f Have You Found Out rn.., That ours is the best store on the railroad? The newest . goods, the lowest prices, courteous treatment, and upto date business, methods. If you are not among our thous and customers, a trial order will convince you that we. can save you money. OUR LINE OF HARVEST AND THRESHING SUPPLIE: 1 I w Will appeal to a close buyer. We can quote you price and quality. Watch this page. It will always contain something to interest you and save you money. Don't forget that we can use your Produce, and pay the highest possible prices. F. Hammer Co. MADRAS, OREGON The Madras Pioneer Tublished every Thursday by -THE 1'IONEEK PUBLISHING CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year $1.55 six mouths M) Three months DO ADVERTISING HATES OS APPLICATION Entered as second class matter August 29, 1904, at the Postofflce at Madras, Ore., under the Act of Congress of March 3,1879. THURSDAY - AUG. 10, 1911 COUNTY FAIR WILL OCCUPY FOUR DAYS But They Will be Full of Attractions BABY SHOW JUDGE WANTED George Russell Has Charge of the Racing Events Baseball to Have Prominence Plans for the holding of Crook County's annual fair are being worked out by the board of di rectors, and everything indicates a most successful meeting this fall. J. S. Fox, the secretary, sends us the following article for pub lication: Although the date has already been announced, it will lose noth ing by a repition, so we will men tion once more that it will be held this year on the fair grounds near Prineville from Wednesday, October 11th, to Saturday, Oc tober 14th. Only four days? Yes, this year only four days of actual fair, for on preceding oc casions so much time and thought was taken up on Tues ' day with the entering and plac ing of exhibits, that few people were able to give time and at tention to the races and other attractions. Will there be less attractions this year, then ? Not on your life. The attractions, on the contrary, are far greater both in quality and quantity, but they are put into four days in order to keep the ball of enjoy ment from ever stopping, and doubtless this will appeal to many. No more tedious waits between races, no hanging around for a ball game to begin, no dusty trips out to the fair grounds hours before the sport one has come for began, for the program will be so full that things will have to follow one another in their regular and rapid sue cession. Maybe this is all talk and "blow?" Well, we'll just let you into a secret, and if you're "in the know" you'll know its significance. Ever heard of George Russell? Well, he's run ning the races this year. That's all. Any baseball.' Ul course there'll be baseball, but the full details have yet to be completed. There's this championship cup for the championship of Central Oregon that's at present held by the Prineville nine. The cecre tary of the fair would like to get into communication with all the local teams in Central Oregon to complete arrrngements. Will managers please note and write the secretary at Prineville? Then too, it is rumored that the Prine ville boys want to have a crack at the semi-professional cham pionship of Oregon, at present held by a Portland team, and it is quite possible the fair dates will witness a tussle of state in terest that should surely prove a good one. Yes, there'll be base ball all right. All the other attractions, and a number of new ones, will be there the same as usual, and it might be mentioned that the situation of judge at the baby show is yet vacant, and the sec retary will be glad to have ap plications, with recommendations as to fitness, of course. The sal ary is unmentionable. Jim Hill has beaten last year in his particular department, for he has been good enough to offer prize ribbons for all the dry farm products, and all the dry vege tables offered in the fair lists, in all 164 ribbons, so that winners of the cash prizes offered by the fair will also be presented with magnificent ribbons which cre ated so much enthusiasm last year. There is also a splendid cup offered for best individual of agricultural products, which will no doubt be hotly contested. A representative of the fair association will shortly be ap pointed in each precinct to see to the gathering of a good precinct exhibit from each locality. All readers who have produce that would be worthy of taking a place in a precinct exhibit kindly keep in mind and preserve the exhibit until such time as the appointments are made and the produce can be collected. In ad dition to these precinct exhibits. individuals are urged to bring anything they have of special merit and enter for the individual prizes. This year's produce shows promises to beat anything heretofore seen in the interior. Remember the fair, October 11th to 14th. Keep exhibits. o- Silver Medal Contest A silver medal contest will be held at the M. E. church at 8 o'clock Friday evening, Auerust lo, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Everybody is invited. Adults 25c; children 15c. -o A well known Dua Moines wnnimi nft. r suirorliiK miserably for two iiuv f.... bowel complaint, was cured by one dose t Chamberlain's Colic. Choi I'm iiml tim-. rhoea Remedy, For sale by M. L snook TO HOLD EXAMINATION FOR RURAL CARRIERS Test Will Bo Givon at Madras on Soptombcr 2 An examination for the posi tion of rural letter carrier will be held at Madras on Saturday, September 2, by Postmaster Fred Davis, under the rules of the U. S. Civil Service Commission. As a result of this examination it is expected that certification will be made for filling the posi tion of carrier on rural route No. 2, from the Madras office, which will give Agency Plain an initia tory service of three times a week, and for other vacancies in the local office as they may occur in the future, unless it shall be decided in the interest of the service to fiil the vacancy by re instatement, transfer or promo tion. , Applications for this examina tion must bo made on the pre scribed form, which, with nec essary instructions and copies of the regulations, may be obtained from the Postmaster at the office named aboye. Applicants should forward their applications promptly. Un less applications are received by the Commission at Washington about ten dilVS nrinr in Hi of the examination it may be im practicable to admit the appli cants to the pending examina tion. Section 5 of the regulations AUTO OWNERS Muriel Vise Hid wout Protector. No bo imt on u 01,0 ii.l.nit.'. j BU II K TO HKU Til KM "DU"' 6.W.HESS,Agt.Si? contains all' information which is furnished applicants relative to the scope and character of the examination. For further information rela tive to the manner of appoint- ing rural carries, nostmaster. Postmaster Davis states J it. is ilpsired that at least plications ut; icww pYJiminntion. HOTEL DALLES "the dalles, ore. European I'lnn New nnd Modern , 105 Rooms. Hlnylo nnd En Suite, with Hath Hot mid Cold Running Water in . .....i Oi.mii n I!nnm3 Telephone In Every Koom PETER KUEHNLING, Manager PLOW If you want to plow your land for less han fifcyJJ) ' Amawrc Dl OW ENGINE and k JOHN DEERE ENGINE GANG PLOW; You can plow three acres to cacn n-. ... r $ ten hours. If you don't believe it come on U r and see the rig work. If you arc interested in gew A .L 1 II t 01 mesc macmncs can on JOHN D06KINS, AGENT J who can be found with the outfit, or address, M J He can sell you anything from J a threshing machine to a sawmm Jl O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY 1 Wholesale liquor Dealers and Jobbers in iW & 3 Cigars. Sole Agents for Stonewall an 1 Mctg ' ot 0 I Nann. Snrlo Rr.rmfva Minnm water. Vlbirwu 1 Schlitz and Ranier Beers. . ' aawnr0 Bar Towels, m We also carry a strong line of Glassware, u o.iir. !..ii.. .i f tun Snioon trauu n Orders by ivhone or mail will rece and careful attention. 1 n A rn Ji i