The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 20, 1911, Image 3

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Drug I
, !i m or uiA-ui
.-itnfiinii f
frN..-. nivl Chemi- f
'Ag Purest and most .
Fancy Stationery, r
'Toilet Articles and
C3 X
flajsortealineof J
1 1 1 1 14 1
from Bend laBt
. i .nnoi r.iiv. was m
-Tt(fll III JVU w "
Fridny buylng supplies.
I UiU '
i Mtlf ufnrn in
i hue been ai iienu
tie Red Cross drug store at
?n tic oilv the past
. ... T .1
Id Campbell anu nernun ju....,
j.t. nf flic Madras meat
left for roruanu mau-nuu; v.
- i 111... 1
0, L Paxton reiurncu uw lum-i
lutweck from a six months
Ourteton, West Virginia, and
i. t it.. .IkIa
u..!.m Liifnf rrAnn f 4 lift
thilipmenU of mutton Bheep.
ff Prett of Kansas City, Miss-
1.. il II. ..1 0JnnnHaAn1
given uy iiiv muu jJuiijiaDtiiuui
.11 - 1 1 r
Tkn 0aiq1 ittitl ln rrtirnn r
mi inn Hrnooi. iinu nuuim
Ltrkin mmle a business trip to
list week arriv ntr home Fri-
imr ri r ivna nncnmnnninn nn
oy iierton Aiorumore who
. .. tit V
HOther HorflPO U'Vin !q nttonrl.
U.of 0, at Eugene, and is homo
VAntfnn -
Clark, former right of wav
w charge of the Onal Citv
j" nrrmoM t ittn.i o.. .1 1
f'r'jt wwiitu uuuuny uuu
prwnoiing the destinies of that
- wvuwiuill IUII"
uuu iniiiiiy, wno ro-
ill mu C1W Bnop-
IHMftli .ill. 1 - 1 .
- --j ...hi lutoi iruut-s people.
t u kuuj; oi men
'"' u n u nin irnn.Mnv.
fanph ViQnn! it-. 1
, : 1 v.iwigmg mo erauo at
mi ev . 1. . 1 . . .
inaKe 11 less steep.
"tter.ofthe railroad contract-
01 Phrtar I. 01 1. .
--. umrKBon. wno hnd
- tm gramiiK ot the nor-
I ThA r .
" wCKon Trunk lino n
hus nere th s wnnk
P to business. He expects to
fC" U Mf88. soon,
vviuuanv non n wIl 1
" " 111 UL.I IlFlIP Iknb
Walter Anderson who has been on n
visit at Spokane, returned Inst evening.
Gcorgo WIndom was in tho city
yesterday from his homo near Culver.
0. G. Collvcr, post master at Culver
Junction, wob In the city yesterday on
Cora Vfckors, of Indianapolis, niece
of Mrs. H. E. Jacobs of Agoncy Plain,
is visiting her aunt near this place.
John I. Hprlngcr, traveling freight
agent of tho Great Northern railway, is
in the city on a tour of investigation.
County Clerk Warren Brown came
in from Pnnevlllo this morning nnd left
on tho train for Portland on a short
business trip.
J. Fink, pno of tho veteran travelers
for this district, representing tho Goz
lan tihoc company, is In Madras today,
interviewing tho trade.
Jessie Ilobson, of tho Greater Mad
ras company, arrived Tuesday evening
and will spend several days hero look
after business interests
L. Doonar, superintendent of the
Pacific telephone company of Prinevlllo
and for Crook county, was hero Mon
day looking after business.
M L. Loucks and wife are home from
their visit in California They were
joined at Portland by Mrs. Kyle Loucks,
who accompaincd them homo.
Mrs Sanford Schultz and daughter,
Miss Gertrude were in this city last
Saturday in their auto, from their home
on Trout creek near Cross Keys.
Mr. Judge, a representative of a
Portland engino and pupply company
is in tho city today, conferring with city
authorities concerning equipment for
the operation of the city water works
J C. Robinson made a trip to Port
land this week to bring in the new
automobile which he sold to A. W.
Boyce, a prominent rancher of the Hay
stack neighborhood.
C. II Thompson, who for the post
four years has been engaged in busi
ness in Japan hns taken a position ns
salesman with the Central Oregon
Mercantile company.
G. W. Kidder, Who has been spend
ing tho winter on his ranch south of
town, putting In his crops, left Monday
for Oregon City, where his family now
resides. He will come back to attend
to tho harvesting of his crops.
Construction of tho new hotel,
for Charles F. Flora, near the
Oregon Trunk depot has been com
menced by a large force of workmen.
This hotel will have about 30 rooms and
will be steam heated and electric
The Madras lumber company has
opened a big yard just Bouth of the
yards near the Oregon Trunk depot
grounds. They arc also establishing
yards at Metolius, Culver and Redmond.
8. O. Herman is the district manager
for this company.
0. F. Jonson, of Portland, was in the
city this week looking over tho country
with the I ica of establishing a bank at
some point in Central Oregon. He has
returned to Portland to map out defi
nite plans and expects to return to this
county soon.
Evangelisto Gregg and Webb desire
to announce that they will be in Mad
ras Saturday evening, April 29th, to
commence a cries of meetings. The
first meeting will be a store opticon
lecture regular nervices to begin on the
following Sunday, In tho Christian
Richard Balrd, of Yamhill, and his
son, C. V. Baird, of Walla Walln,
Washington, who have homesteads on
Agency Plain near the Mountain View
schoolhouse, arc here looking after
their Interests. Tho young Mr. Baird
is manauer for the Wise Piano house at
Walla Walla.
$10.00 Reward.
ESTRAY Bay filley 3 yrs old; white
Btripo in face, branded on the left
shoulder with tho letter U, quarter
circio above It; weight about 1000 lbs.
The above reward will bo given for the
colt or for Information that will lead to
tho recovery of tho same.
a20-lt Culver, Oregon.
FOR SALE. Iron beds, bed springs,
mattresses, cots, chairs and bedding;
cheap for cash, nt Madras rooming
houso. n20-lt pd
pest For Oregonians
Cool Dress Goods
A visit to our dress goods de
partment will convince you that
we have the right goods at the
right prices. A large variety of
patterns and materials, direct
from the eastern markets, and
the prices this season are con
siderably lower than last season.
Ginghams 6c up, Flowered
lawns from 8 l-3c up. Calicoes,
chambrays, zephyrs, scotch plaid
novelties, etc.
Straw and Mexican Hats
15 cents. Just the thing for
warm weather. All the latest
styles and at prices that cannot
help pleasing both parties (rich
and poor)
New Felt Hats
Just off the latest blocks and
ready for all kinds of heads.
Many snappy styles, nifty colors.
Dandy wear.
Work and Dress Shoes
We want to make special men
tion of these facts: First, that
We have the largest shoe stock in
town. Second, that our shoes
are all guaranteed against im
perfections in workmanship and
material, thus assuring you en
tire satisfaction.
See our latest novelty Oxfords,
for men and women. They will
surprise you.
Fishing Tackle
Get ready to fish now. We
can supply you with all kinds of
fishing tackle, such as reels, rods,
flies, hooks, spoons, etc.
New Spring
Positively we
have the largest
selection and neat
esT: stvles in Men's
r ix- .jaliCslir.
Doy s ana i outn
Suits this se
wnicn we
ever shown
Prices and quality combine, fit and satisfaction guaranteed1
If we cant give you a fit from stock, we will take your measure. Latest swatches
always on display. Save your cash tickets and get phonograph free.
It Was Quite Appropriate.
A famous divinity professor win?
was visiting In the north of Enpilaud
had been Invited to preside nt the
church ceremony of the baptism of the
last arrived Infant In the already
crowded hours of a local minister,
The guest eve out for congregational
singing a paraphrase much favored on
such occasions.
"Let us," said he, "sing from the
fifth paraphrase, beginning at the sec
ond verse, As spvka In close suc
cession rise.' "
To his consternation the congrego
Ust: steeled.
Afterward, asking the "minister's
man" what had been wrong, that func
tionary replied:
"Ye see. professor, the minister's
n&mo Is Sparks, and yonder Is his
tenth balm!"
Natural Gas.
Tho natural gas of Pennsylvania Is
wlorless. Its presence cannot be do
tectcd by smell. That Is the explana
tion of many of the disastrous explo
sions which occur. The gradual leak
age from a natural gas pipe may fill a
cellor or a room. This leakage may
occur directly from the pipe or the
gas may travel some distance through
a sewer pipe. Then when n light Is
brought Into the cellar or room a ter
rific explosion occurs, often destroying
tho building and sometimes tearing up
tho street In front. Philadelphia
North American.
His Little Joke.
A Denver doctor who Insists on Jok
ing onco In a while noticed some scales
of a now pattern I11 a shop window.
Over them was a sign which read:
"Weigh your supplies yourself at
home. Tbo scales will pay for them
selves. I'rico $1."
Tho doctor went Into tho shop, ex
amined tho scales aud decided to try
them. He had one wrapped up and
started away with It.
"Oh, by tho way," said tho shop
keeper, "did you want to pay for that,
cc shall I charge it?"
"Tho sign says they'll pay for them
selves," replied tho doctor. "Now, If
this one doesn't you let mo know and
we'll have It arrested."
And then he went out and Just
laughed and laughed. Denver Times.
Narrow Escapes.
An Edinburgh minister rolled a
thousand feet down the steeps of Ben
Nevis and lived to tell the tale. Ad
miral Sir Novell Salmon was clean
shot through at Lucknow nnd returned
as dead, but came up smiling soon
nfterward. Similar was Lord Wolse
ley's experience In the Crimea: but,
though pretty well riddled with shot
aud shell and deprived of the sight of
an eye, he was able soon after to en
joy a laugh over his own obituary.
Not long ago there was a girl Up on
trial In a London police court who had
twice attempted to commit suicide, but
two trains had passed over her and
left her absolutely unscathed.London
The Seal's Sense of Smell.
The sense of smell possessed by the
seals Is very strong and will Invariably
wake them out of a sound sleep, oven
if you come upon them ever so quietly
to the windward, and you will alarm
them in this way much more thorough
ly, though you be a half mile distant,
than if you came up carelessly from
the leeward and even walked In among
them, they seeming to feel that you
are not different from one. ot their own
species until they smell you. The chief
attraction In these animals Is their
large, handsome eyes, which Indicate
grent Intelligence. They are a deep
bluish black, with a soft, glistening
appearance, and the pupil, like the
cat's, Is capable of great dilation and
Curiosities About Fish Scales.
Tho thin silver- coating of fish
scales derives its luster from- many
minute crystals of lime mixed with
a peculiar substance called "guanln."
This coating of silver crystals Is very
easily rubbed off the scales, and In the
ense of a European species of carp
known ns the "bleak" the crystals are
so numerous that a metallic pigment,
commercially known as "argentine," is
made from them. The large globular
glass beads known as "German" or
"Roman" pearls are coated on the In
side with this substance. In some spe
cies of fish with lusterless scales the
silvery lining Is found on the Inside of
the body. A well known example of
this Is seen In the common smelt.
-no an nn nn an in nn hh un.
E. E. Echelberger
Do. I
- 1 'i
1 lailS ClliU lSLlllld.L9 l Lis. 1JL1911WUL vt&t
Office at Robinson's Oarage
I A. E. Peterson
Satisfaction Guaranteed Afc
Throi Doors North of P. 0.
Hamiiibn, Waltham and" Elgin Watches
Hamilton & Hamilton chains, charms, necklaces,
bracelets, lavaliers, chatelaine pins and brooches
Your Orders Prompt Attention ) Ik M
Trnnoinnt Qtnnl ( Dot Of Cnnrl Inrl for4?ll
l 1 lanoioiu uiuun uifgii uooi ui I gdu hiiu uaio .jxt?
Rochester, N, Y.
A full line of Pho
to supplies always
on hand. Printing
and developing
done. Mailorders
will receive our
prompt attention.
Write for our new
Try a bottle of Mur
ine's Edlr.ol Devel
oper. Will develop
' any Plato or Paper
'-.nt y
"f ft.
Exclusive Agent For
A ' IB
l raw1 1
District Mgr.
'as, Oregon ff