The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 25, 1911, Image 5

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    . i 4 A t t a.
J Cross Drug
ake?a specialty o. a
i. ,nmoounding P r c -
' l!nft.
I Clicmi-
n...,i ntui most x
I, afe the i u.. j
rArancv uiui.wv
.1 . A t. nrll M.
L.MAAe i u v,i - A
ii ...iwl li'nfi of r.HOCI-A'I F:S
. I nnnl
5011(11 anu luuub
- vv was in the city from
in - . .
. ri... irnttii
. . i in n Huinir inn iu
iatllOlU Jliuui; "jn '
mi. iwilnv on buaincH.s.
... d kin returned from I'ort-
i.m he sncnt several (lnyH mm
ey G. A. McKnrlnnc of Rcl
jhereMomlny on profHHionii!
II W. Turner went to Culver
...i ..I... mill vim!
1 II ... anniullMT UOVPTlA (lllVH
IXJVCilll a d".iiumi(, " -
jprings on Warmsprintf Indian
Nichols came in iruni nujn-n
.. .twl fnnk vntttftrilllV
n(T H Till 11 1U1 lit-
lt.l-.iL .n,l. ilniil iimMf ill liltl
H An id nil inn i ininiii'rjiiiiit;r. nun
a in I) iu rviuiiiuiii iiiim iiiin
,i i.. I ...Ml I...
i i.
Barber was in from Lulver
ii i i r
V HILHT1I1 Ilir III I ll i M ll I MM. UIII 13
netgnDornoou arc locming imu
np ruin .
II rr i . i i t .. .1
Droneriv. rciurncn 10 i b nomo
iHIll Vl'hl ITI1J1 V It I I lr HI II Mil 1 1 1I r
1 UVI III 1 1 I W f I
Ii, Scully, renrescntinfr the Cen-
. Roush and II. W. Turner ro-
Fridav CYPnimr from Pnrllimil
tliey were in attendance at the
U n ilson of The Dalles is
I relatives and friends in the
anil .nmrmtii r,,,,l,l,,l,rl
...... uiimi iiw llliui HUllUf),
she formerly resided.
1 I 11-!. I-.. ... . , .
. u. inuuy, n. ii. nnu John
nd Miss Opal Clark were in
o'S auernoon irom the Priday
onlroutCreek atteiidinfj to busi-
Williams late of Seattle
n'o Central Oregon on his first
j. nU KApucis 10 urins in
Hwell drillintr ma-liinery
-r-.".- in mm Beeiion.
P. Irving left the latter part
week on nim. i.. i ..I.. . ..
M, ivilKU couniv.
P BIM. .
, "wis lor the seltle-
""wnicn he made application
c months since.
'"Barnes, who has heon in thn
M the Hed C,ma n nil I '
in l , wiu vuill
'tCllmonil Ima ,.(... i . ,
'viuiiiuumo nian-
C Rlnrn ...1 I ...
" 1,118 l!"'P""y
n3uclmK t Hedmond has been
Meenof Lamontn w... i,rn
y evenin,, , .
tti u" s vvay to Tlio
Jre he Kocs t consult a
JU n troublcBomo jrrowtl.
f;VnBin the lert side of his
Browth hemii, iw,.
?" "uu 'r. McMn,,,, !...
( ?ft l. "
-wra the exact nature of
; jf: Past year
tlio Jeure uio
, v ",umii. i. ,.v,.,.io
-v;m, Inn !,.
'-Hwiaiist comintr '
M8e- Dr. 7nU 1 w 1(1
he i... . "Ia work is
Ui. . or fkir: ho is
TI)n,lBB ,,,ul
nn.. ""ureti nnt onlB
nd3,"'e coutry about. Ask
Next Ttiesdny, Mny 30, in decorntion
B. A. Chandler, publisher of the Cul
ver Deschutes Valley Tribune in in the
city today on business.
Mrs. M. VnnTiiKBol am! daughter
were in town today shopping from
their home near Opal City.
The following final five year home
stead proofs were made, this week be
fore United .States Commissioner
Turner: Hilas While, Louis Volrath
and Max Wilson.
Joe Warren has contracted with the
Central Oregon Well company for the
drillintr of a well on his rnnch a few
miles east of .Madras. The work is lobe1
done right away.
Paul C. Hates, of Portland, who has
largo land interests iu this section, has
been visiting bis holding this week, and
arranging for the cultivation of his
land this spring and summer.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank lirfoman of
Prineville and Mrs. 0. (J. Collver of
Culver were in town, today. Mr. and
Mrs. Hoffman are visiting friends at
Culver, where they formerley resided.
Messrs. A. W. Gulp and T. B. Tucker
and their families are spending several
days camping on Crooked river below
tho Cove orchard, where they are en
joying the matchless fishing afforded
by that stream.
J, J. Hinton returned the early part
of the week from a trip through
Canada, iu the Provinces of Alberta,
British Columbia and Vancouver Island,
Joe says Central Oregon is a pretty
good place to live after all.
Madras Camp No, 8820, Modern
Woodmen of America, will give a grand
ball in Sanford's bull in Madras, to
morrow, Friday evening. May 20.
Members of the committee are work
ing energetically to make the occasion
a great success and there is prospects
of a large crowd being in attendance.
Music will be furnished by athrec-picfo
orchestra and dancing will continue us
late as the crowd desires.
Cool Dress Goods
A visit to our dress goods de
partment will convince you that
we have the right goods at the
right prices. A large variety of
patterns and materials, direct
from the eastern markets, and
the prices this season are con
siderahly lower than last season.
Ginghams Ge up, Flowered
lawns from 8 l-3c up. Calicoes,
chambrays, zephyrs, Scotch plaid
novelties, etc.
Straw and Mexican Hats
15 cents. Just the thing for
warm weather. All the latest
styles and at prices that cannot
help pleasing both parties (rich
and poor)
New Felt Hats
Just off the latest blocks and
ready for all kinds of heads.
Many snappy styles, nifty colors.
Dandy wear.
Work and Dress Shoes
We want to make special men
tion of these facts: First, that
We have the largest shoe stock in
town. Second, that our shoes
are all guaranteed against im
perfections in workmanship and
material, thus assuring you en
tire satisfaction.
See our latest novelty Oxfords,
for men and women. They will
surprise you.
Fishing Tackle
Get ready to fish now. We
can supply you with all kinds of
fishing tackle, such as reels, rods,
flies, hooks, spoons, etc.
New Spring Suits
Positively we have the largest selection and neatest styles
in Men's, Boys and Youths suits this season we have ever shown
in Madras. Prices and quality combine, fit and satisfaction
guaranteed. If we can't fit you from stock we will take your
measure. Latest swatches always on display.
High grade, natural tone talking and singing
Machine FREE to every customer whose cash
purchases amount to $50. But customer must buy
27 double disc records at 65c each at the time
machine is received.
A carload of Page wire fencing has just arrived
Building Notes
The work on the Gateway
Hotel, the new brick is progress
ing rapidly, although the in
ability to get certain materials is
more or less delaying the con
struction. During the past week
ten carloads of material that
will go into the building have
been received. Three of these
carloads were lumber, three of
pressed brick for the south and
west facings, two carloads of
cement, one of lime and one of
iron for the glass front fittings.
The walls have been completed
up to. the lower level of the win
dows, the floor joists have all
put in and the work is now held
up awaiting the arrival of mater
ial for the false flooring. This
material is expected in a few
days and from that time on
there is expected to be no halt in
the completion of the building.
The work that has been done on
tho building thus far by the
Bentley Construction company
indicates that no expense is being
spared to make the hotel one of
the finest of its class and one
that will be a credit to the whole
of Central Oregon for years to
Construction of an addition to
the Madras Flouring Mill has
been commenced, which when
completed and additional machin
ery" installed will enlarge the
capacity of the mill from a 50
barrel to a 75-barrel per day
and also provide for additional
storage room. The Madras mill
has been enjoying a splendid
business and while the present
addition there will be more than
the demand for flour at present
calls for, Manager II. F. Diet
zel says that by increasing the
capacity of tho mill he will be
able to produce flour at less ex
pense, and also has in view the
future growth of the business.
Harry G. Key is having a neat
cottage constructed on his prop
erty on south Main street, which
will be for rent.
Attorney E. G. Bergland has
had a small office building built
just south of the post office,
which he will occupy with his
law office as soon as completed.
Fred Davis's harness business
has outgrown its present quar
ters and an additional room has
been built in the rear to accom
modate the work shop and supplies,
It will be to your advantage to inspect
our stock If you are in the market for
We have an entire new line at right prices
Cor, First and H Sts., near Oregon Trunk Depot MADRAS, OR
ta im an .a mi bp nil un un bo a no m n in m$
E. E. Echelberger
Plans and Estimates Furnished
Office at Robinson's Oarage
tii an us mi mi im mi un pu iin mi na n na H in m
Rose FesTival, Port
land June 5, 1911
Portland a'id Return
Madras $8.15, Metolius $8.30, Culler $850, Opal City
$8.75 Tickets sold June 5, 7 and 9, Return limit June 1 2.
San Francisco and Return
Madras $34.85, Metolius 35.00, Culver 35.20, Opal City
35.45. Tickets sold Juoe 1 6 and 1 7. Return limit July 31 .
Also sold June 22, July 1 and 6, return limit Sept. 15. Via
steamers in one or both directions south of Portland 85 cents
less than fares given above. Stop-overs permitted at and
south of Portland.
Clatsop Beach on the Pacific, Round Trips
Madras $12.15, Metolius 12.45, Culver 12.30, Opal
City 1 2.75. Tickets sold daily from June 1 st; good returning
all summer. Stop-overs at Astoria.
Astoria Centennial
Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 10-Sept. 9. Lew round trip fares
to and from eastern points are in effect on various dates.
Details will be furnished on application.
Train leaves Opal City daily 9:00 a. m., Cclver 9:1 5 a. m.
Metolius 9:30 a. m., Madras 9:45 a. m., arriving Portland
7.45 p. m.
R. E. MICHAEL,, Agetft
P. O A I C
Your Orders Prompt Attention
I Transient Stock Given Best Of Feed And Care :
L. J
TfiLjtUifU JW ifit JU AAi&i8AAAAAAAAiflci8)i)t affcf lfk affa A
. ii wmnnr'ni rf ip.. n... I M nC OWTELL. SeC. ik
y J, 11. I, l ies. wuw.mxi, vice rici. u, ih.w-v-
The J. H. Planer AbftracT: Co.
Prineville - O.-egon
Capital slock $5000.00 Surplus $3000.00 fully paid up.
AKuJraris of title to all real property in Cr ook county.
Carefully prepared photograph copies ; of .all records and
Y city plats at low cost. A
Use Crosby's Foot Lotion
Sore Feet
Try it for sweating, scalding, foul smelling or burning
feet. If it fails, your money back. TWENTY -FIVE
CENTS by mail gets a bottle worth $5.00
Give me a chance to prove it.