E2H Pastime Pool H MADRAS OREGON ioilianWitness Portland Bartenders Arrested and Put Under $250 Bonds A. W. OULP, Proprietor Sn 2 S 2s Sold Liqor to all Vanoownsite Company We are assured of enough Manufacturing Plants to make Vanora the largest city in the DESCHUTES VALLEY BUY NOW, WHILE PRICES ARE LOW CALL OR WRITE FOR MAPS AND CIRCULARS Van Tassel Land Co. MADRAS, OREGON Local Agents CON TRUNK RY. The Line is OPEN for 'ASSENGER & FREIGHT BUSINESS AT Metolius, Madras and Points North Daily Passenger Train Leaves Metolius 8:30 A. IVL Madras 8:47 M 9 . ! . n r T- in i m state ana was wen Known IE atpIntermccl,a 5 J?0'' m' CPnnCt,!lg S bnd?e. W,t!! of the old settler. He ft fid 5 P MXprCbS " T,1C Nrlh Bank Rad' amv,ngat native of New York state. Leaving Portland 9 A. M.. A 7-1 S P M.. Mo- w 7:30 P.M. rains Carry Parlor Cars Firs! Class Coaches and Smokers LOW FARES MARCH 10 TO APRIL 10 u ng mis period Low Colonist fares will bo In effect from the middle "jwn on tho Orceon Trunk Itv. From Ghtenira S33. Because they are alleged to have sold liquor to Custer Wallu latum, an Indian from the Warmspring reservation, Frank Freeman and John Pinard, bar tenders in Erickson's saloon in Portland, have been arrested by the United States marshal's office and put under $250 bonds each by Judge Wolerton of the federal court. Custer Wallulatum, is one of the Indians to whom it is claimed liquor was sold by Mad ras people recently, and prosecu tion of the local cases is still pending. "We are tired of having our Indian witnesses who are in at tendance upon the Federal grand jury or upon the court during the ' trial of cases, drunk every time they are brought to Portland," said Deputy United States At torney Maguire last night, "and ! we are prepared to arrest every saloonkeeper and bartender in ! Portland if it is necesary in order to put a stop to this thing. These two arrests that will be vigorous ly prosecuted, will serve as warning to all other saloonkeep ers in town that we mean busi ness. The next time we have a grand jury and have Indian wit nesses here we shall have agents to keep watch upon them and to notify us of any infractions of the law. There are both state and Federal laws against selling li quor to these men thus to over ride both statutes will be sum marily dealt with. "The minimum penalty which the court is permitted to impose for each infraction of the law is a $1.00 of fine and 60 days in jail. The judge may impose a fine as high as he sees fit, for the law places no limit upon it. The Robert O'Donnell Dead only only limit to the punishment Robert O'Donnell, who has world be a fine or imprisonment lived for years on his ranch on which the higher courts would the Deschutes river, near what j hold to be cruel or inhuman, is now know as Coleman station "Besides the Portland dispen on the Oregon Trunk railway, ' sers of whisky to Indians we died very suddenly there last , have 14 others indictmented who week. Mr. O'Donnell was about i live in other parts of the state." Kfl vnnra n-f n crn nrtA tiro a o l-m n Vi n . J ffi!SS3Fs5 lor. He was one of the pioneer residents of that part of the state and was well known by all was a Mrs. M. F. King, a sister resides in Portland, who with her son and daughter are the only near relativ es in the west. The remains were shipped to Portland for interment. VANORA TOWNSITE GO. 216-217 LEWIS BL'DG Portland, Oregon .1 1 SQO Kaesas City ?25, Omaha $25, other points in proportion, via Burl- """"i northern or Northern Pacific Hvh.. "Tin. North Hunk Road" ?on Trunk Rv. Gets New Commission Postmastmer Fred Davis has received from President Taft his now commission as postmaster at Madras for the next four years, rintintr March 22. This is Mr. ROUND TRIP FARES Davis' second term, behaving Homester's reduced round trip fares are in effect to nil Oregon Trunk already served four years in that w nm ail third Tuesday of each month from all points in the capacity. e west. Received From and Fnrwnr,Ul P.!,! ,1 Oil "Urbett, ler Points IMS' mwaatyxmsmt" iimv; . J Madi lras. Oregon. T. A. (Iraham, Metolius; Oregon. R. Hudd, C. Eng. Portland, Oregon. iV9, , T. 8. Hamilton, Pres. E. II. French, Vice-Prea. J C. Fowmk, Cslir. I. O. O. F. Lodge EASTERN OREGON Meets every Wednesday night. Strangers are wel come. W. R. Cook, N. G. M. G. Plllette, Secretary. t Banking Co. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $50,000 Doposlta, $250,000 SHANIKO, OREGON Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery t Smokers' Articles, News Stand I CENTRAL OREGON LAND GO. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Lands, Loans & Investments If You Want to Sell List Your Land with Us If You Want to Buy Come and See Our List A, B. TUCKER, Manager A, C, SAN FORD, Sec. & Treas. W City Meat Market THE KEYS BUILDINO Madras, Oregon Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FSESH AND CURED CHEATS WE BUY POULTRY TO THE PUBLIC The old reliable Harness Maker will be ready for business Monday, March 12, 1911 FULL LINE OF HARNESS AND HORSE FURNISH. INQS. FRED DAVIS I MADRAS MEAT MARKET J. L. Campbell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers PKESH OXTISEID MEATS We have the best line of Fresh Meats In the country i : ALL KINDS OF GARDEN VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON REAL ESTATE R. P. SCHEURER Ll8t Your Land With Me j,.. 1 also handle Town Lots and City Property nWE BUYERS FOR LARGE RANCHES Office at HOTEL MADRAS SQUIRRLl... .UE RATS PRAIRIE DOGSAJ1SGOPHERS ARE ALL DESTROYED BY WOODLARR SQUIRREL POISON THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION ALWAYS READY FOR USE ALWAYS RELIABLE NO OTHER 13 3Q GOOD HOR MADE WITH SUCH GREAT CARE WHfN YOU BUY, OfUANO THI BIBTf V UCCtOOrOUY U0 BY UO.OOO OHIN OBOWCRO IN 1910. WHtN Y' US" GIT THfWOODURK BKANO." MONl Y BACK If NOT AB CUAIMtO. JONES LUMBER CO. Desire To ANNOUNCE That They Will Be Ready To Furnish all kinds of Rough LUMBER On And After March 1 3. MILL IS LOCATED ON GRIZZLY BUTTE P. O. Addrci. LAMONTA. OREGON HOYT CHEMICAL CO-. Powtlawd. 0"j i mm r a?, n. i MA mt K '. wrr- -ww w v'vVvVVVVVV V v w v ' - i