HARRIMAN SCOUT TAKES THE FIELD Continued from page 1. looked upon by local railroad men a3 rather a strong indication that the proposed line directly across the state is to be included among the early construction budgets of the Union Pacific group. There have been frequent rumors that the Harriman interests might undertake this project within the next year or two, but no official statement has been given out which would indicate fiat the line would be completed in much less than thi-ee or four years. What gives color to the sug gestion that the renewed activity in railroad construction in Ore gon is an early possibility is the entirely gratifying manner in which New York and London in vestors in railroad securities r$ grabbed up the recent Union nf Vinnrls which were over-sub scribed within a few hours after they were placed on the market. The route which will be taken by Keady in his reconnoitering expedition will cover first the proposition of a branch line from some point on the Deschutes Railroad, probably Madras to Prineville. The next proposition will be in relation to the route that will be followed from the present extension of the Oregon Eastern, now being built about 35 miles south from Natron on eistward through Crook. Harney and Malheur counties over to the Oregon Short Line. This con necting link in the Harriman system will be some 250 miles in length and will cost in the neighborhood of $15,000,000. Surveys covering the east-and-west'line have been made over several alternate routes by Har riman engineers for practically the entire distance, and it is common report among railroad people that the plan of crossing Oregon with this line is to be a part of the gigantic double-tracking scheme announced last win ter by the Union Pacific directors for this line will be in a sense parallel the main line of the O.-W. R. & N. from Portland to Huntington and Ontario, and would form as direct a route from the East to Portland as the established line, and in some re pects would present lesser pro blems of engineering and con struction than did the original O. R. & N. line. Righ-of-Way Expert Keady has covered his movements with a great deal of mystery, but ad vices received here from Seattle, the Milwaukee headquarters, hinting that he expected to be temporarily relieved from duties with that system to do prelimin ary work for the Union Pacific in Central Oregon, have been cor roborated from confidental sourc es in Portland, the report being further strengthened when Keady started out with his outfit at 10 o'clock this morning. He expects to be in the interior for several weeks before making his first advance report here follow ing the opening of the fiscal year on July 1. Sanford Family Returning Mrs. A. C. Sanford and family are expected home the latter part of the week from Portland, where they have been residing during the past school year, They will again occupy their residence which is being made ready for them by Mr. Sanford Mr. Sanford is beginning to show a more cheerful spirit already at the prospect of having a home again, while many friends will also welcome the family back to Madras. Madras State Bank MADRAS, OREGON TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Money transmitted to all parts of United States and Canada J. M. Conklin, President and Gen. Man'gr : C. E. Roush, Vice-President DIHECTOK3: O. K. Koush, M. Putz, J. C. Kobinson, Uobt. Kea, J. M. Conklin HAVING Intoly eeUltMl in Or0OM, would like to near irom owuum u. farms, dry or In tented: grniK r ttintiT land?. Want BOtneUiiiiK tlint will turn Into money within the next three or four years. Only replies from owners considered. Address B, care of Madras Pioneer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. h red m,cm BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS DELIVERED E. Bercland Attorney At Law MADRAS, OREGON H. SNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Ofuce In Drug Htoro. MADRAS OREUUN H1 3H ZE3 Shamrock TOMMY McCORMACK, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars FURNISHED ROOMS New and Up-to-Date Quarters O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY INC. Wholesale liquor Dealers and Jobbers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sole Agents for Stonewall and McCoy Whiskies and the Napa Soda Springs Mineral water. Distributors for Edel Brau, Schlitz and Ranier Beers. We also carry a strong line of Glassware, Bar Towels, Playing Cards etc. specially adapted to the Saloon trade. Orders by phone or mail will receive prompt and careful attention. MADRAS, OREGON Tum-A-Lum Lumber COMPANY YARDS AT MADRAS METOLIUS CULVER REDMOND GATEWAY DEALERS IN, All kinds of Lumber And building supplies. Our prices are right, grades considered. We ask a share of your patronage. Yards located on Third street. FRANK L. WAIT, District Manager MADRAS, OREGON John T. Ross I). L. Wyltlo D. F. WyMe CROOK COUNTY ABSTAGT CO. INCORPORATED Complete tract Index to nil land mul town lots in tirooK county. Aueirutio made accurately on Short notice. PKINKVILLE, - OREGON LEWIS H. IRVING ATTORNEY AT LAW Office of D. W. Baruett, MADRAS, OREGON Ora van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE VANORA, OREGON J) W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections a Specialty. Madras. Oregon tfm P. MYERS i To All Parts of the City x Madras Oregon I jMad Excursion Fares East 19 11 FROM ALL POINTS ON- Oregon Washington Rail road & Navigation Go. Pastime Pool Hall :s A. W. GULP, Proprietor gs g tgS g g Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery Smokers' Articles, News Stand VVWr-- VXH FAHKH .... I72.M) .too.oo LAWYER TO Chicago Council Muffs Omaha , Kansas City St. Joseph Ul Paul St Paul, via Council Muffs M,J0 Minneapolis, direct 00 w Minneapolis, via Council Muffs C3 St, Louis 7000 Sale Dates May lfi. 17. 18, 19, . 21,21.2.'., 27, 88 and 2J June 6, 7, 9, , 12,10,17.21, 22. 28, M), and 30 July 1, 2, 3, 4, !, C, 19, 20, 26. 27 and 2S August 3, 4, A, 14, 15, 10, 17,21,22, 23, 28, 29 and 30 September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Stop overs within limits tn cither direction. Klnrl return limit October 31t, Oue way through California 15,00 additional, Inquire of any O. W. R. and N. Co. agent for more complete imformation or WM. McMURRAY Ocntral Passenger Agent PORTLAND, - OREGON HH City Meat Market Tim irvc in in im K',t THE KEYS BUILDING Madras, - Oregon Wholesale and Retail Dealers In IHZ WE BUY POULTRY " I T. 8. Hamilton, Tree. K. H. Fkkncii, Vice-Proa. J . C. Fowme, Cthr. TA Banking Co, FOREIGN EXGHANCE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD t I CaP" SHANIKO, OREGON CULVER JUNCTION, OREGON Practice in all courts and Department of the Interior. THE J.H. HANER ABSTRACT COMPANY Abstracts of Crook county titles, Insur ance, Conveyancers. 1'RINEVILLE. OREGON Q C. GOLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Justice of the Feaoe CULVER PRECINCT CULVER OREGON Howard w. turner U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MADRAS OREUON Balfour Guthrie Co. GRAIN Bought at all points We have on hand at all times Calcutta grain bags and Crown brand twine. Give us a call for anything in our line. Office in Madras, Oregon NOW CEST TIME of tha year to have your teeth out and plate and bridge work done and here li the place to get the heat painless work possible. Compart ur 1'ricti. We flnUh plite and bridge work for out. Of. town Dfttrona In one dr If deilred. Pelnlew attraction free when platM of bridge work li order, ed. ComulUtlon Irti. Molir Grown S5.00 22kBrMTth4.00 Gold nilingt 1.00 Eium.l Fillinri 1.00 8il.r nilinj. .50 Good Rubbor Plilei O.UU BettfiedRubber Plit.i 7.50 OR W.l. Wilt, Twain uaMuim Pitnliu Exlr'llon .50 MTI1U tmiltull II MtrilW BKST METHODS All work fully aruuronteed for flfteun jean. Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists Filling Building, Third and Wathlnfton PORTLAND.. ORE OHfco Hoiri ; I A, U. to 1 1. U. Iindari, to i (I u (I Oregon Central Lumber & Supply Co. HAVE OPENED YARDS AT Madras and Metolius Lumber Building Materia and all kinds of We will also have yards Culver, Redmond and Bend as soon as the railroad reaches those points. J. H. SCRITSMIER, Manager YARDS AT THE RAILROAD Scott E. Gordon CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Madras, Oregon Property Lines Run Townslte Surveying City Work, Maps, Plans, Estimates, Etc. NO. 3861 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON II, F, Allxn, President. T. M, IUi.dwiw, Caalilor. Will Wubzwkilkr Vice Pre. II, lULDiriN, Aut, Cajhlor, ESTABLISHED 1 88B Capital, Surplus and Undivided I'rodti $100,000.00 Ml -1 I BAKER & SON I H?i crcrt erf nt( Rxoress Transfer oo ir TO AND FROM THE DEPOT Leave Order At Commercial Club Room Prompt Service iJ t t MADRAS MEAT MARKET J. L. Campbell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers peesh nsriD cured M We have the beat line of Fresh Meats inthecounJ itt Tmmn rn mnnmi TTTIflTliri li DT TJ0 TM TI1P.1R ni l. k in iin I ik tAK km v r. rr. h niiou in i"""- ...m V UUU lllUU Ul UUIIUUII iu-.-- HORSESHOEING General Repairing Woat of Hood it Stanton's Barn THOS. H. MADDRON Madras, Oregon MADRAS LUMBER COMEM! Lumber, Shingles, Lath, and all Kinds Building Material S. O. Herman, Dift. Mgr. Yards Located South of Stock ' Yards at Madras, MetoHUs Yards, Madras Oregon Culver and Redmond. . . . . . i cn nerCorti hour foot Fir Wood Delivered ot your nouseio