1 i s Have You Found Out That ours is the best store on the railroad? The newest goods, the lowest prices, courteous treatment, and upto date business methods. If you are not among our thous and customers, a trial order will convince you that we can save you money. LINE OF HARVEST AND THRESHING SUPPLIEI Will appeal to a close buyer. We can quote you price ; and quality. Watch this page. It will always contain something to interest you and save you money. Don't forget that we can use your Produce, and pay the highest possible prices. OUR w. F. 0 Hammer Co MADRAS, OREGON l J BHHSIBttWBHBHBHlBBBIHIWMWWBMMBBHBHH The Madras Pioneer Published every Thursday hy THE I'lOiNEKU PUBLISHING CO. 8UB80RIPTION R.ATE8: One yenr..., ,,,........$ 1.6C Six luoiitla... M) Three inonUis GO AUVEllTIrtINQ HATKfl ON AIM'l.IOATlON Entered as second cluss matter August iv, mi, at the Postoffiee at Madras, Ore., under the Act of Congceau of March 3, 187V. THURSDAY - AUG, 3, 1911 PROPOSE TO IMPORT THGRQUGHBRED WHEAT Farmers Desire Improved Seed Grain WANT WALLA WALLA CLUB Availbblo Seed Has Degenerated Plan to Make Up Orders For Carload Inasmuch as a number of farm ers in this section have expressed the'desire to get some thorough bred seed wheat for fall seeding, the suggestion has been made that enough orders be clubbed together to bring in a carload. The only wheat that is now avail able here for seed is grain that has been grown and harvested here ever since wheat raising first started, 'much of which has become badly mixed with num erous varieties of wheat, until it has lost its identity, and now goes by the name of "wheat." F. D. Stewart, agent for Bal four Guthrie & Company at this !ace. has consented to receive orders from the farmers who de- J . . a'a.- e I sire to secure any quantity m pure seed wheat, and it is be lieved that enough will be de manded to bring in a carload. Those who wish to get some pure seed should leave their orders with him, stating the kind de sired and the quantity. The proposal has been made to ship in some of the best Walla- Walla Club, grown on Eureka Flat, in the Walla Walla Valley. This is a dry farming district, and has about the same climate as this section. The Walla Walla Club is a noted wheat and is known all over the world, and would no doubt be one of the finest var ieties to grow here for commer cial purposes. However, if a car is ordered anyone could send for any special kind he might wish. Leave an order for what you wish with Balfour Guthrie & Company, with the understand ing that a full car must be made up before the order is sent. - r- SAMMY NEWSON, JR, QUITS. PRINEVILLE Has Marshal Weston Arrested and Pays Costs of Action Sam Newsom passed through town Monday evening from Prineville on his way to Seattle, traveling in his auto. Sam says he is quitting the-old town for good. It seems that Sam and A. J. Weston, formerly police officer in Madras and "who is now marshal at Prineville, did not get along well together, Weston repeatedly having Sam under arrest. The other night Sam alleges that Weston was drunk while on duty, and he had the officer arrested. A trial was held Monday in fhe justice court in which Weston was cleared of the charge and the costs of the case, amounting to $22.50, were assessed to Sam. Wherefore, Sammy is quitting the flat. FARMS TURN OUT BUMPER HARVEST Yield of Three Northwest States Will Exceed 60,000,000 Portland, Ore., Aug. 1 Bank ers and business men generally expect marked improvement in business conditions throughout the Pacific Northwest as the result of tho bumper crops the farms are turning out this year. It is believed fhe distribution of the crop money tAmong the farm ers will mean renewed activity in all lines and in none more par ticularly than in th.2 lumber in duntry. A reawakening of the lumber business will be widely beneficial by reason of the money it distributes among a large num ber of people. The grain harvest, nrtw in full swing, is the most satisfactory feature of the whole situation. The yield of the three Pacific Northwest states is fixed at bet ter than 60,000,000 bushels and prospects are favorable for high prices, Fruit, hops, salmon, and the varied resources of the North west states will contribute their share to the contTnu ud prosper ity of this section of the country. r3rlng filks to Oregon Elk from Wyoming will be shipped to the mountain .districts oi Union and Wallowa counties during the coming winter. The animals are hard put to it for food during the severe Wyoming winters and many of them starve each year. The Goverumont is determined to save the Wvoiuincr herds from extinction and the Oregon mountains offer ideal range for thorn. NEW RULING ALLOWS ADDITIONAL FILINGS Entrymen Undor 320-Acro Law May Take Maximum Acreage Washington, July 29. Repre sentative Mondell has just se cured from Secretary Fisher a very important interpretation of the 820-acre homestead law, making it possible for entrymen who have taken less than the maximum Under that law to enter now additional land up to the full amount. Heretofore the In terior Department has held a directly opposite view. More than a year ago Mondell called the attention of the de partment to the faot that this provision was not in accordance with the terms of the law or sound public policy. He has had continuous correspondence and many interviews with the offi cials of the Interior Department since that time, with the result that Secretary Fisher, in a letter to the Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Office, has held the criticism of the Wyoming mem ber well taken; that the provis ion in the department's circular of instructions to Land Offices was not in accord with the law or sound public policy, and di recting that the language ob jected to be stricken out. New instructions, embodying the changed interpretation of the law, will be sent to all Land Offices. Members of Congress have received thousands of com plaints from entrymen 4 sire to take up iadiuow under this law, who ht mnncres. The rw Uha mnv interpretation Wl Umhlo these to acquire! i ... . i to the full amount. HOTEL DALLES THE DALLES, ORE. European Plan New and Modern , , ., 105 KoomM, Single and En Suite, with Hath Hot and Cold KunninKNut" m. Telephone In fcwwRwj. I PETER KUEHNLING, Manager 1 1 i AUTO OWNERS LOOK HERE I am iigent for twn liautly Utttoiliv vIcoh for liolilhiKii lilowoiiUiu lire. 'I lie Muriel Vine Hoot Mulder and MarUI Vine lllowuut I'roUctora. Nil viiIciiiiuIiii;, no nmlilit pati'li. Cull be put on III urn' inliiiitii. l( HUKK TO HICK Til KM G,W.HESS,Agt PLOW BY STi If you want to plow your land for ess than ; acre, get an ADVANCE PLOW JOHNDEERE ENGINE OANO You can plow three acres to each 1 V & ten hours. If you don't believe it come on Win i .i .i. ir.,.., Interested in 6 ana see me rig worn. of these machines call on -i jnuM nrmtflNS AGENI who can be found with the outfit, or address, Ma ' 1 He can sell you anything fog a threshing machine toasavvm , , , - rif1 MADRAS L. F. McCORMACK i i i - i t-. .i t . 1 nJlf hresh bread Daily, oc per qI cpnriAi nnncRS RF.CEIVE PROMPT J C Street " . I A