a THREE TRIPS TO STORIA NTENNIAL ASTORIA BY THE SEA WHERE THE BIG CENTENNIAL WILL BE HELD n Prizes to the Ladies of Madras and surrounding Territory A Week at the big Centennial Exposition at Astoria free of all cost to three young ladies, all expenses paid by the MADRAS PIONEER HO MAY ENTER THIS CONTEST Any woman eligibilc, provided conditions set forth below are bmpiled with. Candidates must reside in the district or territory from which Iominated. No candidate will be permitted to transfer votes to nother after receiving them for herself. The right is reserved to withdraw the offer in any district Mere only one candidate is nominated or voted for. Ballots sent in for names not properly nominated will be de stroyed uncounted. A ballot will be printed every issue. The ballot will count 25 pes. All the ballots will be dated and will be void unless received I The Pioneer office on or before the exniration date as printed. W Ulots must be sent direct to the Contest Department of the Madras Pioneer, postage ftillv prepaid. No employe of The Pioneer r member of his family will be eligibilc as a candidate. f In acceDtiiw nominnlinnc .nil rnnrlirlnlnc miict nrrnnt and aorcc to We by above conditions. NOMINATION BLANK )Vritc.l)laill'y. IL ia advisable to use this blank, but nominations only Wnttcn 011 lmv ot,lur paper. Coupon ia printed for convenience I Nominate Address Dlstri t No. ' " As 11,0 mst popular enndidato in Tho M minis Pioneer Contest. Wimcd. ... Date Address Pioneer"0'"'""110" Hellt wiU count 1000 vottH if 801,1 to T'1U MaIrtt9 to . , onk,at department. Thu Mudnii Pioneer reserves tlio right iiujccuoniiblo nominations. i iii i i w i n ii i i 'i i 'i i i i iim m mt How Ballots are Secured 3 Hi In cases where ballots are issued supscribtions must be paid or prepaid. The full amount of money must be sent direct by mail, paid to local collectors or brought to this office. This paper will be delivered by mail. Besides the votes given on subscriptions, there will be a coupon published in each issue of the The Madras Pioneer, which when cut and filled in will count as 25 Votes. These coupons must be mailed or sent to The Madras Pioneer Contest Department before the expiration of the time printed on each ballot. Ballots cannot be bought; they must be cut from the paper or secured by subscription. mm A. A. Tremp, Gen. Manager Astoria Centennial Not Good After July 1 The Madras Pioneer Popular Voting Contest This Ballot Will Count For 25 Votes For District No. Address. Good for 25 votes when fdled out and sent to the Contest Depart ment by mail or otherwise on or before expiration dato. No ballot will be altered in any way or transferred after being received by Tho Madras Pioneer. In case of tho prizes of equal value will be given to each of the con testant tied. II pens Tlwrs. June 11. Con test Closes Saturday Aug. 12, 10 P. M. : For further information call at Pioneer Office, or address Contest Manager, Madras Pioneer, Madras, Or.