The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 20, 1911, Image 8

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u ,i , -"r?.- jLiy3- " s229y i
After New Furniture.
County Judge H. Ellis of
I n i i - r. it
morning .for Portland where they
.V . J - -.
go to-look alter the purchase ol
a small quantity of furniture for
the Crook County court house,
At the time the new building
was opened only such furniture
as was deemed absolutely neces
stu,yJj2a3Jj).urchased.: -The pres
ent new supply will be only 3uc
as been found indispensible and,
will- include chairs; for jurors
li I ! ..II - -
FOR SALE A 6od, fresh younp
cow, calf .fi ve weeks old'--PHct!j; .$60:00
Inquiro arthiqofncc! cZQ-tnH-pdv
Waters of Natural Won
der to be Utilized'
mcnts Shows
of Engineering .Instru-
L.' . . x I
osal to
Be iffsasjhh;.
' Accbrdingtothe-Deschtites Val
ley Tribuner.pulianeH. at. Culver
Junction; -move As now on foot
tonngthe ...waters o Opal ipCcted-tos,Tthe local b"rgan1za
Snnnp to that town. Tms.im3at.L-- -. A.i. mi" :v . .
Field "Secretary Coming
Field Sec. Sayer, of the Oregon
Development League, with head
quarters in Portland .has . lef
that city on a tour of Centra
and eastern Oregon and is ex
spring has for. years been one of
the points of jntereat to nvhich
sight-seers 'Have been attracted.
In;theorge of. Crooked River, a
gKeatl volume- of- pure water
gushes out from beneath the rock
tt5n m the near future. Theobjec
ofTIis trip-unll-be to" encourage
greater activity in publicity work
and to assist . dormant.- clubs in
reorganizationrantltO' getf gener
ally in better toucfi "with the
lnomin wnvV fUrnnnrVimif fliia nn,
wan ana uuws uno uienvei. mci .. rtf.fKo fn(S .
spi'inggets. ats- name irom -tne
countless .tiny opals like pebbles
are constanlVywbeTng"tlirow'n out.
Tliose who go the spring some
times, resort io tieing a pail or
other- receptacle on 'to a pole and
sinking it deep into the waters,
it being possible in this way to
get"1 larger specimens of 'opals
than those which are thrown-' to
surface. Regarding ; the bring
ing of the water to Culver Junc
tion the Tribune says:
Opal .Springs, a veritable river
of water, lies to the southwest of
Culver Junction, at a distance of
four and one-half miles. Men
have looked over the situation
and have been considering for
some months the proposition of
a water supply to be furnished
from these springs. The quality
of the water can not be excelled; j
it has been analyzed several
times and found to be absolutely
pure. The . supply of water of
this, quality to the town , and
rancher vill .of. its.elf be suffi
cient to make, this place and the
surrounding territory well known
throughout the states.
Qpal Springs, as a water sup
ply,, has been, appreciated by but
a comparatively small number of
pepplp, . because like many an
other proposition, a mere super-
ficia.1. .investigation leads one to
Abstract Report . -
Of instruments filed in the office of
Recorder of Deeds. Issued by Crook
county abstrnct company, inc. Prine
ville, Oregon, April 3 to 8 inclusive:
Matt. Clark, et ux to Albert W
Woodwar-i wl-2ofwl-2 sec. 1-13-12!
(part west of railway) con. 1.
Geo. M. Paul to Cove power company
sel-4 swt-4 swl-4 sel-4 and el -2 sel-
sec. H-!2-12--$ll00
W. H Moore to Cove power company
Same as lat aboye (quitclaim deed)
Lee Peck to W. H. Peck. Tract 290
by 300 feet in nel-4 sec 19-12-13 $250,
Maud A. Fulgham to "Fred A. Ful
gham swl-4 swl-4 27, sel-4 sel-4 27,
nel-4 nel-4 34 and nwl-4 n-w 35-12-12
Dav d G Rogers, et ux to Oregon
Trunk railway. 200 feet strip for right
of way accross swl-4 nel-4 wl-2 sel-4
sec 19-12-13 and nwl-4 nel-4 30 12-13
. Central Oregon railroad company to
Ida M. Rogers. All above parts of
sec 19 and 30 except present right of
way of Oregon Trunk
Oregon Trunk railway to David G.
Roger. Same as last above.
Andrew Hagen et ux to Great West
erd lumber company el -2 sel-4 and se
1-4 nel 4 sec 29 and swl-4 nwl-4 sec 28
Henry Evenson to Great Western
lumber company sl-2 nwl-4 nel-4 swl-4
and swl-4 nel-4 sec 29-tl-l7-$3750.
Great Western lumber company to
Alexander Ken art, trustee el 2 27
10; nl-2 nel-4, swi -4 nel-4 nwl-4 sol-4
sec 1-12-16; swl-4 nwl-4 and swl-4 sec
the belief that it will ba difficult i 28 s1'2 ne "4 s1"2 nwM n1"2 swi-4 and
n i,v,,ii An,n;u , 4-i, ewse -4 sec uu, nel-4 sel-4 and sl-2
8eM BeB 30 el2 swl.4 and sel.4 8ec 31
things Of value, a close investl- and wj-2 swl-4 sec 3-'-,l-17 consider-
gat(ons discloses .conditions which ation $17,000
were.jng.ver' dreaded, of by the L- E Poe, et ux to 1. w. Gray lot 8,
blk. 3, Palmain $575.
Patents from the United States,' as
To Mansel Wheeler wl-2 sel-4 sec
10- 2-15
. Robert G Bowser sel-4 set-4 sec 23
and swi-4 nel-4 26-15-12
LaJlonte E. Kellogg wl-2 sel-4 and s
1-2 swLdLC-29IUO0
superficial .ob&enver.. r This water
supply proposition has been gone
over. in .most of its, details, and
after several months vof caref u
investigation it has. been found
that all 0 the apparent, difficu
ties have. been dispelled. To one
goingito -the brow of 'the canyon
over.-, this spring, and Jooking
down, to the surface of Crooked
river, it .appears a great under
taking to install a plant capable
of bringing' the -spring water ou
for the use of the people, but the
level discloses many things that
do not appear to the naked eye
Relative positions count for much
when considering questions of
this nature. Also tho close in
vestigation which should be given
matters of such importance often
reveals conditions which were
not plain in the beginning.
Arraiifjements have been made
for the immediate installation of
this system. Of course it will
require some months to put in
works, and be. .ready -to deliver
water, but the work will be
rushed as rapidly as possible.
Priday Sells Cattle
Sixteen cars of beef cattle
were sold recently by. H, L.
Priday, a well known stockman
of Trout creek to the Burk
Livestock Commission Company
of Portland, for a price approxi
mating $33,000. S. H, Elwood,
representing the buyers, received
and shipped seven cars, of the
stock ,011 Wpdnesday, and the
balance, will be shipped.-, from
here on Wednesday of next
week. Shaniko Star.
"Fred Gutendorf nwl-4 sec 35.-10-13, swl-4 and sl-2
sel-4 sec 35-1 -13
Maude A Fulgham swl-4 swl-4 26,
sel-4 se -4 27, nel-4 ne -4 31 and nwl-4
nw -4 25-12-12
Elias E. W. Fulgham, e -2 sel-4 12-13
12 and lots 2, 3, 4. sec 18-12-13
Peter Zell, nl-2 swl-14 sec 4-15-tO
Caleb Davis, wl-2 sw-4 and swl-4
nwl-4 and nel-4 gw. .4 17-17. 9
Eugene E. Basey, swl-4 nel-4 nl-2
sel-4 and sel-4 sel-4 22-13-14
Jessie P. Isham to Madras State
bank, el-2 sei-4 sec 20 and wl-2 swl-4
sec 21-10-14 1 000 duo Apr. 3. 9 2
. James S, Fleck to Madras State bank
wl-2, sel-4 and sel-4 sel-4 sec 4 and ne
1-4 ne -4 .sec 9-10-14 S600 due Apr. 3,
John H J.ickson, et ux to W, II
r it 1 .
oayre u. j. uenancKs, nwi-4 sec
10-10-13 $1000 due Feb. 22, 1912
Com 1 laint. John A. Moore vs Elva
C. Moore. Divorce.
O-Neil Bros vs J. R. Williams. Cir
cuit court.
A. D Thayer vs Mru Ida Thayer.
Circuit court.
Articles of incorporation of Overturf
uavis.Miiier-company by H. J, Over
turf, D. M Davis and II. A Miller
vocation is Bend. Capital SI0.000.00
To engage in general realestate and in
vestment business, includine banking.
J. 11. naner abstract companv. bv J.
SADDLE HORSE for safe seven
votird'old and broke to work. Call on
A A Erhnk: 1 . 1-2. miles -.west, of
Madras. ,... a6-27p
; 1 .."i
FOR" RENT Rooms for rent $2 per
week at cottage near , pump stiv
tion. - ; a6-27
FOUND. poolf' brbriYViiOwner
n V- ''r
FOB-SALE-jIAwwhI woffe-horserr-HrotB
dQuhle lmrneas; 2 Kcod woiious. Iu-
qulroatPioneenolHce "
FOR. SALE At - tbq, PloneeroAP.lfV,
L'uhI HlarikSyorA ttJV; Jtlj.ln ; Carbon
and, Tjipew.riter , piipe.r, , KiieiaHinetlt
yale cQiitraQM, Notes.and Uef.eipts.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wag
ons Terms reasonable C. E Uyt
Madras, Oregon mi6
FARM LOANS! I Madras State Ml--
MmlraB State lhiiik.
0231 ncre unimproved' iKiu.i.imdered.
valley laiiil surrouniling .MH8uacree
Lnka m nortli .weatern NevadH 22
miles f Or.f. state, line.. Prlue
$40 per icre: Terms, eall r wrlie
227J, Room 003- WVahlnkitdn-arrfen
Portlitml, Oregon
Flatih. Culver Junction. l2H-tr
HAVING lutely t-ettled in Orni'
w-iiiM lk to ber frim owners ol
ImniB, iry orioimued: wrnzmg
tinnier IiidiIh. Wnni" Hnmiliiut
bat ill turn iit money within the
nexi three or four years. Only
replies from fiwiinrs ronniilercil.
ddrefs B, cure 01 M.tilrna Pioneer.
SAPHIR Imported Beluian StHllioi.
mkeile neuson of 1011, com
menilntf April 1, at the following
pliu'en: W.''. Moore's rancli Mon
dHya hihI Tuesduy8, Mdraw. Welne
dayn Mnd. StttirdttyH,, Meioiiu-',
Thtirnday- Hnl Friday b. Hurmerp
Beliriun Hois Co J. A. Coulter,
Secretary. m 10
Town residence lots for sale in the
north end of Madras. , For. terms please
write A. Eagles, Ccntralia, Wash.
cc For Publication
(Isolated Tract)
rt'DMC LAND SaU No. OfillS
Noiit' F" ru'iiii'imo
Dcimrtment of thq Interior, U. S.
rite pm-a,. yrenon
Land Off co -t
Unlldl Slate, Und '"?;, ' ".""'"K'e n Mn' h 21-1, j)iu .
terJSSS3SSW Matnern. of Yom.., WJ. wli..-ta
: m will offer at puwio saie, " t "l Mni,m 110 4t i. l)U7 mU0 liomesieou
tract of lanU, towlt; hbyA .NKJf. ec. )' '
h,K No 15707 Seijnlt No. 01237 'Or NM,
1 BWSK1. 8..-10 limrVftTRi. ,Sei-
lX$mL . Township lO-Sou,!.. KIitiKO U Bjj
c Uat aboVe de- Ilmmettn 1 Merldlnh, lift" fljpMioiIcO;
Y1X clM.nlnB. dvor,cly,o above.
Uesorlbcit laniti aroativuca io 1
. 1 . 1 . . ii n liAmrn Inn
signatcii lor aie, AmoitE. nceistcr of intuiitlon to mako nnal.commutNtlon
no-mi v ' " - . - . . . -j.,. ,i...kv . .
v, 1 pvOOl. tonic innn iuiuvi" ijvBi;i.iiro, 'si4--rnrTrTjr-ji4
TT. . TTTf.T-Haward W.. Turner. u.Gmn
NOUCC 10 UrecjUOia mi.9,01IPr hlJ1.lllce, atMlras, Ore.
fntVrook Wfr n-,m owfc K. 11, on tho lflt. dfty of May, 1011
for t rook lonmy. ,.,A , nimin .'
In the maucr 01 uie '
jlMon, upcensnii
i i... uraiA n oroL.nn. for Croolc coumy IUI I
minlstratrlx of the estate of Ueiijfl
MRVlIlk' rini
.iAAnl. All nrtnn
.ui,i ftniaift am Iuti'Iiv reaillreu 10
??.V" vnrlflnil. HS
quired, at .Maums, ureguu mui
from tho date hereof. jT Vl
Dated thl, 0 day 0
n.fin ti,o nnUeaJQrerOTl. Attorney for
Clnitiinnt uaiiious witnefiaes: Hnowden
Kt Wt('lte, of Madrv Oianc"
A.relnuey.oi-VjiunKH, William Co-
lS.g5JSyt bijriTr6rVouQ)iP,.AleWer Spier, -f
liresiutthe ,vf ' s. v
aG ml.
Liquor Petition
N01 ictror; Pub'Iicui fi3r'N.'
Depart niet;Vl'ltp"Jj'torldi,-.U. 8 Liuio
Olllce at Tlit. DnDlOrejloii', Mur 2Sid.
Kill -ntletf T" Ifor'Aiy liliven that
TotlieHonablc.iuOje..of the County Court ot.N- - W-nOoN I.-C(N:maix
Clle0unders"f!ncdUl'egal voters of Lyle'Jap 0r vMilru. OrejOjy uljbf 'ti March
Prerlnct of Crook County, 8Ia,0,,' l'r,"' 28tli,fQir,'' ntMl.LoaiMid .iiinbera
Kffl'dWrUa No'8 03803-030(12
S&i 'or NSLlNyJ. -U, Hectton
1. Wm. Blair 1?. J.W. CottenKln 1 T p. 11 TfriUajniJo, 42, E Vt;-
frn iNif,Sr?Mii "w. Vill,me te MerWwiTtlinSIIuCTd
4. w m. BrownhlU
5. II. W.Andrew
0. W. Drown
7. W. M. Farrell
8. Jatdes Barton
9. J John Marshall
10. W. A. lo
11 3. A. Mel-can
12. Otto 9. Hohlfeldt.
WwlerU. Clark
Jo4.II. Stuart
J. (OJcffrles
James'NV. Hurt
A. ti. Mdn,ner
W, A. Cobnrn
Joe Oswald
John K. Daly
Joe uuier
Jake Ken ma
of intention to make flniil live yea
p(oof, to-,eTinbll8h ulann jo jClorDfV
aoovo- ucMcnbcU, Deiore Jiowniu v.
Turner, --Ur Hr C'JmraisHloner ut his
olllce at Miidrog, OruKOii.puUitf.s2iAl
This license will be applied for May 3rd, 'Glulmnnl name- a witnessed :
Nonce For Piinlicutioii
WFootc, Liimlim Footo, Louf-Av,
Wilaon'N. O. KattH all ol MmIhuv'Oiu-
DeDartment of the Interior. V. S. Land
OQlee at The Dalles, OreRon, March V'3, 1311.
Notice Is herobyKlyea that . .
r el
JOHN J, 80
of Madras, OreKon, Vno, on .
made homestead So. 0C93S. for SEU SV i, bW'i
SEii, .sec. 5 and Nh'i HWyt, MV'iNWi; ftee
8. Township 11 Sooth, Itanee.i;) nast, Hlllatu.
Innth. I'.aiiL-,! 1:1 nast. Will
mette Meridian, h!n fllid notfefr of-fiftCiiTioirt
maKe unai nve-ycar prooi, iu i-nuuunu num .....
to the land above dehorlbed, beli Howard im, lull
w, Turner, u. . commissioner, ai inj ouue m
ilay ubovbtfcHiyiiuteil for Hale.
'22 Bgiiteji
JN 01 ice For Panlicaliuu. 8
Depurtnient of the Interior, U g
Laud Ofllcu at The DalleB. Ur,
MMrch Mth. 11)11 N.-tlce U h.u:
given tht Thomfl B. Bar if
Madias, Oreon, wlio, on JanurarvmR
IP&Giljjo Uom'tcd, Ntf. O5810. for
NLiiNW i, SeeMon 7,jr..ffnnhip II
Houtoj. ItanVf. U-t lfV Wlllamelte
MrJcPitiikliiri fllc-il nottcH of inten fonto1
imiko nnalcomiiiuia inn I'iooI. to .
M.. .1 . t 1 u.-..".. i,i in iu iiiu iui 11 a 00 vi-if '
i:""1-' vj. K'"" riyii, u-ioie li .waru W Tamer. IT
his n.-r, ni
Notic? lor Publicullun
.iopurtiuiut of The'Ti.tefiinU. 8,
fcalki Ollice at The Uulllla3jiegOUrMiY.
ailleq-Mnreh nth 10, W
hertiby Kiv,.n thnt. . . k
'- .' A.. . . ' "I
vmlsalnnor of' Tc,ftl bj
uyu'r provisions 0, m
ConBrei8y nJ,rrtVw , Act
tfutiUo-No 803. w, , 15(4
MyifiH,nilhu i.mATi'i
10 s. n. 14 RaM.v. J W'JI
Any pernons cInii;
nliovn descrllieil
.iiuuieir ciHimn. or i.hln.i..
fore ti. day abodca
w -' "wii r
A ViI'miiI ft tfl Mi
... V.i .
t.ti,.4 OI)l.. j The DaEV
Mandril, ipn. 'rhh
XT '..! S . V. X k .
noupeiH 1 heretiy given Uiair!
ral Lnrnl liafitu i...V A. IT
., .0 -he l,taWSZ"W!
H.'m'.'. on thofVi .1-.. : .
BOU. 22 T. 13 a n -14. ... 7 1 S!J.
(Ihefl. andir, hJv18m1 IoSImJ
..1..IS.... .. , - -si,l
""H'l in WUJCUIlnns nn nr l,o,. .. ..
r - uviuin n.
Madras, Oregon, on the 9th uay oi way I Jj , 7i ' Vr,u'1 i 'iru
1911. Claimant names as vltnesvu. Uiurkii-.(irten, -il Ctllverf Off eon, Nvho,- on &r Comtniiifrcr1 m
W. K. Foote, H. M. Gardner, all of Madras, . . m . . ' . ', Mmlrn. ft. mm,. n i
Oregon June 19tiij lB0(,-innde hotnenli;udj No.- iomo'j on i
aiaml C. W. MOORE.vReglstcr . i, SrJrttirNl0fllLVSW. Isecifun IS ''V11' w
Notice For PuHUcoHou ' i llauirJLiilc rLliii
Fiihsjiijfl jiintli' RuriiJO "-131111)1
Dnartment of lhi Tntfrlnr. T'nOed Stutos I
Land Offlde at Tbe'Dfellds, Oregon TlfTrll 10, 1 jifouf to t'8'u iirtii ilium ti
of intention t iniiHe linal eomniuiuii
th Inn
HhovH.'defli rliiL'il, icloio Howar-i 4v
1 ..- IT U f'.,.... ......... ... l.l
rk.A-.M. v-..i,a .no, I i ui lici . u o wuuiuiin'-i"lli w in
ln tI....n...A..l Lv..fHl ill ,.. ... HI ..I it.... .. .1. n....
lucui; uumcwrnu, .w .isvi"li '.w ullH'C.-n ' HlllUrilH, UlVli' II, UI1 III!" 1111
01749. iorui .Nhi, .NiiSE, bee. 33 ana nyi . . .
witnei-8 -COiue
JOSKPH j. hinton
of Madras,
I9J5, made
Section 31. Towjuhlu 11 South.. Kaniie dus ol May. l"!l
)3KaMt, WHIannite Meridian, ha.rtlled notlccS-rjlMimiiiii n..iiiin .
of tnteutlott-to muke-Ftual iL-ive(tr-H)roof. -tM .M""' iiinen uf
establish claim to the land above described, CyrUM, (Jeure Wuid"io, Ji-e- Wltidoi
before Howard W. Turner, U. li. I 'ommMloncr , , ,. J . .
Thoroughbred Jersey bull for servict
at my ranch on Agency Plain. Terms,
$2.00 M. Braun. m30-!m
ONE 110 J Male 10 montim old well
bied, poland elm a Call ut Bt' 'Front
General Repairing
Wost of Hood & Stanton's Barn
Madras, Oregon
Uaner. A. M. Bechtcll and Claudia
Wpnderlev. Canital$5000 00 Location
is Prine ville To engage in general
abstract of titel business.
JJecJiutes valley LondandlnvestJnent
company by . P. Meyers. S. D.
Beyers and O. C. Youniz. Caniial
stock 25000.00 Homo ofilce is Port-
of the year to bare your teeth out and plate and
brldgework done and hero ! the place to c-t .a
boat palnlesi work poiilblo. Compare eurl'nett.
W flnlih pltto and
brldse work tor out.
of. town patroni la
one day ft deal red,
Falnleae extraction
free Hjiefl pltM i oi
brldgo work fa order.
el. Coniultttlon (ret.
MolirOroWm S5.00
Goii riiiinn 1,00
Enunl Filling! 1.00
SiNer Fllllnoi .50
I Good Rubbtr
- Hitei O.UU
Plata 7.60
DR. W. A, Will, ruiamiuMtauM Palilat f'H9 ,.60
iiiiu uiuuiin u riiniu t methods
All work tullr ruaranteed Tor f irtee ri yean.
Wise Dental Co.. Inc.
fairness Dentists
Fulling Bulldlnr, Third and V Jhlnrton PORTLAND, ORE
N ic Pi Pul)lioalion
Di-piiriin nt "f thelnteriur, U. .S
(.and ollice t TIih Unllee, Oregon,
,M ri lutn lull isottee is Hereby
IV li thai
if 'aili. B, OreKnii, who, mi May 13th.
19 4, niiiile limn- hIi miI, No. 13487
ria , No 0317", for SW fie.'ion 9,
Township II S -uth, RaiiKf M Cast,
Wi ant' tte Mend an, has filed notice
i make HiihI Uveyeiu i rnot. to estb.
I wli mini to li- land iibove deHcrlbed.
ur H ward V Turner, U. 8.
Co'iiiiuei-ioiier t Id- tllfn Madras,
Oregon, n tho 20ili. dny oi April. 1911.
Cliiiinant nainHH as witnesses: S nel F.
ober son. Qh rgc f. Mnc, Well a.
niiinu, Oh Tle 11 Tunutall, all i;t
Mailra-, OieKQti,
0. W, Moore
at hJs office, at Madras, Oregon, on the 23rd " l'ruk Hunt' run of LiuVer, On
day of Mnyl9ir - ' ,,, 'T
Claimant naniei a-wllneitet --- v- - - - u " w'T'
I). W,
fiarnett, Jesse Ends all ol "adras,
'. jC. V. MOORB.
. i w . . ."VgUtOfw
Notice forubltcation-
JS'niic Fdi Piihncuiioii.
uiiiu unite iii i ue Lauea, ureeon April uiu,
iiotlee Is herebv given that
of JUdirs, .cumin,, wbo. on, . laniiarr Uth,
1935, wade Homestead Sn. lliao aerial, S6.
0.1IM. fnr VEI. Spptlnn 17 Tnu,t,.hli, in Unnlli
Jtange 13 Ettt,AVUliilette 'Ja-rlillun iMUmieil
nonce oi intention to mane Kinal live-year
proof, to establish claim to the land above
aeseriDCU, ueiore Howard V. Turner, U. S.
Corointxuloner at bUotUce, at Madta.'i, Qregoo
6n the 23rd day'of .JTnh 1911
Claimant ilamej as ultni.ssi4: I"rnL- vilMn.
of Reymond, Orfcbn! J. E . CrfmribDll .'Gillh
Dliney, Clarance Watts all of Madras, Oregon
c. w. Mf)onif.p
m .io . . '
Notice fof Publication -
United States Land OBlee, The' lilies Ore
gon, April 12th, mi. ,
notice is nereuy Kiven. that the 'Northern
CJc'pnrmieiu'o'f tY'e ft tViior!V'U
I.h'UH Olll'eif' at" -Tiiti '1)MB; ' Orison
.Muruh 14, 1911 Notice id 'Miruuy
given that
J.i-hih p. Fiisx.-f . Youngs;'' Oregon
who, on Marcn, 7th, 1900 inndH hinne
Htu...r.'.ri'fiiiO'l SliaTN'o.'Ondyi lY.r'fcJ
4, 4S4 sicnoii Town,, l.ip lu
Kaiine 14 hunt, Vllatnetie MeriUlnn
has tili-d notiCH.i.f Jhtouiiun. t--ii,iiUe
iiiitl live yiui prool, loeHtMtniHh elatin
lteglser., ; tD juniJ A)0Ve deriheil. bt lore
Uurtard W, Turiier, U. H. Cotiun-
iBPtoiier, at hie office, at MadruH,;Or
on, on tnii L'Gtli. d- otApiil, 1911
Llalniani;na,.ieij Wllliaii
I'acllle ItailHny Comnany, wjiose iisloinie ad- w i"V,,2f?lilmi'V,9 SWlBO jyU"J
drcsimi.liilMlnMen,liaihWi2tlfciliyo Gohuin. Will Al,.therc. Chill lev Mi
Aprlll'Jll (lied In this olllre its application to rr, , ""'- oiuu iy- .au
select under this provlionsof the art of -Con-' Jlnney, Alexander Spicoi -nil H
extended by tliwhctot'(.'oiiKresrhtrovi'.l.MHy l0""''H' un 80,,
17, 1W6. St'jij mi fcVotion w. Township 1.1, I u 23 a 20 . . C "C. W MorW
South. rtanreia'Kast.W, M,.Ji:",-NK;i-ei'tiM ,n n W. MOW,
Serial o S ' " .1 Jteul-ter.
- r lriilied Ttuci
i'lihltn' hind! Jeale' No, .PQl
r.j"i.k- -'n.:. ii IT.' l.o'nntO
March 2Ih.'l9U. I; jl
U -Notice 4 I.eWhy feivm ? w
rpiucr (iv)li ;GommlBiiotier or
Any and all irsons rlalmliig adversely the
lands described, oi-uiesfring to olik'et beeauso'
of the mineral churautor of the land, or for
Utl I nlHm'auulJ i,. it... .1) 1 ,l 'lit.
ant other ireasoil. to.ilit. ilti,nni.
Khould file their affidavits of prniet In tdfii
raw uuiure wie zsiu uay-oi Mfty, lau;
. ' . l.. Vi . .MUIMIK.
a2t).mis .. .. . ...., Regiitor'-'
Notice for Publication
(Isolated Tract) '
Pvnuo Xan'o Hile ,o..0026J.
IC I I Kill
Deimrimei.. df fr.i. ' Iij(Un'..', U.' g;
I..UKI utile mi Th- DiiIiVB.Urepifi', M.ti
25th, li) 1,
iNnll. .n li
i, o
United States Land Oflleo. Thi liAllnu n
...... 4 11 . .I. mil '
r. " thai Wt l.aui
7 . .
,u i uwiiu-. iir, l'iih. uin, in
. . I- I . C . 1 .........
bepi. -TJi iTniTOnm V 'Hunie-t aTNTTl
HU3, be. S,. oao95. tor SE.NlSi,
NKSU Htm, 311,1 SWNW.NW
p. U Suut i, itungo 14)
AluiidiaU. ha files I
final live
claim to the
i ii" y her",n c'8'1""'!? adverkely thq above- Und uliove des riht-d
v. .bmu. .c nun, iu'iiiu iiiuin'iaiinf, iir
or objei'tions, on or before (tio day above des.
w...vw ...,,, ,n, w
Notice Is hitreby given that, ns directed by "'''ioOfl nee, 32.
theCommlKsloncr of the (inurari.and oillre. ISwi. See. 33 I
under provision of Ai t of Congress approved . " . "' '
June27 lW-i, l'ublle-.o 30.- wo will ttfer at & Wlll -llielle
Huunu ins, iu iiiu iiimii'ji oiduer. at u j
o'clock, a. m.-on the'2Cth drty of May l'JU m' 110111:0 "niltentlon to
KkSWeM t estublUl,
t . .... . .. . i , . - ii
, before Howard
Turner, U. S Cniiiiiiianoiiur at Iiib
Q. W. MOOKK, Itpglster.
N i'ii'h 'in Piililicii'rioM
)ennrirnent of tho interTor," United States
urf Ollice at Th?i bAlles, Oregon, April llth.
ollee (s hereby given that
of Hlstnrs, pregvri, who qn, prll 3rd 1905, made
Hhniestead, rrt., HMi HetlaVNo. ii8j37 ior
WA) Kectiqn 10 and SVM HWU, wu sv J sei
'iHUiiti. un tlui Kltl
day of Mtij , lull.
.uiuniMni imimHHH witiuftoKi Jnh, ,
XunmsiM, A fre.l Wild. .onMnna.:"'
,1 F --wfs, a. III I."
Ki n " ' . '
w "0. W." Mooie,
iHiiurna? IeKiter
i ii
niawcMc i'lciuuii, nun nieu notice ol lnten. m . .''....., i
iSV J0.?;"" P.r-"of-: ih' Notice for Pubfioui on.
Depart tiieit'of-the-liiterl..r.- TI.- s.
Iand Olllce at ' Tile i)al res, Vrwil
claim to. the land above deserihi.,1 i,ofn.
arren-Ordwh. County Clork afhls 'offlco, at
19U "'.'pr'v . u" ulu 'tfi iay pi May,
;!8ll5aJlLnRme8?,1YI.tness,: I-ewlsC. qiov. Maruli l.lrii ion
"oWrt'oiover. Ola1 Larson; Uoberru. Jor- roii-iuii, .1911. w
dan all of Sister, Oregon
N.-.iic- F .i Ful, Ur.iioi,
Denartment of the Interior, n io.,, nm.
. TI n Iloll. ..... . ..... """O
Nutlee Is hereby gl en ilmt
max wir.siiv
of Madras, Oregon, who, on January Ctli 1905
raado Homestead. No. lino h,.hi ViTYi
forBW NtlHVU. 8oi.tlnn jnrr.;" ,V. 1 mn7, 1 1 u
riJ . I ii.."' ...'ft . Wlllini iu li I rf 11
nouui, uangei: r.ast, wiiiamctlo llorldiaii. iu ..ut..- .. . m.. T.. . ""'
(lied notice of intention to'tuakoilnal Hve VVa? . . T. . ,M' u" on
Nnttfti.- Iu-i...aI. ..i
.nv .n injfoj, B,Ve Tr,Rr lHn()
Muriin nl n .
"i.iixteKiiu, -wnu,..iin.
uyUu ,0' mHd,' No,
1111111..111111 V II'ILTU .. T...'
n 'i..r' v.' ..... ' '9r 14 eo.
r"l ;"""""iJ io oouin; JtiUiKe M3- li
W . Umetfe Alen iu , him ll.ed n.
"i. iiiilii inn it, iiiiiux II !.,
Pro"f, to establish claim to tho land above i de.
j. ww., . , , onyii-U'. jtilin. to ,rie. J..ul
"ivaii,HU'rmr.i, i.eiuio ll,uid W.
toiniiilNHn ni-r ut .hta
. u i ir.lTl .in I... o ..
uj " JXt J, Dili,
scribed, before Howard w i Turner. U 8 Com! . fl.i, . . v .
mUsloner at his office, Madras, Oregon, onThJ if """ 1 """a'H Witness: OolhV
21th day o May, 19U. 1( J'Wiljlit )hei ti-, Ueorue Oh.
.Claimant nameu n uHnn,.... ...!.... i,n., 4 ' 1 .7 .. "ryyuiK" US'
0. W. JfOOltE.
bi23 u2CT"
Q. W. Monro
the 20lh
( laiinaui naniefl b wiltifsfes: Om
ilulJtiiUIieVerf--rrnnr K8,ali ol Mtt
CjN.iiire i,:PoOJiAilH j,
Departmen of iln inierior, U. 8,
Lnii(l "Illi,T "i The i) nlc, Oregon, Mar jl
ivo'ic 18 nernny given um un..&
F"eliniHr SCli. 1909, mmle Defert Tanr
emry N . (12351, for SWi Wi Sec. 1
Twp. 9 otit M ast, WlfV
me te Mendiuii, ban flleil pptirol He
tentfon to tnalie final Drodf. to fualif
ifeh obnyi to iho land Miovevslfjcilwa
beforo llowara W mrnur, u. s.iw
iniHHionor at hh nfllce, Ht Melrai, Ore-
...... mil
gon, on tlio Hint oav o may, iuii,
ClMiniMnt iiHinon a- witiiwaeg: Jamcj
W. Iluri, Willinm Dmir, Dmle!
Bu iers, JoK-ph S'tiart nil ol lom'i
Oregon. "
C. W. Moure
.nnil (Jffieo. antler pjovt'iom
ofAd of Coi)KreHH,ippr"V'lVl"!'27'
1900. ifk 303,0 r1ir "irer it
iiiIiIki -,il.', to ihe hWlicut WvufJ)
9;30 eka. tn.,'6n the PT"
vVay'lOllW fhlfi Mllee, UK1 """"J
tr-ei-or Ian rto wi.: -XV4 swi.
T. ltS.,lt.iU,,.nn . u '
ii'OV.-duKcr eil J'iihIh nre iwvut"
j a .... t9
llie thei. elnitnN""r,
WCI'MO V ilU ' I" J aa w . w
0. W. MflrP
I'ublio .Lamk h.iIo no, 00598.
i M. run vnti.p h litrey
mniuii iitu. iui. '" -.- n,,mm.'lry .Uy VJ to
olllce, i he lol owi'iK tnic" o .j
nai V. AI. .j ,f,a
Any P-. -oit claim ng Ll
uhove d. ai'liheil 1H"' J'! .IV ' ,.. ur
lli thwir'fluimuilr eUj'-cnuir'. ,
t.eforo the day uhove tlifliunateu f
811 lO.
m23 u20
O. AV. MooWi
. . ' . i . ... i inn .
licpartmcnt of tin
nt Tho !al!e,Orpgpn i(ar.cli 97 c(
k' made Homestead No. 139J7 Hcrlal .05J
ItangO-'JS cttirt, wnip'
led notlco oUntcntlon to mane
.'... i .T.VTHIIall claim t
cni' iiiui.i, iw "i""" , (,i
It ...... i.rn Howard "
U.H. Commoner, ,a
Madras, Oregon, on too ma - yf.
Lota 3,
Claimant names as
..- ..iu
OhaJlca Vi El Wote all of Modra', fIf".