THE ORIGINAL TOWIMSITE MADRAS $7 00 Lots 25X100, 25X140 and 50X100 Feet and Up According to Locati , i .. . if .. r i i . ii .i i . J 11 A A 2 n flipin Hint now is flip firm In orr in nn ik i n Are you a HHUS I hK ,or yur nome Clty " s. wrlte yur Mends and ten mem wnai we are uouiy m ivi i w - - . - 0-. ... K,ounu 0 ,. come to MADRAS, tell them to tell their friends friends to come to MADRAS, Your good Old home MAUKAb, I Hfc rLAlft TO LIVE AND PmZI OREGON REALTY SYNDICATE, (ING.,) Cor. T & 5tli Sts.( MADRAS Personal and Local 928 Chamber of CommercR. Piirtuuh. - w uii ii un ii ' bnilll. ii ""I Roy Brown of Culver was in town on business yesterday. Steve Yancey was here from Prme ville looking after a freight shipment. Attorney and Mrs. W. P. Meyers of Culver were in the city yesterday after noon shopping. A. W. Poyce and fam ly were in from their home at Haystack the first of the week in their new auto. James T. Robinson one of the promi nent ranchers of Haystack, was in town yesterday evening attending to business. Mrs, O. G. Collver and daughter, Miss Ruth, were in Madras Monday attending the Barnett-Reed birthday celebration at the Barnett home. A. C. Sanford is in Portland on busi ness and is visiting with his family, The latter expect to return to this city to reside at the close of the Portland school year. Mansel Wheeler and wife spent last night in town on their way to Colfax, Wash., where relatives of Mrs. Wheeler reside. Mrs. Wheeler expects to enter a hospital there for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Loucks and Miss Katie Clark left Tuesday for Portland, where they will make their home. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs, Loucks intend to conduct a rooming house in that city, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cook, father and mother of W. H. Cook of the W. F. Hammer company are here on a visit to their son from Arleta. Oregon. Last Sunday they spent the day at Warm spring Agency, the guests of Dr. C. J, Laffin., Ex-Sheriff White of Linn county, has been retained by the Konoway AVare- house conpany as manager at this place The foreman in the warehouse will be Mr. Brown of Ontario, where he has had several years experience in the wool warehouse business. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Root, who for the past 2 and one half years have re sided on a homestead claim near Culver and who recently disposed of their 're linquishment to Mrs. L. M. Meyers, expect to leave shortly for Kalispell, M mtana, to make their home, that be lli the home of their daughter. a If Puikey of Agency Plain was called into service by the superintend ent f the construction on the Oregon Trunk wagon road from Mecca to the top of Hie rim the lirst of the week, to stake out the turns for the passing of eight horse freight teams. Alf deliver ed the goods alright and the work is to be done in accordance with his sug gestions. He was selected on account of his experience as a long line "skinner." ' I Philadelphia Company Buys Hobson & Hobson report hav ing gone to Redmond on Satur and sold to the Northwest Town- site company of Philadelphia a j 40 acre tract near the Oregon Trunk depot there. The North west Townsite Company are heavy dealers in town property and never yet have made a mistake in their selection of towns to operate in. They have just finished surveying 45 acres just south of Depot Addition to Madras that Jesse Hobson sold them in November last. This tract will be made ready for sale at once. Farm and Garden SELLING EARLY POTATOES. Diversified farming and crop ro tation are the best antidotes for farm mortgages. DUST LAYING. Oil Ueed by Canadian Town to Sprinklo Streets. Consul Augustus G. Soyfert of Owen Sound. Out., says that "the sandy lake shore soli upon which Owen Sound is located results In very dusty streets. No mutter how much rain falLj or how much water Is sprinkled on the streets In an hour thereafter the dust becomes a nuisance uud a menace to health. To overcome this the municipal authorities ex perlmented with oil. which proved such a success that now all the prln clpal streets In the town are oiled These thoroughfares are macadamized and are flrst swept clean and the oil put on immediately after with the sprinkler. "The objection at first was that the odor from the crude oil was offensive, but In a day or two this disappeared, and the change for the better to dust less streets was recognized by all. The first application of oil lasted sIn weeks, and the second application was nut on the other day. and what were some of the dustiest streets an now perfectly dustless. "The town officials state that It will be an annual saving of .?:i,000 over the old water system and at the tsume time give" much better results." Marketing Through Shipping Associa tions Explained by Government. The perishable nature of the Inimn ture potato renders It necessary to place It upon the market In such quan titles only as will admit of Immediate consumption. Producers In regions where the growing of early potatoes has been extensively developed appre ciate this and have provided for. this condition by organizing shippers' asso ciations through which the crop Is graded, often trademarked, and distrib uted chiefly in carload lots. The offi cers of the association, being lu con stant .telegraphic communication with the various markets, are thus Informed regarding the most satisfactory des tination for every consignment which may bo necessary. It Is the purpose of these associations, however, to con duct their business In such n way that the product can be sold f. o. b. ship ping point instead of by consignment, and the best organized associations nre usually able to do this. The great aiU'antage of such n sys tem of selling Is that It enables the brokers in n small city or town to buy direct from the producer Instead of through another city broker. It en- Notico for Publication. Department of the Interior, Pulled Slides I.andOillco (it The, Dalles, Oregon, A'tl Hill, Notice is hereby Riven Hint of Minims, Oregon, wlio. on November Ut, ISM, niiicle Homestead, No. MUM. Serial No. ftWM. lor Hh'i, Sectional. Townsdiip 11 Hoitlh, limine H Kum, Wlllnnietiu .Merldan, Huh Mien noiieu 01 intention to make riant Ihe yenr 1'roof, to ei- .luliii tn Ihii hind iihovo described before Howard W, Turner, If. H. jotninii"dnner at his ollice nt Minims, Oregon, on thciMrd iltty ol .May, lull. , .... I'lnliiiimi mum' as witnesses: Mor. iill Irwin Frank J. t'nrwin. William It.' Cook, John MeKlroy nil of Madras, Oregon. C, W. M00RK, n20 mlS Register. Notice for Publication IKOUTKI) Tit 1'1'llUC UNI) B ACT MX Deiinrtinrnt of the l.iuiil Olllee. There are no slums In the coun try, no ward licelctu, no dives, no houses of infamy,, no schools of crime. Rut there nre Indescrib ably awful roads, especially In the winter. I Dentistry See Dr. Grandy, the local dentist, about your teeth. ml8-lt pd Eye Specialist Coming Dr. A. L Golder, eye-sight specialist of The Dalles will be at the Hotel Mad ras Thursday and Friday, June 1 and 2, to fit glasses. Dr. Golder is a graduate of the beBt schools, ai.d his work is eiual to the best in Portland. Dr, Gjider is no peddler or fakir; he is permanently located at The Dallea and his fitted over six hundred patients there and in the country about. Ask your friends. ml 8-25 o u o t n w 0 Millinery AH the latest styles in up-to-date millinery. Call and inspect my stock. Mrs. Isa E. B. Crosby HORSES LOST Dark brown mare, harness marked, and black three-year old gelding, both branded with pipe brand, strayed from Bob O'Donnell ranch on Deschutes near mouth of Trout creek, six weeks ago Reward of $20 offered for the return of the horses to J. H. Stuart, Youngs, Oregon. m'8-j8-pd FOR RENT The north half of the Tom Burden place, the couth half of the Joe Arney place and the east forty acres of the John Gard place; lmd to he summer fallowed. Anyone wanting to rent same or part of it write to Henry Binger, 02527 Madelia street, Spokane, Wash. ml8 It Notictf For Publication ItKI'l'llMCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllee at The Dalles, Oregon, Mureli '.'3, l'JIl Notice is hereby given that JOHN J. BOTH MAN' of Jlndrai, Oregon, who, on June 4th, 111 10, made linmetea! N'o. OHMS, for HKli SVJ.4, MV)4 SK'i.See. .'. and Nhi4 KW!, N W'4 NKIJ, .-eetlon u i. .i.i.. ii u ii.,;,.... iviii.nn. O, 1 11-111 I l 11 .-1111,11, lI.ll- .......... luetic Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention to make llnal eonimtitallon prooi, to esiaonsn cliilin to the land ahne. lleserlbed. helore Ho ward V. Turner, V. S. . Commissioner, at his olllee at Madras, Oregon, on llnj ifJtli day of May l'JIl. Claimant names aa wttnespes! Charles V. K. Koole, II. M. (jardncr, all of Madras, Oregon. a'JU ma C. W. MOOKK, Heglster Notice lor Publication. Department of the Interior, Hulled State Land olllee at The Dalles, Oregon, April 'JOtli, l'JIl. Notice Is hereby given that WAU'KK DAKKAIt, of Madras, Oregon who, on June "ill UK) I, made Homestead, No. IXM Serial, No. OSiltt, for Hi. SW'i, and Hi.. HICi ., ectlon Towmhlp 10 huntli, Ifange 11 Kasl, Willamette, Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final lire year proof, to establish claim to the land above deseilbed, before Howard W. Turner, II. H. Coininlssioiier at his olllee, at Madras, Oregon, on the .'list iluy of May, l'JIl Claimant names us 'witnesses: James, Henjamln T. l'reston, William II. Htonehoclcr, W. Uleun Loucks all of Madras, Oregon. a27-nii!5 C. W. MOOKK, Kcglsler. jNotice For Publication. (Isolated Tract) 1'UIII.IC I.ANll b.u.i:. Department of the Land Olllee Interior. United Hlnles Dalles, Oregon April 21, ItKADV From bulletin of agriculture. J FOR THE MAItEET. United States department MADRAS. ORE. Notice for Publication (Isolated Tract) I'l'iil.ic Land Haik No, 071 i:i Dep.ntiirMit of the Interior, United Stat k Land olllee ntTlie Dalles, Oregon, May tith, Kill. N tice is lieieby given that, as directed hv the Oonniiksloiicr of I ho General Land Ollice, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 7, I'M) (Hi BtuU, 517), we will oiler nt public snle, to the highest, bidder at it. 15 o'clock a. in., on tliu27lh day of June l'.Ml at this ollice, the follow- ing-ilo I'llhi'd hind: n u-fi, Hva. L'8 T. Vi, S. it. IC Hast V. M. Any persons claiming adversely tlio u'jovc-descriht'd laud are advised to file their claims, or obJ ctioiis, on or lieloie the time designated lor hale. 0. W. MOOKK, ml8j22 Register. nbies the consumer to obtain fresh products, as they are shipped direct from the point of production to the place of consumption. The plau car ries other benefits which are of great moment to the producer. lie is enabled to sell In carload lots at shipping point, thus saving to himself the cost of trans portation, which ranges from 7 to in per cent of the gross selling price. The exchange secures a much wider dis tribution of the crop, with the result that overstocked markets are much less likely than under the consignment system. Transportation companies pro- vhle better service, and claims are more promptly settled through the ox change than In the case of Individuals. Tills plan enables the producer to be ids own salesman. It transfers the distributing point from the city to the field, where It should be. It brings ho market to the Held Instead of the product to die market. The exchange becomes the farmer's commission house, and It Is much easier to keep Informed regarding the transactions of a home association than of a foreign concern. United States Department of Agricul ture Bulletin, at The l'JIl. Notice Is hereby given that, us directed by the Commissioner of ihe General Land Olllee. under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, l'JWl (lit Stats., M7), we will offer ul public sale, to the hUhe-il bidder, at 'J.l.r o'clock a m., on Hie l'Jlh day of June l'JIl at thisollice, tlie.fiilloHlug.descrlhed laud; Serial No, Ms,T., HhJ4 HWii .See. 1 and NK(1 NWL, Hee 12 T VI H. It. 11 hast W. M. Any persons claiming adersely the above desenbed laud are advised to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for tale. C W. MOOKK, a'-'T jl up Itcgister Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Ollice at Tne Dalles, Oregon, April 11th lull, Notice is hereby given that MAX WILSON of Madras, Oregon, who, on January filh YM'i made Homestead, No. 11110 Herial No. tam, for H'., NWU. N. HWK'.. Heellllll i:t Tliu imhln II South, flange 1:1 hast, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make dual five year proof, to establish claim to Hie land above de scribed before Howard W. Turner, IJ. H. Com missioner at his olllee, Madras, Oregon, on the 21th day of May, l'JIl. Claimant names as witnesses: Matlhoiv Lonsberry, William Thielmaii, Hainuel K. Oray, Chester h. Itoush all of Madras. Oregon C. W. MOOKK, u2U mis Kegisier Interior. Untied Hind.. at The DnlleH, Oregon Anril mill Notice Is hereby iilven that Commissioner of the ilotleral Land oillcn, under provisions ol Act nt Congress improved June !, I'jjti (in Htnis., r17), we will offer at pu duo Mile, to tlio lilKliest niuuer, nt 10 o'clock a. in., on me nun oijune mil, hi llils ollice, the following-described land; HKU SVM. and NK'4 NWK.&e. SI), T. 11 H. It. 10 Kail W. M. Any persons claiming adversely tho above described land are advined to tlio thole claims, or objections, on or lioforo the tllne designated fur vale. C. W. M00RK, mi-iS pd Register. , Hnillrtieted by the lie I.kikI III Notice For Publication. 1HOLATKI) TRACT I't'in.ic Land tiALt Department of the Interior, United Slates Lund, Ollice at The DhIIik, Oregon April 'it Hilt. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the (ieuefitl l.nml Olllee, under provisions ol Act of Congress approved June 27, 1!KW i:n HtatH,. M7), we will offer at public rale, to the hie host bidder, nt i ii I'liim ii. in., un me uay oi June r,iii, 10:1.1 da at this olllee, the fiillowlng-dcscrlbcil land No. (KsSln, NWU NW14. and HWJi NKJs, Hee. 13 T. 12 H. It 1ft l-fast W. M. An V licrsons cliilliilllif HilverMdv llm Rlmve. described land arc ndvlfed to ftlo their elnlms, orobjeetlons, on or before the time designated IUI PHIi.-, C, W. MOOKK, inl jl pd Register. Notice for Publication JSOI.ATKf) TRACT I'uiil.ic La NO Hai.k Jetiartment nt the Interior. Htilted Hlntcs Land Olllcu at The Dalles, Oregon, April '.'(ith, Notice Ik hereby ulven that, as illrectnl l,v the Commissioner of the Oeneral l.niui onlc. under jirovlslons of Act of Congress atiproveil June':?, lwr. (31 Htats., fi!7), we will offer at inioiie saie, ui me uiguusi tiuiuer, at 111 o clock a. in. on the 17th day of June l'JIl at this ollice, the following dcicrlbed land- No. 070 W. HKli Nhli. K-e. II and NKi-. NWU. Itee. 1.1 't 12 H. It. II KHSt W. ,M. Any person nlalmtnir aiIvitucK- llm ilinn. ueserineo land are advised to tile their claims, or objection, on or before the time designated uir sine. c. w. mooki:, al-Jl-pd Register. Ntice for publi ei'aflment of ih i, , 111 Notice Is h..r.i , UH l... I.....: .""J KITti Ik. i t v null-, iii i i.a 1. 1. -f n' ui Nil ltfl.-j.-' II II JcsTrUdTrndMlftt, or pbjeetloni nn'.'ltolllM. T m-ll-J 8-pd. C W ii... Der Notice For Publir,.i. narliiii.iii i . . i.l ui ins int..!.. .. . : '." l The Ii. ii- n' "'Kfl police I, hereby fnlfclt forHnKk, Hec 1! ini i 7p, St vt iuiuii. ii m 4 n Uii .,..! .- -"i, mu i rinalflyeyearll'oU. wu ji auras, Clnluiaut names UlIllilllllfltlAS .11. lain .7u " "'roiw iviiiiii n, ifi.i n.. --"-.w.. a. Oscar 0. Wll.on, KWl7hThcU 3!".' ! urciron. - i Oregon a27-Jl Notice for Publication IHOLATI'.I) TRACT d Hlatcs April If', I'L'HUC I.ANO HaI.K Deparlment ol the Interior. Unite Land Olllcu at The Dalles, Oregon l'JIl. Notice Is hereby oven, that as directed bv the Commissioner of the Oeneral Laud Olllee. under pro Islons of Act of Congress approved June 27, !'.) (31 Htata., M7), we will offer nt nubile sale, to the highest bidder, nt J l,'i o'clock a. in. on the IMli day of June l'JIl nt thisollice. Ihe fo lowlnir deserlbed land: HW'i aKJi, See. fi T. 11 8. R. 17 Xnsl W. M. Any persons clalmluir adversely the abnt'e- deerllied laud nre advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. . V. W. MOOKK, ml-Ji Register SAIMIin-Imporlei! Heluhtn StHllion will mukothe hphhou of 101.1, com tneuclng April I, at the following placeH: V. U. Moore'H ruiieli Mon duj'H and 'I'ueHilHj'H, Miulraw. Wednes days and HntiirdrtVH,, Mo o hi', Thursday- and Kriduya. Knrmeri Heluiuu Hoi ho Co. J. A. Coulter, h'ccrrtnry. m 10 Notice of Contest Department of the Interior, t'olui -am. umce.iMiiu a oreiM.iHiiH of Velm, Washington, Conl(ite( ' ill ,i,ii ln.ri.liw iiillAn.t ik. i w.... -rl.lldu uHft (.1111. Ill, bu. ..ii. oince aourcss, mil on ir(D(,i;il, llili illli.,i Ills illllv rnrrnlinritAil - -' - - - . - ' - -fl''.l, stead. Kntrv No. 05431. Serial Ko. hsts ship 13, 8., It 13. E. WllUrarlle JltriJiu t .' i it . ii,,.. t i. . . l -ii -i i imri ui inuu iur i ci 1 iiiu ui iuidui (hut nail ttbHiidonmeiit itlll exists. I nil nil , iiii'iuiuiVf luittici uvuamutw Imvliig iH'iMt cnnfffNol by too.ifijjcu vour (iirtiHir rlKht to w aeira (mkil iMiiiirit liiik iiinru ur un 11 luuuu Jit thin olllco ulthln titentj d&jt i!tff .1 ' T I - ...ll t. Ik ;lll.l .iiii. .ik iii nipioti nr tiv rpf iiiprra mm. 11 BUrVIL; IB IIIBUv UI imv annul ....-ii i..i MaM nonfAvtint'f writes ..!-. ...1.,... anrl wltli (hfi Ml'T fU aunri hitvii'ii i lull tuiiiui v, . ,. nr. nil iiL-vviiiiiii nil; lun I". : ' Ii - .rll.J in ith ph IIIU . . : . ... ...... mniilnf (nr the letltl, Ihe jiost omco (o hmiwu j - tlecs to be sent to ou. Date of llrst publication Mr , second " '.'r ii' il ' " third " N'S t fourth " HiyA"11 ID -I.JU pd The best way lo preserve a manure pile is not to have any. Manure produces llie greatest bene fit when placed upon the ground immediately. One of the best im plements on the farm is ihe manure spreader. NEW COMPLETE SPRING LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS All shades and Styles of Dress Suits, Low priced work Shirts, Light weight Underwear, Ties, Collars, And Cuffs A. ' Complete Line of Summer Hats on the" road-Will arrive in a few days. Walch our Display Win dows. Tliev will show you 9 r many new things we have offer. to MADRAS TRADING Company M m