The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 12, 1911, Image 6

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    David G. Gay, G. M. Elkins
and Guy Southwell, of the Bliz
zard Ridge country, were in
Madras Saturday attending to
land business before the United
States Commissioner.
Earnest C. Nicholson made
final commutation proof on his
homestead, seven miles south of
Madras, Monday, before Com
missioner Turner.
Nicholas Monner, Monday, pur
chased 280 acres of land at Sage
Brush Springs from U. S. Grewell.
The consideration was between
four and five thousand dollars.
J. SMcMean, of Lamota, re
turned from Portland Sunday
evening. Mr. McMean has been
taking treatment for cancer of
the face. Culver Tribune.
J. H. Barkley has secured pos
session of the New Commercial
hotel near the Oregon Trunk de
pot and for the present will open
the hotel as a lodging house only.
It will be in charge of his sister,
Miss Fannie Barkley.
M. Lonsbery, who has been
spending several weeks past in
Oregon City and Portland, re
turned to his home two miles
south of Madras Monday evening.
Edward Sweeting, returned
the early part of the week from
Portland, where he has been vis
iting friends and relatives during
the past couple of months.
W. F. Hammer, C. F. Owens,
Howard W. Turner and wife,
Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs. S. Ro
bards and others were in attend
ance at the Railroad Day celebra
tion at Bend Thursday.
John M. Mayes left Friday
morning for Knoxville, Tennes
see, where he expects to remain
during the winter, visiting at
home of his children.
Mrs. Catherine Fryhof, mother
of Mrs. C. E. Roush, left for her
home at Owasso, Michigan, Fri
day, after spending the summer
with her daughter.
Don't trifle with a cold is Rood advice
for prudent men and women. It may be
vital In case ot a child. There is nothlnu
better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
forcoujjhs and colds in children. It Is
safe and sure. For sale by M. F. Snook.
FOR RENT 1G0 acres on Little
Agency Plains, 140 tillable, less thnn 1
mile from Madras, 3 from Mctolius; 70
acres now under plow; good place for
chicken or hog ranch, or potato grow
ing. Address A. L. Carson, 102 Front
St , Portland, Oregon. ol2-tf
Having taken over the stock of the
Madras Lumber Co.'s yard, we can give
our customers the benefit of the hauling
expense by quoting prices nt the Mudras
yard. If you arc in need of fence posts
now is the time to buy before they are
moved. Yours to serve,
Wm. Esselstyn, Local Mgr.
LOST In the turbulent waters of
the Deschutes river last Sunday after
noon, one handsome and costly casting
rod, several hundred feet of near silk
line, wound scientifically around a cheap
quadruple plated brass reel and one
John B. hat. The above mentioned
articles formerly belonged to what is
commonly known as a Foote, but the
writer thinks a better pseudonym would
be Six and One-Half Foote. Finder
please return to Central Oregon Mer
cantile Co. store and receive a liberal
I. O. 0. F. Lodge
Meets every Saturday
night. Strangers are wel
come. Tillman Reuter, N. G.
Lewis H. Irving, Secretary
I Central Oregon Land Company
A. C. SANFORD, Manager
Real Estate and Farm Loans
If you want to sell, list with me. If you want to buy,
I have the best bargains. Try me and see.
Yes, we have lumber for sale, and for nearly all
purposes. If you are thinking of doing any building
it will pay you to see us, and we will quote you
Come and see us; let us figure with you and show
you some good things in lumber that will save you
money. Quality and Price We give the best of
both. We are prepared to furnish everything found
in a retail yard. Phone at your service.
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company
WM. W. ESSELSTYN, Local Manager
Madras - Oregon
ts to and from the Ea:
The Oregon Trunk Railway agents sell
through tickets to Spokane, Montana
points, Minneapolis; St. Paul, Chicago,
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis
and other eastern points. Deposits are
accepted for west-bound tickets to be
furnished persons in the east.
Oregon Trunk Ry.
Portland train daily leaves Opal City 8;00 a. m., Culver
8: 6 u. m , MotolioiiH 8:25 a m., MudrnH 8:33 u. rn.
Arrives Portland 6:00 p. rn.
Through fares, train schedules and other details will be
furnished on request.
Now is the time to put up your winter fruit. See us for prj
Fruit and Fruit Jars
We also have a few Shoe remnants which we are selli
Regardless of Cost
E. Bergland
Attorney At Law
Offlou lu Drug Store.
Notice for Publication
Justice of the Peaoe
Office of D. W. Rarnett.
Ora van tassel
Collections a Specialty.
Madras, Oregon
Practice in all courts and Department
of tho Interior.
John T. Ross D, I,. Wylde B. F. Wylde
Complete tract Index to all land and
town Iota In Crook county. Abstracts
made accurately on Hliort notice
Notice for Publication
Department or thu Interior, U. H, I.tuiil
Olllci-, niTliu, Oregon, Bcpteiiiljer 15, l'Jll
N(Jtlti) lit huruby .Ivcu that
Urovur (.'. Lynn, ol Madras, Oregon, who
on October'.;, 1WJC, made Jlomciitcad No, lMC'J.
Hurlul No, Oli)i:i, for YM N HW' NK, and
HW'ii WJ.BuctlunH.TowiuliipUBonth, rmiKO
II Kant, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notli'o
of lutunllon to make Final live year 1'roof, to
entalillHh claim to tliu land above devcrlhed,
lieforu Howard V. Turner, U, H. OoinmUnloner
at IiIhoIIU-o at Miulrtw, Oregon, on thuMthday
of October, lull, , ,
Claimant naimH an wltiicMct: Jl. K. Trenton.
V. i'ulleii, JamuH LiV, U. A, I'amlvy, all ol
Madra, Ore,
n'Jl-ol'J-pd C, W. MOORE, Register
Department of the Interior, IT. .S. Land (
Uillce ui Tiiemuies, urcguii.ocjiu:iiiui.-i
Notice is hereby Riven Hint
Nora M. Brown, Formerly Nora M. Boyd,
of ill .Minis, Oregon, who on August Si, I'.UO.
made Homestead No. U7fi7, for 8KU M'
)i. EH SV.ii, and SWt, SK' Section 17,
Township 12 South, Range II Knst, Wil
lamette .Mt-rldiaii, has filed notice or
Intention to make linal commutation proof
to establish claim to the laud above des
cribed, befo.c Howard W. Turner, U. S.
commissioner, at h'.s oillce at Madras,
Oregon, on the 2!I day ot October, If 11.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank r.
Sumner, Kosa Reuter, Fred L. . Keiiler,
Tillman Renter, all of Madras, Oregon.
s'Jl-ol'J-pd O. NV.MooiiB, Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, 1j. H. Land
Olticeat The Dalles, Oregon, September 11
1911. Notice is hereby given that
Samuel A. Boyd
of Madras, Oiegon, who on August 1, ltUO,
made Homestead No. 072M, for SH N'W'tf
and W'h -N'Ki, Section 17, Township 12
Souih, itange II IC, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of Intention to make tinal
commutation proof to entahliidi claim to
thu land above described, hofoic Howard
W. '1 urner, U. S. Commissioner, at his
office at Madras, Oregon, on the 23td d.iy
of October, 1'Jll.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
V. Sumner, Rosa llcuter, Fred L. II. Reu
ter, Tillman Reuter, all of Madras, Ore
s21-oiy.pd C. W. Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of thu Interior, U. H, Land
Oltlce at The Dallua.Ori'Koii, Bejitembcr 'ii, 1911.
Notice U hereby given that
James llartnu
of Youngs, Oregon, w ho on November 10. llfll,
made Homestead No. YXMS, .Serial No. 0.1371, (or
x'A wJ4, kuc.xt and !4 tts'i, suction 32, town
ship 'J noulli, range 11 eat, Willamette Meri
dian, nan tiled notlcu of intention to make
Final flve-jcar proof, to l-xIhIjIIhIi claim to tin:
laud abovu described, before Howard V, Tur
ner, U. H. CommlHHloner at his olllee at Mail,
ran, Oregon, on thu .lint day of October, l'Jll.
Claimant names as ultiienH: William lllalr,
of Youiign, Oregon; Ralph Young, of Young),
Oregon; Wllllum Coburn oi Young, Oregon;
Fred Flutter, of Madrax, Oregon.
H'.'S-o'Jii-pd C. W. Moore, Iteglater
Notice lr Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. a Land Oillce at The Dalles, Oregon, Hep.
lumber'." l'Jll,
Notlcu In hereby given that
Annie 1'lke,
of Madras, Oregon, who on March 20, l'JOO.
made llomesteud No, OI57S, for loin 0, 'J, and
neJ4 nvl4, nvjt kuetlon 'J, township 13
south, racge VI cant. Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make llnal
commutation proof, to extabllnh claim to
to the land above ilcHerlbed, before Howard
W. Turner, United HlateM CoiiiiiinMoiier, at
Madras, Oregon, on the 31st day of October,
Claimant names as wltiienca: James W.
NIcholH, Edward R. I'lke, Henry Taylor, Wil
liam llughen, all of Mailran, Oregon,
KU-Mi-lA O. W. MOOItH, ReglHter.
Notice for Piilliciition
Department or the I ulei ior, U. S. Land
Oillce at The D.ill H, Oieuon, Snitember 0,
Bill. Notice, Is hereby ulviti that
Nancy 11 . Lemon
of Culver, Oregon, who on July U'.llli. limn,
made Iloinesii ud No. OTdltt, for W'H NW'k
and W'H HWii. Bectlon 28, Towushlii Hi
South Riihgo l!i Fast. Willamette Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention to make
Final coimmitallon Proof, to establish
claim to the laud above described, before
Howard W, Turner, 0, B, Commissioner
at Ids oillce at Madras, Oregon, on the 17th
day of October, 1011.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wullei
Bui le, of Madias, Oregon; Dwlghl Robert,
of Culver, Oregon; Isaac Martin or Culver,
ver, Oiegon; Joseph N. Keeuey, of Culver,
si! oia-pd C W Moore, Iteglster
Notice for Piiblicalion.
Department of thu Interior, II, H, I. and Ollleo
av The DalleH, Oregon, Hepluinber M, mi.
Notlcu U hereby given that
William A. Coburn.
of Young)1, Oregon, who on April 21, 1905, made
IfomcHtead No, IV.m. Kerlal No. 0.WJ, for HW'A
HW'.Heo. Hand Wk NW NWHWU, Hen
tlon II, Township 111 Pouih, Itangu II Kant,
Willamette Meridian, him lllud notlcu of In.
tentlou to make Final live-year rriiof. to cn
tablliili iilaliu to thu land abovu ileHcrlhed. bu
fore Howard W. Turner. U. H. CoinmlHMloner at
hUolllru at Madras, Oregon on thumb day of
fiovemuur, ivii,
Claimant names as witnesses: Hnowden A
White, of Madras, Oregon; John U. fturr, of
Madras, Oregon' James Hplcur, ol Youngs,
Oregon; Alexander Hidcer, if Youngs, Oregon,
oa-u2'iu u, w, moouk, Register,
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior, II. S. Laud
OlltcentTho Dalles, Oregon, October 1,
Notice Is hereby given that
Pauline Jackson,
of Laninnla. Oregon, who, on March llth,
BJI0, made Homestead No.O)i!li0, for Lot 2, NIVIi, Nlik. Section 7, Town
ship 12 South, Range 1ft Hast, Willamette
Meridian, lias tiled notice or intention to
make Final commutation 1'ioof, to estab
lish claim to tho laud above described, he
roic Ho ward W. Turner, U.S. Commis
sioner at his oillce at Madras, Oregon, on
the llth day of November, l'Jll.
uiaiuuiiii names as witnesses: rruiiK
Ducliien, of Madras, Oregon; Dauell Mc
Dade, of Ma. ras, Oregon: Henry N. Rod-lu-,
of Madras, Oregon; Roy Cliltwood, of
drizzly, Otcgon.
oiz-uu u. w.iooitE, uegisier.
Notice For Publication.
Denartiiient of the Interior. U. S. Laud
Office at The Dalles, Oiegon, October Rli,
Notice is hereby given that
Lewis C. (Hover,
of .Sisters, Oiegon, who, on September 1th,
BMW, made Ilomesteail No. 1KJI0, tscriai
No. Oil'JVJ. for Lots 2, SI and SKU. Sec
tion 4, Township 12 .-jouth, Range 12 Kast,
Willamette Meridian, has llled notice of
I ii t 1 1 1 1 1 in iiiiik'e Final live vear Proof, to
establish claim o thu land above described,
before Unwind W. Turner, U. S. Cinimls
sloner, at his office at Madias, Oregon, on
the loth day or Aoveinuer, r.ui.
Claimant names as witnesses: Burton
Oney, Bert A. Aklns. Frank E. Sollinan,
Ola Larson, all of Sisters. Oregon.
OI2-1IU U. YY. Jioore, iiegisiei.
Notice for Publication
n..,wr,,w,l r llui liilerlnr. II. H. Llllld
Office at The DallcH, Oregon, October 4tli,
r.ui. ,
Notice Is hereby given that
Burton Oney,
of Sisters, Oregon, who.on November lth,
iimr. II, ,,,i,, .mimiiI Nil 1 lKtlfi.. Serial ISO.
tmiii, for NWj, Section 2J, Townsliln U
South, KaliKu 12 Jiast, wiiiameiui jiicu
dlan, has llled notici) of Intention to niuke
Final live year rroor, 10 esiaonan in
i.i tin idiiii l. i,. ,ti.r,rllwfl- before HOW
ard W. Turner. U. H. CominlsHloncr. at
his oliico at Madras. Oregon, on inu ium
day of November, lul L ,
Si.. i ,.u (..IIkuuuou- l.nwls I'..
ni,,v,.r imtiir Heiitiiuii. ltobert K, Jor
dan, Ola Larson, all or Sisters, Orcgoj''
012-nu u. w. Aiooru, ju-hi";i.
Notice for Publication
Tli rf ktlllllt ilt tllfl Til
Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, September 11,
Notice Is hereby given lhat
Henrv Fiohnhofer.
of Orlzzlv. Oreirou. Who on JlllyC, 1W'6
made II
No. H620, Herlit
0UIW, for. BKK. Bco. 7, NW BWM;
Nun h nun n km r i . ni'i!Liuii jo. jitm
ship 12 South, Biingo HI Hast, Wlllamutte
.. t i ti...i ..,ti,.,. Itttiitillmi Ifl
I.M....I Hvii.viMii I' Ui iHtJll)UHll
claim to the land above described, befon
Warien iirown, u. n. uoiuiiiini"i
office at I'rlnevlIlP, Oregon, on the -Jllh
day or October, BUI. , , . tr
Olrtlmiint names us witnesses: Lew s h.
Hiiiiillton, Charles AlcKonzIo, Sanuiel J .
Comjiton, Joseph I). Bland, till ol ailly(
"'""lill pd 0. W. Moore. Register.
Notice of Contest ;
llormrlmnnl nl Ilia Tnl..l.. r.H
I a ... I ll,1.. Tl.. n-lt .
l'Jll. ;
TO JO N J. OA .V Sol Culm f
You arc hereby notified tbit 81m
genu, wi;u kiu uuiver, urfion, u
oillce aililrvM.uldon July 10, 13It,tSi
le ml lin try .no., tier tl Ko. 07(11.
fectlonsi,, Sicitft
lamctlu MerltlUn, nJ u iiocnJilw
IIV nilL'KVI (UKI Iftm ivtiu I. 1
wliftllv almiKloiiM it d trut n
Innt ntx moiitbi Utt put ui uli
int'ot Mill exliti.
V..,. .... ,l....rn, ln,ll...rllU
ii 111 1Iih'I on will Leuitibrti
imviiiK iK-eii canieuea dttoi, hi
entry will be ciDcelw thminte
in iiiu umpc wim id iich t m
I OUKTII publication of thu rmic.
btdoiv. your niwer. una.MU,
....... I .. n ...1 .twn1ln-MthUt!
ntlr .muwr fill tbfl wi
v.uir mer to ihecomeiunua
..rlw tnillt Utile!
1 . , .i... .I.m.lnnlhf dlKOI 111
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Bill 1VII . . f.-
tit u 1 ml HIHIIIlir H11CU r. ..
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VA.ihniii(liute In jour w
Date of tint publication Octobers,
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Notice for Publication
Depuitincntof tho Interior, IL H. m&
Office at T.:o Dalles, OieKOii, Septenibei 11,
Notlco Is hereby Klvun that
JliibertO. Wllllains
of Madras, OreRoii. who on July lli""'"'
made llouteriti ad U. 07171, f r KH S
and KH HKHt .ectloii III, Towimb
.South, Itanue ill Hast, Wllliinietto
dlan, lias llUtd iintlc.o of lutontlon to K
Final commutation Proof, to h''ar'
clultii to Urn land above described. be ri
Howard W. Tinner, U. H, OoiuiiiIhh " r;
at his office ut Madras, Oregon, on the
day of October, IHIL
O.alinani ninnes its wIIiiohsch:
Alfied II. l'urkey, UiaiiiU; i O, Bnn0ft
Harry W. Oard, Olm les H, Urofoot, all ol
Mudras, Oregon. ,i,nr
b21-ol0-pd 0. T, MOORK, ReRiBtcr
llI'LMII. . n WJ.MUP"
h2HHVl' "
wiimiiiui'" .i
III JllKf il
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