in- L Cross Urug Company PIu.v of accur- LP ' ..,lmft n r c- Liinns. UR ENTIRE 1 CTUUrv n(iarJ Drugs and Clicmi- t I, arc " yFaney Stationery , ... rn'M Articles and Iriumcs, 9 I ii ...nriprl line of IwNBYS CHOCLATES .,m unNS rsonal and Local I .. rt oi,niirpr Ih visitinif 'in td this week. I jsry pitzer of Grizzly was in hopping last Saturday. Lc Wlndom of Culver was in Iho Jonday atU-nuinB i" u p Chandler, of the Deschutes I Tribune, was in the city Sutur lom Culver. fGrandy, the DcntiHt, has ijono to L) for a few weeks. He will jrive i of his return. I a.C Sanford and family nr- Ihome from 1'ortlund last I-riday, g, and will make their home here tummer. M. I,. Loucks, Mrs. Prank LdandhertwodaUKhters left this for San Diego, California, to (relatives. III. Baldwin of I'rincville, was led at the last session of the Ma- Grand Lodge and made Manter ii lor me statu oi uriu". irles F. Flora, of the New Corn el Hotel, was quite badly burned aturday while cooking, although rious results arc anticipated. sKathcrine Hrogan of this city tie of the successful candidates in tt No. 2 of The Dalles Chronicle kL She won the f 100 diamond ind$25 in gold. Shaniko Star. sW. Turner made a trip to his Sat Powell llutte last Sunday, re- fa; home on the Monday morning Jlra. Turner, who had gone to ir to visit relatives, returned with Ls Rice and Jack Church were Icoming passengers hist Thursday In?. The former had been at H on business trip while Jack Returning from a vi-iL at Helling I Washington. p.Jamcs P. Read who has been at piles Hospital, is expected homo i iho recovered from tbii effects e operation which she underwent. ken became afflicted with tonsilitis, i necessitated her remaininir at Dalles. fourth of July Fares 'uiaUON trunk railroad N trip tickets Will llo colli fnr fill A ine-third fare to all points on the Inn T..l- i . I "unK UV. illll " hi Nnrili I Road, to Which llli' nni wnt fni-n IWor less, July 2, 8 and 4, return Jn,y 5- Minimum round trip fare J22-29 Drs, Ilailo & Gale hnvo installed In their ofteca ono of tho lateBt improved surgical clmlrs. John 1 Corwln of Haystack is re port ed to hnvo been stricken with pnrnlytdfl last Hundny evening, tho nt tnck coining on while ho was milking. His left eido from hiashoulkcrs down is paralyzed. J. II. Wlndom and family left Mon day by team for tho Willlametto valley to Hpend tho summer. They will first go to HrowiiBvlllc for a visit and later will rent u cottage at Newport for n formonths. I'rincville Journal. Robert A. Howes, not Elkins, was the name of tho man brought in from Madras last week who was thought to bo crazy. Dr. Holknnp examined the man mid adjudged him insane. Ho was taken to tho asylum last Friday. I'rincville Journal. Miss Ethel Kidder, a former Crook county girl, wns a member of this yenrs graduating class at the Oregon City High School. The picture of the entire group was in a recent issue of tho Oregonlan. Miss Kidder's many local friends arc glad to hear of her success. ITEMS OF INTEREST WANTED Good renter on my place. Will sell present crop as it BtandB. Eighty acres cultivated, 20 ready to plow; six miles southwest of Culver. Or will sell. j'22-29 dig. J. W. Nichols. FOR SALE Good cook Btovc. E. L. ililncr, nt flour mill. j22-pd. FOR SALE- One fresh cow, good milk er. Inquire of H. Dombrowc, two miles south of Mctoliuu. jl5-jyGpd. FOR HALE -One two year old heifer with call by her side. Price reason able. Inquire of Wm. Farrell, 0 miles north of Madras. j 16-22. FARM LOANS!! Madras State Bank. MONEY TO LOAN ON FAEMS. MudritH Btuto Hunk. See SAI'IIIU Imported Belgian Stallion will mnko Llie.tteaHOn of 1011, com mencing April 1, at tho following placet: W. I'. Moore's ranch Mon iliiysunil TuesdnyH, Mud raw. Wednes (lnyM ii nil HnlurdityH,, Meioliin, Thursday ami Fridays. Fnrmoro Htilgiun Home Co. J. A. Coulter, het'retury. in 16 FOR SALE Sow and seven pigs; also u few shotes. J. W. Warren. Mad ras. j8-15-pd. FOR SALE On easy terms, or rent, all or part of my property m Madras. Inquire of Harry G. Key. j8-29 FOR SALE One good milk cow, fresh in n few days, hiquire of C. Kt Loucks, Madras. j8-lCpd. FOR SALE fl good work horses; 4 sets double harness; 2 good wckomj. In quiro at I'ioiiKer oil Ice. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wag ons. Terms reasonable. C. E. Bye Madras, Oregon, mi6 Notice for Publication Department of tho Intot lor, United States Land Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Juno 21st l'JIl. Xotlco is hereby given thnt CATHERINE A; SMITH of Youngs, Oregon,? who, on Apt il 28th, HMO, Hindu Hoinestonil, No. 004(27, forn nw?i. and n hwAC Section 23, Township U South, Riingo II East, Willamette Meri dian has filed' notice of intention to make Final coniimitntlnn l'roof, to establish claim to the land nbovo described, before Howard V. Turner, U H. Cominissionei at ills oflleo, at JUadias, Oregon, on tho 1st day of AuguH, Hill. Claimant names as witnesses. Joseph Oswol.l, Kliner Cliristenson holh of Yoiiiivh, Oregon, and Stanley Orewell, Kred Fi.iher, liotli ot ,1ailras, Oregon. O, W. moo re, j22-j27 Register. Round Trio East Pate of Sale: fr5lJ-2.1.22, 28, 29 and 30. Ai fmt o !i 2()'2U- 27 'Md2S. AULH St l A K 1 u ii7 m 5 to jo ' ;eJtembor i, 2, 4 to 7. L Uetun "mit October . Wopovera are allowed in each Anfrinio r i , , mKB'.0rpKon, AtiP-ust 10 Sent ndfil'PP to ipet n ii poiniH are in ei- i; ; :v,ar'0s dates. Details will ""8iicu on application. Clatsop Beaoh on tho Pacific, Round Trip SSnl $J2'15- Metolius $12.30, Culver $12.45, City $12.75. Tickets sold daily from June 1st, hm returninir all snmmev. Rton-overs at Astoria. Nns leaVe8 Opal City daily 9;00 a. m., Culver 9:15 a. m , Metolius I P-uU . Ill M,l , .. 1.. 1.,.,. I n.AK i '"uumaviiu II. in,, liri lVIUli I lli nium i '. Ofeiron Trunk Railway H MICHAEL, Agent ' MAPRAS, OR. St. Paul Minneapolis Kansas City Oiniilm Duluth Winnipeg Cliicago Milwaukee Ht. Louis Denver Colo. Springs Now York 1'hlladephia Washington Baltimore Boston $60.00 $72.50 $70.00 $55.00 $108.50 $107.50 $110.00 Many other points in proportion. r HEADERSand BINDERS Now is the time to place your orders for Harvesting Machinery. We are always ready to greet you, ngurejwith you and give you any information regarding farm implements and harvesting macWnerywith all the latest improvements. Do not fail to call on us or wute to us for quotations before buying elsewhere, we can save you money. We are local agents for the following linse: McCormack Headers and Binders ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS Meyers Deep Well Pumps Fairbanks Morse and Stover Engines Prices from $65 and lip. Monarch Steel Ranges KNOWN throughout the world for durability, satisfac tion and the only steel ranges that have duplex double draft applicances. On exhibition in our center aisle. CENTRAL OREGON MERCANTILE COMPANY GENERAL MERCHANDISE MADRAS, OREGON Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between F. F Fine and J. P. Johansen has been dissolved by mutual consent. All bills aeainst the Jirm will be nam by J. f. Johnansen and all outstanding accounts will be collected by him. J. I'. JOHANSEN, F. F. Fine. Madras, Oregon, June 1, 1911. jl-22 Notice for Publication Dflnarlnieut of tho Interior. United States Lnnd Oflico nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Juno 8th 11)11. Notice is hereby given thnt U'llllnm D Snmmons, of Madras. Oregon, who, on January 2nd llKJU, made. Homestead, No. OiltiO, for lots 1, 52, 8, and i, Section 14, I'ownshln 13 South. Rango 12 East, WI1- lnmetto Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make. Final commutation l'roof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Howard W. Turner, U.S. Commissioner at his office, nt Madras, Oregon, on the 16th day of July, 1911. Clalinnnt names as witnesses: JiUwaru H. I'lke. Ira Patrick, William Mitchell, nil of Madras, Oiegon nud James I. Head, of Culver, Oregon. C. W. MOOHK, J15-Jylllo.h Register. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, United Stntes Land Ofllce at The Dalles Oregon June Cth 1911. Notlre Is hereby Riven that, as directed bv the Commissioner oi the General Land OUlee, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June '27, 1001 (31 Htats., 517). we will offer at pu blic sale, to the highest bidder, at 9 '45 o'clock a. m. on tho 7th day of August 1911. at this office, tho followinc-dcscribed land: 8WJ4, and SWU NW'4. Sec. 35 T. 10 South K. IB Hast W. M No. 070f. Any persons claiming adversely tho above described land are advised to file there claims, or objections, on or but ore the time designated for sale. - C. W, MOORE, . JlS-Jy27pd Register. Notice For Publication Isolated Tract I'uulic Land Sale Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 8th, 1911, Notice Is hereby Riven that, ai directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office under provisions of Act of Conuress approved June 'Z7, 190G 31 Stats 517, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, 9:45 o'clock a in, on the Sth day of August, 1911, at this office the follnwing-deserlbed land:. 8Wl4SWJ4, Sec. 1 and NWU 8l4, Bee. 12 T. 11 S. R. 11 East W M., Serial No. 07842 , Any persons claiming adversely tho above deicribed lajid are advised to lilo their claims, or objections, on or betore tho time designated frSHle- C.W.MOOUK. J15-jy20l'd Register Notice for Publication Dftiiartnient of the Interior, United Lnnd Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 22nd 1UI1. NiiUce Is hereby given that Carl W. Doering, of Hillinan, Oregon, who, on October 23rd, WOO, made Homestead, No. 051DI, for setf nwtf, M swK, sw setf, Section -I, Township 13 South, Rnngo 12 East, Willamette Meridian, hasliled notice of Intention to make Final commutation Pr,u.r. in establish claim to tho land above described, before I. 1. Hewitt, United States Commissioner at his office, at Red mond, Oregon, on the 3rd day ot Juiy, inn. Claimant names ns Witnesses: Kmlly Smith, Kdward Alcott, Alice Alcott, Jesso West nil of lllllman, uregon. C. W. MOORE, J-29)d Register. AUTO OWNERS I lookjiereT I am agent for two handy little de vices for holding a blowout on tlret. The Martel Vise Uoot Holder and Martel Vise Blowout Protector. M Vlilcanlitlng, no liuldo l"'V,J it I v be put un In one minute. HI'. HUIf TO HKK THEM G.W.HESS.Agl.a&SS Notice of Contest OG110--471 Department of tho Interior, United States Land Offico, The Dalles. Oregon, May 22, 1911. To llENJAMIN L. RIHlETEAU of Madras, Contestee- You are hereby notified that George Irwin, who gives Madras, Oregon, as his post-office aildress, did on March 29, 1911. file In this offico his dulv corroborated application to con tent and secure the cancellation of your homestead. Entry No. . Serial No, ObllG made March 3, 1910, for eU nw4 cecllon b, Township 10, B Itango 13, E Willamette Meri dian, and as grounds for h s contest he alleges that said entryman has never established any residence on the land or cultivated or im proved the saint In any manner and has wholly abandoned said land lor more than six months last past. . You are therefore, further notified that the said allegations will he taken by this office as having beep coufeoxed by you, and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to he heard therein, either before tills office or on appeal, If you fall to tile In this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, speclrii'ftlly meeting and responding to thei.e allegations of contest, or if ou lall within that time to tile 111 tills office duo proof that you have Mryed a copy of your answer on ssld routes ant either In liersou or by registered mallr If this service is inado by the delivery of a copy of your an swer to the. pnntUKtaiit in person, proof of such service must bo either the said contestant s written acknowledgement of Ills receipt ot t u copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the all divlt of the person by whom thu deliver) was made stating when and where tl its copy was delivered; If made by registered mall, proof of such service must conslstof the aft la lit of the pursuit by whom the ropy Mao nial cd stating when and the pot olllco to which 11 was mailed, and this affidavit must bo a -rompanled by tliu postmaster's receipt for the 1UYou should stale In your answer the name of the post olllco to which you desire future no tices to he sent to you. CWM00UE( Iteglster Date of first publication, June 1, 1911. " becoud " ',' ., third fourth 15, "jl-JIG-pd fc o n xTnwnpni F.Y. Vice Pr. L. M. DECHTELL, Sec 1 T i-r-il TTTTT A L n XX- x-v A IheJ.rl. naner adslil vu. E. E. Echelberger BUILDING CONTRATOR Plans and Estimates Furnished Office at Robinson's Garage MADRAS, OREGON June Sale Iron Beds, Tables and Dressers To make room for new stock. Special dis counts given in addition to the fine premiums we are now giving away. Save your tickets they will get you something for nothing. : : : LOUCKS BROS. &jrlijAulIulVjA( r rfW irffc ?V rfU JW -JH. A A A wtr -M. A- A Incorporated T-k..! :ii . Oreoon Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up. Abstracts of title to all real property in Crook county. j rWllu nrnared ohotocraph copies ot all records ana g - - y ritv nlats at low COSt. Use Crosby's Foot Lotion FOR Sore Feet IT CURES IT'S A LIQUID IT NEVER FAILS Try it for sweating, scalding, foul smelling or burning feet. If it fails, your money back. TWENTY -FIVE CENTS by mail gets a bottle worth $5.00 Give me a chance to prove it. A. E. CROSBY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS AND KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON imtw Ara w anyny 'tL ju t ww v v ni w m 1