Madras 8 7 State Banks Capital lS'.OOO General Banking:, Farm Loans J Insurance, r . ? ". ft C. E.ItOUSH, 0. A. PEARCE, I, j, u. CONKLIN, President , ai. w vino. President Cashier directors: j m Conklln, C. B. Koush, A. W. Boyce, II. S. Crothers, M. 1'utz r 1 1 imui. nr COUNTY COURT .A IM IIIIUCI Wl i . w w- mo n- Matters Considered SCARCE FOR WORK ...... vtinn Preclnctet Created . . ni.l.liit n ind NtV JUBIICO uiin Opil City Eitobllshod e luiiuvvniK vrt.w If C Itm inllM ( If r uiuvLtuniK" " rr. win ue ui vv.. i . ! 4L.' ..f n nnnnV road petitions of W. D. 1 l f I . P. Rntnf sl, were ordered continued for reason iuul unier jjculiuus ... i Cox et al. Petition ac nied by a bond of $200 n i 1 1 1 in ii 1 1 i vi- 1 1 i t i 11111 r- nil i . vv i T a lll. 1 1 1 1 I .1 - . - 1 a il I f said proposed road on the 24th Julv. 1911. view, review and i rvpv sflin nrrmnQnrl rrtnri nnrl in inPTWin nr inn novr ro m this court. H. Ramsey et al. Petition ac companied by a bond of $200 with W. H. Ramsey and C. G. Ramsey as sureties. It is or dered that the board of road view ers meet at the beginning of said proposed road on the 18th of July, 1911, view, review and survey said proposed road and report thereon at the next term of this court. Petition for county road by W. Glenn Loucks et al. Petition ac companied by a bond of $300 with W. Glenn Loucks and B. F. Preston as sureties. It is or dered that the board of road view ers meet at the beginning of said proposed . road on July 21, 1911, view, review and survey said proposed road and report thereon at the next term of this court. Liquor licenses were granted to George Stevens and Ed: H. Howell of Sisters, and to E. D. Gonser of Ashwood. The peti tion for a liquor license by J. W. McCollum of Ashwood was dis allowed on account of failure to comply with the statute. Three new voting precincts to be known as Fife and White j Buttes and Cline Falls were cre- 'nfnH lw thn fniivr. uwvu "'7 . Viewers' rep..c of Frank Ir vine et al road read a second time and approved. Road disallowed because of heavy grades and ex cessive cost. Clerk to notify bondsmen of cost to date and re quest immediatejpayment thereof. The Oregon Trunk Railway v 9 istime Po o Ha MADRAS OREGON A. W. CULP, Proprietor 2 2 2n 2 Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery Smokers' Articles, News Stand V r- 8. Hamilton, Pres. E. H. French, Vice-Prea. J. 0. Fowlie, Cslir. EASTERN OREGON Banking Co. FOKEION EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD WAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD CPIUI Stock, nn nnn, $280,000 SHANIKO, OREGON I UVERY, STABLE FEED &SALE MADRAS, OREGON HOOD & STANTON i dive lf Orders Prompt Attention Transient Stock Given Best Of Feed And Care I tendered to "the Board of Com missioners of Crook county its check for $1000, the same being the amount contributed by said railway company to said county to assist in the expense of the construction of a wagon road from Big Agency Plains to Van ora, which is accepted by the court with thanks. Clerk direct ed to place same to credit of gen eral road fund. Petition for right of way for Agency Plains Telephone Co. along the Kutcher and Lyle Gap precinct. It is ordered that said company be given such permis sion. Now is presented to the court the application for the creation of a new justice district, and upon a full hearing of the facts it is ordered that a justice of the peace district be created to be known as the Opal City precinct No. 40; that said justice be main tained'in the town of Opal City or in the immediate vicinity thereof; it is further ordered that M. VanTassel be and is hereby ap pointed justice of the peace with in and for said district, and it is furthered ordered that James Bolen be appointed constable within and for said precinct. Both officers to serve until the next general election. Petition for J. A. Peck et al county road. . County clerk or dered to forward all papers to district attorney for his opinion as to their validity. The same action was taken in the J. W. Lewis et al county road. Upon the application of W. R. Cook, Howard W. Turner and C. W. E. Foote, trustees of the Mt. Jefferson I. 0. 0. F. Lodge No. 19G, of Madras, Oregon, for ap proval of plat and tracing of Mt, Jefferson I. 0. 0. F. cemetery, and it satisfactorily appearing to the court that said plat and trac ing thereof, together with the dedication of the walks and drives as shown thereon to the public forever, have been filed with the county clerk, that the same have been dulv approve by the county surveyor and county assessor, it further ap pearing that all of the require ments of law have been complied with, said plat and tracing there of is hereby approved by the court and ordered spread of re cord. Petition for the establishing of a water system for Culver town site and for the use of farmers and residents in tp 11 s, range 12 e, tp 11 s, range 13 e, tp 12 s, range 12 e, and tp 12 3, range 13 e; all in Crook county, and for, the use of railroad companies and manufacturing purposes, ask ing that W. P. Myers and 0. C. Young, their heirs, successors and assigns, be granted a perma nent franchise to operate a sys tem of water works and pipe lines and to distribute water thereby to said citizens and resi dents of Culver, Oregon, and to the farmers inlaid above men tioned townships and to the rail road companies and manufactur ing concerns. Leave is hereby given to the said W. P. Myers and 0. C. Young to establish and maintain said system; provided said grantees save harmless Crook county from all loss or damage arising therefrom. Pro vided further that this water system be completed and under operation not later than June 1, 1912. Now is presented to the court the request of Claude C. Covey for permission to operate-a ferry the Deschutes river at Mencn. Orecron. It is. therefore ordered that said Covey be grant ed permission to operate and maintain a ferry across the Des chutes river at Mecca, Oregon; that his maximum charge there nn will be 25 cents for the two- horse team and wagons, an auto, nin. 40 cents for 4-horse teams, 10 cents for foot passengers, and K opnta ner head for horses and nntilo. Said ferrv to be owned nnfl nnerated bv the Indian Agency and open to the public nr. the above charges until the further prdpr pf this court, Request for permission to con struct Vanora-Metolius road. Now appears Ora Van Tassel and j other residents and citizens of Crook county and requests this court to ask permission from and co-operation by the Warmspnng Indian Agency to construct a wagon bridge across the Des chutes river near the fown of Vanora, and a public highway or wagon road leading therefrom in a westerly and southwesterly di rection to the Metolius river. County clerk is requested to for ward this request to Supt. Covey at the Warmsprings Agency and request that he give this matter his attention. It is understood that said road and bridge will be constructed and maintained with out direct expense to Crook county or said Agency. Whereas Crook county has not during the year 1911 a large amount of road fund at its dis posal and whereas said road fund should be expended in the most advantageous manner by the co-operation of the several road supervisors with the county court, it is therefore ordered that the county clerk notify each and every road supervisor to curtail his expenditures" as much as pos sible and still keep the roads in good condition, and should any heavy or expensive work become necessary, that he take the mat ter up with Commissioner R. H. Bailey of Laidlaw, in all cases, excepting emergencies requiring immediate attention, such as broken bridges, ditches, and the like. In the matter of a county phy sician for the ensuing year, it is ordered that this matter be con tinued until the September term; that in the meantime any physi cian desiring to submit terms and conditions for county work may do so. Court- adjourned until the 7th of August, 1911, unless sooner convened by call. r If UN Smith I Wllffieii PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorial Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS 1 MADRAS, ORE. 1 NOW BEST ISM of tbs year to bars your teeth oat and plate and brlil work done and here 1. tlio place to get the best J)lnlee work po.aibl. Compare our i'ricii. We flnlih pUto and bridge work tor out of -town ptron In one d7 It deaired. Valnleu attraction tree when plates or bridge work I order ed. CoHulUtion free. MoUrOrowm S5.00 22kBrM8.T.th4.00 Ggldmilnn 1.00 Enamel Fillingi 1.00 Silver Fillings .50 Qood Rubbtr - n Fltlei O.UU Beat Red Rubber Plate 7.50 0(1 Yt.k. Witt, rimeiitMe Miuue Pilnleie Ext r' lion .OU temu iituuuii m renuee best method All work fullr cuaronteed for fifteen year. Wise Bent al Co.,mc. Painless Dentists rslllnx Bulldlnc Third and Wnhlntton PORTLAND. ORE Ottfo. Boere: A. U. ts T. It. f andtri. 1 1 ' AUTO OWNERS LOOK HERE I am agent for two bandy llttlo do vices (or lioldliiK a blowout on tires. 1 lie Martel VUe Hoot Holder and Murtel Vise Blowout Protectors. No vulcanizing, no Inside patch. Can bo put on In one mlnutn. UK HL'HK TO SICK TH KM G.W.HESS,Agt OREGON I Balfour Guthrie Co. GRAIN Bought at all points V'e have on hand at all timea Calcutta Rrain bags and Crown brand twine. Give ua a call for anything in our line. The BONBONIERE Mm, Max Wilson Home Made CANDIES Mis Jeisie hhman Home Made ICE CREAM ! BARGAINS IN Tents, Wagon Covers, and Sleeping Bags 12x16 Tent 10 oz. Duck Double Fill $20.00 $16.50 12x14 " ' " " " " 18-00 14,75 10x12 " V I3-25 n'00 12x20 Wagon Covers 12 oz. double fill 11.50 9.75 10xl6 ' . " ' 7.50 6.10 7x16 Stock Mens Bed Sheets 12 oz. 6.00 4.75 6xl4 " " " ". " " 3.75 3.00 LARKIN HARNESS SHOP I Complete Houses $230.00 to $865.00 n .1 j j i ..iciJail at the. nrira va (TUOtfi all material required In the construction of a modern home Architects' plans; specifications, blue prints, and full details about Wion are also furnished, together with an itemized statement of the matenal-the best on the market. We will quote prices ireiRni this huiluu prepaid to your station. BOOKLET FREE Our handeome portfolio of Modem Homo te worth a rreat deal of money to the mm who is foinr to build. It's fall of intercstinf Uluirretlone. plini and descriptions. Sent free to Intending builders. If fou are ihlnkinr of building, write for it. "RELIABLE DEALERS" 2232 WBSTLAKK AVE. SEATTL. WASH. 1 Automobile Stage Line j ALL NEW STUDEBAKER AUTOS Shaniko, via Madras -To Bend DAILY TRIPS EACH WAY ! The Best Accommodations For All Passengers J FOR RATES APPLY AT STAGE OFFICE vr L, Cornett Stage & Stable Co. i BLACKSMITH I NG WOOD -A-HSTHD IIRODSr WOEK The best equippd shop in Central Oregon FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED HORSESHOEING A. SPECIALTY F. F. FINE, PROP. MADRAS, OREGON I i t t I. O. O. F. Lodge Meets every Wednessfay nlght Strangers are wet come. W. R. Cook, N. GK M. G. Plllerte, Secretary. i A. K. Peterson r TTTYT-m. . B, JEWELER Threo Doors North of P. O. MADRAS. OREGON SSK Hamilton & Hamilton chair. .I" "'tua. coioib, lavallen, chatolajna plna and brooches. t ,.,ftC08, oracoiots, lavallera, chatelaine plna and W Satisfaction Guaranteed Office in Madras, OfpflQn II