The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 11, 1911, Image 8

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31 A D R A S
Lots 25X100, 25X140 and 50X100 Feet
and Up According to
Are you a BOOSTER for your home city? If so, write your friends and tell them what we are doing in M DA AS, tell them that now is the time to get in on the ground floor ,,IU
niAi-r-Ar- .11. 1 . II .1 t ' i ( i . nIArM-AO . . i. r rr lifl YW O MAtlRAQ THE Dl APE Til nur ,c"ine
trtma t IWI U I I W 1.1 , loll t hnm tr toll I M ii V I miHe Itlniif Ir In irmn m I If I A. A I I K- k V I II I I W I II I J 111 I IU III n U III 1 J . I Ili. U Ill ftf M U n .
l.uiuc; iu VI j lS l in w j it.ii inii iu iuu iiiv.ii ii i .una iiiiiuo iu tuiiii- ivy ivii k ' 1 U k J i i w - j-jww- - - J - - w m y i. Q)t
928 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, i
Personal and Local
Guy Allingham of Prinevillc was
here today.
I. W. Spear was here from Prinevillc
to-Bee the animals perform in the show
Keys Hyde, the Prinevillc cigar
maker, saw the elephants in Madras
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elkins and Mr
and Mrs. Carl Windom are here from
K. D. Huston of Blizzard Ridge in
Ashwood country was a visitor in the
city today.
Mr. and Mrs Ab Craig are in from
Grizzly today visiting relatives and Ree
ing the sights.
G. Springer and family were in from
their home at Haystack today, taking
in the show.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Montgomery and
little son are guests in the city from
their home at Grizzly.
John Wigle brought down a load of
eight seers from Prineville in his auto
today, and saw the circus.
William Arnold and family came in
from their home on the McKay near
Prineville Wednesday to attend the
Steve and Jesse Yancy and their
families of Prineville were here today
witnessing the events of the celebra
tion. Mrs. Vira Cyrus was here from the
county seat making kodak pictures of
the many interesting Bights furnished
by the circus.
A social dance was given in Sanford's
hall Wednesday night, which was fairly
well attended and much enjoyed by all
County Clerk Warren Brown thrust
office carea sisde for the day and came
to Madras to see the circus and shake
hands with old friends in this section.
Robert Cram and wife were in town
today from their home on Trout creek,
joining in the pleasures afford by the
visit of the first circus in Central Ore
gon. Attorney C. S. Benson of Bend is in
fie city, being called here on profes
s'unal business connected with the tak
ing of testimony in the Pontius divorce
Dr. J. H. Rosenberg, Mrs. Rosenberg
aid Wistnr, and Mrs. Dick Darling
motored down from the county seat
this morning to huu the show and visit
with friumln.
Mrs. Isom Glee!?, of Prineville, with
har daughters, (Joldn and Sylvia, were
h?re to see the cirrus, having come to
Culver the day before, where they
vtiited relatives.
Continued from page one.
An engineer in the Deschutes
service made the statement the
first of the week that this line
had Prineville as its objective
point, it being pointed out that
after reaching the Ashwood
country the route would cross
over to the Head or. McKav
creek and follow that down to
Prineville. This route is not
thought to be practicable how
ever. There seems to be no question
that each company is watching
the other with a jealous eye on
the Prineville branch line, and
the near future may see the in
auguration of a pretty little rail
road building toward the city on
the Ochoco.
The Quartermaster Was More Liberal
Than the Admiral.
If Sam Bernard is to bo believed
one of the most common sins to which
a frail humanity is prone is that of
believing the worst in any given case.
"There's my friend Jones," said Ber
nard. "I met Jones wabbling up
Broadway the other night. Just be
fore I got to him Jones sought the
comparative shelter of a lamppost. Ho
Bob Zcvely, the Prineville barber,
joined the circus goers here and saw
the sights. Col. Willian Draper, the
shoemaker, w a i also another familiar
face from the county seat here today
J. E. Stewart, the Prineville mer
chant, and C. W. Shattuck, superin
tendent of the Prineville Light and
Water company were among those
from the county seat who visited the
city today.
Pianos and Organs
If interested, write us for free cata
logue, with price of each instrument
plainly marked. We guarantee to
please you and make convenient terms
if wanted, u. V. UAmlJ, manager
for Viso piano house, Walla Walla,
Wash. a27-4tc
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
I'l' Sale
Department ( the Interior, t'nlteil States
I.aud offlce at 'J'lie Dalles, Oregon April 27th
Notlro l hereby Riven that, as directed hy
the Commissioner of the (ieneral Land Olllee,
under provisions of aet of Congress approved
J una 27, 1900(31 Mats., 617). wo will otfer atpuh
llo sale, to the highest bidder, at iMS o'clock
A. M., on the l'Jlli, day of June lull, at this
ofllce, the following-described laud : No. 07112,
iwHHii, Section 8 T. 11 B. U. 13 Kast W. M..
Anv person claiming adversely the above
deorfbed laud arc advised to file their claims,
or objections, ou or before the time designated
Giggled at mo weakly when I touched
him on tho shoulder.
" 'Come on, Jonesio,' said I. 'I
take you to the hotel and put you to
"Jonesie looked at me for a moment,
and then ho spoke. 'How ftir'sh hotel
from here?' he asked.
" 'About five minutes' walk.'
"'Huh,' said Jonesie, nodding his
head. 'Fi' minutes' walk, huh? F'r
you or f r me?
"Xow, I know what your conclusion
Is. You think that Jones was drunk,
but how do you know he didn't have
a wooden leg? One should always
practlro tho virtue of charity. You re
member the time Admiral Bob Ev
ans, walking down Broadway, eanio
to one of his quartermasters. The sail
or laboriously straightened up and sa
luted. Admiral Evans looked down,
and there lay another nuartoiniaster
asleep In the gutter.
"'Drunk, eh?' said Evans.
"'Oh, no, shir,' said the erect quar
termaster dcpieeatlngly. 'Oh, no, shir;
I wouldn't call hlin drunk, shir. I Just
seen hlin move Ills lingers a little.'"
Cincinnati Times-Stnr.
for sale
0, W. MOOK15,
New One on Him.
A youth from Calhoun county, 111.,
which has nothing but Btea'niboat
transportation, came over to Elsberry,
Mo., the other day to catch a Burling,
ton train to St. Louis.
No had never seen n train, and when
tho iraiinlbal local camo rollln-; In he.
stood there gaping, watched it hiss and
steam and finally pull out.
"I thought you was goin to f'.t. Lou
Is on that train?" shouted tho station
agent, thrusting his head through tho
"I was," nnswered tho youth, "but
they didn't put down no gangi,tauk."
rSt. Louis Post.Dlspatch.
Docking tho Sheep.
Methods employed In cutting the
tails from sheep in th-i division of ani
mal husbandry at University farm, St.
Paul, are best to place the lamb on Its
hack, pushing the skin on the tn II back
toward the body as far as possible so
that enough skin will remain to cover
the stump of the bone when the tall is
cut off. In operating on lambs several
months old draw tho skin back closely
to the body and tie a ligature tightly
around the stub of the tall until an
hour or two afterward to prevent ex
cessive bleeding. Place tho lamb in
a clean pen bedded with clean straw.
Cleanliness prevents Infection, and In
such an Inclosure bleeding can be de
tected. Hams should be castrated at
time of docking, while in the hands of
tho operator, if proper physical devel
opment of the organs has been readi
ed. This condition 'occurs about ten
days after birth.
Putting In the Time.
A gentleman was engaging a general
man and telling him whnt he wanted
htm to do. "You will have to clean
the windows and the boots nnd tho
knives and go messages, chop wood,
cut short grass, mind the horse nnd
pony, look after the, garden and keep
the house supplied with vegetables and
do any old Job that is required, and
If suitable you will get 10 shillings a
"Is there any clay in the garden?"
asked tho man.
"What makes you ask that?" asked
tho gentleman.
"I was thinking I could make bricks
in my spare time," said tnc man.
London Mall.
A Blustering King.
Of King (Jeorgo IV. Thomas Cree
vey, who lived in the early part of
the nineteenth century, tells this story:
"The king had appointed the bishop
of Winchester to administer to him
the sacrament on ouo of the Sundays
about Easter. Tho bishop was not
punctual to his time, and when ho ar
rived the king, In a great passion at
having been kept waiting, abused and
even swore at him in the most inde
cent manner, on which the bishop very
coolly said lie must bo permitted to
withdraw, as he perceived his majesty
was not then in a fit state of mind to
receive themcrnment, and should be
ready to attend on some future day,
wnen no uopeii to find His majesty In a
better state of preparation.
She Was Too Enthusiastic.
"Teaching to me," said an enthusias
tic young schoolmistress, "is a holy
calling. To sow in the young mind th
seeds of future knowledge and watch
them as they grow and develop Is a
pleasure greater than I can tell.
nevor weary of my work. My thoughts
ore only of
l am very sorry," interrupted (ho
joung man to whom she was talking,
mat you are so devoted to your pro
fession, Miss Clara. I had hoped that
some day I might have asked you In
fact, I called tonight but I hardlv
dare go on, in tho light of what you"
-rou may go on, Mr, Smith," said
tno young lady softly. "1 am a little
too enthusiastic at times perhaps."
Many Kinds of Monkeys.
The ordinary reader hardly realizes
now many varieties of monkeys exist
Wo hear of monkeys in tho Indies with
reddish brown bodies, black heads and
races of a sky blue. There aro ninu
...lit. ...!.! 111..
"-,.-) nun wiuiu uyemis anil green
monkeys to bo found on tho Afrlcnn
continent and Cape de Verde islands.
'JJio howlers, which inhabit South
America, aro large and fierce, nnd
travelers describe their yells as abso
lutely appalling. So dreadful is tho
sound of their roarings that one would
Imagine (hat all tho beasts of tho for
ests had gathered together for a battle.
These creatures aro so fierce that even
tho most skillful and adventurous
trainer Is unwilling to teach thorn
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, Pulled States
l.iiml Olllee at The Dulles, Oregon, April Mil,
'.Notice Is hereby given Hint
of Madras, Oregon, who, on November 1st, I'.SU,
made Homestead, No. liWll. Serial No. OKIfil, lor
HK',, Section ill, Township II South, Itaugo II
Kal, W lllainctte .McrlUali, mis men milieu oi
Intention to inaku linal livcjear itooi, iocs
i ,i 1 i 1 1 s I eliilm to the lulid nbovo described
before Howard W. Turner, U.K. Commissioner
at his olllee at Madras, Oiegon, ou tnciiiru
i.iv ni Mm- mil.
iMiiIiiihih imiiies as witnesses: Mnrvnu Irwin
Frank J. Corttlll. William It. Cook, John
McKlroy all of Madras, Oregon.
a20 mis Keglsicr.
Notice For Publication
Dctiartmcut of the Interior, P. H. I.aml
Olllee at The Dalles, Oregon, .March lit, lull,
Notice Is hereby given inai
if Minims. Ort'iMin. who. ou June Ith. l'.UU,
made homestead No. WAtW, for HK',1 SW',4, HW ',4
SK'i.Hee. Ii and N VM XW'A. NW'li NK', section
S. Touiisliiii II South. Itanu'C lit hast. Wlllam-
meue Jieriuiiin.'oas men uouecoi uiieiiiiuii m
make limn commutation urooi. io csiaiiimu
eliiliii In the IiiiiiI lihow described, belore llo-
wardW. Turner. P. H. Commissioner, at his
olllee nt Madras, Oregon, ou the 'JUth day of
.May IUI1.
Claimant names as witnesses: Charles
W. H. Kuotc, II. M. (iarduer, all of Madras,
aJO mffi 0. W. MOOUK, Itcglster.
Department of the Interior, United Stales
Laud olllee at
Notice for Publication
Thu Dalles, Oregon, Aprirjoth,
Notice Is herebv elveu that
of Madras. Oiegon. who, ou June "ill 1'JOI,
made Homestead, No. l&'.sl Serial, Nn.O.UI'J. lor
M., S J., and H'j SKJ,,, section ilil. Township 10
miiiiii, iiiinge ii nasi, u iiiiiuieiie .iierniiiiu,
has tiled uiitiee of intention to make Final the
year proof, to cMnMlxli claim to Hie IiiiiiI alxive
described, before Howard W. Turner, V. S.
Commissioner at blsoHice, at Madras, Oregon,
on theillst day of May, lull
Claimant names as uDiicsm's: Juincs,
Benjamin T. Preston, William II. Slouehockcr,
W. (ilenn Iiueks all of Madras, Oregon.
aJ7-m'i"i C. W. MOOUK, Itcglster.
Notice For Publication.
(Isolated Tract)
I'cuut I.AMl Hai.b.
Department of the Interior, Pulled States
Land Cilice at The Dalles, Oregon April 21,
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner of the (ieneral Land Olllee,
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June Ti, lis Ki (ill Stats.,. M7), wu will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at U:IIi
o'clock a m., on the Uth day of June l'Jll nt
this olllee, the follow Ing-dc-crlbcil land, Serial
No. OfihTil, SK'.. SW'.i Sec. 1 and NK(. NW'i,
Sec. VI T 12 H. K. II hast W M.
Any persons claiming adversely the above
described IiiiiiI arc advised to tile their claims,
or objections, on or before the time designated
for sale.
ii27-Jl-iip Itcglster
True, we can never be at peace
till we have performed the highest
duty of all, till we have arisen and
gone to our Father, but the per
formance of smaller duties yes,
even of the smallest will do more
to give us temporary rcpoie, will
net more as healthful anodynes, than
iho greatest joys' that can come to
us from any other quarter. G.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior, II. H. I.aud Olllee
at The Dalles, Oregon, April llth lull,
Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on January fith V.W,
made Homestead, No. 1 II PI Serial No. Oitlll,
lor&'fc NYV54, nwmwk, suction lit Township II,
south, itange pi hast, Willamette .Meridian, has
men nonce oi intention to make nuai live year
liroof, to establish claim to tin: laud aboii-de
scribed, before Howard W' 'lurner, I!. S Com
missioner at his olllee. MiidriiH. OrcL'on on Out
21th day of Ma), l'Jll.
Claimant names as witnesses Matthvw
lOiisberry, William Thlelman, Samuel K (.ra,
Chester K loiishallof Madras, Oregon
a'JO iiilU Itcglster
Notice for Publication
I't'HI.IC la Nil HAI.K
Department of the Interior, United Ktalcs
i.anu umce, at j no wanes, uregon April 27th
Notice Is hereby given that, asd I reeled hy thu
:ouiiiiis.sioiicr oi toe ticuurai i.anu Olllee.
under provisions of Act ol Congress approved
J ii no 27, IIWV. (ill Htats.. .117), wo will offer at
piintle sale, to tue nigiiesl mutter, nt ID o'clock
a. m., on tlie lUlh of June lull, nt this ofllce.
t lie loiiowiug-tiescriocii mini : Pir.Ii M1.1!.
N VM N Wii. Sec. 2U. T. 11 H. It. If. Kast W. M.
Any persons claiming adversely thu above
dcscrlhcd laud arc advised to file their claims,
or objections, ou or before tho time designated
ior sine.
mlJHptl Itcglster.
Notice For Publication.
I't'lll.lC I.ANl) Hai.k
Department of the Interior, united Htates
l. nun Olllee HlTlic Italics, Oregon April '21 lull.
notice is uereiiy given mat, as nirecleii ,y
the Commissioner of tho (Ieneral I.aud Ofllce.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, luoc (ill Htats., M7), we will offer
at puiiiic sale, to thu highest Ijlililcr, at
ID lii o'clock a. in., on thulillh dav of June 11)11.
at this olllee, thu following ileserllx'd Innil :
and HW'i Nh'i, Hcc. in
No. main, NWli NWi, ai
T. I'JH. It 15 Kast W. M.
Anv persons clalmluir adversely tho nlxive.
ilfiMi.rl licil IaiiiI h nt ml v fatul f III, .ilulii.u
or objections, ou or beforu thu time designated
ior sine.
ml-Jl-pd Itcglster.
Notice for Publication
I'uiit.ic I.anu Hai.k
Department of tho Interior. Pulled Htates
l.antl Olllee at Thu Dnlles, Oregon, April Mill,
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed hv
the Commissioner of the (Ieneral I. mid Olllee.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, Pol (ill Htats.. M7). we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock
a. in. ou the 17th day of June lull at this olllee,
the lollowlug described laud: No. 07(t), HVM
NKJi, Hec. II and SK'i NWJ, Hue. 1ST
12 s. It. li hast w. .M.
Any tierson claim nc adversely tho aliove.
described laud are advised to II lo their claims,
or objections, ou or beforu the time designated
ior saie.
al-Jl-pd Itcglster.
laolaterl Tr,ct
.anil olllee at Ti T.'Ww, tv.
iiii - 'iiri n..
Nnll I. ...... 'V,t'l
:. '.'?,'' 'W (31 Kli ' XVU,
. Any iierinn ni.i..,. . .
described iUin k
ur oblectlon. i7... .,1!ltoWaS
hi ll J ft pd,
NotlCH Por 1'nKI!...!
- JV4I1U
"itiiit-i t ru the Ini,,t..
Olhe at Tl!enVall
Notice Is hereby ,
o(l'1 i,"-'?" ? A Lis
wregun. Who. nn V..7.V
Kec. 15 nd kl.
t 1
unui: IliiiiiPf.if.-n V io.. '?i
t in ..... . V. 1JJIJ HAtt.t .
1 tflrt KL Vts."
iir VL, UL'I
1I...I.H . viizcurist k.
land alxive dd"r&
JlUtlfHl lirttitll An . -'axu
ii..t.i.. :-v. M wuneiiu' i,-
(knapfl U'll..... ft". . L wm J 1
i tu ...'.
Notice for Publication
P tin i.i c I.anu Hai.k
iinrtuient of the Interior, United
Olllcu at Thu Dalles,
Oregon April lf,
I .uni
1UI1. I
Mince is iiereuy given, that as airecteti hy
the commissioner of thu (Ieneral Land Orllcu.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, lUOi (l Htats.. M7), WO will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at 11:11
o'clock a. m. ou the l&th day of Juno 1911 at
Hi is olllee. the fo low nir described and. HWA
WM, See. OT. II H. It. 17 Kast W. M.
Any persons claiming adversely thu nbove
t,.,..ri.,..i i.,..,t u... u.t.,i....i .. nt.. i . i ... .
or objections, ou or before thu time designated'
ior sale.
mt-Jl Itcglster
SAIMIIIt Iinportod ik-llan Ktallioti
will inuUe llio season or lull, com
menclng Ajiril 1, at tho following
places: W.(5. Moore'H ranch Mon
diiys und 'I'tiDHdayH, Mudras. Wednes
days and HuturdavH,, Mo'oliii",
ThiirHiluyH nnd Kridaya. Fnrmcrii
JSelgian Horse Co. J. A. Coulter,
Hecrotary. in 10
Notice of Contest
Oetiarltnont of the Iottrlcf. Ciltri
iii iciiii, n biiiiiikiod, U0l)tt
i on are iiereuy liotllieil Itil
nriica urtn uiuci i-tii.. n. .
ii llmi til, .... .11 11... l. .
ii-si huh iccnre tnecinrtiiiiioatlti
steail, Kntry No. 0MX1. Btrlil No. t
snip lit, n,, K 13, E WllluutU Wiiim
as grounus tor iiiiconuit IieilV(iilts
Fred llallert Jr. hu whollr lUiJol
tract of land fur the six mootbt lutS
iiihi inio niinniiuiimtui iiiiittiia.
Vou are, therefore, further noUMl
said allegations will be Ultntr tlliil
having been cnn(cil b; ;oo,ndjn1
entry will be cancelled tSeteatiuiW
your furthor rltlit to be heirt Uimlm
(efore this ofllce or on appeal, 1(ob1um
in this omce witnin tstnij cijil
FOtntTII riiibllcstionof thllMUfl, U!
iMdotv, your answer, under onb, itfim
meeting and reioiidlngt4tbtieiM
contest, or u you wunio imii-ci
copy of your
In this olllee line proof that prabuiKiiB
rwi. i ttl vmir ftinwer on thfl Itld (OSlsH
either In person or br registered Bill !
service Is made by the dell ntj oi l tefl
your answer to trie conteiiam rm
nroof of such aervlee Mmt m ii
(ho said contcitant'i wtliw !
i....... i,..i,....r.,.,.i nt Mi rereltt 01 tlla
. nun i'iKi.." - - - - , ' ,. .,1
imuiiir Hie ilateof Its receipt, or UntM
o( tho norsoii by whom the delireijiaif
stating when and where tte wf "1
siicii scrvn-u i" y '" .iui oM
person by whom the eop .B"(J11"i
when and the post-o nice iowblrt lli"
od, and this atlfdavlt 1
tho uostmaatcr's receipt lor the Itiw.-F
You should stale In Jw'B;V'7.S!l
thu ( olllcu to which )ou d'"1" '""I
tlcus to bu sent to juu, c ff
Date of lint publication May .
wcoinl " ?,"',.' iiii
"third " NuKWl
fourth " lrB.B1L
m l-JH pd
All shades and Styles of
Dress Suits, Low priced work
Shirts, Light weight Underwear,
Complete Line of Summer
Hats on the road-Will arrive
in a few days.
Walch our Display Win
dows, They will show you
many new things we have to