The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 02, 1911, Image 8

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    wmvei uuuua Fai
To reduce our large stock
of merchandise we are offer
ing for a short time the fol
lowing greatly reduced prices
m Shoes, Winter Coats and
Bedding, beginning
Saturday, Nov. 4
Winter Coats
Double brensted, blanket lined,
corduroy collar '$140
Whipped cord, blanket lined,
bouble breasted 2 25
Double breasted, corduroy coats,
blanket lined m 2.50
Long double breasted, high collar,
- mackinaws 4 00
Boy's blanket lined, corduroy, trimmed 1 50
German Socks
Regular ?1 50
Regular 1.25
Regular 1 00
now J1.20
now .95
now .70
i 1 1 1 r i m n n i
Knncv 2.l,B,u ',ar
0" . " T'm
""It I
TIlO innul .l .
wregoii. "'iCsil
, " " -uui a noes, nnt.
Smoke tan " 14
Vlnctor 10
Willamette Lorrgcr. out.M.
" cou t
"envy, 8 h. top, So'Se, Jjj jl
Regular 2.00 Y
n 1. ..... 1.6K
Oregon all wool Ulunkets, -i
" " u 6'W " (J
Kmc wool kunp Blanket,,, " !'H " l
Fancy l'J-4 tan cofn Ulanketa fJ ,,' 151
" 11-4 Gray " ., 'J U
" 11-4 White j'J " 1,8
" 10-4 Grav " ?! " U
1,25 "
Hvcrything in Men's underwear fromtkt
fleece lined cotton to thqjancy wool
,.vltc "ncuunoerwmfromjj,
irnrment un. A Inn n n,ni.f. . . w
Personal and Local
J. H Uarkley is in Portland this week
looking after business matters.
N. A. Newbill and wife were visitors
in .Madras Tuesday of this week.
Born to the wife of Walter Arney,
Wednesday, November 1st, a girl.
M. Van Tassel, postmaster at Opal
City, was in town Friday of last week.
Robert Armstrong was down from
his ranch in the Lamonta district Sat
urday. Mrs. Pearl Osborn left for William
ette Valley points, Sunday, for a few
days visit
Jack Dee was down from Grizzly Fri
diiy attending to matters in connection
with his lumber business.
William Blair of Youngs was in Mad
ras Tuesday as a witness on the home
stead proof of James Barton.
P. T. Monroe and wife were up from
their ranch on Lower Trout Creek,
Tuesday, purchasing winter supplies.
Jos. J Nys, who has been practising
law at The Dalles, has opened in Mad
ras, the first door north of Dr Snook's
drug store.
Mrs. Annie Pike of the Opal Prairie
couniry made final commutation proof
on her homestead before Commissioner
Turner Tuesday.
J amen Barton of Youngs made final
commutation proof on his homestead
before the United States Commissioner
in Madra- 'iuesduy.
A. C. Sanfoid left for Bend last even
ing as a passenger on the first regular
passenger train to Bend to visit a few
days with his family.
Charley Eagles was a passenger out
Wednesday for the home of his parents
at Centralia, Washington, where he
will spend some weeks visiting.
Attorney W. P. Meyers and wife of
Culver were in Madras Monday. Mr.
Meyers was attending to some legal
matters before Judge Jackson.
Mrs Ralph Brown of Kaskelia, on
the Deschutes river, has been visiting
several days this week at the home of
her mother, Mrs. S. D. Percival.
A Segal, senior 'member of the Red
Cross Drug Co., who are operating
a ores at Redmond and Bend, is in the
latter two towns this week attending
to the needs of these stores.
A base ball game has been arranged
to be pulled off Saturday, November
4th, at the Madras grounds, between
the boys of the Grizzly and Madras pub
lic. Bchools. A lively game is expected,
. Mr. G, Bergin of Richland. Oregon,
formerly of Indiana, was in Madras and
vicinity the latter part of the week,
looking over this section of the country
wtth a view to investing and locuting in
farm property.
J, H. llorney and wife, old time resi
dents ol this section, left this morning
for Loa Angles, California, where they
will upond the winter. Their daughter,
Clara, having been there several weekH
'past attending the Lob Anglea Univer
sity. 1
Mind Affected by Long Illness Is
Ordered o State Institution by
County Authorities
Mrs. Belle Jones Bagby who
has been under the doctors care
for several weeks past was taken
to Prineville Saturday to be ex
amined as to her sanity.
Mrs. Bagby 's mind seems to
have been effected during her
recent illness and, her condition
being such that an attendant has
to be with her all of the time to
prevent her doing herself per
sonal injury, it was deemed nec
essary to have this examination
before the County Examining
Board, which was done Saturday
afternoon at Prineville and a com
mitment was issued to send her
to the feeble minded home at
Mrs. L. Stowe, an attendant
at that institution, came up Sun
day evening, taking her patient
Monday morning.
'lain pleated to ice mniieud Clninhnr-
l.iin's Cough iti'incijy as the best thing 1
know of and the xnfist remedy for coughs,
colds anil btonchial trouble," writes Mih.
L. 15, Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We have
used it repeatedly and it hits never failed
to give relief." J'or sale by M. K. Snook.
Asa Clark and son were in from their
ranch on Opal Prairie Monday.
Douglas Hood is in Bend this week
looking after business matters.
Jacob Harrington of Culver was down
from his ranch attending to matters
pertaining to the recent purchase of his
son's ranch. Mr Harrington says that
he is well satisfied with Central Oregon
and is getting quite a body of land tr
gether to farm on an extensive scale.
H. J. O'Neil, Traveling Freight and
Passenger Agent of the Deschutes Rail
road and O.-W. R. & N. lines, was in
Madras Tuesday making further ar
rangements in regard to the Farmer's
Demonstration trai", which commences
their exhibition in Central Oregon today.
District Superintendent H. O. Perry
of the Methodist Episcopal church of
this district was in Madras Thursday
and preached to the congregation. Mr
Perry is making his regular visit to tint
churches in Central Oregon and will
preach in Prineville, Bend and Redmond.
There Is little danger from a cold or fr 111
an attack of the grip except when followed
by pneumonia, mid this never happens
when Cliiiinlii!) Iain's Cough Remedy Is
used. This remedy has won its reputation
and extensive kiiIoh by Its icniitrUablooiireH
of coIiIh and erin mill can hit i-ellinl imm,
with Implicit conlldence, J' or mile by M.
K, Snook,
Church Notices
The subject for the morning service
at the M. K. church at II o'clock is
'Samson's Barber." The evening ser
vice for the people at 8 o'clock, subject,
"The Man Who Lost Himself " Every
body invited to come. John J. Pacey,
The second quarterly meeting for
Madras and Opal Prairie circuit will be
held at Culver commencing Friday night,
Nov 3 and holding over Sunday. Rev.
W. S. CofTee, our district elder, will
have charge. All are cordially invited
to attend. Also, Rev. CofTee will preach
at Madras Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday nights, Nov. 7, 8 and 9 Come
and hear the tiospel.
Rev. E. D. Blackmail,
Pastor Free Methodist church.
A meeting of the Crook Coun
ty Farmer's Union will be held
at Madras, Saturday, Nov. 11.
jThe principle purpose of this
meeting is to consider ways and
means of exterminating the jack
This should be a vitally inter
esting question not only -to the
farmers of the community but
all those dependant upon them,
for in the past year in this com
munity surrounding country
thousands of acres of grain have
been destroyed by the rabbits
and considering the rapidity with
which they increase the outlook
for next year's crop is slim un
less some concerted action on the
part of the farmers is taken to
eradicate this pest.
All Union members are urged
to be present.
VV. J. Stebbins, Sec-Treas.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, I'. H. I.nnd
Olliee at Tin- Dulles, Oregon.. "eplcmber tl. lull
.Nutlet' It hereby given Unit
J aim's 1 1 it r t 11
of Young. Oregon, who on Nuwmbor III. 1W1I,
liuule IloiiietleHil No l:rl, Herliil No l)7l.lor
h'j fee .13 unit t.e'4. eelloii iti. Uiiyti
hip 'J youth, range 11 eivtt, Willamette Mcrl
(Hun, Iih.h hied notice of li.tentioll to mule
Filial live enr proof, to cslnbllHh elullii to the
Unit Hhove (li'xeriiieil. Iielore llciunnl W, Tur
ncr, t. fc. (.'oiiiiiiNfloner Kt lilt ollleu Hi Mml
rns, Oregiin, on the :ilht ilny ol Oetoher, lull.
I'UlniHiit unmet ni u linen V. IIIihiii Itlitlr,
of Youngs. Oregon, ltnlih Yoiiiikh, of Young'.
Oregon : Wlllinm ( ulnirii 01 Young, Oregon,
Kred 1'itlier, of Mntlritp, Oit'gon.
hUh o'ii; nl ('. W. Moore. Iteglntur
, Notice For Publication.
Pepiti t nt of the Interior, IJ. H, Land
OIliceatTlie JMIh-s, Oiogon, October I,
Notice Is hereby given that
Piiiiline Jackson,
f I.:iiimnn. (Iiim'iiii vi ln, mi r I, 1111.
11)10, made Jluinestciid No. utis&il.'for Lot 2
Xi'M NW, HX NIC', Section 7, Town-
uii c nuiiui, ji.uiki' IU J'.am, NVIIImilCtle
iui.i iiixui, 1111.1 jiiru iiuiiuo 01 I IIM'IIUf III to
make Final commutation Proof, to entab
libli claim to the laud above iIckci Ibeil, lie
foie Howard W. Turner. IJ. 8. L'oiuiiiIh-blonei-
at his office at iViuiias, Oiejon. on
the 1 i tli dax of November, IHIJ.
Oiaiinant names as witnesses; I'Vauk
j)iichleii, ol Madras, Oregon; JJ.ineil ,l
D.tde, nf Ma 1 as, Oregon: llenrj N, Rod
in ,ol Madras, Oregon; Jtuy Chltwood, of, Oiegon.
oia-iiU O. W. MooitK, Register.
Notice for Publication
..,l.)eil?iri!"!!"',,AMI'U ,l"rl.'-. I'.H. I.HIHl Olllco
ut 'lh 0 llHlleH, Oregon, Oetoher li,
Notice Ik liurohy given Hint
, . J"hn limilur.
(II Mflilrtiu flpiti,,., ....
V.w.L " no", mi ueeeinner I.
Iiios, iiimlu IliiiiicwU'itd, No. (iii;t, r,. m,i,; ,V '
e .. 110M, er. H 11111I nw', niv!j, eetlon U, ton 11
........ n ,,,,, , iiueiiiion to luiike
.1,m,."!.".,'V., ,r.",'"' '"''""'I'llHll Clltl... 10
liirner, IJ. H. CoiiiniUnlonur ut lilu otllt-o ut
MH,lru, Oregon, on the Win duy of Novumlmr,
Utiiltn tint iiuinuH hh wltnenCH: Chrlnto Ifnrt
u.iilti.j.a d v' ilOOItU, Jteglstor
Notice For Piiiliitioii.
DC'imrtineut of the Interior.
V. H l.mi'l Olllee ut The Diilhri, Oregon. 8e
teinherJ I'-UI.
Nollee la hereliy given Unit
Annie 1'lke,
of MHilrnK, Oregon ui on Mnreli 'X, 1WW,
ninile lliiiui-'-li-iiil No. Olfi'n, for Hint
ne4 itwJi, nw(.4 uj.4, m tlon 3, lowunhip 13
boutli, riit'gu 12 enit, WfllHiiit'ltf .Merlilluli.
Iihh lilt-il notice of Intention to iiiiiln IIiimI
eoiiiiautnllou proof, to entiihllHh elullii to
to tliu Imiil uhow (ifKeriheil, helore llmwuil
W Turner, United fcuies l.'oiniiiiiiloiier, nt
Mmlritt, Oregon, on the :;int iluy of Oetoher,
Claimant mimes ns nltnoMOt: Jiimes W
NiehoU, Kilunril It. file, Henry Taj lor, Wil
liam Hiuhex, nil ol Miulriit. Oregon.
oji-l c. V. MOOHK, lleglnter.
Notice ftr Pttblicalion.
Deiurtiiieut of the. Interior, IJ. H. I.aiiiI Ollleu
in Tin; DmIIl"), Oregon, .Septemher !m, l'Jll.
Notice Is herehy given tlmt
Wlllinm A. Cohlirn,
of Young". Oregon, Alio on April 21, 1'JO.I, niiolo
HomexteHil No., Serlnl No OCiftl, lor HWA
SW!4.See. 11 null WNW', NV btt J, K e
Hon II, Tounililp to h'omh. Ilnngi) II Knot,
Willamette Muriilinu, lint II lei! notice of In
tention to uinku rinul live ) ear froof. to e
tuhllah elnlin to the Inliil tihove deterliiuil, be
fore llouiinl W.Turner, IJ. H. CoiiiiiiUhIoiiit ut
h In olllee ut MndrnH, Oregon on the tilh iluy of
Noveinher, lull,
Cliiliimiit iiuiiicM ui witnessed: Hnouilen A.
White, of J.IniltnH, Oregon; John C. Mnrr, of
Mini run, Oiegoii' Jhiihw hpleer, ol YoiingH,
Oregon; AleMiuder Hpleer, of YiiiingM, OriiKou.
o:,-nJ-p(l t;. W. MOOHK, IteglHler.
Notice for Publication
!tpiirliueut of the Interior, IJ. H. .inn Ollleu
nt The DuiWn, oiegon, Oetoliur lllth, l'Jll.
Noliei: l4 lierehy given Hint
John W. Ilordun.
of lluyereek, Oregon, who, on Mnreli B, 1010.
inline iioiuetieuu, io. uijito, lor H'i, reetlou
;i.i, Uiu iuiiii id Miiitii, Knngu Hi eiiMl, W Ilium
tins MeriiliHii, hits nleil notleu of luienlloii to
iniiKe i iiiiii comminution proof, to dMiiIiIIkIi
elniin to the luml uhuvu tlt'Derlhi'il, hufoie
llouiiril W. Turner, IJ. H, Com m ImhIoih-r ut liN
olllee nl Jlailrns, Oregon on the lUwl duy of
Novomwr, l'Jll. t
tMHllllHtll IIHIIII.U 114 U'lltli.uuf.U Of,.' II
I.ex JjiiK, Hurry II, York, 11. O. Mef hemon, nil
ui liny i.rt't'h, lyreoiJ,
ol'J-nlO O. W. MOOHK, IteglnKir.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, IJ. 8. Lund
Olllee at The Dalles, Oregon, October 4,
l'.ill. Notice Is hereby glve-i that
lie. t A. Aktns,
of .Sislc's, Oieguii, wli", un .Inly Oth, ID'ifl,
made Horn nteml No. I fi'J67. Herliil No.
(Ciltr-T, lot HK'j, A ction Township 1
Houtli, Hinge II Kust, Willamette Meii
dine, has llleil nil ice of Intention to
make Final live-year I' roof to eMulilUli
claim to tli' html above deicrlniMl. before
llowaiil W. Turner, U.S. C,'oiinnlMl(iticr
at his olllee at Mndrax, Oregon, on the 16: li
day of Niivemtiei, Mil.
Claimant iimncx un witnesses: Lewis C.
Cl'.vci, IterlOney. Frank F. Scllman, Olu
I.aiKun, all of sisters, Oiegon.
ol2-n0 C. W. MojitK, Iteglster.
Notice of Contest
ffiarlment ol the Tcttrlor. CilitJ
i'l Onicc.TbcDjIlei.OjffoEifJ
Notice for Publication
He) urlment of the Interior, H.H. I.nnd Ollleu
ut Tliu Hiillet. Oregon, Oetoher Hih, lull.
N'otlee Is hereby g'ven Hint
John A. Ileynfildn,
of Opnl f'lty, Oregon, who, on Novemlier Sfilh,
fX, mude lloiiiittlt'Hit No. )M1I HerUI, No.
OIDIJ, for Hw4 !iel-4, nU ne1-, nee 1H nud nw'4
hw(4, Keetlon 17. 1ohii.Ii I i 13 Houtli, ringe U
cum, WlllKiiielle Merldliin, hu liled notleu ol
Intention to mnkii tlnnl live car proof to e
Inhlmh elnlm lo the IhihI nbovu 'lenerlheil, tic
lote llou urd V. Turner, L'. S. Comm'Mluner
hi hU olllee, nt Mndrnt, Oregon", on tliu 27th
duy of Novem lier, 101 1.
( Inliiiuul unmet un wltnemet: J, niter, olO.ul City, Oregon; Joavph ft.
Meiideuhull, of Opul City, Oregon: Wllllmn O.
HnlHton, of Opnl city, Oregon; Tlioman Aldur
dyee, of Culver, Oregon.
ol'J-nli; C. W. MOOHK, Hcgliitfr
Notice for Publication
Dupitrtmeut of tliu Iiilerlor, IJ. H. f.nnil Olllco
nt Tliu Diillex, Oregon, Oetoher II, l'Jll.
Notice In hereby given Hint
Julia K, Hlmpnoii, of MmlrM, Oregon,
ulio.on July ,'ith, I'JiO iiihiIc lloinelcnd, No,
U.ia.'i, for nw'JiH'-i. necHon 6. towtuhlp 11
noil Hi, rnttge II ea-Hi, Willamette Meridian, ban
liled notleu of liilentloii lo make llnal com m II
tntlon proot, lo exlnhllnh claim to Hie land
ulxivo ilenerlhed, hefore Howard W. Turner, U.
H. ('ommlntloiier nt till olllee, ut Madran, Or
gon.on the 'iird dny of Novemlr, l'Jll.
clnliiiHiit iiameii a wltnt'i'iic.v Ilt'lijaniln 1.
f renloii, Clmrlua Kugles, William O, Hunt, Ira
Knglen, allot Mnilrux, Oregon.
ol'j nlii C. VP. MOOHK, Hefe-Uter
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. H. Land
Olliee, ut'llii) HnlleM, Oregon, Oetoher 'Si, l'Jll,
Notice in hereby given Hint
Wlimted J. Klehhlim,
of MndriiH, Oregon, uho, on April 27lh, l'JUS,
mude Ilomexteud, No. IIM.r, Korinl, No. o:iv;s,
lor wi, noil bhI4, tfctlon :u, tovn
Nliio IU h.i rniiku II enht. W M . Imu in,..i ...n
ol Intention in muke i nut I lluiyeur froof, to
, " j -mini i inu iiiiiii noovo uehcrioed,
hefore I owurd W. Turner, (J. H, CoinuilHslnner
ut JiIh olllee nt Mudrim, Oiegon, on the Itllduy
of Decern lier, l'Jll. '
Clnlmuiit numuH n wltlicKKeti; CliurliiH V.
pilllliK, Jumea llenjiimln K. freutou, Wut
ley Hiimner, nil ol Mini rim, Oregon.
"W C. V. MOOHK, Heglster
Notice for Publication
I)epaitni.'iit of tin Interior, IJ, H, Land
( I Ice at Dalles, (Jiegon, October lilnt,
Notice Is hereby given that
Juine.t U. Oottenglnt
. i iiM, Oi-ki. who, on December 28,
l?(J7,..V!ll!l!u 'J"'iii No. ICSJI7 .Serial
Su. WMt, forni nwW, hw uwU, ami
hits liled notice ol Intention to make coinnintatioii 1'ioof, to cntulillhli
c ulm to the land above described, before
Howard W. Titinei , 1. h. O .ininfssloner,
at Ins ol lee at Mud mih. Oregon, on the Will
day ol November, l(iL
Cialinant naincsas wIIiichkch: (icoige II,
Wh to. of Madras, Oregon; John TIii.iiiiin,
of MadiiiN. Oregon; L um, T. L trson, of
1 OllllL'S. tlll'l'ljll' IllLl. Ilmimu ..I '..,i.
Oregon. '
o20-ii'.:3 o. IV. MOOItfi, Jleglster
Notice for Publication
Depiirtment of Hie Interior, tJ. H Uml Olllro
nt The Uullcn, Oregon, October 10, lull,
Notleu in hereby given that
Ueorge A, Hliiif, .
of Ilnyeretlc, Oregon, who, on May IStli, IW,
mmlu HomeHlend, No. Hlill Kerlai, No. MM,
Uirn uwU, nee 111 and uUt m4, Kertlou U,
towimlilp II nouth, rnngo Hi enut, Wlllainutlu
Merlilinu, hut tiled nollee of Intention to make
11 n ii I live j ear proor, to otalilnih claim to the
laud above denerllied, hefore Howard , Tur
ner, V. H. iJommiHMlnner at bin olllee at Madras,
Oregon, on the 2Ihi dny of November, l'Jll.
Clniiiinut numea ui witnemioii: tunlon H.
Illnck, ol Anil wood. Oregoii; Jnmei Drown, of
Hayereek, Oregon ; Frank Jlarber.of llayoreck,
Oregon; James A, (Jurrelt, of Hayereek, Ore
gon. oi'J nlC pd C. W, MOOHK, Rcglttor
on are Iierebr notlflm lhil ;! 1
Kt, whoifltii Cul,OfK(u,uk
ortlrt' iddrtu.dld on Jol;W,liil,U
iilliee liliilulyrurroboriltdifplliiJa and (eourethecinctllillonolm
mead Kntrr .No., Bcrlit Xo. a
obr '28. 1910. for 8E!8T);,8(.i4B
Action SI, Taoniblpll, k, EisnU
iHiuettu Mfrldlm, indu troaialu
H it lieallrufi tbtt uM JohtJ. Cn
wholly atatidoned nlil trie ollui
)nt tlx loontbi lut ftil ltd itlu
in eni nun cxiiii. i
You are. therefore. fmlbettctiMt
(aid allMktloniwlll titulnbr iMi
having keen confenttd tj jw.isJfl
entry will be ctnctlfi lierecnto
your lurthcr right to be beard ttcrriifl
iMilore t n 1 1 omce or on inu, u Jt
In Hill offlce ullbln Umlr dm w
KOl'ltTII putllcition OllbilDMW,ii
below, your tueri under oitk.qifl
mveilng ami reiiKmdlnttoifeeHtlliM
eoiitvit, or If you fill within in:Ul
in iniaomeuuerii i"i"'v
coiy of your imner on tbeii)iea
elllicr III eriou ur u; rnimm
kiiri'lnl ll III .,lc bv the dellTirfMil
your amwer lo tbconleilnllPti
of auchiervlcn wuit b eitbtt w m
ol Hie copy, ihowlog. tbe dele MB
the allldavlt of tbe penon bj
ery wa wide itttlof bet ih
topy u delivered. I oide M
mifl, prool ol inch aervlce bmI
allldavlt of tbe perwn b; bM m
mailed Hating wnea
which it wMIW.Bu'Tj?S3
aeeompaDieu oy me
of the xl office to wllcb ion oa
notice to to to job.
Dmte ol flrt publication OewUrtt
:: iSh
Notice for SSj
Olliee ut llieDalHOreOeWi
Notice Is hereby given tW 1
JJurton Onefi J
mnk for NVJf jbgMW
Hmitb. H.uik J2. i t otiiiiili
10 llio mi " --,, u CurjjBlww
I1IH Olllco nv jii "
day of November, IVU. , n
Cluliiinntnainesa 'hBt
Olover, Frank E-KOkJ
",a 1
Notice for Publication
Department of tho Interior, U. H. I.aml Ofllco
nt The Dalles, Oregon, Oetoher 10th, l'Jll.
Notice ii, hereby given that
JoIihii II, (,'. HailmRii,
of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 27tli, 1905,
Hindu Homemcail, No MI'JS Hera, No 0.MI&,
for nS iw4, hu4 nwH.uud no awJ4, action
IU, touiihlilii 12 aoiitb, range 11 eiut, 1 11 nrn -iiiDlle
Meridlnn, has liled nollee of liilentloii
to make llnal five-year proof, toonlahllidi ela i;i
lo the land above described, before Howard .
Turner, IJ. H, (iommlHidoner at hU olllee at
Miu'rni. Oregon, on thoUtdiiyof Noveiubor,
Olulmant natiiiiN ah wltnomea: Tillman Ifeii
ter, Mrs, lnn lloreimky, I'red Itonter, I'aul
llnrz, nil of MndrnH, Oregon. , .
ol'j n(i-pi (J, W, MOOItIC, IleKliler.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Ujl
Olllco at The Dalies, Oregon. October I(Jlh(
Notice Is hereby given that
It, Florence Bertram, formerly It. Kl'jr-
ence lleancliamn, of Culver, OrcKolJ, w ho
on March 7lh, HKW. nuulu IIoincHteail, No.
IMi!IHeilal,iNo.0IBI5, for neW uvi)t, w
mU, and m-4 hi-K, secilon SiJ, townjlilp
t'A uml 1 1 io :.,,ui IVIIImnnttn. Mei l-
illaii, has liled notice of intention to malm
iiiini i,. ii..,, r in ouIhIiIIhIi claim
to the hunt above tiebeilbed, hefoio How
aid W. Turner, U. H. CotniiilHsloner nt III
omce in Minima, Oregon, on mo i-um j
of Novtiiuber, mil. , .
Cialiuiiiit iiaiueH as wltiinssim: Jul wit jl
ii ii.i. i iiiiiii...., I! Mil.
H, j-iKtt, r reti I'liiuiiam, uiinuiu '"
ler, James M. Davis, all of Culver, Oregon,
:: TT7uir7tiw
Notice lor ' Z M
Department of the JJ '03
. .i..i Oreeoii, w?.5BMisirl
shin 12 south, r'ti.VtloiiwfSl
coniiiiiiwl f .0.uir bed teWl
i he land above K,ZmiiWiM
W 'lurnoriU' T 0D ihp
?'0ff.r o.iu,0regoll
,;tl,n , i, l)llei u,c '
1UI1... ........hvnlirentl1" i
Oin Jiftrsum " o,w,j--