The Dalles, Oretjoir, November 0,
Notice is hereby given that
I'unTF. Harz.
of Mndi'as, Oreuou, wlioon October 2, 1005,
iiiiuiu nomeHieau, no. itai oenui,
....... . ' . . . 4 .,..1
IOr I1WM. hJ IIIIU iiifl
sec, 9, in. 12 South, HaiiKO H East
IW7U, for hoK nwW. t-Vi ws(t and iii'M
hiU. sec. 9. in. 12 South. Kaiiuo H East,
Wiliatuctte Meridian, lias tiled notion!
Inlentlon to make Final live year Proof, to
.............. ... ,.,..,.w . ...... .. ... rf-, .
(Hill II Nil (Oil I III II t IIM III ml IIIWIVH (ll'HCl lueo.
beforo Hownid W.Turner, U. B. Ooiuiuis
sioner, ut Ills olllco at Madias, Oregon, on
the 18th day or December, 1911.
Olaimaiit names us witnesses: Lena
Peyenskl, Fred L, II. Iteuter, John Iteu
ter, Kosa Heuter, nil of Madrai.OreKon.
nlt-dH-pd O. W. Moore, Heglster.
JL1 UllUD 4- V -V
... I ,wn Sill
. ,1.. intrlor. rilW
Laud Office sl 'iuei siic, v,.,.-. -
itfs 1 . i iVaf (I D
under provisions . - ---- n
June. 27, 900 ( 1 - . - jtI,
.l.lls 11 IP IO IU U'l""....
Tl'OIIirsr K. IUi. VM , . Am
at tbll Offlcv, W ;,,-f.
08419. ,.,.i. ,jmlfW
orobicctloni.onor w ,
fit IIIh. n 7 M
. . I ih inLEItW'J "...
of Madras, Oregon. 0,,tt
made liometead',0: Tn d&
""'.nJnn.oa the Utn 0J v -
Linn -: . ,, ujk roi.
1, ciisriei i.ii
let, Ira EiKiM.u' aw.jloori,
Notice WJET
' ....
f inn iiii'' .
-v.u.irnni us imv : . nurnu,
1911. . ....,. dren tk .Kwl
" ions of Act puvr
unovr i'i"'",i, huh., on;. Vijiii
June n, ,h hliw"
o'elocg a. ." ,, ,ni aery 1
tills oince. iu. ., yl, , , ' ( m
AilJ 1'-. ma - ,ImI
desor bed ibh ,7.ioret
for sate.
l.dll'PU -r . '
WllD W'"
T II aA Mill J."
Depart.nt ol
theC6.nml!0'fui lU
.J, MUWl I. w--.l.hl -
June h .he Br.-.i
o'oioca . ""-,he wayr".liti
a nRIIUM " ..luliEM '.11