The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 20, 1911, Image 10

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1- ?
Are you a Build I tn
come to MADRAS,
R. E. Michael Now AgentCorett
does to Opal City
The new Oregon Trunk depot
was moved- into by the local
station force last Tuesday, and
arrangements there are assum
ing an order and system much
more comfortable and convenient
than has been possible in the
cramped quarters of the tem
porary depot which has done
service since trains began man
ning regularly.
J. M. Corbett who has been
agent at Madras, -has been trans
ferred to Opal City, and A. E.
Michael of Portland, is now this place.
Three cottages that are being
built by the Oregon Trunk as
mmrtpm fnr fVio pmnlnvoa iiiof.l
j L . .
SOUth Of the depot are receiving
the finishing touches this week,
This company's improvements
are of neat and substantial type,
and add much to the appearance
of the city.
Harriman Trains Nearer
The whistles of the Harriman
locomotives can now be heard in
Madras daily, track laying hav
ing progressed to a point south
of the G.L. Paxton ranch, about
10 miles away. Just when trains
will reach the Madras depot
grounds cannot be learned, al
though it seems probable that it
will be about the middle of next
Water for Vanorn
The water, supply for Vanora
townsite was put into operation
last Saturday, the source being
the Deschutes, river and the
The Line is
Metolius, Madras and Points North
Daily Passenger Train leaves Metolius 8:30 A. M., Madras 8:47
A. M., Stopping at Intermediate Points, Connecting at Fallbridge with
the Inland Empire Express on "The North Bank Road," arriving at
Portland 8:15 P. M.
Leaving Portland 9 A. M., Arrive at Madras 7:15 P. M., Me
tolius 7:;0 P. M.
Trains Carry Parlor Cars First Class Coaches
and Smokers
During thi- period Low Colonist fares will be in effect from the middle
west to all points on the Oregon Trunk Ry. From Chicago $33, .t. Louis $32,
St. P ul $25, Kaesas City $25, Omaha $25, other points in proportion, via Burl
ington Route, Gre -t Northern or Northern PacificRys., "The North Bank Road'
and Oregon Trunk Ry. This is a good chance for your friends to come to
Oregon on about half fare.
Homeseeker's reduced round trip fares are in effect to all Oregon Trunk
Railway points the first and third Tuesday of each month from all points in the
.middle west.
Freight Received From and Forwarded to Portland and Other Points
J. H. Corbett,
Madras, Oregon,
T. A. Graham,
Metolius; Oregon.
t .. if .
yur nome city it so, wme your menas ana ten mem wnai wc uic ... inw, -
tell them to tell their friends friends to come to MADRAS. Your good old home
SYNDICATE, (1NG) Cor. "D" & 5th
water being forced on the pro- j
perty by means of a gasoline
pumping outfit. Several new
buildings are completed there
and more are in course of con
struction. Fishing: Licenses Received
A supply of fishing license
blanks have been received from
County Clerk Warren Brown by
Justice J. H. Jackson, and can
be had from him at his office in
the Pioneer building. D. W.
Barnett has received the blanks
for the hunting licenses. Since
the opening of the fishing season
there has been quite a demand
for the licenses, but no blanks
were available, and a consider
able number of applications have
been filed and receipt issued for
fee, armed with which the fish
ermen have gone forth to try
their luck.
Uncle Sam Won't Pay.
The city authorities of Leavenworth.
Kan.. levied a paving assessment
against the federal building In that
city. They were surprised to And later
that a federal building site Is a gov
ernment reservation, the sovereignty
orer which has been ceded by the
state, and is therefore not taxable. A
special appropriation by congress Is
necessary to pay for the paving. If it is
to be paid.
A Serious Conflagration.
The morning after the firemen's pic
nic Hogan, the pipe man, was in a bad
"Howly shmoke," he groaned, "me
lnsldes Is burnln' up, Honoral"
"Do ye think, Mike, that ye could git
th' fire under conthrol wld a bottle lv
beer?" asked Mrs. Hogan.
"I dunno," said Hogan, "but anyway
It would help to wet down th' ruins."
A Wonder.
Junior Partner I seo you have en
gaged a new clerk. Is he a good sales
man V
Senior Partner Good salesman?
Great Scott, I had to send for the po
lice to prevent him from talking mo
into taking him into the firm. Spo
kane Spokesman-Review.
OPEN for
R. Budd, C. Eng.
Portland Oregon
i nuiirv ni.
25X100t 25X140 and 50X100 Feet
Up According to
t i.n .i
Dr. Syntax.
On the English coast, at Land's End,
there stands a curiously formed bowl
der with a profile resembling that of
n human face. It is supposed thnt once
the rocky head was held proudly erect
and could look out over the blue sea,
but during somo period of disturbance
the huge bowlder was thrown forward,
so that now the forehead of the man
rests against a neighboring rock. All
these rugged and massive pieces bor
dering the coast are fine granite. Lo
cally the curious bowlder Is known as
Dr. Syntax.
A Better Campaigner.
Two candidates for the same ofilco
came into n certain town one day.
The one called at n house, where a lit
tle girl came to the door. Snld he,
"SIssle, will yon please bring me n
glass of water?" Having brought the
water, he gave her some candy and
asked, "Did the man ahead of me give
you candy?" "Yes, sir." Then ho
gave her a nickel and said. "Did he
give you money?" "Yes, sir; he gave
mo 10 cents." Then be picked her up,
he kissed her and said, "Did he kiss
you?" "Yes, sir, and he kissed mam
ma too!" National Monthly.
The Bird and the Man.
A country stable keeper was driving
a salesman from one town to another
when. In passlug through n wooded
section, the salesman seized the lines
and brought the horse to a halt.
"What Is that noise?" he queried, lis
tening to a peculiar sound coming
from the woods.
"That? Oh, that's a partridge drum
ming," replied the driver.
"Well," mused the salesman, letting
go the lines, "I hope he's had better
luck than I have today." Boston
Sharp and Bright!
Two street urchins were arguing
about the high cost of living or some
thing at Sixth and Sansom streets,
and soon logic was exhausted and they
began to call names.
"You're a bonehead!" one grimy kid
Informed the other.
"G'wan. I'm so sharp mo old man
tried to lick me the other day and cut
his hand. You're the lowbrow of the
"Is that so? Well, If you want to
know anything, I'm so bright my '
mother calls me sun." Philadelphia
Paper Money In Mexico.
In Mexico and other Latin American
countries there is no law against the
reproduction of the paper money of
the country for use as advertising, but
in the United States this is n felony,
and any one so doing would be prose
cuted under the laws of the land for
counterfeiting the nntlonal currency.
in Mexico imitation bills can bo seen
nt all times used for advertising pur
poses, and, strange to say, they da-
celve no one, and the users of them do
not intend any deceit, though It would
seem to bo an easy matter to pass
them on unlettered persons. Can It
be that Mexicans are moro Intelligent
or simply that few of tho illiterate
ever gain possession of paper money?
John Wesley's Wife.
John Wesley married a widow, Mrs.
Vizelle, who grew tired of his restless
ly laborious life and complained. Ho
paid no atteutlon, and from complaint
she went on to jealousy, thence to fury.
He rebuked her sternly: "Do not any
longer contend for mastery, for power,
money or praise. Bo content to bo a
private, insignificant person. Of what
Importance Is your character to man
kind? If you were burled Just now or
had never lived, what loss would It be
to the cause of God?" She left him,
taking with her a largo number of his
private papers, and ho dismissed tho
subject by writing In his Journal: "I
did not forsako her. I did not dismiss
her. I shall not call her back."
If either man or woman would
realize the full power of personal
beauty it must be by cherishing no
ble thoughts and hopes and pur
poses, by having something to do
and something to live for that is
worthy of humanity and which by
expending the capacities of theaoul
gives expansion and symmetry to
the body which contains it.- Up-ham.
MnAAQ t01 them
My brother, did you ever run An In
cubator in the house, smoke the white
celling, the snowy curtains and the
counterpane and get henpecked for it?
Alns. yes!
Well you deserved it and a good
lickiif to boot. Have you yen rued for
an incubator all these years, but been
deprived of hatchin chicks by ttje
bar'l because Marlar had a gropltj'
fear that It would bust and blow up
the whole shebang?
Ala9. yes!
Brother, there Is hope!
Our picture solves tho problem.
Of course a natural cave, dry
innclous. wonld be better: but. not hav
lng one handy, our friend mnde his
own. and It's n dandy. It wos tun
neled back Into the hill eighteen feet
and made ten feet wide.
As much ns possible the natural roof
was preserved, and the structure
was built of thick, squared log1!, con
crete being pushed In over the top and
the roof outside being covered with
concrete and packed earth. It Is slm.
ply nil heavy logs, except the board
front, the ground Uoor and the inner
end, which is earth.
A ventilator enters at the front, runs
overhead to the rear, and to tills tho
Incubator heaters are attached by
pipes for removal of al! lamp fumes.
There Is very little drip, tho tem
perature is about right, air la good
and Just moist enough. Tho cave
holds ten 150 egg Incubators.
This cave reminds one of tho en
trance to a soft coal mine, nnd If you
take a notion to build such an Incu
bator convenience talk It over with
an old miner he is everywheronnd
get his assistance and advice.
All shad es and Styles of
Dress Suits, Low priced work
Shirts, Light weight Underwear,
Collars, .
that now is the time to act in on the omim,l n. . . .
"nnjlo TUC ni 0r xn ' lel,"ittb
928 Chamber of Commerce,
Q. 1 nm an nmntcur photographer
and have been interested In your pic
tures. Do you use film or plate, and
how do you get such good clotures?
A. Wo use n plato camera (o bj 7) with
A No. 1 lens and shutter. You must
learn the trick by experience. It re
quires much patience, nnd you'll often
bo tempted to break that resolution
not to cuss.
peclally Interested in your articles on
poultry diseases. Postmortems are
very offensive to me, however, e-
Jpeclnlly examination nnd opening of
untion and opening
uuo imesuncfl,
Perhaps you may anc-
gest a way out.
A. Postmortem is not pleasant foi
v one. There Is less ens. less smell.
performed early. Sprinkle tho cnv.
ity.and organs with a weak solution
of Vnrbollc nctd. Open intestines nnd
other parts in clear water in whfch
soma acid has been dropped. ThU
klllstamolls and prevents poison.
Q. I live near tho water and can
get plenty of fish for my hens and
ducks Is It n good ration?
A. Fish Is good for ducks in breed
ing Beason. but gives n fishy flavor to
their l&flh. If much Is fed it will af
fect the flavor of eggs, and It is claim
ed mollnsks and fish often transmit
tapeworm to fowl.
N jur- For
Department ot tho Interior. U. 8. Land
Ottlcc at Tlife lalle, Oregon, March 23, 1911.
.Notice u hereby kIvcii that
of Madrni, OreKun, who, on Juno 4th, 1910,
inaile boinctra No.OOT), for BWtf
HE'.,, ve. 6 ami'jt'K Ntt'tJ. SW'K SKi, Section
8 Touiuhlp 11 Houtli, Itango 18 Kt, Wlllam
mettc MerMlnn.'liim tiled notice of Intention to
make llunl commutation proof, to vatHbliah
elnlin tn the laud nbovo deacrlbed, before Ho.
wnrd W. Tiirner.H', H. CointilIloner, nt hi
olllce nt Mndran.XOrcEon, on tho 2Vth day of
May 1311.
llalmant name a wltnexicm Charles
W. K Koote, If. M. Uardner, all of Madrni,
I a'JU 1U25
C. W. MO'OItK, Itoglltcr.
TirTnTi-. a a m . - 1 TT . L I Intfl I MIX
OF ;
.oHch f,,r p,,!,.
Mil, "'. vrtni
die . ..
Intent ou to aiW , rin.fS- hl
W,h claim Ml '"J
ueiore lijnMidw.fiy:.nW
.ii.r i ." -"urn. Urn
day oi mv, ijuV
Claimant namei
Frank J. rn.-i;"V.!.'."nw:
McKiroy .not Mrar,y x I
n m ...
mm ft
HallilUl UU
OamI A ft..
Tft. -m urn urn m - m
. . viv unuu, i,
- - m vi uiiu jr ii
ni a i .
to-date millinery.
u rs. sh rv n. ir
Complete Line of S-
. itMl mv'(
Hn on the road-wm
in a few days.
Walch our Display
shoW P.
dovrs, They
thinffS VVC