The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 30, 1911, Image 5

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    -i - i , L i .ii. '
J Cross
of accur- f
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.u P.irpjt and most
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il....Fflncv Stationery, 5
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Tnilet Articles and
PS. ft w
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AiAif hi nrn
H.nry London Start uu. ...
.. .1 wnrk and Londa Be-
nitht Ban at Prlnevlllo
om nniu v jjviiviw...
4 J in- nnn.
Anrrnfrcifi in i i uiiiii-
or v f iuiikwu v -
InrnH UL
at present in the county
atPrineville. The crime
ich London is paying the
was stealing a gold
,d a quantity of women's
fMwi li rt linm n
Cowan at Lamonta last
... T I rM Viarl
101 KltUllUUC 1UI uiu kvii-
.11' i i .1
oi n s mnuiuru, um lumeu
ail Ui we mu iii; tuuiu
Tnir rviriui in mi ii ri 1 1 i
belonged to Mr. Cowan's
w . w ai . mi. i
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tar uiuu miirrii iti r i i ni
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tHlLMM 111 IH1I. M 'N. 1 ,Mri
conducting the laundry
J 1IL.1 U I1L I.I I i Ill I'.ll-l I I.
II . 1 .
u aiimw mi i iiirnr in i mm
oi her husband until a
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did fairly well in the laun-
mew iiih i hi u iinuiniicu
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of work with the above
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kind of work, depending
or two kind neighbors to
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Lectures and Exhibits At
tract Many
Many Inquiries Received Regarding
Central Oregon Mucli Literature
Being Distributed
" " '-3 I 1 V CI . Ill
IMICH U HK 111 in
ging crew overturn.
"""""i airuuin. TWO
Of h
. in trie uoat
csL-ujieu. roung
".mcu in i jonrrn
andleave3 manv frinnria
US tfnm'
rs. crosby'a. JK. Snoo:
Central Oregon and other parts
of the Northwest arc receiving
beneficial advertising from the
United States Land and Irriga
tion Exposition in the Chicago
Coliseum, in which nearly all the
railroads operating through this
part of the country have exhibits.
The Hill lines have a space 110
feet long by 12 feet wide on the
right of the main entrance. Fred
W. Graham of Portland, Western
Industrial and Immigration
agent of the Great Northern,
who is attending, writes that
visitors have voted the Great
Northern exhibit the finest in
the Coliseum.
The Harriman lines are also
making a good showing of the
Northwestern possibilities. They
have two lecture rooms in the
south end of the building and are
giving a stereopticon program
and lectures every day.
Further publicity has been giv
en Central Oregon through the
liberal distribution of literature,
in which all the railroads are do
ing their share. Many inquiries
are received from persons who
want particular information on
this part of the state.
Attendance at the Land Show
this year is greatly in excess of
any former year, according to
telegrams received by William
McMurray, general passenger
agent of the O.-W. R. & N. com
pany. During the show in 1910
one hall was found sufficient to
accomodate visitors. This year
it was found necessary to engage
an additional hall. The Land
Show in 1910 lasted two weeks,
and during that time 77,000 per
sons attended the lectures in one
hall. For the first 10 days this
year 75,000 have availed them
selves of the privilege of listen
ing to the speakers in the two
lecture rooms. It now looks as
though the attendance this year
will exceed 150,000. Last Satur
day's attendance was 10,327, and
Sunday's audience consisted of
8850 persons. When the show
closes the railroad representa
tives will have given over 500
lectures of 30 minutes each.
Mrs. R. Parish, Miss Rosa
Booth and Miss Taylor of Hay
creek were shopping and visiting
with friends in Madras last Sat
urday. Thore Is little dnngor from acoldor'i'r. m
an the grip except when followed
i i ii.i .
uj init-uuiuiiiii, uiiu urn ni'vur
' ...l.....' m l i i i . i i. ii ... i .
nnu'i uiituuuuriuiii s vuuki Jit-iui'iiy i
used. TIiIn romtidy has won its reputation
ml rxtuiiHivo Hnlft.stn Its reinnrknblo cures
of colds nnd Krlp mid can bo relied upon
wiiii implicit couiiiiuiico; r or Halo by ai.
Agents for
Central Oregon Mercantile Co.
Agents or
Wear Brandegee Kincaid & Co., Clothes
b ft
1 he oighsh
Here is a style which New York, Boston and the
great Eastern cities have gone wild over. It combines
the practicableness so characteristic of American styles,
with that smart London "air."
It's made up in many bright weaves, has shoulders
which snug up to your own, is slightly form-fitting at the
waist and has an elegant sweep of skirt. In fact, the
"English is a model after your own heart. A sure
winner. A real, corking style that will make decided
"hit" with you. Of course, if you prefer the looser ef
fects, we have dozens of them, tailored with precisely
the same care that the "English" is, but built on
broader lines.
The "Stroller
You must not think from the name of this overcoat
that it is one of those affairs which have so much style
it can only be worn on special occasions or for just
strolling. It is a great coat to wear on a tramp or a
stroll, but it's equally appropriate for business. Its collar
turns up about the neck and ears. Its length gives
ample protection to the limbs. The shoulders are mod
erately broad. The fabrics are of various colors and
mixtures any or all of which are charming as can be.
You'll not be happy without a Stroller once you let us
show it to you.
Other smart outergarments including the famous
Raglans are here in great number. Don't" Put off see
ing them until the season is too far advanced to warrant
a good choice.
$15.00 to $40.00.-:
Bend has been 'successful in
getting the postoffice department
to consent to give them mail ser
vice by railroad. When the road
first built into Bend, rail mail
service was immediately com
menced, but after a few days
word was received from the Spo
kane office to discontinue the
fast transportation and go back
to the primeval system of haul
ing the mail in and out over a
stage route. The Bend citizens
took the matte up with the de
partment officials at Washington
with the result that they now
get their mail over the Oregon
Trunk road.
C. W. Waugh and wife of Cul
ver were visiting with friends in
the city last Friday.
Rial Clearance Sale of Furniture
To Reduce Our Stock
. vut patrons mfai nitlan in vr r-lr
i' iYervthlnn in II I i ill . r ! . I .
t,H , ' b uu store nas Deen placed on sale Deiow cost ror a limited time, iou
1 w" and 5a f. tr i r r . . . . . .
iui vnnrfla i n i i i i i. : : I I I . i
. - jio-ii ucioic vou can r?niize nnw mean minus are iuini. 1 lie cuuiccsl
'c wo nra l.i
I u "& ,a91 ao oo not delay.
rgest n( 1 dj. i. ... . ,t. i . i. n i j
r " ucua in N-.IUUK. cuuuiy at me iuwcbi j-ui-ca cvci uucicu, an 1.111143
,ng is goinc, recardless nf rnt.
Pnil.i n vu 1-1 cu 111 .iuun uuuuijr ai 111c iuwcoi .iiv.cs cci um-iuu, an i-iii
Ev 'I"6"' Mallresses Chairs. Tables, Etc. Pictures and Bedding for almost nothing.
v'tllng 13 QoiniT. rpnrarrll
Loucks Bros
New Publication Will Make It Ap
pearance This WeoV Railroad
Building Depot
Walter O'Neil returned the
first of the week from the new
town of Terrebonne, formerly
Hillman, where he had been on
a business and pleasure trip. Mr.
O'Neil says that the microbe of
progressiveness has hit there
since the advent of the railroad"
and besides a general tendency
of increased business in all lines,
the town is to have a real live
uptodate metropolitan newspa
per to exploit the merits of that
locality. He said the editor was
on the ground now and expected
to issue his first paper this week.
A new. depot is under con
struction, and the general ap
pearance of things very gratify
ing to Terrebonne residents and
property holders.
Manuel Wheeler and wife of
Grizzly left last Sunday for Col
fax, Wash., where they will re
main this winter. Tho change
is made in the hope that it will
be beneficial to Mrs. Wheeler's
"I nni pleased to rucoin rnoud Chnmucr
Iain's Ootigh Remedy its tho beat thing I
know of and tho safest remedy for coughs,
colds and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs.
Ii. B, Arnold of Denver, Colo. "Wo have
used It npoatedly and it lias never lulled
to give relief." For salo by M . E. Sno.vk,
Great reduction In Trimmed Hta pt
Mrs. Crosby's.
J. H. HANER, Pie.. C. WONDERLEY. Vice Pre. L. M. BECHTELL, Sec.
The J. H. Haner AbsTracT Co.
Prineville - Oregon
Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully, paid up.
Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county.
Carefully prepared photograph copies of all records and J
city plats at low cost. ,
usive Agent For
Kodak Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
A full line of Pho
to supplies always
on hand. Printing
and developing
done. Mailorders
will receive our
prompt attention.
Wilte for Jour new
fry a bottle of Mur-
une-suuinol Devel
oper. Will develop
any plate or paper.