Advertised Letters Following Is the hat of advertised let ters remaining uncalled for at the Mnd ras poatofltee for the week endir.g September 9, 1911: Albert Pluard, James S. McMahon, J. Laughman, Catherine Eilinger, Mrs. Birdie Burton, Mrs. Louise Hicox Shaw, L. H. Willard, C. J. Stauffer. Persons calling for above letters please say "advertised." FRED DAVIS, Postmaster PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. Bercland Attorney At Law MADRAS, OREGON w. n. SNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office In Drug Store. MADRAS OREGON Joha T. Ross D. L. Wylde B. F. Wylde CROOK COUNTY ABSTACT CO, INCORPORATED Complete tract index to all land and town lots in Crook county. Abstracts made accurately ou short notice. PRINEVILLE, - OREGON LEWIS H. IRYIKC p( T. ATKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW INSURANCE Office of D. W. Bamett. MADRAS, OREGON Qra van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE VAN OR A, OREGON Qs W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections a Specialty. Madras, Oregon P. MYERS LAWYER CULVER JUNCTION, OREGON Practice in all courts and Department of the Interior. HOWARD W. TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MADRAS OREGON 0 C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Jnstioe of the Feaoe CULVER PRECINCT CULVER OREGON NOW IS THE Y BEST B of the year to have your teeth ont and plate and brldjework done and hf re Is the place to get the belt painless work possible. Compare our i'ricet. We finish plsto and bridge work for oat of .town patrons In one daj If desired. Painless extraction free when plates or bridge work is order ed. Consultation Ires. MolirCrowni $5.00 I22kBridisTtth4.00 Gold .tilings 1.00 Entmsl Fillings 1.00 Silver Fillings .50 Good Rubber Plates 5.00 But Red Rubber Plate 7.50 fill. W. k. WISC, rmni.i im Huitie Painleii Extr'tlon . 5 0 lenui UTwtuit h riiuiu but methods All work lullr guaranteed for fifteen rear. Wise Beiafal Co., Inc. Painless Dentists tilting Building. Third and Washington PORTLAND. ORE Otllte Hears: 11 M to S F. II. Bandars. to MsH(vt.s,',.iH $295 BUYS THIS HOUSE EVERYTHING NEEDED Is supplied at thla bargain price-all the material re quired for the construction of this mod. orn good-looking and comfortable cottage. Wo are Independent dealers not In any trust or association. At thla remarkably low quota tion we Include all lumber, sash and doora, millwork. aiding, celling, flooring, nails, atalr work. finishing lumbor, window frames, door frames, building paper, eaves trough and Pipe, liardware, sash weights, painting mater ial, roofing, plaster board, wall tint, etc, Tho house, which la of solid, doublo-con- trurHlin tlir.lti.rlw... I !.. An . ...7, . ai 1 ""' tuxarj it. in wSl wwni'ei uwLlngly roomy and A rili1iA4a 111... nn Ifl . . H .... 'iJCKincuiiona anu lull details about construction are supplied. i.?uir trea, told,eT' wl,'c tella you all about thU houso is wal ting for you. Ask for Folder K. "Callable DeaUrt" 2232 Wostlaka Ave. SEATTLE. U. S. A. METOLIUS MADE JUNCTION POINT O. W. R. & N. Decides to Abandon Culver Grade and Will Connect With Oregon Trunkat Metolius Assistant Engineer Geo. Mat tis of the O. W. R. & N. road who for the past eight months has had charge of the construc tion of the viaduct across Willow Creek, stated Tuesday that it had been definitely decided to connect with the Oregon Trunk line at Metolius, making that place a junction for all trains over the O. W. R. & N. It has been announced unofficially that regular train service to Metolius would commence about the 25th of this month. The renort that Metolius wniilH x .. be a division point for the O. W. 1 R. & N. is without any doubt a mistake. Mr. Mattis stated that so far as he knew, nothing had been said or done that would lend support to the story, and that more than likely Bend would have preference over our neigh boring town as a division point for their line in Central Oregon. Construction trains are now crossing the bridge at Crooked River and the track laying ma chine and crew are laying steel southward as fast as possible. It is the intention of Redmond peo ple now to hold their "Railroad Day" celebration about the first of October and the demonstra tion at Bend will follow about a month later. Now is the time to put up your winter fruit. See us for Fruit and Fruit Jars prices SPECIAL PRICES ON SOAP Frank McClintic of Round Butte has leased the J. D. Mayes ranch. J. T. Hardy, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Ore gon Trunk, was a business visitor here yesterday. How to Make Tamarind Water. The pulp of the tamarind, that ec centric looking pod which Is to be found In New York markets, has a pe culiar "tang" and is used In a chilled beverage called "tamarind water." Remove the seeds and pulp from the pods, stripping off every particle of hard, woody fiber that may cling to It. To a cupful of shelled tamarinds add a pint of boiling water. Stir the mixture thoroughly until It Is thick. Add a cupful of sugar and squeeze as much of the mixture, through a strain er as possible. Set it near ice to cool, then add crushed ice and enough ice water to thin it a little. It should be very cold when served. Tamarind wa ter, it is said, was once as popular as lemonade. It is still used occasionally for patients suffering from slight fe vers and is recommended for bilious troubles. It Is also administered to children instead of castor oil, as it is so much more attractive in flavor. This fruit is in season the year around, but It Is best In the months of May and June. We also have a few Shoe remnants which we are selling Regardless of Cost MADRAS TRADING C P. A. Chandler, one of the publishers of the Culver Tribune, was in the city last Saturday on business. He says that residents of his locality are anticipating great things in the way of in creased business conditions when the O.-W. R. & N. reaches there. Report ol the condition of the Madras State Bank - NO. 38 - at Madras, la the state of Oregon, at the cloie of business, September 1, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. . . Banking house Furniture, fixtures Due from banks (not reserve barks)... Due from approved reserve bauks... Checks and other cash items Cash on hand 7th Notice For Publication. hnnnrtimmt of the Interior. It. 8 Land Olllce at The Dallei. Oregon, Ann. ,h. 1U11. Notice 1 hereby given that II. ..n.. It'll. ..i- of Madras. Oregon, who mi February 'iilrd, l'Jlo, made homestead entry, No. uutf), lor nw'iel4. ei,U, nw'4wi fees, i Via, r II e, w in, has tiled notice ot Intention to make rtiiHl comminution proof, to enlahllali claim to to the land above described, before Howard . iiirner, uuiii'u .uui-n iiiiiiiioi'ii--i, Madras. Oregon, on the 20th day of He member 19l- . . Claimant names an witnesses: John 11 llrowu of Culver. Oregon, Frank 1J Sumner, Hosa Keuter and Fred Iteuter, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. Mooro, Kegtstcr. C02Sfl 6 2250 01) 170V 1171 37 11312 36 2M , VIM 88 Total SC610 U LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 115000 00 Surplus fuud 1150 00 Undlrlded oroflts. less exoenses and taxes uald 602 9 1 Dividends unpaid to 00 Individual deposits subject to check.. 6S910 92 Demand certificates of deposit 50 0) Cashier's checks outstanding 401 30 Liabilities other than those above stated 8t 95 How to Renew Oilcloth. "When the oilcloth has been down for a few months and is losing the shiny surface it can be renewed easily and made to last twice as long if treated in the following way: Melt n little or dinary glue in a pint of watjr, letting it stand on the top of the oven till dissolved. Wush the oilcloth thor oughly and let It dry. Then at night, when the traffic of the day is over, go over the whole carefully with a flan nel dipped In the glue water. Choose i fine day for it, and by morning tho glue will be hard and will have put a flue gloss as good as new on your floor. Total 186010 11 STATE OF OREGON i County of Crook S S3 I. J.L. Dehuff. asst. cashier of the above-nam ed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge ana oeuei. j. u. uenun.Assi. maimer Correct Attest: C. E, Rousli, If. 8. Crothers, Directors Subset Ibed and sworn to before me this 8tb day of September, lull. E. HERO LAND. Notary Public. Notice for Publication r)fnnrtniint. rif thi I titpi Inr IT S T.nnI Olllce at The Dall a, Oregon, September 6, isu. xiowce is neieny uiven mat, KnTiiv II I .imiiiti of Culver, Oregon, who on Julv 29ih. 190V-, inside Homestead No 05110, tor Wit NWJ Htid WKSWK. Section 28, Township la South H-tige 13 Eat, Willamette JUerl- uian, tins nieu nonce or intention to make Final commutation l'roof, to establish pImIim til th. Infill nluivi ,lut. liufuMi Howard W. Turner, U. 8. Commissioner tu ilia iiineu in muuras,uieKOll,on me 17111 day of October, 1911. Ru le, or Madras, Oregon; Dwlglit Robert, ui uuiver, ureituii; nuuv iwartiu or uuiver, ver, Oregon; Joseph N. Keeney, of Culver, Oregon. bU ol2-pd C W Moore, Register FOR SALE 160 Acres Land Five miles easT; of town. All good land, 1 1 5 acres under cultivation, entire place is fenced, no buildings. $20 per Acre Call at this office. Notice For Publication Isolated Tract I'ublic Lanii Balk Department of tho Interior, United States, Laud Olllce. at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. b, 1911. Nolle U hereby given that as directed by the L'ommlsloner ot the General Land Olllce, under provision)) of Act o( Con k reus approved June 27, 19J0(3I Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder at 9 -15 o'clock a. in., on the 4th day of Oct., 1911, at thin olllce, the following described land: N'eknwk and nUsw'4 of see 20, tp 12 s, r 15 e, wra.berlal No. 07975. Any person claiming adversely thu above described laud are advised to tile their claims, or objections, ou or before the time designated or sale. C W. MOORE, al721up Register Notice for Publication Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land OBice, at The Dalles, Oregon, August 7, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Michael W. Weber, of l.amonta, Crook county, Oregon, who, on April 11th, 1910, made homesteud entry No. 0C339, for swse',, sec 12, vv'nc'J, nemvli, sec 13, t 12 , r He, vv m, has llled notice of Intention to make II mil commutation proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before Howard W. Turner, United Htates Com mUbloner, at Madras, Oregon, on the 20th day of September, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomai A Dempsoy, Albert J Moore, Earnest O Nicholson and Hudson Fountain, all of LaiuOnta, Oregon, "I'-iH C, W. Moore, Register Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, August 10, 1911. Notice is herebv given that allien W VVIIhiiti of Culver, Oregon, who, on July 29, 1909, madu homestead entry No. 05121, lor ukswli and Ke!4 see 19, tp 13 s, r 13 e, w m, has tiled tim.iHUH hi in mu nnai commutation proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Turner, U. H Commissioner, at his olllce at Madras. Orwton. du the 2lst day of beplember, 1911. Claimant names us witnesses: Walter Ruble- ttlrf". Oregon, John II Doun, John t Wolf arid Isaac Murtln, all of Culver, Oregon. C. W. Moore, Register Summons. In (ho Circuit Coutt for the County of vsmun, OIUII.-U1 uiegoii; U. 1 4. H bbs.plalntlir 1V!,,I , , Hmniuon Mrs. Julia Hobbs. defendant. dJendtt,it':Julla ,,obbs' ub()V0-'u""!,I In Hie intuit) of the State of Oregon, you ar lieraltv iflijulrni to app.-ar umf miHwer iim coi.ipfiih.t mud ltKaYIlst you , , v,,; above entitled action wllhlii Mx: wtX lute of the (list publication of this bin" iiioiih or stiller a decree to he tnkvn for t o Lrtii!! tVA 11,0 contract of l e putties to tli s action, together with the costs and disbuisenit'iiu tiieieot, WSWISH. IltXlNd, , Attorney for 1'lalntlir. iiii) order or puhll atlon hi the ubovo wit tied caio Is dute.l the 20th slay of July, r alOt Notice for Publication. Isoluted Tract J'uiiuo Land Hai.k Dcnartmoiit of tho Interior. United Hiuiim Laud ouieo ttt The Dalle,, Ore'gonl'r.iB'0; No Ice Is hureby given tlint, as directed by the Commissioner of the (Jeniial Li nil oniee under provisions of Act of Congress ionnVvi o'clock . iVi j 1 1, .1 1. ? i .... 5. r I9.l No.Sui' "' ' ''' " H' K 11 KMt w- M Any pe'rHoiifi claiming ttdvursoly thu above described land are advised to fllo their clalma Or Ob ert lllll. mi ni Kafnra 11... "I"'1"? for sule vw. mu iiuiu uusignateu Re-puhllcatlon Notice For Publication. Ocpiirtmeiit of the Intel lor, It. H. I.itml Olllce ul The Dulles, Oregon, August HI, Kill. Notice Is hereby given that Albert Kmnpfer of Bhiinlko, OreRon. who on October 111, 1WW, ninilu Dei-ett Land Kntry. No. mi, vrU So. Olttlfi. foi MVj4SKii, Secllon II, Townslilii UHouth, KniiKU II lOiist, Wll lunicttu Meridian, has llled notice of In tentiiin io muke Final desetl lund Proof, to estnhtlsli claim to tho Imu nhovo ik xcilbnl, before H. C. Hooper, U.S. Com missioner nt Ills olllce at Antelope, Oregon, ou the VHli day of October, 1UU. Cliiliiiiuit iiiiiiii's u witnesses: Gottfried Kampfer, August Decker, both of Shanlko, Oregon. s7-of up C. W. Moork, Koglster. Notice For Publication. TVit.rii-tttiAiit it link 1 tttmtnf TT i T.flliil OUice at The Dulles, Oiegon, August liluli, in 1 1 Notice Is hereby given that Joseph W. Warren, of Jvladrus, Oregon, who on November 11, iwj, mane iiomesteuH rvo. uooit, ioi .ir,'( NICJU. Hcc. 22 anilSKi NW'i, S'h NV'4, .Section 2.'!, Township 1U Uotitli, haiigo It t.t.u Vl'llLitiiiitf,. tVt.irliliiin ll..rf fllliil llll- Nntiia P Un:.. (ItoWtd IrwJ frmc Un In KotCoiluij inu orace at Tbe l)iUes,0re(9 Notice li litrtkr rlTcnthitt the CommUilomr clibeOtunl JUI1U M, lK EUIl till, n Iiiiuue mt. to m niitoi o'clock a m.,cn ibe 9lUiirf m mis orare, ine louoiiti Ut' UU'l. TD..B 1.1 IH.IUII-.linXM II UL1UI ostw, Any prtoniclilm!ar iJtik'j for alo. v. :i-i2?-I3 AU.I, II IIIUIIIVIIV ....., ....M .. l.iiiii.ilf... iii .miL'i. lriiiitl iiiiiiiiiiitii Hon l'roof, to establish del in to the land above described, belore Howunl W. Tur ner, U. ti. Commissioner at his olllce at .Madras, Oregon, on theilth day of October, 1U11. Claimant names as witnesses: Hiiowdcn A. White. Albert I). Thayer, Albert h. White, John C. Starr, all or Madras, Ore gon. 7-o5-pd C. W. Moore, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, August SW, lllll. Notice is hereby given that Ernest C. Nicholson, of Iiitmonta, Oregon, who, on April 23, 1U1U, mude Homestead No. OtUVa, fiir BW .5r:4. Hee. 1, Tp. 12 H., It. H E., and bW h SWtf, Sec. (5, hot I, Section 7, Township 12 Huuth, Kange 16 Kust, Willumette Meri dlun, has llled notice of Intention to make Final coinuiutatlon l'roof, to establish claim to the land above flercrlbed, before Howard W. Turner, U. H. Comnilssloiiei at his ofl'.co at Madras, Oregon, on the Dili day of October, lllll. ... . . Claimant names as witnesses: Michael W.Weber, of Laiuontu, Oregon; Hudson Fountuln, of liauioula, Oregon; Albert Mome, of Lamonta, Oregon, Hoy u,u' wood, ot Grizzly, Oregon. B7.o0-pd O. W, Mojrk, Heglster. Notice for Publication Isolated Tiact I'lJIII.IO LAND JiALlC Not Coal Land Department of the Interior, United States iirtiiu. Olllce ul Tho D.illes, Oregon, August 'Voilco is hereby given that, as illrcclcd by tho Coinmlssloiierof the Genural Iiitiid Olllce, under provisions of Act of Congress upproved J mm 27, 1000 (84 Mats., 617), wo Will oirer at nubile sale, to the IiIkImshI I -d tr, at :0 o'clock a. in., on the Uth day ol O.Uoher, Hill at this olllce, the loUowli do tcrlbe'd laud: WX HKM. . 2, 1 1. U HotUh, H. I I li , W. M. berlal No. ""f0-(lll, Any poisons clalmliig adversely uhovo-descrlbed land ant advised to I their claliiiH, or objections, ou or before the tiuio designated Jorsah a3I.-o6np Heg.stcr. t 1 1 nit a-... 4t tk iAr 1UI1 MlllOrt M tlr-rfDT CIYR1 l)Vld ftMCk, , VTllWw I 'VJVvmi. v il lil nit tint 1 flf li il IV fji MITCIL WIU. wis mv v... 4 - 1 iiOtel i. .uliSillU IIOH l U WOW. mi jymtiuw 4. in 13 str II e. w m.ud 1.......... tmrtup l a nniinmui J llllt IOIO, "U Ill IIIU luv. I,.I,,I I, till tlDlDfl imiWU m nraised S200.W; the tluW loidmiimrdfeetlteOcellU i" ,s"sr,,i3a.t ot uctuuei, imi ?:" : Coimnlssloner, at bn . " . .. la l hftIT W DUICliase uClorecM";!-,, . nftiTi lillDR a conow.---- ,, alleiz iiK iacw Ifllll I . n ill UaapI it ..r. ij. in "--' uiw . . . f ... DiiHlM ,w"" ....l.ll. f)ll!ci all lie nllrt' m ' tint . i Notice ishereby?Kentn made Iiomeiarw; , wi VU 8VHi dS-ua it W r. ..I. h " " . t . ...itlAH Ul . . ii.,ii irnfti in tt.- r.or. II. 8. coroi"'"'""",!. AlllUIIII X.i" I'lnn imr i'1" i.nin'j . -r...itf( 11 rfc"" r vim i -.... piv I 1111111.1 . llmliniL Ul". i. ....... .ii- iiany ic V. t-O ' VI ... Ill .,1 uiin I90UJK PUBLIC M"' Notice For Publication. ISOLATKD TRACT i' Land Hai.k riOV l.uai i.nuu "'".!.... i. here! I "li" RtnerM tl.(:ominw-V0,Act?i 7, i initti tit " . iii mi"' Atv . t anil 1. V"f A II V I' 7 M r A AUI'V .la tl Jescrlbea i-- or ifors m - ,.t.lAiMlUUi " 0 for le- a!7 sHl"' , - . Notice tor 1 I30UT??JtiiJ No;:u.- ,... O,ivnoly the bpv?- niijr iunoiin uibihihib -- -;r. iliUr uiaim'i doserl bed laud arc advsod to t i "vyjj, tnixu'd . or obocUo, ou or before tha time oeis i . f ins - . nit Del'4'1"; ,tTM Land o'"" - u lull . .Ial W"J i waI P8iii'r.ii h";ii I rtll IIIU "T.-.. IrtHll" a. i ". : ini,.'..ji.i" I.I,. Ill UW".'..,4IH""' u Ill.flU""""- l l " .JIl i : TuirriUM . .auk:,. ot object'01"' " forle' a21,.Mrl O.W.MOORE "l-28 pd IlcnUter .w. w. c w JlUUlvi alMllDP