The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 11, 1911, Image 7

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362-3 Per eru
. ... ii i Uoom During
Were "ere
tofrice business is prouau-
bestthermoweierui wu
. . mmnnitv. being
Jive to a great degree of
iber of people residing
the amount oi u -
... Rnnincss in Mad
Vi' . .i .1 rlmnnlo
Mffirfiinaii uujjw...v....
' innmnse for April 1911
April 1910 of approximately
1 nIH PTlt.
toaster Fred Davis has
i ..j t,fl ripfints from uii-
imeu nit
tsources as follows
Up sales for April, iviv,
i. for Aonl, iy"i P'""--
i ' mmipv orders
lenumw ----
one year ago was om,
act fi( CO tir
m? if.uiy.o. i - o
""O ' .
fmonthjust closed ozo were
totaling $9, uur
the time the large crews ot
fek railroad constructionists
working near Madras the
U order business was ab-
ual one montn last
sale of orders to the
Lt nf $18,000. much of
tch the wage, earners were
jding home to their people.
Registered packages going out
i the local office for the year
Sing last July 1 numbered 1245.
the first of last July 1582
rs and parcels have already
in registered with practically
months of the present year
-k I I Ml
fcome. ay tne close oi tne
1 year the total will be above
Pianos and Organs
If interested, write us for free cntn-
im, with price of ouch instrument
inly marked. We guarantee to
iseyou and make convenient tcrm
panted. C. V. HAIRD, manager
Wise piano house, Walla VValln,
p SALE-(1 (nod work horses j 4 sets
Mle harness i 2 K"0(1 wejjons. In-
sat Pioneer olllce.
First Hnrrimnn Trnln Pnsscs Up
Crowd Gathered to Welcome It
The first passenger train to
conic in over the Deschutes line
to Madras was an ice train. At
least that is the way it seemed
to the half hundred or more rep
resentative citizens who went to
the temporary depot on Agency
Plains in a dozen or so automo
biles to await the coming of the
special bringing in Mr. Krutsch
nitt, Mr. O.Brien, Mr. Botschke
and other officials of that line.
In anticipation of giving the rail
way magnates as hearty a wel
come as possible the crowd was
all in readiness at the depot!
when the train pulled in, but the i
train never stopped at the depot !
going on two or three hundred
yards and passing up the Madras
people like a "white chip." The
majority of the crowd climbed
into their autos and returned to
town while a few followed the
train to the point where it stop
ped. 1
After a time Mr. Boschke and
Mr. O'Brien came out of their
car, Mr. Krutschnitt being indis
posed. The officials declined to
visit the city that evening, say
ing that the would be down the
following morning. However,
the Madras people had no more
than returned when Mr. O'Biien
and Mr. Boschke followed and
spent the evening in town. It
was a funny business all around
and the evening was frosty.
There was a day when I ho honrd
or iniiny niM-lriiliMiiii uni(i0 ...,.
mid a tonfal) (. (10 f0wliiB oc
curred: h
"Hen, yoii judKP the chickens; Pole,
you take tho Hliccp and fruit; Dnn'l,
look nfler tho Kraln and cattle; Jerry
will pass on (ho punk-Ins and houses,
and Jake will JudKe Hi,, hogs and flno
"Oil lliroujrli quid;, nnd then we'll
all Judge (ho pioH and cakes."
'J'hoxo good natural fellows wore
experts on jili., hut they saw the fareo
of It all hy r.nd hy. mid special Judges,
were appointed for all departments
The first judgoH didn't got much for
(ho Joh.
A ;miw, ri dinner ticket and (ho
honor thrown In for good measure wore
uliout all.
The chicken Judge wnH paid loaHt.
"Anyhody can Judge chickens," was
tho thought, thou a with the know
notH today.
Judging roosters was considered n
wort or hiiKhout'o Jnh anyhow.
The fellow who Judge tho hogs got
more honor. Yes; H'h different today.
"I)e world do move."
Some fairs now reach an entry of
8,000 fowls and employ fiftoon to twen
ty poultry Judges, mostly specialists.
One exhibitor entered ROO birds at
tho York (Pa.) fair, as many as wero
Notice For Publication
jjHMil O III co Ht Tl.u Dalle, Orison April 10,
Nutlet- In licrchy elveti that
,.i .. i JKnl J. IIINTON
or Mniirax, On-Koii, who on NovcinOr 171 lt.
if uh1:m"Ih,"l'1"; Meridian, 1m nu-d i.oti'e
V i V "mlil! FlnRl ,lve CRr I"00', i"
Vw.Vnri w, '""'.'".tlielaiid above dewrll;(,
I t h.r.e.., i0iar'. W.' ' urner, U. H. OommlMloncr
day of May lan MH,,rRI!l' gon, on Hie 23rd
Olalniaiit narnei ai wltncMes!
Oregon ,iar"ett' Jeas0 KRd tt" of Madras,
2HtT,ii C W.MOOKK,
ft:M w18 Hcgliter.
0-. . v-V"
.tl it"
Abstract Report
Of instruments filed in this office of
Recorder of Deeds. Issued by Crook
county nbstniet company, inc. Prine
vilie, Oregon, May 1-G inclusive:
.Win. H Taylor, ex ux to Charles E.
Ilcrbst. Lots 3 and blk tl, Railroad
udd. Mudras. $550.
Joseph R. Mondcnhall vt& swj. sec.
8 and s sej sec. 7-13-lH.
Lena M. Adums, h nw, nj sw,
Sec. 11-11-13.
Jerry Uolliquillit wi scl, bcc. 3 nnd
w4 m i, sec. 10-10-10.
Charles V Wilson, nwj, sw., sec. 13,
nj sei and nei bw sec. M-12-IG.
Wesley Sumner, swj sec 29-10-M.
Lease. Theodore Uieger, et ux to
J. A. Solding. ne soj and net bwJ
sec. 25, b. sci and sj swj sec. 35-11-13
and ej sw nnd ej nwl sec. 2-12-13.
Expires Nov. 1, 1914.
Plat of Gateway in sec. 20-9-14.
Given Away Free
OH '8nl missioriclock with every $50.00,
W Cash purchase at our store. Other
premiums will arrive in a short time, to begin with .small
seen often at ten of tho old fairs al
together. Few fair Judges get less than $10
per day and expenses, and some at
whiter shows receive from $2,"j to
$100 per day. It's no cinch to Judge
today, when entries are so large,
breeds so many, competition so keen,
exhibitors so wise and breed stand
ards change so often.
Judges are born, not made by a
license of the American Poultry as
sociation. Exhibitors won't stand funny busi
ness. They demand for Judges men of
strict honesty, common sense nnd
practical experience In tho breeds
A tricky Judge soon gets It in the
neck, an overbearing know-it-all and
bullhead who will not acknowledge a
proved mistake gets turned down, a
Judge Avho boozes and swears at
shows Into oblivion quickly goes,
while an association that owns tho
Judge or allows a trickster to do the
scoring soon closes lis doors.
It Is wise for Judges to preside at
shows away from home, as they may
be charged with bias.
They should never exhibit whore
they Judge, even if their birds ate
scored by others.
A. E. Peterson
A . , Three Doors North of P. O.
Hamilion, Waltham and Elgin Watches
Hamilton & Hamilton chains! charms, necklaces';
bracelets, lavaliers, chatelaine pins and brooches
satisfaction Guaranteed
Athens. Pa., boasts a hen that lays
such Hat eggs that a cluck cannot turn
them. She squeezed herself going
through a picket fence. Athens egg
dealers are now advocating corsets
and tight lacing for all hens, as tho
Hat hen fruit may be packed In small
er crates, with less breakage.
If you nail up a cabbage In the coop
place It so high that the chickens must
Jump to get a bite. Keep out Mother
Turkey. She'll cat the whole head and
next day bo dead.
A queen bee Is snid to live from two
to five years, a worker from forty days
to six months and a drone about live
weeks. Hut lots of diono hens live
on farms for years and years and yet
eat their heads off every day.
When hens are on range it is wise
to watch their crops. Some hens come
homo with crops almost bursting, while
others loaf around tho buildings and
wait for thu next feed or return from
the Held with littlo In their bread bas
ket. A poor forager Is nearly always a
poor layer.
Squire Lot a oi' Columbia, Pa.. lias a
hen that lays an egg with a handle.
As the nillro.ul companies are now es
tablishing poultry plants for fresh eggs
and broilers tills breed of hen will Just
suit tho Panhandle.
The Northern Pacilie railway Is so
pleased with the returns from its Ur
000 I.etrlioin layers that it has also
added ."too t ows and a truck farm. If
those 1 1 .f ti ii i hens go on strike Petalii
ma county. 'al.. with her 2.W)0,000
hens can furnish strike breakers.
The movement of certain poultry
editors to haw themselves appoint'. J
us poultry Judges Is about as amuilu
as licensing Judge. The boys are get
ting fat laughing about it
A Chicago woman was arrested for
locking her tlv -.veur-old son In the
clih ken coop at night while she wvnt
to amusements. They locked her in
tho cooler.
Notice for Publication
I't'tiLic Land Sale
i .Pf.t.l-mcnJ S( tl:c Interior, United States
Und Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, April 22nd,
Notice I hereby Blvcn that, an dlrcetcd by
the ComnilMloiicr of the (ieticral Land ofllce.
under provision ol Act of Congress approved
.......... ..,, ,, ihkiiusi iiiudcr, at io jo
o olock a. m ,oii tlie lith day of Juno lull, at
,,l'i2,"5'J;.'',i,!.e to'lowlng-descrlbcd land: No.
Any persona claiming adversely the above
deseribed land are advised to Hie their claims,
or objections, on or before the time designated
for sale.
, , , C. W. JIOOKE,
JnlJSpd Register.
To make room for more groceries we
1 are selling out our clothing at cosl. Here
you can get
SUITS $6 to $10
Notice lor Publication
i)crHrt;nent of the Interior, United Slates
ii 1 1 "alios, urogon, April mil,
Notice Is hereby given that
WAf.Tl-'K I iiiuiMfiro
of Sisters, Oregon, who'on April ,'lrd 100.1, made
lloiiR-steiul, No. usu Serial No. or;i7 for BK'i
bRw. Section Id mul skk mvty wimu-i v..:.
tl"" II Townshhi 13 South, Uaiige n liasi,
........ .niit .uurKinn, us men nonce oi inten
tion to innlff. Html fl.i'.,u ,.ryt..r ... ....i.ii.i.
claim to the land above described, before
..nnuii iiruwn, i.ooriiy uierK at ins olllce, at
irii"ev ' 0re8" 0,1 the 21th day of May,
Claimant names as witnesses: Lewis C. Olov
er Robert (.lover, Ola Larson, Robert K. Jor
dun nil of Sisters, Oregon.
, C. W. MOO UK,
r2"""8 Register.
'Cures the Blues'
W. J. Cowherd, Manager.
Notice for Publication
United Stales Land Ofllce, The Dalles Ore
gon April 12th, 1U11.
frotice is hereby given that the Northern
IlU'llic Kullu'HV ( 1 1 II I 1 1 V ivIiikii
dresi Is ht. I'aiil Mlnnosoin, has this i2th day of
April Hill, filed In llnsolliie Its appllcHtlon to
rutn iniuur mi; provi -ions oi tne act oi (' (in-gres-approve!
July 1, Ih'JS (XO Stat. &'J7, (.20) us
itiu. iL-ii m im. UUi in congress approvcu .Ma
17, I'.Ks., Kii SK4 Section 20, TovmisIiIip 13,
hoinh Range 13 hint W. M. NhJ Nli fcectlon
, loniiani, i.joouiii, liange 13 r.asi, w . m.,
Serial No. mvj.
Anv and all ricrsnns pliiltnlmr flih-omniv tUt,
lands described, or desiring to object beeaiihe
of tlie mineral character of tho land, or for
any other ronton, to the disposal to applicant
should tile their allldavits of protest in this
uuii-v, on or ueiorc me a, in nay oi .nay, mil.
a20-m2i Register.
Notice for Publication
(Isolated Tract)
ruiinc Land Sai.k No. 0C2G5
United States Land Olhee, The Dalles, Ore
gon, April mil mil.
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commlssioiior of the General Land Oltlco,
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27. 1900. Public No 303. we will offer at
public hale, to the highest bidder, at 9 -30
u ciock h. 111. on me oin uay oi .May mil at
this olllce, the following tract of land, towit:
l-Mt S, Sec. 10 T. 13 South Hange 12 East V,
M. Any person claiming adversely the above
described lauds are ndvli-ed to tile their claims,
or objections, on or before the day above des
ignated for sale.
n20 ml8 :tp C. W. MOORK, Register.
Notice to Creditors
In this County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Crook County.
In the matter of the estate of Benjamin
Mason, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
of the Slate of Oregon, for Crook County, ad
ministratrix of theestato of Ilcnjamin Mason
deccaedi All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby requited to present the
same to me properly veriheu, as by law re
quired, at Madras, Oregon witliiu six months
I mm the date hereof.
baled this 6 day of April, 1911.
John Gavin, The Dalles, Oregon. Attorney for
Estate. aG ml.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior, United States
Land othce ai The Dalles, Oregon May 5th 1911.
Notice is hereby given that Endre Droblltz
of Madras, Oregon, who, on January 22nd 19 0,
made Homestead, No. 14919 Serial, No. 03797. for
bb!4, Section 10, Township 11 South, Range 13
East, Willamette Meridan, has Hied notice of
Intention to make Final five year Proof, to
establish claim to the laud above described,
before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commissioner
at his olllce, at Mudras, Oregon, on the 13th
day of June, 1911,
Claimant names as witness: John Reich
en, Willium Thielmuu, Fred Davis, Thumus A.
t'aylor all, of Madra-, Oregon.
mll-J8, Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, United States
Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon April 13th,
Notice 'is herebv given that
of Madars, Oregon, who, on .limitary
1905. made Homestead No. 11136 fcerlal,
0.1153. for NEW. Section 17. Township 10 South
Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of Intention to make Final tlve-jcar
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before Howard W Turner, U 8
Commissioner at his olllce, at Madras, Oregon
on tho 23rd day of Hay, 1911
Claimant numes as witnesses: Frank Elkius
of Redmond, ()regon;-J. K. Campbell, Gillis
Dizuey, durance Watts all of Madras, Oregon
a20-ml8 Register.
Notice For Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, United Ftates
Laud Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon April 21st
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
thu Commlcsioner of tho (loneral Land Olllce.
nndor provisions of Act of Congress approved
Juno 27, lUOfi (31 Stats., W). ue will offer at
public sale, to tho highest bidder, at 10 o'clock
a. m., on the 13th day of June 1911 at this olllce,
thu following described land; No. UCS77 NKJ4
SWU, Sec. 31 T a S. It. 11 East W. M.
Any persons claiming Adversely the
above-described hind are advised to file their
claims, or objections, on or before the time de
signated for sale. C. M. M'ORB,
ii27-Jl-pd Register.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior, United States
Land Olllce at Tho Dailes, Oregon April 11th
Notice Is hereby given that
whose post oillee address Is Madras. Crook Co.,
(iregon did, on tho 3rd day of June, 1910, file In
this olllce Mvorn statement and Application,
No. OVJI4, to purchase the SE BWV secil.oi
-i Township 11 South, Range 16, E illamette
Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the
iirovlshms ol the act of Juno 3. 1S78, and acts
amendatory, known as the Timber and stone
Law," at Mich value us might bo lled by iip
pruUement. und that, pursuant to such impll-
1 ..... i...... .....I Hntlut. thai-cnn linvi. liptttl
Culiuil, iih lo' "I." .,,.'w ... ,
annralsKl the timber estimated 8.O0o beard
nppiniarti iiiv . ,jnil- thai
said applicant will offer fiimvproof In support
of his application and sworn statement on tho
:lth day of .Mine 1911. bonne Howard .
Turner, U. S. t'oiiimlssloner at his olllce, at
Madras, Oregon. . ....
Any person Is at llborty to protest this pur
chase before entry, or Initiate a contost at any
llmo before patent Hwiieu, by tiling a "
lairatoil aftldiivit In tills ollli'o, iilleglng lacta
whlol, would doteat theen.r
a27in25 Register.
Madras State Bank
Money transmitted to all parts of United States and Canada
J. M. Conklin, President and Gen. Man'gr; C. E. Roush, Vice-President
DIRECTORS; C. E. Roush, M. I'utz, J. C. Robinson, Robt. Rea, J. M. Conklin
Oregon Trunk Railway
Daily train service to Portland, Spokane, Seattle, St Paul,
Chicago, S.t. Louis, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City.
Train Leaves Opal City 8:30 a m , Culver 8:50 a. m., Metolius
9:10 a. m , Madras 9:30 a. m., arrive Portland 7:45 p. m.
Leave Portland 9:55 a. m., arrive Madras 7:50 p. m.f Metolius 8:05
p. m., Culver 8:23 p. m , Opal City 8:50 p. m.
Direct Stage connection to and from In
terior points.
R. BUDD, Chief Engineer
J. H. CORBETT, Agent
Opal City
R. E. MICHAEL, Agent
T. A. GRAHAM, Agent
Closes June 1st
All votes must be cast by 2:30 p. m., June 1 st.
Complete line of summer lap dusters and light
and heavy plush robes.
n a
Home made candies, Ice cream sodas, Chocolate
Ice cream, Saturday and Sunday, Strawberry Nut
Tum-A-Lum Lumber
All kinds of Lumber
And building supplies. Our prices are
right, grades considered.
We ask a share of your patronage.
Yards located on Third street.
District Manager
11 rj
' 1
X ..3
. ' .1.