The Madras Pioneer I'ubltshed every Thursday by -THE I'lONBKK PUBLISH INO CO.- BUBSORIPTION RATES: Oiif vear $1.60 six months 85 Three months 60 4.DVKBTI8INO ItATKfl ON APPLICATION' Entered as second class matter August 2, 1901, at tho Postottlce at Madras, Ore under the Actof Concress nf March 8.1R7H THURSDAY - APRIL 6, 1911 CHve Lots for City Hall ; The Madras Townsite company has announced its intention of donating two lots to the city as a site for the erection of a city hall and jail, the location of the property having not been defi nitely decided as yet. This point will be decided by a committee which was selected at the last council meeting. The city will be given the choice lots now remaining unsold. While it is not probable that the city will undertake the construction of a town hall and other buildings in the immediate future, the lots will be deeded to the city as a reservation for future needs. Will Sink Wells The Deschutes railroad com pany has contracted for the sinking of a well at the head of Willow creek gorge, to get a water supply to use during the construction of the big steel bridge, where workmen are now engaged. Mr. O'Neil, of the traffic department announced while here the last of the week that the company intends to sink a well at the depot site on Agency plain also. Madras Defeats Metolius The Madras baseball team de feated the Metolius players last Sunday afternoon in the first game of the season at the latter nlnoA with a score of 2 to 1. rtotn teams played good ball as is in dicated by the score sheet, and while the grounds at Metolius were not in the best of condition, the game furnished diversion for the teams as Well as a large crowd of fans who saw the con test. A return game between the same towns is announced to take place on the Madras dia mond next Sunday afternoon. Opens Millinery Mrs. Isa E. B. Crosby returned from Portland the last of the week where she had been to pur chase a stock of millinery goods, for the store she has opened in Madras. Portland Doctor Locates Dr. Arthur Gale, a young Port land physician, has come to Madras to practice his profes- i i sion, ana nas iormea a partner ship With Dr. H. B. Haile, who was physician for the Harnman construction forces during the time the grading work was being done. a Dr. H. B. Haile Buys Rnrich Dr. H. B. Haile has purchased of W. C. Moore the John Arnick er homestead, comprising 160 acres, located about six miles southeast of town. ICECREAM AND CANDY Wilson & Ifem have opened an icecream P' "" made candy store in the building first door west of Urfon. Harnes Shop, where they will be pleased to supply the pubhc wtth dehcou. refreshments and confections. Give them a call. Wilson & Isham Madras, - re9on THE Q V r inr TOMMY McCORMACK, Prop, jriiic vniiw, iiquurs an(j q FURNISHED ROOMS-New and Don't Re s! For Sale Relinquishment to 160 acres.' Price $400, this price includes new two story house, barn and farm implements. About 12 acres cleared. Situated about two miles from Gateway on the Deschutes R. R. ALSO- For sale, 160 acres including house, well, ten acres cleared and fenced, situated 1 1-2 miles from Gateway. A 160 acre homestead can be taken in con nection with this, making 1-2 section of land for small amount of money. Price $2500 Apply G. Northrup & Co., Youngs P. O. Oregon. Unless vou want to know, or have some friends who want to know, or know someone who has friends who want to 'know that BLUE FRONT Is the best place to buy your Groceries New Goods arriving Daily We have a small amount of Gents Furnishings left which we are closing out At Cost. Watch for ad. of sale of Gents Fnrnishings. The Blue Front w.j. cowhred Prop. MADRAS OREGON MACHINE BLACK SMI THIN HUKbtarlUtlNG A SPECIALTY WAGON & CARRIAGE WorJo ALL WORK GUARANTEED WITHIN REASON FINE & JOHANSE Suooaaaora to Tuokor & Culp BAKER & SON Baggage and Express Transfer TO AND FROM THE DEPOT Leave Order At Commercial Glub Room Prompt Service 1 1 1 ti A. E. Petersoi Three Doors North of P. O. MADRAS, - OREGON Hamilion, Waltham and Elgin Watchej Hamilton & Hamilton chains, charms, necklaces, bracelets, lavalicrs, chatelaine pins and brooches NEW STORE team New Goods New Pn Ours' is the only merq house in interior O stocked with new from the railroad tq shelves or display roorn s l he saving is yours fd s asking. : THE SATISFACTION : BEING THE FIRST FIR : QUOTE THIS NEW S : OF prices is miRs mSmm ill" Hlul farm machinery, garden and field seeds and a class groceries at cash full f-4 We Want Your Produce W. F. Hammer Co.