WWii 1,1 J . Has mmstrls i Warren Smith PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorial Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS i II I I II III Ism 1 1 m i ii II I Mi I M X M ll I' . - v. P, U Mot8 come, " ' i U0Wa H. Irvl 08, HOTEL DALLES TUP r-v i . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911 DANCE AFTER THE SHOW MADRAS. ORE. i nc. UMLLtS, ORE. European 1'lnn New mid Modern 105 UoomB, SitiRlo tuul En Suite, with run. Hot hiiiI Cold Uunninu WntCr Elevator nnd Sample Roc. i'pnone In Everv r, cictcd ii in im art"4Rei!ti rciu.n rv c n IN LI IN(j, The Madras Pioneer Published overy Thursday by -THE PIONEER PUBLISHING CO.- 8UB80RIPTION RATE8: One venr fl-MJ "5X titotitlis Tin - e mouths ou VtlVKltTISING ItATKS ON APPLICATION Entered a8 second class matter August iV. 1904, at the Postoffice at Madras, Ore. under the Act of Congress of March 3,1879 THURSDAY - NOV. 16, 1911 CRATER LAKE Now and again for more than twenty years, says the Portland Oregoi.ian, the beauty, wonder and sublimity of Crater Lake have been extolled by enthusias tic tourists and loyal Oregonians. Year after year its chief adver tiser. Mr. W. G. Steel of this city, has visited it, photographed it from various points of view and, at all times of sunny days and moonlit nights, proclaiming new beauties and wonders and urging the construction of a road that will make it accessible to all who enjoy m'ountain scenery, and who would further enjoy it in combination with one of the greatest wonders of the world a lake the depth of which the plummet has never sounded, the waters of which are clear as crys tal and sweet as new-fallen snow lying in a cup-like basin 6500 feet above the level of the sea. All of this and much more has been told and retold of Crater Lake. Enthusiastic tourists, rel atively few in number, have en dured the hardships incident to travel over a rough mountain road, but lately made more pass able by the enterprise of Medford citizens, for the real pleasure of a glimpse of this wonder of Na ture through the all-encompassing woods, for a canoe ride oyer its placid depths and for the sight of sunrise breaking over its steel blue waters. Finally, after much effort on the part of a few, Crater Lake National Park has been cre ated, and now a systematized ef fort is to be made to secure Con gressional aid for building a per manent highway whereby the park can be reached at the mini mum of labor and expense by all who wish to view its beauty and grandeur. An appropriation of $500,000 wiil be asked for this purpose and Mr. Steel will be sent to Washington to labor with Con gress with that end in view. Sec retary Fisher, whose eyes have been opened to the wonders and needs of the Pacific Northwest by his recent trip to and through it, is expected to favor an appro priation to beautify Crater Lake Park; the War Department has made provision for a survey of the park and has recommended the highway plan now proposed, and with the personal effort that Mr. Steel will make it is hoped that the appropriation to be asked will be granted without delay. A step of state-wide value has just been taken at the Oregon Agricultural College, where a di vision of extension has been ad ded to the organization, the object being to extend the work of the institution into every section of Oregon. Instruction in farming will be carried into the homes so that people on the farms may carry on such studies as they wish. Farmers' Institutes will be extended and the scope of the work of the college will be much enlarged. One of the most im portant things contemplated by the new work will be a campaign to have agricultural instruction carried on in the rural and city schools of the state. ticular friend of Tommy McCor mack's brought in several of the long eared pests for wild cat food last week and as a result the only zoological garden in Crook county is in need of new material. O.it of a total of three beautiful, glossy skinned tabbies in the zoo, the rabbits were fatal to two. Last week we said, if you love your wife take her to the min strel show at Sanford's hall, November 17. This was all right but a little one-sided. It should have read, whether you love your wife or not take her to the show. SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT FOR CROOK COUNTY Only Three Towns In County Exceed Madras In Amount Received From State for School Purposes A farmer by the name of Har vey living on Agency Plains said a couple of weeks ago that the late fall rains had conditioned the soil for a bumper crop next year. Apply the old saying, that if a little is good a whole lot is better, to his prediction and then let some mathematician step for ward and estimate what the crop will be after the warm, drench ing rain that visited this district yesterday. It has just been discovered that jack rabbits are a safe and sure exterminator of wild cats. A par- -BU i M MM fr .1 mm i an B f- SACRIFICE SALE Furniture and House Furnishings At Cost and Less Until December 1 st We have what you want at 1 prices that you are bound to buy, '. you do not take this opportunity I you are the loser. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD Call and be convinced Thp n T pn Near Oregon Trunk iU. I. UU. Depot, Madras, Ore, The October apportionment of the common school fund for Crook county has just been made and shows that only three other town in the county have been apportioned larger amounts than Madras. Following is a partial list of districts in the county which received apportionments and also gives name of clerk in the district: District Clerk Amount Haystack, Geo. H. Osborn $123 G3 Grizzly, J. V. Lewis 158 22 Mountain View, H. W. Gard 109 75 New Culver, Win. Boegli 114 02 Mud Springe, W. J. Stebbins 114 24 Fair View, Jesse ICades Ashwood, Jas. Wood 108 2G Madras, S. E. Gray 3G3 82 Cross Keys, John G. Goiter 76 82 Hay Creek, G. V. Garlock 89 01 Trail Crossing, Dwight Roberts 58 20 Lamonta, Theo N Smith 121 71 Vanora, Geo. Irwin 53 30 Bonny Brook, Dan Crowley 83 30 Blizzard Pidge, Bertha Grater 91 00 Opal Springs, Earl Noble 92 89 Vibbert, C. F. Klann 112 10 Opal City, Mrs. Ida. VanTassel 15G 30 Round Butte, J. S. Moehring 114 02 Lyle Gap, W. H. Farrell 100 57 Willow Creek, J. W. McElroy 114 02 Madras, A. R, Faussett 58 30 Metolius, J. W. Ramsey 58 30 The other towns in the county whose apportionment was larger than Madras are, Pineville, Bend and Redmond. 0. A. C. WILL MAKE FARMERS OF CHILDREN Propose to Interost School Chlldron In the Cities In Horticulture and Poultry The new division of extension just organized by the regents of the Oregon Agricultural College will not confine its efforts entire ly to the rural districts. In the larger cities of the state a cam paign will be started to interest the school children in irrowini? vegetables and flowers, raising fruit and keeping chickens. It is planned to convert many vacant lots into gardens under the care of the children, who will have the advice of the college experts in their work. Oliver Phillips, a boh of A. S Phillips, formerly of this aection, returned to Madras Saturday and is visiting at tho homo of his Bister, Mrs. J. E. Ueddlng field. He expecla to Bpend the winter hero and attend the MadraH public school. Underwood Standard Typewriter POPULARITY When the U NDERWOOD made its advent in the market fourteen years ago, as the original front stroke visible writing typewriter, it met with instant popular favor because it marked a distinct advance in the art df typewriter construction. Typewriters representing in design and construction the best achievements of the mechanical world up to that time have been dis tanced by the UNDER WOOD in the markets of the world until today its sales largely exceed those of any other make of machine. AIn the effort to offset the universal popu larity and growth of the UNDERWOOD machine, all makers of "blind" writ ing machines have changed their models to visible writers in the last few years and visible writing has become the current talking point of its critics of yesterday. The UNDERWOODis lesigned on correct me :hanical principles, is nade of the best material las fewer parts in its type oar mechanism than any Dther machine, and excels in point of du r ability, speed, accuracy, and ease of operation. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 68 SIXTH STREET Portland, Ore. O. A. C. SHORT COURSE Dcain uduueuy o, continue FourAW Colleire, beRlnnlnic JnnuaryXS couraeH will he offered in Affrfne8?t Artfl, DomcBtic Science and A W"e' M( YOU ARE INVITED ' "umeHiic science and Art rwl' " catry and Muhic. Every courge tt!rc tho student in I.Ih dully work K W and profitable winter SulW SZlWW H. M. TENNANT. Ke,, rv.,, ; " I vulvtlM PARMBKS' UUSINESS COmtsilrT LUMBER FOR SAU Yea, we have lumber for Bale, and for nearly m purposes. 11 you are thinking of doing any building it will pay you to see us, and we will quote you ! LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Come and see us: let us figure withvoui you some good things in lumber that will save money. Quality and Price We give the best of both. We are prepared to furnish everything found ' in a retail yard. Phone at your service. ; T1 AT T 1 n WM. W. ESSELSTYN, Local Managet Madras - - Orego Fall Planting! . u Root Better, Grow Faster, Bear a Year urn For Immediate Delivery-ORDER NOW DUTCH BULBS roi WIBTIB IIOOMIIO i In Hu. (.(man nrfornar Ileal Snrluc Flower ui.nulit Ii I'lantix! Now Hardy Ettryuhtr and Burt to Mown. WuolTerllio only compUto anaoi Intent In llm North wft Helret "Top-root" JliilboiUifln ntqiMllijr J'rttttarttouir than tttr btjort and at tht ltttvatutloftrttianyumTm, ROSES for Fall Planting; Two year old Hold crown jnani. isrc. wn . i ...!. I.w llianinatlalTIi norlcua !(! hxjUmIi crown U our order by tlinnmU Um ...... l.lTt. li.r.i.aM ami AffKtrlf'tta IlOt UUI l IBM. UlwfM crown i. Our MttJo booK, "How wutow ruillT SHnDM TREES OwVK'r-M thy BtoCKOIluukH""T I'arUtiiiforEwfPlvW SPECIAL-Extra Choiw Wjj you money on larjttrdttt. ffrWjaj iie-nHUBAWI dollwy in w V" i aMit- 'J no.."'FreonKoaucit. I mnffR TO NAKm ALL STOCKS GUARAWlfc " . ?1 a vrnnvTMriaT nATAT.AIv Oar 04 pag Fall Catalog of "Diamond jiwPltnti. ' and OnmiSuuUlTroea. Kuruba. lierr.ua. Viooa. V oaJ m of i Tti Lio.t comnli-Ui Kail CaUloc we bavo n.er I.MUfdU now ' n di.lributlon. Ull.U only audi varletlMM w J, D7ll.t wnl V and la a tat, fluid to your purthayt I f not on our mainns n now. KreaforlliOiuklug. A alt for Catalog No. 1 V i PORTHHD 8EED CO. "ZlZil'L MADRAS HARNESS SHJ 30 Days Clearance Sale Commencing Nw CONCORD HARNESS GRANGER HARNESS CHAIN HARNESS WHIPS HACK HARNESS ROBES DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS BLANKETS SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS BITS RIDING BRIDLES nnpVft LASHES Strap work and hardware of every descrip o In fact a complete line of horse goods will be sacrif iced d"ff jce outn u f days. Don't forget the place, first door s FRED DAVIS, Mgr. MADRAS, OW1 II I I