The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 24, 1911, Image 1

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    the Madras Pioneer
NO. 49
ii ill M nil AT ft naAA urn b aiii np"!1! m iQifn piniAiirn TAnill
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..ii.nBoush Resigns
,:v council of Madras
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wmilar meeting wincn
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.1 ....Inn fn onvd 1 nf the
being absent an ad-
...i ... tnlrnn until tllf
y important matters were
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conform to the state law
ting buildings for this pur
The committee on public
ty was instructed to re-
t the next regular meeting
1 1 Cm
ana aim sulliiiuuviviiu w
incr that wou d cost about
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van U1 mauras,
Wa9rnorethan 10 per cent
Photograph ofjWillow Creek Viaduct Showing .
jiWorkmen .SwingingHeavy Steel Girder in Place
The last big steel girder spanning Willow creek canyon, on the line of the 0. W.
R. & N., less than a mile from Madras, was swung into place early today, and by the
first of the month the work train with its engineers and laborers will commence lay
ing steel southward. The above photograph was taken about three weeks ago and
shows a huge sieeKgirder, 100 feet long, being swung into position at a height of
250 feet from the ground. The viaduct is 1050 feet long, 250 feet high and is sup
ported by eight mammoth steel towers like those shown in the cut; besides the tow
ers the structure receives support from two cement abutments, set in solid rock, at
either approach. Seventeen heavy steel girders, ranging in length from 40 to 100
feet, were used. In all 1518 tons of steel and iron, weighing 3,036,000 poun3s and
costing more than $200,000 was required in the construction. It took approximately
six months to finish the work, it having been started the first of last March. Geo.
Mattis, assistant engineer in charge of the work, stated Tuesday evening that work
trains would pass over the bridge daily, but that regular passenger service would
not commence until about the first of October.
Jns. Aloddron Suffers Concussion of
the Brnln and Otherwise Injured
as Result of Kick
M. E. Church Filled With
Interested Listeners
of the votes cast at the last elec
tion, this amount being all that
is required to adopt the amend
ments. The .meeting was adjourned
until Monday evening, the 21st,
at which time it was expected
that definite action would be
taken on the plans for the jail,
but there were only three coun
cilmen present, and a continu
ance was taken until Monday,
the 28th. There were two sets
of plans filed with the recorder
by the committer, and these will
begone over carefully before the
next meeting and some suggested
changes may be made before
action is taken definitely.
0. W. R. & N. DEPOT 13
I.arto and Commodious Baggage Room
and Comfortable Waiting Room
Are Features
4 Well drillers at work on the 0.
W. R. & N. well about a half a
mile from town received a tem
porary delay last Friday, when
50 feet of looses gravel, sand and
clay caved in, filling the hole and
hurrying tlje tools that were in
the well at the time.
To prevent a further cavo-in,
the hole for several feet was
filled with cement, forming a
collar or brace. Work was re
sumed Tuesday morning again,
it being necessary to bore through
the cement, and at the time of
going to press, practically all of
the distance caused by the cave
in had been regained.
Hereafter an eight inch casing
will b6 driven as fast a"s
the dirt ia removed, thus elimi
nating nnv dancer- of a future
cavo-in. 'Two shifts working
night and day are rushing the
well to completion as fast as
Workmen are rushing work on
the new 0. W. R. & N. depot,
and the foreman, C. Moore, stat
ed Monday that the building in
all probability would ready for
occupancy in about three weeks.
When completed, the depot will
be 22x70 with two large rooms
on the ground floor and a living
room 22x30 over the ticket of
fice and waiting room where the
agent will reside.
The baggage room will be 22x
40 and will be so arranged as to
minimize labor required in the
handling of baggage. The small
building now occupied temporar
ily as a depot, will be used for a
, freight warehouse.
The ticket office and waiting
room will be 22x30. In the wait
ing room will be seats for the
comfort of passengers and on the
cold winter nights a big stove in
the center of the room will radi
ate its warmth throughout the
building. Directly over the
ticket office and waiting room
will be comfortable quarters fit
ted up for the agent and his
The structure is similar in de
sign and size to other depots
along the line of the O. W. R. &
N., and when finished up and
painted will present a very neat
appearance. ' -
Examinations September 2
Thus far only two applications
have been received by the post
office department xfrom persons
who want the job as carrier from
Madras to Big Plain. William
Sherrod and Chas. Ortman, both
farmers residing at Big Plain,
have made application for the
job. A temporary carrier will be
named for the place until the
postotlice officials at Washington
pass on the examination papers
and name the successful apph
As a result of being kicked by
a vicious marq in his shop last
Thursday afternoon, Jas. Mad
dron, well known local black
smith, is out of commission for
a few days, and for a time his
condition wasserious. Mr. Mad
dron was out on the street Tues
day, the first time after the acci
dent, and his face and head bore
the resemblance of having been
massaged with a battleship.
In relating the accident, Mr. .young
Maddron said he had just re
turned to work after dinner to
finish shoeing a small sorrel
mare, weighing about 900 pounds,
that he had partly finished in the
morning. He had picked up one
of her hind feet to fit a shoe, and
had just set it down when the
animal cut loose' with both feet,
landing him among a pile of
boards and rubbish in a remote
corner of the shop about 20 feet
His partner, who was work
ing with him in the jgliop at the
time went to his assistance and
together with ja young man that
happened in the shop shortly
after, sjeceeded in getting the
injured man to his home where
his wounds were attended to by
Dr. Gale. For three days he lay
unconscious, suffering from con
cussion of the brain. The doc
tor stated Tuesday that there
was a possibility of a fractured
skull, but unless serious compli
cations set in he will be abie to
return to work in a couple of
Program Opens With Prayer byRey
Weaver cn 1 Music by the $
Church Choir '?
The Methodist church
pretty well filled last
evening with friends of thV.six
people who participated
in the silver medal declamatory
contest, the winner Miss Vermel
Ramsey, being roundly applauded
for the excellent manner in
which she handled her subjecf.
Others who took part infjtre
contest were the Misses Verl
Ramsey, Mabel Grant,
Moore, Velma -Klann and
nard Ramsey.
The program opened
prayer by Rev. M. W. Weaker,
pastor of the church and special
music by the church choir.
Besides the speaking by .tl e.
six young people, Mrs. M.
Weaver sang a beautiful and (jap)
propriate solo, selected especially!
for the occasion. The contest?
was entirely successful, and it is
hoped that others will be held
from time to time.
i mi j o-i : i
cane, ine new route is oi mu Madras and is remembered
one and three trips each week I" ' , ,,
will be made. Service starts the
first of September.
Arthur S. Phillips Stricken
Mrs. J. E. Beddingfield re
ceived a telegram this morning
from her brother, Oliver Phil
! lips, conveying the sad news that
her father was dying in a hos
pital at Kamloops, B. C.
Arthur S. Phillips, for several
years resided in the vicinity of
many of the old timers. For
several months he has been a
sufferer of stomach trouble, and
recently was removed from his
home at Ashcroft to the. hospital
at Kamloops. He failed to re
spond'to medical aid and death
is momentarily expected. .
Mr. Phillips and family have
made their home in Canada ifor
the past 18 months, and of late
have been conducting a livery
and feed business at Ashcroft,
where the family now ..resides.
He was held in high esteem by
his acquaintances heVe and re
gret is expressed that his illness
should prove fatal. '
Mrs. W. A. Booth of Prine
ville was registered one day this
week at the Madras hotel. , w
. j '
JudpiPO from tho trouble congresa had with it, our Canadian couiln Is duo for anythit but
a marry tlm. 1
Denver Republican.
V, f i