i fit I; In an article published, in the Pioneer aws 9incvith referenceM&niaffrfepii Seybold anifaalforn, the Pioneer dejstveVtbEorrect this error. The person from whom the information was re ceived was not to blame, as he had received a letter from Port land, which mentioned the wed din'g as having taken place a few days previous. However, such a thing has not happened is the information received from Mr. Seybold. Raymond and Penelope Dun can, who have been in Portland three months arousing interest in ancient Greek arts, have left for the Warmsprings'reservation where the'y will make a special study of Indian music and at tempt to register it in the Hel lenic music writing system. They will take with them mono chords so as scientifically- to de termine the intervals and scales. They will also take with them weaving looms and distaffs and teach the Indians to spin and weave. Evening Telegram. Nothing Wrong Says .Committee Continued from page 1. business before the meeting and adjournment was taken. The report of the investigating committee follows in full: Report of the Committee We, the committee appointed by the Madras Development League on July 14, 1911, for the purpose of examining the records of the City of Madras, and LOST White English Setter dog, about 1 1 months old, goiter on left side of neck. Strayed or stolen from Uend about July Gth. Reward for return or information causing return. Commun icate with Bend Bulletin, Bend, Ore. jy27-a3 WANTED To buy good fresh milk cow Inquire of M. W. Webber, La monta, Oregon. ( jylJ-27pd PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. Bergland Attorney At Law MADRAS, OREGON w. II. HNOOK report said findings nt a special meet ing called July 21, 1911, at 8:30 p. m. in the theatre building, report as follows: In the short time nllowqd and tho mngnitude of the work, to bring tho financial condition of tho city down to an exact balance and distribute the receipts and disbursements, would re quire several days' work, and we did not deeih it expedient to do so at this time, for the purpose for which we were appointed, consequently, we have arrived at the report that we shall make, which while it is not in detail is the best we can do with the present facilities, and the short time allowed. We have found either a voucher, or satisfactory evidences for each and every warrant issued by the council. The vouchers being signed by the finance committee, and the warrants signed by the mayor and recorder. The receipts for fines, licenses and other means of income for the city, we did not examine in detail, except to see that the recorder holds receipts from the city treasurer, for all such turned in as may come into his hands direct and the treasurer has same properly credited. According to the city treasurer's re port for January, date of January 31, 1911, there was on hands $-1203.20. There has since that time come into his hands about $7131.32. On hand at this time with but a few warrants out standing the sum of $3580.35. Up to in April, 1911, there was ex pended for wells, ditches and reser voirs including labor, tools and equip ment, $5G50 30; since that time includ ing $200 for the moving of an engine and pump from the Hobson well, and other purposes pertaining to water, $710.77, making a total of $0301.29 as near as we can estimate it. We are reliably informed that there is 4200 feet of main ditch and 1200 feet of lateral. We have found a few instances ivlinrn li u'nlllll nnneni' that more than ordinary prices had boon paid for labor, etc , but appeciate that in auditing name could have been overlooked, and would aggregate no great sum. We found no evidence of advcrtiaini! for bids for public expense or improve ments, on contract or otherwise pre vious to our appointment. We found the recorder's ollice very poorly equipped with books or files for keeping the city records, nor safe in event of fire, and think it would be to the interest of the city to provide the proper equipment. We found the mayor, recorder and treasurer courteous in their respective offices, and gave their time and assist ance, in providing books and papers and files to aid us in our investigation. Having filled our trust to the best of our ability, without favor or prejudice, we beg that our report be received, and we discharged from our appoint ment. W. P. Hammek, H. E. Scull. A well known De.s Moines woman after suffering miserably for two, days from bowel complaint, was cured by one ilose of Ohitmtiei lain'a'Collc, Cholera and Diar rhoea Uetnedy. For Male by M. li. Snook Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ott'.ce at The Dalles, Oregon, July M, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Srtli P. l.uelling. of Madras, Oiegou, who, on June IS, IWO. made Homestead entry No. 14&'-,2. Sella No. 03t!2l, for e.;uw, swU'nw.U sec 11 and seVjtieU see 21, township s, r U e, w m, has filed notice of intention to make final live-year proof, to establish cl.ilm to the land above, described, before Howard W. Tomer, U. 9. Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oiegou, on the tith day ol September. 1911. Claimant mimes as witnesses: Alfred 11. Patkey, Cliarlev Dillon, ."tunnel II. Kdinond.in, and John Kviek, all of Madras. Oregon. jyii7-a!ll C. W. Mo.iHK. Register. Madras State 6 General Banking, Farm Loans Capital $15,000 1 Bank J. M. CONK LIN, President C. E. ROUSH, Vice-President O. A. PEARCE, CaBhier PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office in Drug Store. Insurance C 9 6 t inn koto its: J. M. Conklin, C. E. Roush, A. W. Hoyce, II. S. Crithers, M. Put MADRAS OKKOON John T. Hoss P. L. Wylde 11. F. Wylde CROOK COUNTY ABSTACT CO, s r I.NCOKIORATEII Complete tract index to all laud and own lots In Crook county. Abstracts made accurately ou short notice. P'dNEVILLK, OREGON LEWIS H. IRVING ATTORNEY AT LAW Ollice of D. U Barnett. MADRAS, OREGON OftA VAN TASSEL NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE Peering Harvesting Machinery REPAIRS IN STOCK! International Gasoline, Stationery and Traction Engines J. C. ROBINSON MADRAS, OREGON VANORA, OREGON p W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections a Specialty. Madras, Orkgon ty, P. MYERS I "VIA THE DESCHUT OF THE DIGNIFYING THE SS mtAJNUll Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation This la the title of a beautiful 64-page, book, which will show any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a postal In tbe mall TODAY aud It will be sent FREE. The aim of tbe College In to dignify and popularize tbe Industries, and to serve ALL tbe people. It offers courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining EngSa eerlng, Forestry, Domoatlo. Science and Art, Com Wilkes has sold one of York's teams and put another team in pasture, and it is believed that he murdered mm with the in tention of realizing from his property. Co. inuc nnifruun 7-W. m. LEAVE MADRAS .9:00 a.m. lent c rn?u.- A C,,utes Jcti j,, , The Dalles. AR. PORTLAND ...1 :55 p. m. btfb p. in. ' The DalJes 12:50 p. in. " Des Chutes Jet 1:30 p.m. AR. MADRAS 5 p. in. Automobile leave Madras dally at 8:00 a. m. arid 8:00 p. m. and Stage at 7:00 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. for Redmond, Uend, La Pint, Kort Roclt, Silver Lake, I'rineville, Paulina, Burns and Klamath Falls. THE DIRECT, QUICK AND NATURAL ROUTE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ALL POLNTS IN CENTRAL OREGON For further information, call on any agent of tho CMV. R. & N. or write to WM. McMURRAY General Pass enger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. "CENTRAL OREGON ! ARTESIAN AND SURFACE WELLS DEPTH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES FURNISHED INQUIRE AT PIONEER OFFICE ma HAN. untuun l , I Are You Planning to Build iluiiKalo'ws, Mills! Stores, Warehouses, c.i. ....l, iiMi'tvntils. Creameries. Con- OlllU".", ' j t , - . iii vvnll TO CONSULT US GE1JSBEEFC ENGINEERING CO. 604 Blake McFall Bld. 6Vk u oi, AG11 7 li HORSESHOEING General Repairing West of Hood & Stanton's Baru THOS. H. MADDRON Madras. Oregon OWL RESTAURANT Oppoaito Post Ollice - NewManagomo"t Come and see us. If we treat you right, tell your friends; if not, tell us. o o o o Tables Reserved for Ladies Joe Lewis, Proprietor MADRAS, OREGON Notice of Contest Department of I lie I ti tcrlnr. 1'nlteil Ktati'x Uiitl OMce, Tin- l)lk'. Oii'Ktm June . IKII 'lo TKrK K SCOTT of SlHilrHS, Oregon, Tiiiiennli. WhhIiIiikIoii, t'onle.stee Vim nre liereliv untitled tlml (!eore,e V. -"lull ton, who Khi'i MHilriii, On nun. hs li I ollice, inldiem, Old on April 21. l'Ul llli' In tli In olllci' IiIh iluly corroliornted Hilli'Htluii to coti to.it hiiiI rerun! tlx ciinrelliilloii ol your home steud, Kntry No Herlul No. OAvrj imhcIi- Novhiii IiitW. lW, for NV(4 U'i Kt S.j HK HW'., HK1. HiTtlon 1'imiislilp 11, S.. ItiiMKi' 11, H., Wlllniiicttf MiTiilinii, mill hi uriHimU for 111-1- ii i t lit' hIU'ki'm tluit mill Trio' I. Scott luii holly itlmiiiloni'il unl'l irm t ot IhiiiI for tlio IllXt tl IIIOlltllH lllht llSt Hllll tluit hUllI HllMllll- oiiini'iit Mill fllM : tlmt then' lim Ihm-ii no luiiirovi'iuuntit mtiitcon the plni't- ilntlnn Ihle pvrloil. Yon nri', IhiTf fun-, fnr'liiT iiotllli'il tlml tho hhIiI alli'UHtloiiN III In' tiiki-n liy thin ottlce io hn Iiik hct'ii cotifi'H'iil liysoli, mill your ni entry will ! I'lini'i'li'il tin- i il-r Mllhont your InrthiT rlt;ht to l.c lu-nr't thi'teln i-lthiT tii'forf 111 1 1 iillii t' or on uppt-ul, If you lull to llli In this iilllri' wlttilii tu'iit dnyH iifli-r the roi'lt'l II piihlii'Htlon ol this tiotlct', hhhIiouii Ix'luu, your hiihuit. iiihIit until. HpcilllrHll, uii'i'tiHK mnt ri'spoiiiliiiK to 1 1 1 k iillt'KHtioni of (outlet, or if vim (ml ulllilu that time to tile in this oitli i' ilni- proof tlmt you lone n rvnl n ropy of juiir hiiswit nil the ."iilil conKilmit cltlii'r In pi-riion nr hv ri'tlMi-ri'il mull If lliu iTild' Is iiiihii' l tin' ili'llvi-ry ol k ropy your Hii-'wcr lo tin- i nnti'iiaut In pi'rion. jirool of .inch Hi'rvirt' inui ln-i-lthiT the mini r'OII ti'StKiit't urltti'iiHckiiouli-ilKiiU'iitof ln r Ipt of tin' copy, hIioh Iiik tin' iliitn nfltn receipt or tin.- ttllhlHVlt of the piTMiu by "hoiu the ilellv ery win iniole stiitlni; Hheii uml where the copy hhs ilelivereil . If uiaile by reentered iiikII. proof of Hiich service inimt conslxl of the ttlllilin II of the person by whom the ropy uhs iinilleil slitting when mul the post oilier to which It whs uiHlleil. hiiiI this HltlilHvIt miut be iteconipnuleil by Ihe poUiiiHMer'n receipt for the letter. Vou Mhoulil stnte In your misucr the inline of the post ollice lo which )uu ileslre further tiotleen to b' ti nt to Jim. (' W. MOOHK, Helster lHe of first publication J mil- jr., l'jll ' ' heionil 2, thlnl " " " " fonrlh July ij. " JI'j jy'JO eh Notice for Publication (ImiUteil 1 met) I'piil.ic UNO Haik hfo. 0i8rt Di'imrtiiuMit of tho Intct lor, United Ktnt B linmlonieo ntTlio Dallca, OnK0n, Juii( lOtli, Kill. N'tlr Is licioliy jjlvtMi that, at tllreptotl by Hit' CniiiniMloiH'r of tho OoimmhI l.ninl Olllcf, iiihIim' iuovInIoiih of Al't of (.'OIIKIerti itpiinivcil .liino 117, 1 Will (ill Hints,, 017), wo will olitir nt public wtlc, to tho IiIkIichi lilihlt'i- nt I'. iri o'clock a. in., on tho ti, tiny of Auk., Hill nt tlilHolhfi', tho follow. liiK-ilo-t'illM'tl lauil: Nw'i mi)f hoo Ul, tp ti h, r 1 1 0, w in., Hcrlnl No. 077KU. Any porsona olnliuliiK ndvorsoly the nliovc ilivcrllieil land tire ndvl.sctl to lllo ihi'lr flalniH, or ohji'dlonn, on or hefnid tilt tlino ilcsliiiited for Rale. O. V. MOOHK, JiiH-ail ptl Ut'Klnttr. Notice for Publication Di'piu ttnent of tho lnti'ilor, Uultcil aiatoi l.iuid Otllt'ti at The! Dalit's, OrMgon, ,1 tine l!lxt Hill. Nuttct' Im hert'liy j'lvcii that CAT1IHU1NU A. SMITH of Yoiiiikji, Oii'Koii,vho, on Aptll 2Utli, 11)10, math' llonicHtciul, No, 0tlii'J7, fur h'.; nw, ami uxt !w'4, .Section 'A TownMilp 11 South, It.uiKc II Kast, Wlllaiuettii Mcrt ili.m has llh'tl notice of Intention to make Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to the lauil above dcNcilbctl, before Howard V. Turner, II H. Coininlsnloner ut IiIh oflice, at AadniM, Orefjon, on the 1st day of AukiiM, It'll. Olaltuant iiatneH as wltnosHos. Jo-eph OswoKI, Kliner UbrlHtenson boih of Younttf, Oickoii, and Htanley (liewell, I'tL'tl Finhei , both ot .Wad ran, Orcein. U, w. Mooic, j22-jyl!7 Huiflaler. Nolico for Publication lnoluteil Tract I'l'llt tl' I.anii 8a t K Deiinrtitient of the Interior, United Htnlcc I.Hiiii Ollice nt The Ilullea Oregon June titli lull. Notice Is hereby Riven that, us directed by the (:iiiiiin'loiirr of the (Icncrnl l.nllil Otllce. miller provisions ol Act ol Co tin res approved June Ti, W t:ll Htiits , .',17), we will offer ut pit bile i-ale, to the highest bidder, at 'J .', o'clock a. to. on the 7th day of AtlKU't I'JII. nt thin otllce, the fnllowltii-dee.rlbcd land NWU MV'., uml SW.. NW'j, fee. S't T. 10 fiuth ft. lti Knitt W. M ,S'o. tUOSil, Any perwm.s claiming ndveri'cly (he abive descrlU'd laud are ndvUed to file there clnliim. or objections, on or belore the time ilrsli;nntcii for sale, l W, MOOHK, Jl.'.Jy'.7l HcKlnter. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. H. l.-tnd Ollice at Tbe l.iMe.s, Oregon, dune T,, IUII. Notice Is hereby ulven that llaved VnUKhan. of Madias, OieKon, who on Mmeb 'I'.nh, MHO, uiaile hoinesteinl. No. MM'l, for uwl, sec II, tp II h. i llie, w m, bus liled iintlee of liilentlnii to niaUe finitl i iinutittioii pioor lo establish claim to the and above described, lielo.e Ilowitid V. Tnrnei, II. H. (!iiuiiiilfMloner, at IiIm ollice at Minim, Oicoii, ou tin' 1st day ol AukusI, 111 1 - Cbiluiant names as wll ne.ssiif,: W. H. .VcNemar, 1 1 null Gardner, H. II. Mcl.ttln, Toiist.-n T. .lubeili, nl ol MiiiIiiih, tiioKu. V. Mooiti:, i'M-ii'Sl Hi'Klstcr. NOW Vest TIME of Uia yttr Ut 1it jour twth out and plat arid brldgawnrk dnnn ami here U thn plane to U'1 the Lett palulci yiurk jjcitlble. Cvmyart our J'riea. Te flnl.h (ilato and tirldae work fur out. of'timn batroni la one dar If dtlrfe!. 1'alnlM eitrartlon frirn wtien lat or brldtfo work U order d. Cemultttlon In: HctirOrowm S5.00 22kBfUtTMtb4.00 G.ld nillnti 1. no Itmmtl rilllnr i l.UU tm AffKignpfHoi4 Rubttr - AA IPIttM o.uu piui 7.50 0 VM, will, PmmiiiimMiiiiii PalnUti filf'Uon .50 MlllU llllliuall M rtlHIM BKBT METHODS All work fullr (iiurunlMsl fur rifluon year. Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists rilllni Bulldlni, Third ruj WnMntton PORTUN0, ORE OIUo. U.sm S A W telfM Hau4rt, U I I 11... "IIKI. IP. !?' ."VLOll .1 nil Nft iumm" H' li I . - -"WlJil.I III Ik.."' "ojociint,,. .-.'vwa " tut v. -i al UL pn fh . VI ... . "'liL A. ..'Miuro ........ . -win, .'.".''''-''nuiiSIMb.,;' .Mi ier ,rov,,n:vi iin,r;. """" V7. !mr. ,, " 'Aftir''l i" i iii in u ti.."ni IO I i. . . "111. i "". n.,onr'."lk ',S ... " UD C,.i I KIM i notlre I. i.'.-.v Jon. I., ho(:.,m,lliVnV'ntht iiiiner nrnu .""m i.-7" June i 7, .1 Act d r. u n:."m"'".,,"nr.d.,,rlIIil to iwm. " " tinn;i iriu .,. .r"i,i for VrIi. ' 011 " 'xlofc i?.if.i ..."ep.rt.Zr ""I l ItinKt! Html f "" lablWi.clnhn (, Iml.Li.. II . .-"Hi mivnt nil I iiiiwnrii iv n... "'B ..U altimnt .m.M'" 1 1 vt VU VH Notice for PublicafB, DeiKtrtiiii-nt i,i ii.. i . . HllltCH t.ntlil IW.., fr, .. ..' JtinejiMipju, Notice Is hereby given that WIMdAMMlTCIlEa "of Mnlrna ., . . . mailt! Homestead, No. 05W7.ff-i niTUOII II, JOWIlSllIp 1J jtoiA I !... II' III HOtlee. of inleiitiini t,.i,,.t..n.., tnlltiii I'r.uir Iaw.i.ii.l.1.. . nbove described, U-fptellowtJI, ei, i . n. (..oiuimsiioiier II 111 Madras, Oregon, on theShtlitrl inn. O..I...A ... I, i.iiiiiniiL im mi n ii. u iiuphish i It M'tiiiiiwitm i',lii'a.,l b D:L. i. Head, Wlllhtm C Unbtr illetC (Jrexoii. JJyi7 Depai tiiiciit nf the Interior,!?. 1 inn. Notlee li heri'liv plven Ihlt a.... f 1 1 ,lllM lt 1 I tvn eoiinti'. O etrnn. il h . on tl.f ii .1 tine, IHIO, file III thlJ olfiw im nlitll IIIHI Hltl.l fHL (ill aMK VJril. cliae llieKei4nvl.,Sre2i1tpllU If 111 aim nn' " 4t.....i i nutirti ispinpni. mm ixiu s theieon have been appraised, the i ..I 7(1 tm miri rwtiii w will olfcr final proof In aupportrf . ,1 . I I .n'ntlt I I M H imi'iUIOII HUH Turner, l. s f.imtiilssioner, nm ., t...i,u iiii'unn. Amu nersoti Is at nuerii ii" ,,1.1,'l.iiM' l.eforeenlry, or muw 1 if mtioni i t.wi nt iiii time m'ire v--r j: I.-if in in i niint' a eorroliorauiinmu-"""'-: .. II,.., nil 1.1 14 III" '--- entiv. jjnsi Cuts and bruises may be healed In about one-thlnl of the Hint) reipiiicd by the usual treaiinent by applying O.iaiuberlalu's I.ln Imtiiit. It Is an antiHuptlcnnd causes hiich Injuries to heal without niatiiratlou. Tills liniment also nillovt soreness of the inns clcs and ilicuinallc pains. For .sale by M. E. Bnook. TF-SHUTT Contractor Sl Buider Ready Made Windows and Door Frames. Shop First Door West of Larkin's Harness Store West of Main Street, MADRAS, Ore. NEW COMPLETE SPRING LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS I All shades and Styles of Dress Suits, Low priced work Shirts, Light weight Underwear, Ties, Collars, And Cuffs Complete Line of Summer Hats on the road-Will arrive in a few days. Walch our Display) WW 'Thev will V4W If - - J many new tilings we offer. show y have t" MADRAS TRADING Cofflpa' 1 L