. Central Oregon Land - COMPANY - DI5AU3KS IN ALL KINDS OP Lands, Loans and Investments If you want to sell list your land with us If you want to buy come and sec our list T.B. TUCKER, Manager A.C. SANFORD, Sec. and Treas. Ami Ml VANUnA We have our waterworks installed and can furnish water IV T II. for irrigation and domestic purposes. We are selling LOTS AT ACREAGE PRICES For homes, fruitgrowing and gardening purposes. Lots torn $15 TO $35 On north and south sides of the townsite. Vanora Townsite Co. VANORA, - - - OREGON Vaii Oon I nnl A. Vnii Pnn I ml An Ufl I K " I III! Ufl LIulGII But you will not find another place where you can get such $2.50 Hats - - $1.00 2.25 wool shirts ' - i-00 2.25 duck coats - - - 1.00 All mens clothing at 25 to 60 per cent off and more. We THE BLUE FR(j)NT "Cures the Blues" W. J. Cowherd, Manager. A A A .Jk A. a. a . a. a A A. A A. A A. jm. A. E. Peterson X X X Satisfaction Guaranteed & JEWELER Three Doors North of P. O. MADRAS, - OREGON Hamilion, Waltham and Elgin Watches Hamilton & Hamilton chains, charms, necklaces, bracelets, Iavalicrs, chatelaine pins and brooches MACHINE BLAOKSMITHING Horseshoeing a specialty wagon & carriage works ALL WORK GUARANTEED WITHIN REASON Mad J. P. JOHANSEN THE UNCANNY STRANGER By SHIELD ESTHER DUNN Copyright by American Presg Asso ciation, 1911. In the good old colony times when travelers, Instead of Hplnnlng along smoothly In a parlor car, were bumped over dirt ronda In a Btngeconcu on the post road between New York and Boston, In the stato of Connecticut, there stood a tavern. Beforo It swung a sign on which, under a portrait of King Georgo III., wero tho words "The Royal Arms." In tho room which In thoso days was called "the bar" sat a number of persons, somo drinking from pewter mugs. "Tho up coach will bo late tonight," said tho landlord, going to the door and looking out "Tho road Is bad enough at any time, but on such a night as this It Is well nigh ImpaBS nblc." As ho spoko a gust of wind shook tho building, and thoso In tho room fortified themselves with a pull at tho mugs before them. "A bad night to be on tho road," said a man In a brown coat and buff breeches. "And a merry ono for ghosts," put In a red headed, blear eyed person whoso wig, being awry, gave evidence that bo had drank too much. Thoso about him looked at him pro testlngly and with something of a wo. "If there's any of 'em about," spoke up a fresh Importation from the Em erald Isle, "you're the first of us that they'll be vlaltlnV A creaking and a splashing were heard without, and the coach drew up to the door of the tavern. A man of somber appearance descended from tho vehicle and stalked Into the bar. Ills eyes were set deep In his bead and surrounded by dark circles, his cheek bones high, complexion a whitish gray. "Luggage, sir?" said tho landlord Inquiringly. "Luggage! I need no baggage. 1 wish lodgings for the night only, and on the morrow I shall proceed on my Journey." The stranger attracted the attention of every one present. "There's something queer about him," whispered the man In the brown coat to the Irishman, who was cross ing himself with bis finger under bis coat. The landlord, wbo was looking over the keyD to bis rooms wltb a view to selecting one for the stranger, turned and said: "No chamber vacant tonlgbt, sir. Sorry." "I sleep tonight," replied the guest, "In No. 12." His back was turned to all save the landlord, so that no one could see his face, but they all Baw the landlord turn palo and take down the key to No. 12. The stranger took It, put It In hla pocket and, Bitting down at a ta ble, called for a glass of hot punch. In a corner sat a young man with a hook nose, a little newspaper and a mug of grog before him, wbo did not seem to share the superstitious dread of tho others for tho mysterious stran ger. Instead or snivenng una jouub man looked at him almost Insultingly. Tho somber man returned bis gazo with bis great melancholy eyes, out failed to strlko terror Into him. "What d'yo mean," whispered tne Irishman, "by angerln' the man? Meb- be he's a ghost." "Qhostl" replied the otuer contemp tuously. "I'll pull his noso for a smi ling. There are no such things as pliosls." . ....... Tho somber man turnea. xou would pull my noso for a shilling?" bo ppIajI his deeD set eyes lighting up with a flare. "I'll give you a chance to pull your grandfather's nose ror tu. xt rmnrlfnther bns been dead these thirty years and la not likely to come back to earth for tne purpose oi ba ting his noso pulled." "For 20. I say, I'll have bim bere. If I fall, 20 Is yours." "1 bavo but Bs. oa. win wai serve i "No. Now cease your talk." wnmn nfilchbors." said Ihe man with tho hook nose, "can't you help me to show up this pretender mm Pimiilliv of those present over balanced tbclr superstition, and they began to feel in their pocKets iur cuiuo. irn,.ntT nnnnds was made up among them, each man to receive as much In addition at tho winning of the bet as bo put in, and banded to tuo man wuu tho hook noso. Tho stranger produced as much. "Who shall hold the Btakes7' asked the hook nosed man. "Hold them yourself." "Will not ono of tho gentlemen do as well?" . ,,,, "No; you nlono will know which wins " "All right." And the hook nosed man pocketed tho money. "Now," said tho Btranger, handing him his key, "go to No. 12 and stay ,!... nt fho het Is won or lost Tho hook nosed man did as he was bid, and tho stranger, silting uowu ... io trnfimt. nnnnrently sank Uiu wui n- . . . - Presently a ternuit shriek was heard on the floor above It .nnnni.i npnln and ucaln. When Wtl3 I ll'vuvvu o . . ..... in i. inr had mastered their torror they rushed upstairs to opeu tho door of No. 12. H wan bolted. Tho shrteks had ceased. Then .!. Inrwllnrrt brOUGllt HD BX and bat- : , .t. nnr Tho room was tcrou iu iuu n mim siisnleion began to tako im.il --- - . hold of those present that they had keen swindled, uunning uuwu .. tho bar, they found that vacant also. Tho spalpeenB," cried tho Irishman, Man Insane A mun whose name is believed to be George Elkins was taken into custody here Sunday even ing exhibiting signs of insanity. He laid down on the track in front of the Oregon Trunk passenger just south of the depot that evening and wanted to fight the engine. He later had a mix-up with Jim Maddron whom he ac costed while the latter was hunt ing rabbits in company with his two little girls. Jim hit him a crack on the head with his shot gun and Elkins let him alone. Marshal Taylor and Deputy Sher iff McTaggart went after Elkins and put him in the city jail. It was thought that a rest might restore his mind to a normal condition, but he grew worse Monday night ahd waked the town with his hideous cries. He was taken to Prineville Tuesday and turned over to the county authorities. Elkins has been a laborer on the construction work here. Nothing is known of his relatives. New Hotel Opens The "New Commercial Hotel" which is under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flora, formerly of Bremerton, Wash., has opened its dining room, in the new building near the Ore gon Trunk depot. As yet the building is not' completed but rooming accommodations will be ready soon. Mrs. Flora will have personal charge of the kitcken, and the house calculates to serve popular meals to the local people as well as to cater to the traveling public. The build ing is being finished up in an at tractive manner, and the new hotel promises a first-class ser vice in all respects. There will be sixteen chambers in the se cond story, eight of which will be equipped for heating. Baby Dies Ruth, the two year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Davis died in Madras yesterday morning of a combined attack of whooping- cough and capillary bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Davis recently came here from Michi gan to look for land and the father had gone as far as Bend but was called back when the child's condition became danger ous. The remains will be buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery east of town. An Off Day Last Sunday was an "off day" for the fishe'rmen, very few of he many who went to the river meeting with any luck. ihe trout flies are about all gone and the fish have not yet got into the labit of jumping for flies. Now it's up to some of those expert fisherman to catch grasshoppers for bait or to get the fish to take heir artificial flies. Some fish erman are having success in the use of a spinner the last few days. Plan to Give Social The Madras Band is arranging to give a basket social and enter tainment at an early date, to raise lunas lor tne suppm o vi the organization. Charlie Eagles, Luther Cowherd and R. E. Steele have been named as a committee to have charge of the arrange ments, and the date of the doings will be announced shortly. Christian Church The theme of discourse at the Christian church for next Sun day will be: 11 a. m., "The Paramount Issue With Chris tians." 8 p. m., "The Mission of the Christian Religion." Bible school at 10 a. m. Charles A. Sias. National Educational Association San Francisco, July 6-U. For parties desiring to attend the above meeting a special round trip rate of one an I one-third fare has been made by the Oregon-Washington Rail road and Navigation Company from all points on its lines in Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. Tickets on sale June 22nd, July 1st and 6th. With going limit July 10th, and final return limit Sept. 15th, 1911. Stop overs allowed at Portland and south thereof within going and returning limits. Choice of routes via steamer from Portland at slightly reduced fares. For more detailed information fares, etc. Call on any Local Agents of the O. W. R. & N. Co. jl-jl6. Barkley's delivery team engaged in a lively runaway last Thursday evening, when the express wagon was loaded with a lot of bedding, etc. They took a turn around the Pioneer office and scattered mattresses and other house hold goods all over the town. The team was finally stopped before any serious damage was done. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Not C.ial Land Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon May 9, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Olhce, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (31 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest i Id der, at 11:00 o'clock a.m., on the 11th day of July, 1911, at this office, the following described land: nwj sw i section 8, T. 12. S., It. 14 E., W. M. Serial No. 07209. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file tiieir claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. O. W. MOORE, m25-j29chg Register Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Not Coal Land Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (31 6ta s., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bid der, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. on the 14th day day of July, 1911, at this office, the following-described land: si'Jf n'K section 20, T. 13 S. R. HE., W. MT Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claim?, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. W. MOORE, ni25-J15np Register. Notice For Publication. Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, United States Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon, May 12, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Laud Ofllce. under provlsious of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1900 (51 Btats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 9:30 o'clock, a. m , on the 27th day of July, 1911, at this ofttce. the following-de-cribed land: ie &e4 Sec. 3, T. 11 S. K. 13 E. W. M., serial No. 075'iO. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated '0r!ia,- C.W.MOORK. ni25-jl20pd Register Notice For Publicalion, Isolated Tract Puhlio Land Sale Department of the Interior, United Sta'es Land Office at The Dulles, Oregon May 15th, 1911. Notice is hereby given that, as dlrecte by tho Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1908 (31 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bid der, at 9.45 o'clock a. in., on the S.d day of July 1911 at this offic-, the the following described land: nwH iteW and ne nwjf, Sec. 29 T. 11 South Rango 16 East V. M., Serial No. 07115. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land aro advised to tile ili..lr piniins. or obiectlona, on or before the time deslgua cd for sale. C. V. MOORE, ni25-j29-pd Register Notice for Publication Departing lit of tlu Interior, United Stnte.i Land .Office at The DjJIe.s, Oregon, May 22ml 1911. Notice is hereby given that ALHEUT D. THAYER of Madras, Oregon, who, on October 22nd 194, inado Homestead, No. 1 387(1 Serial, No. 03330, for w)i iieif, m lie', and netf M'K, Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 14 East. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make Final live-year Proof, to establish claim lo tho land above described, before Howaid W. rumor, U. 8. Commissioner at hit office, at Madras, Oregon, on the 3ul da) ot July, 1911. Claimant names as witnesse : Elmer Mathers, of Yo.ings, Oreg u, Fied Fisher, Henry Wilson, Snowden A. White, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MOO E, m25-j29 R, Kilter. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Not Coal Lund Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1911. Notice Is h -reby olven that, as directed by the Commissioner of Ihe General Land Office, under provis o s of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906, 34 Stats., 517, we wUI offer at public sate, to the highest bidder, at 10:15 o'clock a.m. on the 11th day of July, lull at tlilsoffi e, the follow ing described land: n nwjf aiction 11, township 12, south range 15 East Willam ette Meridian, serial No. 07219. Any persons claiming adveisely the above-describid land are advistd to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. W. MOORE, jl-29 Register. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Not Coal L'uul Departniei t of the Interior, United 8Utes Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that, asdbected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1900 31 Stats., 517, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bid der, at 10:30 o'clock a. in., on the 11th day of July, 1911, at this office, the following described land: sswj section 3, town ship 12 south, range 15 East, Willamette Meridan Serial No. 07220. Any persons claiming adversely the above-describe 1 laud are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or beforo the time designated for sale. O. W. MOORE, Jl-29 Register. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Not Coal Land Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 10, 1911. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the ConimKsIoner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved Jnne27, 19U6 (34 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bid der, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on the 25th day ol July, 1911 at this ofllce, the following described land: neifseu; section 1. T 12 R. 14 E., and nwK sw section 6, T 12 S., R. 15. E., W. M. Serial No. 07305. Any persons claiming adveisely the ibovc-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated lor sale. O. W. MOORE, jl5-jl22 pd Reg.ster. Fine Takes Gray Shop P F. Fine, who up until last week was associated with J.-P. Johansen in the old Tucker & Culp shop, has taken possession nfthe Stanley Gray blacksmith cimn and will hereafter conduct fhiit bus ness. Mr. uray win devote his time to his automobile business. Pianos For Sale ...l rnn,i rnliablo nianos for sale . ior. in S2K0. See Fred Feuerbach, ttQt Ha has Bomo attractive bargains. " JiJ?!L. S7Tr GAT.rc Snw and Beven pigs; also W. Warren. Mad- Notice for Publication Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon way 22ml 1911. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLES McKENZlE of Grizzly, Oiegon, who on, June za u 1900. made Homestead, No. 15229, Serial No. 03942, for s Section 24, Township 12Souta. Range 15 East, Willamette Mel t dian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final llvo.ye.ir Proof, to establish claim to the land ubovo described, before Howaid IV. Turner. U. S. Commissioner nt ills Liquor Petition To the Honorable Counts Court of the State of Oregon for Crook Com ty: no. me unaersignca, . hi voters ot .sn wood I'recinrt, Crook County, Stale of Oregon, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to grant a license to K. D. Gonser to sell spiritu ous, malt and vinous liquors and fermented eider, commonly called hard cider, in quanti ties less than one gallon iu Ashwood Precinct, Crook County, State of Oregon, for a period of one year from and alter the 5th day of July, Alien Maclonuan Fred McAuley Jim Mullnrky t, u anon U alter Marnh rson (!E Sandy t urossivnite It Bapters 0car E Marshall John Green 1) a Hamilton J G Clark K D Huston H C Grater 11 Finuell Thos Marshall E K Cr-nvley II D Maupin Archie Mel'herson W H Doak J G Ilrouan Joel McColltim J W McCoilum Alexander Collett J W Hale Chas II Mcfollum J A Oonser ss Erne t Vt ooj Ml to Wood F T Doak E D Oonser J T WIshart Kdrant II L Hawlev H C lleuton C 1' Maupin Oliver McCoilum Charles Swanson Thomas Lewis State ol Oregon county ol crooit Notice is nireuy given uy me unucrsiencu. one of tho petitioners above named, that the foregoing petition lor a license to sen spirit uous, malt and vinous liquors aud fermented cider, in quantities less than one gallon in Ash wood i'recinrt, Crook County, Oregon, for a period of ono year from and alter the oih day of July, ltfll will be presented to the Hon orable County Court ol Crook County, Oregon, on the 5th day of July 1911, at the county court room in I'rineville, Oregon, at which time and placo, the petitioners will apply to tne saiu court lor a license as prayeu iur in saiu petition. E. D. GONSEXt Liquor Petition Ernerst Hiebor Walter Macpherson W W Smith Alex MaoLennan onU, at Madias, Oiegon, on the 3rd day of ffi'&'X" July, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: L. H, Hamilton, Sam W. 0 mpton, Porter Qulnn, Robert Rland all of Grizzly, Ore gon. C. W. MOORE, ni25-J29 Register. To the Honorable County Court nf the Stato of Oregon for Crook Comity, July Term: We the undersigned legal voters of precinct No. 11, ol Crook comity, state of Oregon, re spectfully petition your honorable body to grant a llrunse to J, v. McCoilum to cll spirit uus, malt or vinous liquors or fermented cider, commonly known as hard elder, In quantities less than one gallon, in Product No. ll, known as Ashwood precinct, Crook county, state of Oregon, for the period of one j cur, with the privilege of paying quarterly. Patrick llellly John Creegau J T Wfshart Chas Campbell Forest Coe H. K Hears II Hirocker O E Marshall Frank Harbor Howard Maupin J W Klklns Pat Charles Alexander Collett Thomas Marshall C O Wright II 1, Uawluy it L Grant J c Brogun E II (looser 0 P Maupin J W Halo Hamucl Smyth John McLennan O C Short Jl-W 'it a 41 ras, Oregon "they've done ua ineganu