ts ' -5.1 ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR -ALE A house and four lots for less than cost on north side of Mad ras. The house is Well built but not quite finished, the lots are 50x100. Must be sold at once. For information write Ora Van Tassel, Vanora, Ore. jy 20-tf FARM LOANS!! Mate State Bant FOR SALE At the Pioneer Office Lck1 Blanks of all kinds; Carbon and Typewriter paper, Installment 8ale contract", Not8 nnd Rtreipts. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS. St- Madras State Bank. WHILE fence posts are not our specialty, we have a special price on fence posts that we are sure will interest you. Madras Lumber Co. jy27 FOR REN r - IGO acres on Little Agency Plains, 140 tillable, less than 1 mile from Madras, 3 from Mctohus; 70 acres now under plow; good place for chicken or hog ranch, or potato grow ing. Address A. L. Carson, 102 Front St., Portland, Oregon. ol2-tf TUCKER & CULP desire to .state to the public that they will grind plow shares at their old shop on Saturday of ' each week. Tucker & Gulp. ol9-n9 i FOR SALE One good young milk cow, part Jersey. Inquire at this of fice. o!9-n9-pd 8HORT SERMONS ON GOOD ROADS. 4 No fanning section which has once had good roads would ever go back to bad rouds. High freight rates are not nearly as heavy a tax on the shippers of stock and other farm produce as bad roads are. Only a very rich county could afford the tremendous financial drain of bad roads. A good road Is to a country district what n paved street Is to the city property that ad joins It It makes business for that neighborhood. A farmer living on a good road Is a free man. He Is not de pendent on weather conditions. He Is able to sell his stock and grnin and fruit at the best mar ket prices. The railroads have to serve the man who can get his stuff to a shipping point nny day In the year. Money spent for good roads Is as good an Investment for Im proving the farm as Is money put into stock sheds, grain crib3. fences, seeds or anything else that makes the farm pay. Brains are as essential ns money and muscle in roadmak-lng. POETRY; NOTES IVY C.M.BA&NITZ RIVERSIDE PA. o CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED jy6 Theso nrtlcles nml Illustrations must not bo reprinted without special perinis slon. OILING SHELL ROADS. Just received a carload of nut coal. Get your winter coal at once. Phone or call at the Central Oregon Ice & Cold Storage Co. NOTICE To the person who re moved those brick from the warehouse near the O.-W. R. & N. depot last Sat urday, he will please call and settle or be prosecuted. P. V. Ashley, agent Balfour-Guthrie Co. To whom it may concern: Anyone putting building material, lumber, tank, pipe or any other kind of property on my land in Madras does so at their own risk. Nov. 8, 1911. A. Zell. The Successful Results of Trials of Houston, Tox. The application of oil to the shell roads which are more or less common In the south, as well as In some of the northern coast cities, has apparent ly been tried successfully In Houston, Tex., the mayor stating that the re sults were so satisfactory that he hoped to be able to treat all the shelled streets In that city In the same man ner. The material used was an asphaltlc oil which was heated to something "Woman wanted for housework. Call at Pioneer office. 2t-p S. C. Rhode Island Red cockerels for Bale S D Percival, Gateway 2t p We don't like to make suggestions, but if you are feeling out of sorts, and - wake up in the mornings with a dark brown taste in your mouth, you can cure said indisposition with a few bot tles of Guinne-s' Stout. It's a nour ishing and stimulating beverage. Sold at the Shamrock Bar, Tommy McCor mack, Proprietor. NOTICE To all persons indebted to j the fi rm of Hood & Stanton, you are hereby notified that at the yearly set tlement of this firms financial affairs on November 1st, that all notes and open accounts have been taken over by G. V. Stanton, who has assumed control of the business. G. V. Stanton Douglas Hood Blue Print Township Plats Corrected uptodate, showing names of entrymen; vacant land, rivers and creeks, 50 cents each. Land Scripts For Sale For securing title to all kinds of Gov ernment land without residence or im provement, at lowest market prices, write us for particulars. All kinds of Land office business a specialty. Twenty-five years experience. Kefereuce, Jrench & Co., Bankers. Hudson Land Comoanv The Dalles, Oregon Wm- 'vv .' '. FARM LANDS FOR SALE Two sections of grain lands, partly improved, wells, springs and orchard on tracts. One sec tion within one-half mile of Opal City; other section one mile further east. Terms rea sonable. Address inquiries to WALTER RUBLE Redmond Oregon 8HELI. ROAD EEFOKE AND AFTER OILINO. Courtesy Good Roads. New York.J over 200 degrees before application. It was shipped lu tank cars fitted with steam colls, by means of which It was heated by a portable boiler and al lowed to run Into distributing wagons. The roads were first cleaned of all dust and the oil applied at the rate of about one gallon a square yald. The street was allowed to 6oak up as much of the oil as possible, the surplus being absorbed by sand or dust spread over the street and then swept off, exposing the original surface. At Leisure. ,"Are you very busy?" asked the agent who had 'pushed the ofllce boy out of the way and stepped Into the private otllce. where the head of the firm was dictating to the stenographer. "No. As you see. I am lolling upon a downy couch and permitting my fancy to roam through enchanted realms. Nevertheless I do not wish to subscribe for anything this morn ing. By hurrying you may be able to get out before the arrival of the por ter, whom 1 have Just summoned by pushing the button under my right thumb." Chicago Hecord-IIerald SHADE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY Wouldn't our great-grandma giggle "Te-he" at horses sporting straw sun bonnets In the hot season? Granddad decorated his bald top with a green cnbbago leaf for n sunstroke protector and rigged up old Fan and Dobbin Gray with leafy boughs to keep off files and skeeters. That bents cuttln' off horses' tails and manes for style and lettlu' the pests eat cm up. But don't bother luventln' Biddy bon nets. Granddad's green bough Is good enough sunshade for Biddy. Just look at the pictures the one flock cool and contented in that beau tlful shady orchard, the other roastlug In the glaring sun, with no refugo for relief. A wooden man can tell which flock will turn out better. Yet some fellows who provide no protection for poultry wonder why many of their chicks and ducklings die and others do not reach a profitable maturity. It's often the weather. We believe In furnishing n variety of food and al Photo by C. M. Barnltz. IN TUB OLD ORCHARD. lowing fowls to balance their own ra tion; likewise we afford fucllltles for sun and shade and let old and young stock take as much of each as necessary. Sun Is necessary for fowls. They love it. Watch them spread their wings and tails, loosen their plumage and incline tbelr bodies to catch the virtue of every ray. It Is warmth and health tonic to a certain limit. Then it's a roast, and prostration, sun stroke, paralysis, death, follow. Many flocks are prisoners at the stake. The extreme cruelty of It Is they can't es cape. You see this where there Is no Bhade In the runs, where low roofed houses afford no relief by day or night, where crated poultry stands in the scorching sun. But this Is all so easily remedied and may bo so beautifully dono. How? Simply by planting sunflowers, vines and fruit trees around our nnultrr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. Bergland Attorney At Law MADRAS, OREGON n. SNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oftlee In Drug Store. ORKOON UADHA8 0 C. GOLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC CULVER Justioa of the Poaoo CULVElt l'RKOMCT OREGON LEWIS H. IRVING p, T. ATKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW INSURANCE Office of D, W. Harnett. MADRAS, OREGON Ora van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE VANORA, OREGON J) W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections a Specialty. Madras, Oregon yya p. myers LAWYER CULVER JUNCTION! OREGON Practice in all courtH and Department of the Interior. John T. Ross D. L. Wyldo 11. F. WylJe CROOK COUNTY ABSTACT CO, I.NCORIOItATKIl Complete tract index to all land and town lots In Crook county. Abstract! made accurately on short notice. PUINEVIIJ.E, OREGON JOWARD W. TURNER U. S. COMMISSION!. NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MA DRAB OREGON 9 - "TTflt... , j FOR YOUR WINTER'S a t at reasonable pnecs, delivered X at your door, the best coal on the market, call or ph" ! Central to, to &C Jlrll j. i ' --lJUU I I FEED or BMfe m LIVtKY, S STAB MADRAS. OREGON G. V. STANTON aiVG Your Orders Prompt Attention Transient Stock Given Best Of Feed And Gati European Plan Newly Furpished Through, McTAGGART HOTEL Best Service Possible Given Ti The Public For Good Farms City Property and Business Chances SEE D, W, BARNETT OFFICE MAIN STREET, MADRAS, OKF.OON Houses to Rent Warren Smith PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorial Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS oa MADRAS, ORE. LUMBER FOR SALE Yes, we have lumber for sale, and for nearly all purposes. If you are thinking of doing any building it will pay you to see us, and we will quote you LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Come and see us; let us figure with you and show you some good things in lumber that will save you money. Quality and Price We give the best of both. We are prepared to furnish everything found in a retail yard. Phone at your service. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company WM, W. ESSELSTYN, Local Manager Madras - - Oregon Photo by C. M. Barnltz. IN THK BUN'S GLA71K. houses and runs, bv lmiMi cuimuieor ventllutlon, by erecting arti ficial shade where necessary. wiiiie we are apt to get hit by a flareback when tf-e attempt to control the weather, we can so modify mat ters In the hot weason that our fowls may have cool food, cool water and cool retreats, and they must have them to Insure success. numblefoot, Itoup, , Bro- DON'TS. Don't mako nesls high. Mpples. Don't let litter get damp, ramp. , Don't mako ducfis climb steps, Ken legs. Don't let mlco nest with plgcojis. Chilled eggs. Don't give homers much Immn fin " wy Dc,n't use hellebore for hen Mco. Pol- son. "I do not btdlui '() Ull'IH Im mi v .II I fit- Iti'i.l elite on good for vliooplnK cough mh Clmm hi'Huli.'s Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. 1 inncls Turnln, Junction Oltv. or ti.i. remedy Is alfio unsurpassed for colds und croup. For sale by M. E. Snook, BUYS THIS HOUSE Auto Service to All Points of Inl MADRAS, ,1i on ! A. EC. Peterson JEWELER Tliroo Doors North of P. O. MADRAS, OREGON Hamilton, Wnlthnm, Elgin Wathea. Hamilton & IltmlltonjAibt, X charms, necklaces, bracelets, lavaliera, chatelaine pins and browns. V t Pastime Pool Hall Tucker & Culp, Proprietors MADRAS OREGON G V V Q Q Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery Smokers' Articles, News Stand EVERYTHING HEEDED 1 .upplld at this bargain prlcoH tho material ro quired for the construction of this mod ern irood-Iooklnir and comfortable cottaeo. Wo arolndepontlBht doiW-not In nnytru.t or association. At thla remarkably low quota tlon wo Includo all lumber. Bash and doom mllhvork Bldlnar, celling noorlnjr. nails, aUIrl work, finlshlnjr lumber, window frames, door framoo. IinlldlntT Paper, caves trough und Plpn. hardware, aash weTght., painting mater lain, rtonnsr. pUtor board, wall tint, etc. te&SM uf""''y Vny 'and Afoliltsnl. t.l .leUn.-aboutcon.cK0pMd Oregon Trunk Ry. M TO PORTLAND ST. PAUL ' DENVER KANSAS CITY and SPOKANE CHICAGO OMAHA ST. LOUIS "Roliabla Dsuler" 2232 Wcstlako Avo. SEATTLE, U.S.A. DAILY TR M,oa q.io n.m.. arrivinfirPrtia. 1 jiiuui uo u.wv r , . for ''T DirCct connection at Fllb f ,, and Tininf H nnof A trt Cnnlnnn lr45 D.lTl 1,11 ,i. to Eastern point3'; Puget Sound arl other we per6l posits accepted for west-bound tickets to do the east. Details will be furntehed on fequeflt, J. J.- HOYDAR, Agent, MADRAS, ORB.