The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 13, 1911, Image 5

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1 rVnss
Drug :
of accur- X
r e
u a spcciauj
1 compounding
ltJard Drugs and Chemi
se the Purest and most
.. .. A I 1 T
I nilnr Allll.lL. Ulivi
l..n( I 111111
assorted line of
th nr. LATHS
rSOnai and
WiiH in from Opal City
. .i i
tt me wti;ni
E. Duchien mid finily of Huy-
... ,..,ii. y-ilnnlMV.
were in '"'
Newell was m town from his
' .. 1. L'nlnnlllV
at iiayTL'cn nm.." .
Pearl Osborn went lo Prme-
Monday for a short vimi wmi
a -tl n nil ru V . I . ill VLlll Tf v-
uiriiL mm-- - w
. .-T Ifliinantl WJIH ill illQ CltV
f iln upiik from
I P..l.f,,
w cm ui m.. ... f
i. i. .. i.: .. ti I. iii,:.
this WCl'K loimiMK miBi
V. Stanton returned last baturday
nttendini? ft HIHtcr III a llOHpiiai
Deputy Shcrirr Willlnms of Opnl City
was in town last Saturday.
.1. C. Robinson hits been at Hums on
business for the past several days.
A. I). Thnyor has made final proof on
his homestead claim near Madras.
Horn, to the wife of II. L. Stills.
elfjlit miles southeast of Madras, July
7, a son.
Isaac Martin of Culver was in town
the latter part of the Week attending!
to land matters.
A. C. Sanford, Miss Ula and Kendal
made a visit to relatives at Winnie the
last of the week.
W. H. Sayre, L. C. Hendricks and
Loren G. Savage started Monday by
auto on a business trip to Klamath
Fred Zogp;, proprietor of the Madras
Hotel, has "purchased the lease of the
Hahn Hotel, and will hereafter manage
Jack Pitzer of Grizzly was a passen
ger to The Dalles last Monday, where
ho went on business before the U. S,
land office. -
Mrs. K. Fulgharn and (laughter and
Mrs. Frank Hunter and daughter of
Culver were in town the last of the
week shopping.
John Campbell returned last night
from Portland, where lie took a ship
ment of 29 head of cattle to market at
the Union Stock Yards.
Regular preaching services at the
Christian church next Sunday morning
and evening. Rible school at 10:00 a.
m. Charles A. Sias, minister.
Arthur M. Churchill, an attorney re
cently from Washington, D. C, who
will soon open offices in Portland, was
here last week looking over the coun
try. H. Ablowilz, who has conducted a
clothing store in Madras for the piist
year, has closed up his business and
shipped his stock to Hooper, Washing
ton, where he hns another store.
The Madras band is preparing to give
a grand ball at Madras about August
II. The plan is to make the event an
attractive one and no pains will he
spared to make it a memorable social
Frank A. Fmith, who hoinesteaded a
quarter section about four miles south
west of town several years ago and
later sold his claim, is here this week
from California, where he he has been
Attorney K. Hergland expects Ins
jgflfo and son to arrive from Portland
tk&evViilhgto make their home here.
Now is the time to place your orders for Harvesting Machinery. We are always ready
to greet you, figure with you and give you any information regarding farm implements and
harvesting machinery with all the latest improvements. Do not fail to call on us or
write to us for quotations before buying elsewhere, we can save you money. We are
local agents for the following linse: .'. . .
McCormack Headers
and Binders
Meyers Deep Well
Fairbanks Morse and
Stover Engines
Prices from
$65 and Up.
Monarch Steel Ranges
KNOWN throughout the world for durability, satisfac
tion and the only steel ranges that have duplex double
draft applicances. On exhibition in our center aisle.
I. nntmnih the KcV
"ii "
John Mnlone and family of Antelope
R. Hurton and family, who for
r -
lime conuucit'u uiu i uuncMn vuiu
I . L 1 4 II,.- t...wl
iraa. nave iciuuvtu iw i ihuhiiu
.. ! t J ft t 7
nr rnnsrriipirwi nnnr iiui roim
!.. II I 41 ..l. nrml rwi
nennr urniii tiwtir ttriii nun nuii i niiHm l Liiruui'ii lijwii liiio ntwiv wti
rr I 1 i : ....... 4 'nnnnln MAIlntmnQ
. . 4 ATHl t Timuilnv iiifht in MiulruH.
... . .. L.nolu al (lw Vinmo nf Mr. unci Mrfl. .1-
I;. Kobinson. Mrs. winione anu iirs.
tobinson nre sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Read returned
he last of tho week from Prineville,
vhcre they went to attend the celebra
tion and spend a few days visiting with
relatives. For the present they will
make their homo in Aladrss with Mr.
"7 " and Mrs. II. W. Turner.
iast few , , ..
William II. Uincasier, wno xor me
nt In Sliey vyWJlSilvdjnthe,'li6use ,4:ecently
Iwllt by J. "JlwV
; hotel, left last Friday morn
r rnrr fl i
vCarrett. Mm
auiiams et : uimimnv ni I'nrtiiimi
Irom Ini'.'il mnrnhimlu
R. Cook left Atnnilnv i.nrnnlA in
f ....ww .....i wuu rv 1 1 1. n utcil
9 W. VIIU l
mi. wiu uxiiecieu lo sion
II. PP Ihn mnf.l.....l Hf
, iiiwiiuillL 111. iUCCCll,
nuunuuiuui improve-
that point. He is hnving
ted a large store buildincr and Ji
residence. Until rr m... i...:i.n
Pflrtnrr ... .1..!
b viiijmi;vhiu
"itCiUUHIin. fl nfnm nnt
Lreck district. Hiniilmnnf nf
r-oai-u uirouim town isiin.
nB OH hl3 WHV lllm frmn
. "iikic lie went wun a
1 of 22 horses which lu ilidnnnl
tfe Washington town.
J'. t Crafe and family came down
naly Hie last of tho week, and
the family of Ouss Uveland and
wckard irone to th hot.
IP" the Warmsprinp; Roscrvn
'"e rip being taken in the
.or henentinjf Mr. Lockard's
. "e lm9 I'een suffering severely
uinatiam lately.
new . .
uKUIIIZOII ImnI ..f r.
"On a bmd.,,.:.- .
" oeeil extenilrxl to l,n
' "HIIU Ifl ntlnJ 41 il
. 41, Lilt; lilt Mia
lhe local hiind i.nM m...i....
I 1 1 .. . I " t'..V..4(
"uniy (ICC I Itl n ..,.,.!
-v.uuanu no as n Im.wl p..i
--owiint luirim,! ll..w. i
ve 1 10 ilnli. ..r .i... .!.... i-
.0..,, , -vw ... lm. mini tt
brday, July 29th.
na iit v
. imwier. w Mi t.iu im.
Alk... " uiuti liin
... r.' ,B ""i airaln to c.rn.A
. Ihn r.....n . " w.ww.
.Whornu Pr,H0 Vall0V' Cni'
ThL ',ey, l,ur:l'ed a law
'"oy didn't III,. i .1 . m
--vwaa not ii u...i,
c an nnl,
ranch ... " r n Koou
will rem, t V. T, , C0U"ty' T,lu
,1 ' 1 nneviiio a fow
1 thou .... .
Vlle Journal y"ok.-
Va .....
Ii neo n , .3ted freo' 'A
r n Jjuuub 111, Mrs,
- Ws, Madras, Ore.
past year has been interested in town
property here, has sold his, interests
back to S. E. Gray and departed. He
expected to go to Canada, and will
probably locate m a new district tluii
is beinn opened on Hudson's Bay, in
the eastern part of that country.
0. A.'Pcarce, cashier of the Madras
Statu Bank, has purchased lots on
Main 4et adjoining S. E. Gray s
property on the north, and will move
the cotUjge he purchased Irom Tom
Fawcettjn Depot Addition on to these
lots, and will make his home there.
His family is in Dakota, and he will ro
east for them in a few weeks.
J. G. Clark and wife of Ashwood
came in to help celebrate as well as to
attend to some business mat
ters. Tho ranchers are busy haying
in the Ashwood country. Lots of rain
lately. Some were caught with hay
down but they didn't mind the work of
turning it over. It made them feel
good, Mr. Clark says.-Prineville Jour
nal, j mr
Card of Thanks
I desire to thank tho people of Mad
ras mid vicinity that have so kindly
assisted in the search for my husband.
Mits. Max Wilson.
Odd Fellows Install
Mt. Jefferson Lodge No. 19(5,
I. 0. 0. F installed officers last
night for the ensuing six months,
Itanutv District Grand Master
fo owing wei
Continued from page 1.
friends. The schedule of votes
has been extended to cover a
period of five years. That is as
far as it will be extended, and
also as far as anyone will be al
Inurori fn Htihsprihp: anrl: secure
fulinfiis madelo pt'
subscribing for the paper for an
indefinite length of time at the
last moment, and practically buy
ing the contest. For this reason
no subscription will be taken for
a longer period than five years.
Mow To Win
Any young idy who desires to enter
this contest mil win one of the magnifi
cent prizes uTered should see that her
name is sent ti, the contest department.
All that is neessary to win a prize is
to receive the lxgest number of votes,
according to th- conditions mentioned
elsewhere in tin announcement.
Each nominatm coupon cut from the
Madras Pionecrwill count 1,000 votes
for a candidate. (The nomination cou
pon can be used hly once. Orders for
the prizes will btgiven the successful
contestants at tin close of the contest;
samo may be utd by contestant her
nelf or disposeibf in any manner she
may see fit.
Any one who ishes to vote in this
I.. I.. .iniiiwiiu iw.m.
contest may uu a uy "
Notice for Publication
Wilntpil TrRft
I'nii.K; I.anii Ham:
Department o tlio Interior, I'nilpil Stales
I.iiikI Otlli'i) at The Dalles On-Kim Jiincf.lli 11)11.
Notice Is hereby kIvimi Mint, hs illreeteil bv
Hie foiiuii'sslKiier of the lleneriil l.iiml Olllce,
iiiider provMon.s of Act of Conrcti upproveil
June 27, l'Jitt (ill HIhIh., ,017) we will offer nt pn
bile -ale, to the liluhest bhliler, ut 9 1'j o'clock
a in. on the "ill day of August 1U1 1 . at thin
olllce, the follou'linr-ilusfribeii land NWJi
SW'i, uml SWJ. NW'4, bee. 35 T. 1U South It.
If, Kast W M , No. 070s;i
Any persons claiming adversely the above
described land are advised to tile there claims,
or objections, on or bomre the time designated
lor sale.
i .m' ...j. I , n.MUimr,,
" NbtlcfaruWci6ri
ni'imitnipiit of the Interior. V7. Lnrirl
Olllce at The PaHcs, Oiegon, June t:t,
Notice is hi'icby uivcii that Davcd
Vaimlian. of Madras, Oregon, who on
Maich UHtli, 1!H0, inailo homestead. Mo.
Wtm, for nw4 sec 1 1, tp 11 s. r 12 c, w in,
has I'iIpiI notice of intention to make (inal
coiiiiimtatioii prool to establish claim to
the and above li' ilie(l, belo n Howaid
W. Turner, LT. S. Cnuimibslrnier, at his
ollice. at Madias Oie'on, on tho 1st day ol
August, HH1. Claimant names as wit
nesses: W. I). fWcNetnar, lltiuli (iaidner.
K. I). Mel.ain, Torsten T. .Itibetli, all of
Madras, Oiegou. C. W. Mooim,
y-y Kegister.
G. E. ltoush performing tho du
ties .of installing officer, lhe
following were installed: lill-
;man Router, N. G.; Charles Urt
man, V. G. ; M. G. PiUette, sec
mtnrv: John McTaggart, treas-
erer. rouowing ui
light refreshments were partaken
of. .
To buy Kd freB, mi,k
cow InqulroofM. W. Wobbor, Ia
monta, Orouon. Jyl3-27pd
enn QAr.rc MeCormack 12-footH
hoador, good repair; prico renBonabJe
Inaulre of Fred Fisher. jyl8-tf
nation blanks ebped from the Madras
Pioneer and by secial vole ballots ob
tained by Bubseninjr to tho Madras Pi
oneer. The ballts secured by subscrip
tion to the Pioiur may be lield as lone;
as desired nnd ted at any time up to
the close of theontcst, but coupons cut
from the Pionef are only good for ten
days from jmbtation and will not be
counted if vote nfter the date printed
on the ballot.
Persons livii; in one district are not
confined to voiip; for ladies m their
own particula district, but may vote
for anybody ii'-he race.
Any person as the jirivilefie of noni
inatinjr one oinore candidates.
Nominatioi should be mailed to the
contest depttment at once, as the
names of thenndidates nominated are
published in lis issue. Candidates can
i... nn.mnateHf ter this date but it is a
r,.,.t ..dvantie for each candidate to
have her nan i" early in the Kaine, so
that her fricls may not ajriee to worn
for some nth' candidate.
It costs nUlutely nothing to nomi
nate a candi't0'
lluv.aulloU Are Secured
In all casc'wherc ballots are issued
mibscriptiorniustpaid or prepaid.
The full fount of money must be
sent direct fmall, paid to local agents
or brought or olllce.
rerrfy Divide J An I'olluw
District h 1 will include, all territory
in tho city oitH of Madras.
District 2 will includo all territory
outside thelty limits of Madras.
Notice of Contest
'lepartment of the Interior. United Stales
.anil Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon JuneS, 1KU.
of Madras, Oret;on, Toppenish. u usiiington,
cnntpslee: ' ., r..
Vou are lierehv notllleil mat i.eore . .-ibii-ir.
..l... ulvi.s Mmlras. OrLL'on. as Ills lioit-
ollice, address, did on April 21, lull, tile In this
olilce his duly corroborated application to con
test and secure lilt' cancellation oi jour iiumc
stead. Entry No. Serial Sn.WJ made Novem
her SI. l'.WJ, for NV'4 SW'- See. Na Mv'4.
SW'i SK'4 Sectional, I'ownshlp 11, s.. itanue
14 K Willamette Jleriitiau, aim as (.timiihis
lor hiscoutest heallcnes that -ahl True B. Scott
lias holly abaiiduned said tract ot land for the
last six mouths last past and that said aband
onment still exists: that mere nas neeii no
Iliipnixeuiellls iiiaile oil Hie piuce uiiruiK una
'''vou are, therefore, fnrlher untitled that lhe
said allegations will be taken by this olllce as
1111x1111,' been confesviMl byoii, and jour said
entry lll be canceled thereunder without
your liirlhcr rluht to be heard therein, cither
before this ollice or on appeal, il joii fail to I le
in this ollice within twent) days alter Hie
KOl'ltTII publication of this notice, hs shown
below, your answer under oath, specilieallv
mcethiK and lespondliu,' to these al euations ol
contest, or If you fail within that time to tile
ill tins olllce due proof that ou have served a
copy of our answer on the said contestant
either in person or by registered mall. If this
service Is made by lhe delhcry of a copy o
uiur answer to the contestant In person, prool
of suuh service must be either the said con
(..slant's w rllten actnow ledmuent of his receipt
of the copy, showing the date ol Its receipt, or
the allhlavlt of the person by w hoin Hie de l v
ery was made slating when and where the
cony was delivered; If made by registered
ii Ail. prool of such sen Ice must consist ol (lie
Mllldavlt of the person by whom the copy whs
mailed slating when anil the post ntliee to
which It was mailed, and this allhlavlt must he
accompanied by the. postmaster's iccelpi for
"vou'slioiihl slate In our answer the name
of the post olllce to which juii d.udre lurtliei
notices to be sent to you. (, w M0()I!Ki
Date of llrst publication June 1ft, I'.JIl.
" ' second " " '
' third " , ' 'A
" " fourth " Jly "
n on u h-
E. E. Echelberger
jRlamsiand Estimates Furnished
mM i mm
J. H. HANER, Pres. C. WONDERLEY. Vice Pre.. L. M. BECHTELL. Sec.
The J. H. Haner Abftradt Co.
Prineville - Oregon
Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up.
Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county.
Carefully prepared photograph copies of all records and
city plats at low cost.
Foot Lotion
Sore Feet
All Summer Millinery at
25 per cent, discount.
Ladies' Furnishings be
low cost.
Come in and inspect my
Mrs. Isa E. B. Crosby
lVjfftc jfkjJW jfttJli fiii0jrjiVrtt jAtjBt nib jf! JV jJV tAi rfk xPU S jiV jfti JU A JU-jitg
Try it for sweating, scalding, foul smelling or burning
feet. If it fails, your money back. TWENTY w
F1VE CENTS by mail gets a bottle worth $5.00
Give me a chance to prove it.
(four v
tgngoig vyogc njt HfriiF fPHP -c V ( -ay gr U II1 "V- tXtt lV