The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 24, 1911, Image 8

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To make room for our fall goods we will offer the following at the mojl
. exceptional bargains ever offered in Madras, for the remainder of this month
Our entire line of Dishes, Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware
to be closed out AT COST.
Shoes, All Oxfords for men, women and children; also many
odds and ends to be sold 'AT COST.
Men's regular 50c Balbriggan Underwear at 35c a garment.
a r r ax u f ma iui i u i 'f w i ah .
A LIlMlN-wi wivvyiiHu viwwLyo. All White
Goods, consisting of Waitings and Cotton Suitings, also
Summer Hats and many other things going AT COST,
LOST Bay mare, two years old,
branded 7JL on right shoulder, lump
under jaw, star on forehead. $10 re
ward if returned to my ranch. Julius
Laraen, Madras, Ore. a24-a31pd
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey Cow, 3
' years old; 50 turkeys, old and young
and 75 chickens. Inquire of E C.
Nicholson, ten miles south on Grizzly
-i.roud. 1 a21-s7-pd
FOR SALE Large bay work horser
seven years old, $100.00 cash. Inquire
of Puul Barz, Madras, Ore. a21-31-pd
Notice For Publication.
(Isolated Tract)
Not Con I l.nntl
Depnrtmcnt of the Interior, United Slntes
i.iiuu uuic-u tu inc uttiu-s, urt'ijrMl, August Id,
Notice is hereby clvcn tlint. as illt-prlml liv
the Commissioner of ilie Generiil l.nnd Olllee.
under provisions of Act of Congress niiiiroreil
Juno Tt. 1900 fa Stilts.. M7. wo will offer nt
public Bnle, to the hlehest bldiler. ut 10:l
o'elot'K ii m.. on the Utli dny of October, It'll,
at this olllcw, the following described lniicl:
SW'.l, sec at). 'IT. V S., it 15 E., W. .M., No.
Any persons claiming udversely the above
if.wnrl lin.l land am url.tluml In III..
- v . -. - u.ioi... i i.iv nivii tiaiiuri
or objections, on or before the lime designated
iur sun.
Exerts Himself on Heavy Lift and Falls
to Track Lifeless
Jas Juttson, a laborer working
with extra gang No. 6, at Culver,
died very suddenly last Friday
while helping some fellow work
men, lift a handcar on the track.
The deceased was a fine built
fellow, about 45 years of age, and
apparently in the best of health.
Immediately after lifting on the
heavy handcar, he dropped to
the track and expired. Dr. Gale
was summoned and after an ex
amination of the body pronounced
death due from either appoplexy
or the bursting of a blood vessel
internally. The coroner was
notified and after learning the
detail declared an inquest un
necessary. The remains were
taken to Metolius for burial, j
Little is known of the dead man. i
He is said to have a wife and
family somewhere in Russia and
some letters, written in a foreign
language, which no one present
could read, were the only clue to
his identification.
Notice For Publication.
i'uni.ic I, inn Sale
Not 'oal Laud
Department of the Interior, United States
ijiihi umce at uie J-alles, Oregon,- August 1C,
Notice Is hereby given that, ns directed by
the Commissioner of the (ieneral Land Olllce.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27. liXil". (31 Slats. M7. we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at 'J:30
o uiock a. in., on ine yen uay 01 uclooer, mil,
at this olllce, the following described land
Vi SE'4, See. 2. Tp. 12 S, It. J 1 15., W. M. Serial
No. UfcOTO.
Any persons claiming adversely the above
described land are advi?ed to file their claims,
or objections, on or before the time designated
for sale.
a24-s28jip llexlster.
Notice for Publication.
Isolated Tract
I'l'iiuu I.anii Sale
Department of the Interior, United Stntes
Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, August y,
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner of the General Land Olllce,
June 27, 1'jO.i (31 Stats., 517), we will offer at
ltlll.ll.. enld tA ll.n I.I..I..... 1. 1. 1.1a- .
7 .. ... nc uiiit.-ni uiuum ni ju:u.
o'clock a. in., on the Ith day of October, 1K11
at this olllce. the following described land
aWfc SE!4, .Section 2, Tp. 118, It 1 i East W. M..
.11. VliIUI.
AtlV TM.runtta nl a I 1. 1 I .... ., i .
ila l.irl Kail l.i.i.l ...1 I ... .11.. i-. '
or objections, on or before tho time designated
Notice for Publication
Department of tlm Interior, U. H l.nnd
Olllce ut Tilt Dalles, Olefin, August 12,
Notice is heix-by jlve;i tlint
Eliza M. IlarrH,
of YoiuiR!5, O.i'timi. lio, on June 7, WW,
inntlii Homestead No. 01957, lor B NW'4'.
and N.; HXVl4 Section 10, Township J
South, iCrwiKe 10 Kstst, XV M., has tiled
notice of intention to uiuke Final Coiniiui
tation proraT to establish claim to the Innil
above described; liefore Howard V. Tur
ner, U.S. Commissioner, nt his olllce nt
Miulnts, ()ni;on, on the lioth day of Sep
tember, Wll.
Claimant, names ns witnesses: J. II.
Oiinett rtf Youngs, Oregon ; .lolm Holttrof
Youngs, Oregon; Hay Clark of Asliwooil,
Oregon; Jlarry Doullilt of Slinniko.Oie.
a2432l-ul HeIstcr.
Notice for Publication
l't'BLic Land Hale
Deiiartnient of the liiterlor. United States
Land otlice at Tho Dalles, Oregon Aug. 11th
Notice Is hereby given that, ai directed by
the Commissioner of the !eneral Lund Otlice,
under provisions of Aet if Congress approved
June 27, UhM (31 Btats., C17), we will offer at
public sale, to the big best bidder, at 10:"M
o'clock a. in., on the 5th d uy of October, 1911 at
this otlice. the followlnil-desorlbed land:
Lots 1 and 2, sue SI, tp 9 , r H e, w m, No
Any personi claiming a Sversely tho above
described land uro advlseil to Hie their claims,
or objections, ou or before the time designated
for xale,
(, W. MOORE,
al7 sltpd Kiiglster.
Notice for Publication
PuiiLte LvNi Hale
Df.partiriOYit of the Intorlor, United Slates
Ofllce at The Dulles, Oregon, Aog, 2nd,
Noffio l ltd rebv elven that, hi directed bv
the Coiiunlssloner of theOeueral tint Olllce.
under provisions of Act of Cougrem approved
June 27, (SI Stats., Ml), uk vll offer at
Public Kule, tf the highest bidder, atViWoclock
u. in. on the day of Sept. 1911 at tM otlice,
the lojiowln tt uescrioeu land:
Lot 1, see J. and nwjsw, see 2, tp 11 , r 10 c,
v m, No 080'jO.
Any peri'ii-claltnlng adversely the nJove
described Imnd are Advised to llle their cltlms.
orobjeetlo us, on or before the time dcslguuted
(or sale.
al7 sll n p Register.
fie S
The "real live baby" adver
tised to be given away by the
McKenzie Merry Makers, Wed
nesday night, was won by Mrs.
W. E. Snook. The baby was a
half grown, meek looking chicken.
Word was received this morn
ing from the J. H. Causey & Co.
of Denver, who have the matter
of the purchase of the Madras
Water bonds in mind, that the
proceedings were correct with
reference to the amendments to
the city charter, which were
adopted at the last meeting of
the council after the petitions
signed by forty legal voters had
ibe"en presented to them.
Tn? ? tba Utl6 of a b ut"l 64-page book, which
ouuw Uy i(oy or e; rl now 10 BUCOKKU. urop
postal In tho iulUI TOD AY and It will bo eent FREE.
The aim of tho, collctf , u to Signify and popularUo
the Industrie, and to nerve ALiL the people. Itoffer
courses In Ajrlcultur e, Civil Englnecv'.ng, Electrical
Englneerln g, Mecha? leal Englneirlng, iXlnlng Engla.
cerlng, Forestiy, X omestlcvBcltmce an Art, Com
morce, PJiarmjicy And aiuslc. The College ovens
8eptemb'r 224, en ajot; free.
COLLEaE.C'jrvalUB-, Oregon.'
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Inferior.
I) 8 Laud Olllce at The Dalles Oregon, Aug.
7th, 1911. Notice le hereby given tbut
(irace Wilcox,
ol Madras. Oregon, who ou February 23rd,
1910, made homestead entry, N. (XObO, lor
BwLfe'i, eUsw!,. i-.v)isw'i fecS, vj 12 s, r 14 e,
w m, has llletf notice ol Intcnlkn to make
final eommutatlon proof, to cstabll-di claim to
to the laud above described, bcli'f Howard
W. Turner, United Htatea lommfriMoncr, at
Madras, Oregon, on the .Oth day of September
Claimant names as witnesses- John II.
Drown of Culver, Oregon, Frank 1' Sumner,
Rosa Reuter and Fred Renter, all of .Madras,
Oregon. C. W. Moore, KvcHtur.
Notice For Publication
Isolated Tract
I'i'Hiic I.anii Sale
Denartinent of the Interior. United Slatux,
Land Otlice. at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. .
Notice Is hereby given that ai dlrorted by
the Commlsloner of the (Ieneral Laud Otlice.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 190i5(ai Stats., M), we will offer at
nubile sale, to the hlKhest bidder at 9-16
o'clock a. m., on the Ith day of Oct.. 1911, at
tills oince, tne louoniug iiekcrioeu man
Ni!4mv'i and nlvsi'4 of sec 20. tp 14 , r 1.1
w m, erial No. 079i j.
Any pcrxon claiming uuverseiy tne anove
I I ..... ...... C u ... ... .11.. fl..w4.
t ivbi I 1 uuii iniiu viv mil mvii inv ,iii?ji ri.nun.
or objections, on or before the lime designated
tor sale.
al7s2lnp Jteglster
-oa iib on-
E. E. EcheJbier
Plans and Estii? iates Furnished
orifco ui l(ol ,so.s ,,
4 1 -U, ,u M ... .
Notion For Piibliculion.
Dcpnrtinciit of the liilcilnr, II. .S. Lntul
Olliri) ut Tilt! Diild'H, Oregon, July 1UII.
Not'.cc Is liciiiliy kivoii tlim
TIkiiiium W Kilmer,
of .Antlrafi, Om-koii. wlio fin July 110, HKW,
itiniltt llDiiifHtiimi .o. udutii, lor uh,,V"4 i
ntul ii-vswv,, set- !l, tp 11 h, r II t. w in, litis
filed iiotlr-o of hit iitlon to iiitiku llnul
(oiiiiniitatiiui proof, to i'aIiiIiIIhIi dnliti lo ;
ihp liviul iili(ivi ilfri-rlbctl, lit'fiim Howitnl
XV. Tiiuht, U. ,H, CoiniiilsHloiii'r ill liU J
olllce at .ratlrit-', Ott-Roii, ou tin "th day of
ai'tiioinoi'r, lvu,
Claiinnnt imiiics na wltnews: Irn
Kauluri, Joint Klhuiirlch, Wi'iley lincoii,
William .1. KttKlci, nil of Mailrn, OroKoii.
aai O. XV. Moore, Keul.tter.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. If. H. Land
Olllce, at The Dalles, Oregon, August 1, l'Jll.
Millet! is Hereby given mat
Mluhael W. Weber.
of Lamonta, Crook county, Oregon, who, on
Anrll llth. I'JIU. made homestead eutrv No.
bOXfJ. for sv''4fc'$, nee 12, w'ane, fonw'i,
see i.i, ip n s, r 1 1 e, w ill, iirx nieu uoiicu 01
inteniiou io make iiuai c-ommuiatiiiu prooi,
toestablisli claim to the laud above tlcscrlbccl,
before Howard W.Turner, United Htules Com
nil-sloner. at Madras. Orei-on. on Iliennli dicv
of Heiitember, l'Jll.
;iaimaut names as wuiicskch'. 'lliomiis x
Demnsev. Albert J Moore. Karnesl t: Nicholson
and Hudson Fountain, all of Lamonta, Oregon.
ai7-sn v, W. Moore, HegHter
Notice For Publication.
Department of Hie Intcilor, V. H. Land
Olllce ntTlio Dalles, Oregon, July IK), 1011-
formorly Carrie Smith, of Minims, On
...1 Ik II1? IILiR ......I..
KOIi. woo uu iiec'inuiiiii 4i, i w.i, iiiiiiii'
Vl.i.4l.iid Sn I IKilH. H. i lul No. IK31II. lor
HW'is mid !ci-4hw see 1, tp ll sutitli,
r VI e. vf m, nan men nonce! m iiiumiuihi
(Inn; llvn cur miiiif Id ostlillllsll
claim to the land above deacrllu l. teloie
Ilnwaid W. Turner, V. i. uiiuiHi:o::f.r.
nt bin ntHii'iit M.nlrns. Oicl'oii. on the Dili
day of Hcpumlier, 1HU.
Uiailliatll. ,'liltue.i un wiiiicfsua; t-
Kliain, James JJ. U.ivIh. , T, John A
T'eek, all of Madras. OieKon.
i.m.'ii f tt' Mikiiii. Ileulster.
Notice for Publication.
Deiiartmeut of tho lnterlirr, I). H. Land
Olllco at The Dalles, Oregon, August IU, l'Jll.
Notice Is be rebv given that
James W. Wilson,
of Culver, Oregon, who, on July 20, liKJ, madu
tinmesteiul entry No. U5I21, lor eUsw'4 and
lUse'i Me I'J, tp 13 n, r j: e, w m, has tiled
Rotlcoof intention to make Html poinmiitatlon
proof to establish claim to Mm laud above
described, before Howard V. Turner, IJ. H.
Commissioner, at his olllce uu Madras, Oregon,
on the 21st day of Mcptember, 'mil.
Claimant names as wltne ilei: Waller Ruble
of Madras, Oregon, John Jl Ilouii, John )
.1 ..II ntiu iianv ..luiiiii, nil llllvlTr, trcgOII
al7 sll C. W. Moore, Register
I i (lie Clicult (Joint fr tins County of
Crook, Slate of OieKon:
Is, Ii. II blw, plalntlir
vh Huinmons
Mrs. Julia IIoIiIih.
To Mrs, Julia Hobbi, tlm above-naiued
In the name of tlioStaU) of Oregon, jou
tie hereby re iulted to ii'ipear and answer
lie, complaint tiled af$iliist you in thu
ibove entitled action within six weeks
from Atrntrnt 10, Hill, Uie minut beliiK the
lato or the fit nt publication oS this sum
inons, or sillier a ileclve to be tl ken for tho
llHSolutlon of the marrliiKO coirttHcl or the
parties to this ticlion, together Willi the
:osis aim uismiiKcuieniH ineieor.
Attorney for I'liiliitiir.
Tim order of nubll nlloii In the abovn
eiilltlt'd ca-,e is dated the UOth iluy of July,
i.'n, am u
Notice for
Olllce nt The I)llw.0rrjwf,4i ; i,i iicicuy guru im
KlIlIU (1. Itnrtrn
formerly Kmina 0. DoopVd
wu-eoil, who, on aw is.
Ii Jiti.iiuti.nii iih. Va fLiifll ( f..
" . tivi wit; 1UI I
to estnbUsii claim to htd
w . . . . . . , .,y,., u vnaiM T" l
coiiniilssloiier, at his (Set tt
ti. rn. . . i t t..
i ' t ii in Kinnrii i irprriirr
.lat Mi a Mri:riii dpntnd II il
all or Ilacre.k. Oreeuo-
i.8 :il C.W.Ui)o:(.
Notice for Publication
Oenartmi'iitor the S, I.nml
Oll'.ce at The Dalles, OreKon, July 20,
nil I. .Notice is nereny f?ivnn iiiai
H..tli I'. I.llidllllL'.
of Madras, Oieunn, who, on June Ii, liK).r.
made Homestead entry No. lVi. Herla
No.OWJ'J . for ( illW'.!, SW'illW. .see
and se,'ue ee iil, township s, r M ',
w ui, lias nieu nonce ot inieiiiioii m ihr
final live-year jiroor, to establish claim to
the laud above tleierlbed, beroie Howard
if. H. ('(iiiiiiilMhloner. at his
olllce at Minims, Oregon, on the th tlay or
Heiitember. lull. ... .
t;iHimani names tin wnniu.ia; n',':r
II. I'arkey, Otmilev Dillon, .iainUel H.
Kdmonilmn, and John Kvlck, all f
Mudrim. flriiLioii.
JyU7-uSl U. XV. Mojiik, IteKlstcr
Publication h
Interior; U. H.U.anil
s, UK'g'inJuir II'.
s. ...
Notice for
HttkdH ntiiiit nt tint
Ofllco-ttt The Dalles, 0
I'll I
Notice Is hereby given
Katlu Mathers,
r.MU, mime uome:neuii eiiiiy ii. i.i
the north liair or noitltwostW cc SJ3 nnd
neWneK see 'Hi, t south, r II e, v iu. has
tiled notice ot Intention to make Until
comtutatlon proor, to establish claim to
tho land above described, berore Howard
W. Turner, IJ. H. OonimlHsloner at Ills
ofnco at Madras, Oregon, on tho UOth day
of Almost, 1911. , .
Claiinnnt names as witnesses: .Joji'P''
Oswold and Winer Chrltslemmn both of
Vouas. Oregon, and Stan ley (Irowcll ami
lrcd Klsher, both or Madras, Oreaon.
Jy27-2I 0. VV.Moouk, IteiilhUr.
Depattmcntof the Ittttlor.t,
O lire nt t..c u-uic!, urroi
Notice Is hereby given thtl . I
... ...
,1 in ..3. . ,..' . .......' O mrnn. illil. CD hi
t.iuii.j, " nv"
i nun n.. I. Ihl4 i.mwi a
........ .....I nnnllMllfln Si HSIL
llll'lll. 1111" " - 1
ci use ine itvii '""i''' i
-...i ii, Imm.
W III, I""' "v '
i.i., u nt HiAsitnf Jane I
PIU I3HMI3 ill ...v
. !.... II lJ
acts nini'iauiui, uyn
ami atonu i.a
I i.t. n..nrakmpnt. inaun
urn ill ui'.. .
u.tuli olilil rnilllll. lug lu."-
e.itliiini'ii in.uwiA.
...i .i,.. (..ui srVl.OO: thital
....ii .ir..r una tirooi nw
ii ni im anil swuniw ...
.. i... lull hMOIl
,iiiv or M'liiciuucii i'"i"
Tur'icr, U. .ioiniuw""i
,.i Minims. OrPKOU.
A ll v 1)1 1 sun ii " .....
'rf I l.lflUf
..i.rtC.t hnfnrien rv. or
n nne i me io'
iiii...rncorrouoraieu u.u...r
''H ...lit.l. tfftlVd
ii .f... rirro iiiiit.ii " w"
il I It Mi(n ii ir u
. .... J '
M I t'.
Nn P 1UI , i"--- - . Ai niKiLU..':'
i i.. a. r 11 ri " "l.ii
' i ".'..iLrtnenrovuw".
,.lnn 114 III UUl W 1 ""..J.fltlD
a! tlmi.).aanto-Y,
I.....I mil I liuci . ,ihrt
ftlflUf IS THE TlliC
NUW BEST 1 llflC
Notice for Publication
Denaitment or the Interior. U. H. Land
Ofllce nt Thu Dalhs, OrcgAii, AiiKtitt li,
UU l. iiotice is utueuv uiven iiiai
Harrv Wliiiiom
if Olilver. On L'on. who. on AmniBt 'ii.
IDO'.i, made homestead No. oniUj. loi
seinw4, ejtfsw'f, sec 2 and ue'iiwv, see
II, tp l!l h, t life, w m, has Died notice of
intention to make liual riimmutailrjji
iroof toettablisli claim to I lie laud above
.It'HOrlbed, before Howard W. Turner, U,
i. Comiiilssl iiier ut his olllce ut Madias,
Oreeon, on tlm 12th day of Meiituinher,
Claimant names as witnesses: K I'
Robv. J L Wfiuloui. John Oreen. Curl
Wliidom, all of Culver, OieKon.
' ttll)-s7 C W Mooto, Ufglstcr
of the year to have jour teeth out and phiteand
l .IJ I. . l I . l ,l,a
uriuKoworn uoue aim uero it coo jiiaco iw t."" "w
tcntpil' jiouible. Compart ur l'rlttt.
. . . i. -
brlJi;eork lor out.
lone ;lr If ticMlreilv
J'uiniUM iiriivi.iui
tree wbm .plates f
rldgo work Is order
u.i.. .tfi.nn
Qetd nillnn I."
Emmtl Filllnn l.uu
8IUr rilllnn
Uooj KucDir
i ii
tieel Ken KubDtr gn
oil W.a. will, ruii.utiMiiiu PainUn Eflr'tloii .OU
I4IUU uimoani ii rinuw nT Mtmod
All work fullr uiroiitl for fifteen yeare.
Wise Dental Co.,
Painless Dentists
.....I ntul t niuer H."V. w
" sijoo.09; tp'St
-I... I ill l.lO.Wl M III
v-r" itino in "F; h
. loutnnitr. '
til ii'iiiiLi? j r..ra 11 r".
. tr I1I1U1 Ur"'I f.i'if tn
oHl ill ui'J ....J 11 nuai'V i.
I in I It IF 1 ULfcJ "
IMILI I' le "v ' A
t I! All I
Notice lor " -
- . .1... iiiirii",i
juii'ii' ;;;. nn es, v ""..Ml
11111. .""v. .niia Jic'r. o
I I fi.dllll I A. IGI I
inn": ..... iittflciiv-' r, no
mini niw'f, b roow-5,
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