The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 24, 1911, Image 7

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Cross Drug
rvMTioany i
. a specialty ol ..-
- a.
compounding "
i Mjiti nun -
nd most z
.Fancy Stationery, J
... Tnild Articles ana
assorted line of g
anal and Local
. . .... ...a Inwn from
rt Osuorn w
chat Culver Monday.
. linse was issued
!. frt IV 111111 11
s Anna uvmvji
Brogan of Antelope was
the latter pari oi
.. f UJu alafnt-
the nome m
first of the week J. H.
n,l lio nntrnc-
..itiQf tiniiRn on hlB lots
in in mik iiu in w w. .
Sellers and wife left Fri-
: fn PpiuHnton.
VI ,,c
hey will visit inends ana
i i.
tor several wees.
Farrar, of the firm of
burg & Farrar at brizziy,
wn from the mill Satur-
r .rint. m - nna mar.1
Thursday of last week
ill .. T I turn
Court cases held belore
Hecox, the genial book
at the W. F. Hammer &
Portland, visiting friends,
to ocaie on a desert
he exoects to look over
. T y"l .
with the Central Oregon
4 .w. wt blUIIU
i ill i r i nil i ii in nunr s
MVU 441111 U1IUIJL f L VWI'ITK .
Hardy, traveling frmrrhr.
(J - o - -
l)vi uiil, JUL LIJU
irunk rauwav. was in
mm i rwn nt r J. J I 1
on the business men and
mto the freight and pas
business generally. Hp
, - tf "
inflect in .. ii
, , , ' J fjvrvM
u , "
extension of the road
from Opal City a lamer
.u nci Will BO
nff t hrt .
UI IVl QnMAn 1 .
" viuu. I nnrA nun m!au
nere just now, as
ii j wu iiii:rii
5 Earrm a h ?. a
vMt, Vi J ,
which Btartnrl
-.louver w Pn fn!.
a r in rni t.
-"v in inn in i i
1 ii i rnitth l
ut nr n . t . -
ve uusineaq Vinnono
nkf l v illUIIl
E 1 1 1 Q Ma A
m 01 the nifv mu
"vuterngputout f b
arUhe PnlJf . .
nd u restau-
"Q loaginc hnnsn.
. cnl r.. - -"-iiirwu
Ml rrn .. .
Practi, J"eac mar-
C6, ""wiu uy
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Wilson are
tho parents of a daughter born
August 17.
J.. E3. Montgomery of Grizzly
wag in Madras Monday after re
pairs for Jiis harvesting ma
chinery. G. Drexell, one of the assist
ants at tho Madras flour mill, is
taking his vacation and left Sat
urday for a trip to Astoria.
I. Segal, proprietor of the Red
Cross drug store, is spending
several days this week with his
family at Spokane, Washington.
Roy Chitwood and wife were
in Madras Thursday from their
home at Grizzly. Mr. Chitwood
was looking after some land'
Milton G. Pillette left Sunday
day morning for different points
in southwestern Oregon, includ
ing Marshfield, Gardner "and other
points on the coast.
Nine carloadB of fat beef cattle
passed through Madras over the
Oregon Trunk line Monday morn
ing. They were consigned to
the Plunt & Lacy Co. of Portland.
Mrs. R. P. Schuerer, who has
been very sick at one of the hos
pitals in Portland for several
weeks, is very much improved
and able to be out again.
G. W. Kidder and family re
turned to this section Thursday
from Oregon City, where they
have been stopping since leaving
their ranch six miles south of
Madras about a year since.
0. L. Melton and family left
the first of the week for Pasco,
Wash., where they will make
their home. They have many
friends here who regret that
they are to leave Madras for
Warm Springs postoffice is to
have a new postmaster. Rev.
A. B. Dickey, who has been a
missionary among the Indians for
some time past, received the ap
pointment from the postoffice
Wesley McCollurn, arrested at
Ashwood last week for the al
leged selling of liquor without a
licence, waived examination at
the hearing in Prineville last
week and was held to the grand
jury under bonds of $250, which
he furnished.
Miss Hazel Bamett, the winner
of the Pioneer contest in district
No. 1, left Monday morning for
Astoria. The trip as given by
the Pioneer allows a person to
make the trip either on the Co
lumbia' river or on the train, or
one way each.
J. J. McDonald, a former res
ident of the Agency Plains, ar
rived in Madras Sunday evening,
from his present home at Tacoma,
Washingtpn. Mr. McDonaldtand
family have traveled around con
siderable since leaving this vicin
ity, and the climate around their
present homo seems to agree
with them better than any other
place they have been.
C. A. Riddle, one of the best
known newspaper men in this
part of the state, and until re
cently employed as reporter on
this paper, left last Saturday
morning for his home at Riddle,
Ore., a prosperoas young city in
the Rogue River valley. This is
Mr. Riddle's first visit home in
seven years. His place on the
Pioneer has been taken by M. E.
Meloy, a newspaper man who
came here recently from the
Yakima valley in Washington.
R. H. Crozier, advertising
agent for the North Bank and
Oregon Trunk railway, accom
panied by one photographer, was
in Madras for a short time Sun
day evening on his way to points
in Central Oregon through which
the road will pass. The ghoto
graphB and "descriptiye matter
gathered on the trip will be used
to exploit the advantages of this
section of the state in a hand
Bome booklet that will be issued
shortly by tho company. The
party are traveling by auto and
a stop will be made here on tho
trip north for the purpose of se
curing data-arid photographs of
Madras and surrounding-country.
Our New Fall Goods are arriving daily, and in order to make room for them we must rcducemir
stock. All odds and f.JucjLaken 1m. rrmnanls. etc.. must be closed out at less than cost
prices. Every atticle placed on - sale is radically reduced.
Do not fail to attend this big Shoe
Sale. You can save some money. All
odds and ends, broken lin,es, sample
lines, etc., in children's, ladies' and
gents' work and dress shoes must be
closed out at less than manufacturer's
prices. Some of them are this season's
latest styles and every pair is radically
$4.00 grades now $2.50 "
3.00 grades now 1 .75
2.00 grades now .85
Just the kind for vacations 'or outings.
Popular patterns, sizes 14J to I6J.
Your choice for 35c
A large assortment of these waists in
all the latest "styles. Sizes from 34 to
42. To be closed out at cost prices.
In this lot may be found all the
leading colors, such as grays, browns,
navys, black, drab and tan, and sizes
to suit the- average heads. Grades v
from $5.00 to $1.50.
Come in -take your choice
and pay your own price.
A Marvel of Chemistry.
One of I lie must uiurvclous things U
the burning of a jet of hydrogen gaa
In liquid air. Tue smoko that arises
from tbo combustion floats off in the
air as puro snow a flame burning
brilliantly in tbo midst of a liquid,
with snow given off for smoke!
Towlcy Brown is terribly absent
minded. Tbe otber evening be sat up
till after 1 o'clock trying to remember
wbat It was bo wanted to do. Cowley
Did be remember? Towlcy Yes; be
discovered tbat ho wanted to go to bed
Judicial Propriety.
"I bnto men wbo won't express an
opinion. Tbere'a tbat Justice of tbo
peace 1 asked some unimportant po
litical question, and bo refused to com
mit himself."
"That's all right lie's not n commit
ting magistrate." Baltimore American.
A Calamity.
"Yaas, my trip to Europe was com
pletely spoiled at tbo very last, don't
3ou know."
"Ilow was that?"
"One of tbe labels came-off my sufi
case and got lost" Louisville Courier
Journal. Words of Comfort.
"My doctor says I must sleep out of
doors," said tbo man wbo Is not
"Well," replied tbe friend wbo makes
painful efforts to cheer up, "it's all
right so long as your landlord doesn't
say It" Washington Star.
Better Fun.
Annt Sophia And is Tommy a good
little boy nt school? Tommy Yes,
auntie. Aunt Sophia And why is
Tommy a good littlo boy? Tommy
'Causo It's better fun to sco the other
boys get a tannin' than to get me your
8elf.-London Tit-Bits.
Still More Necessary.
"Could you givo mo a raise, sir? You
know, 1 am married."
"But I gave you a ralso so tbat you
could bo married."
"Yes, I know, but I And I need a
raise more now than I did then." Buf
falo Express.
A Vague Impression.
"What is your Idea .ol tbo character
of Lndy Macbeth?"
"Really," replied Mrs. Cumror,
"there Is so much gossip about pcoplo
connected with tbo stage that ono
Bcarcely knows what to believe."
tnirrgn tg. '
Seemed to Olvo lllmafey Stomach.
"I suffered Intensely after eating and no
medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do
any good," writes 11.' M, Youngpctors, edi
tor of tho Sun, l.aktivlow, Ohio. "Tho few doses of Chamberlain's Htomncli
and lilver Tablets gave mo surprising
relief aud tho second bottlu seemed to give
mo a new stomach and perfectly good
health." For snlo by M. 13. Snook.
Big Shoe Sale
At the. Central Oregon Mercantile
companys store. All the odds and
ends in children's, misses', ladies' and
men's work and dress shoes to be
closed out at less than cost. Now is
the time to buy. nS-tf
All Summer Millinery at
3 25 per cent, discount.
Ladies' Furnishings be-
low cost.
Come in arid inspect my
9 J. H. MAlNtK, r"rej. C WUNUfcKici, vkc re. l.- j
The J. H. Haner Abftradt Co.
Incorporated 1
Prineville - Oregon
Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up.
Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county.
Carefully prepared photograph copies of all records and
j Mrs. Isa E. B. Crosby j
Balfour Guthrie Co.
Bought at all points
We have on hand- at all times
Calcutta grain bags and Crown
brand twine. Give us a call for
anything in our line.
Office in Madras, Orego
Smith I
Blue PrintTownship Plats
Corrected uptodnte, showing names
of entrymon, vacant land, rivers nnd
creeks, 50 cents each.
Land Scripts For Sale
For securing title to all kinds of Gov
ernment land without residence or im
provement, at lowest markot prices.
Write us for particulars. All kinds of
Land office business speqialty. Twon-ty-flvo
yours experience. Inference,
French & Co., Bunkers.
Hudson Land Company
The Dalles, Oregon
Elite Tonsorial Parlors
city plats at low cosL v
0 t ' 7-
Exclusive Agent For
Kodak Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
A full line of Pho
to supplies always
on hand. Printing
and developing
done. Mailorders
will receive our
prompt attention.
Write for our nsw
Try a bottle of Mur-
fine'slidlnol Devel
oper. Will develop
any plate or paper.
Olympic Flour, per barrel, $5.25 . ,
Snow Drift Flour, per barrel, $5.25
Bluestem Flour, per barrel, $5.00 '
Granulated Flour, per barrel, $4.75
Madras Union Warehouse Co.
Exclusive Agents Madras, Oregon